I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 32: Turnaround!

After Dou Zhan King Kong went down, he fell directly to the bottom of the valley and began to break into the purple sword formation. 3≠eight 3≠eight 3≠read 3≠book,.↗.o●

Each of these fifty-six purple flying swords formed a sword formation at the third level of supernatural power. They had great power and could even suddenly accelerate and change into a certain form of sword formation. Shen Zhui guessed that this sword The power of the formation is at least capable of killing level 4 magical powers.

As for whether there are other changes, Shen Zhui doesn't know, so he can only let Xiao Huo go find out the details first.

The Douzhan King Kong was at the eighth level of supernatural power, and its defense and power were much higher than those of the Five Elements clone. Shen Zhui felt that it would be no problem to forcefully break through the sword formation.

Sure enough, the purple flying sword hit Douzhan King Kong, and the first blow struck Douzhan King Kong, leaving no trace at all. Even after two rounds of transformations, the power reached the sixth level of magical power, but it still couldn't stop Xiao Huo.

However, this also made Shen Zhui secretly frightened. Fifty-six purple flying swords could actually exert the power of the sixth level of magical power, and it was really scary when no one was controlling it.

"Zhengzheng~" The purple flying sword kept buzzing, and he watched helplessly as Douzhan King Kong passed by and entered the inner area where a long sword was inserted. However, there seems to be some kind of restriction that allows this purple flying sword to just cruise around, but never go any further.

"We must succeed." Shen Zhui watched Xiao Huo step into the inner perimeter of the Sword Tomb, and his heart suddenly became excited.

When Douzhan King Kong broke into the inner perimeter of the sword tomb, the flying swords trembling.

As if sensing that the small fire was not easy to deal with, a total of twelve long swords flew out from the mound this time!

"Clang, clang, clang~" Twelve long swords with different colors and simple shapes were either chopping, slashing or stabbing, carrying a trace of the origin of gold, impacting on Xiaohuo's body, splashing out bursts of sparks.

"Master, the flying sword attacks inside this sword tomb are all close to the seventh level of supernatural power!" Xiao Huo fed back the power of the attack to Shen Zhui.

"So strong?" Shen Zhui was slightly startled, then he said why the clone didn't even have a chance to run away, and was destroyed all at once. Such a powerful and powerful attack was simply terrifying.

"Can you withstand it?" Shen Zhui asked.

"It's no problem at the moment." Xiao Huo faced the flying sword attack while moving towards the mansion ahead.

The distance between the mansion and Xiao Huo slowly shrank from ten miles to less than five miles.

But at this moment, the number of flying swords also increased to sixteen. The intensive attacks made it difficult for Xiao Huo to dodge. He could only rely on his strong defense to push forward, and his speed suddenly slowed down.

However, there were no more flying swords after that, which made the worried Shen Zhui sigh in relief.

At this moment, Xiao Huo managed to survive the rest of the journey and arrived at the door of the tall mansion.

"Breaking through?" Shen Zhui was delighted. It is really not easy to withstand the protective sword formation of this sword tomb.

However, at this moment, Xiaohuo suddenly stopped.

"Huh?" Sensing this scene, Shen Zhui was a little confused. "Why don't you leave?"

"Master, I'm walking." Xiaohuo's voice came back.

Shen Zhui was slightly stunned and frowned.

In his perception, Xiao Huo was not moving at all, but strangely, Xiao Huo actually said that he was moving forward.

Shen Zhui ordered Xiao Huo to keep moving forward, and then sent out two clones. One clone diverted the purple sword formation, and the other clone used the Wuxiang Magic to quickly rush into the inner circle and confirm Xiao Huo's position. %∷八%∷八%∷Read%∷book,.≮.※o

Before the clone was destroyed by the patterned flying sword inside, Shen Zhui's clone observed Xiao Huo for two seconds.

The small fire stood in front of the mansion like a sculpture.

like a statue.

"What did you see?" Shen Zhui asked.

"There are many swords, including broken swords, long swords, short swords, and all kinds of swords." Xiao Huo replied.

"Didn't you see the mansion?"

"I saw it."

"How far away are you?"

"It's about twenty miles away. No, Master, I've been walking for a long time, why haven't I arrived at the mansion yet?"


After hearing Xiao Huo's answer, Shen Zhui suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Big trouble!

The Tu Xing clone clearly saw Xiao Huo standing in front of Jianzhong Mansion, but Xiao Huo said it was still dozens of miles away.

Shen Zhui clearly gave the order to keep moving forward until he entered the mansion, but Xiao Huo did not move at all and stood still. But in its perception, it has been executing its own orders.

Regardless of whether it is Xiao Huo or himself, whichever side's perception has gone awry, this is extremely bad news for Shen Zhui!

He speculated that there was a force around the Sword Tomb that affected Douzhan King Kong's ability to move and perceive the outside world!

Now, what Shen Zhui is worried about is no longer whether he can get the treasure in the mansion, but whether Xiao Huo can withdraw!

"Xiao Huo, go back now. There is no need to go into the mansion. Hurry!" Shen Zhui ordered quickly.

"Yes, Master." Douzhan Kingang immediately replied.

The next moment, Xiao Huo's body finally moved and turned back quickly.

"Huh~" Shen Zhui breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Being able to retreat but not advance made Shen Zhui's heart drop back into his stomach.

Once the Dou Zhan King Kong is lost, his safety in this secret realm of the Holy Word will be greatly compromised.

Xiao Huo retreated all the way from the mansion and was once again attacked by flying swords from two areas. However, this time Xiao Huo retreated quickly and returned to Shen Zhui's side after a while.

"Hiss~" Shen Zhui couldn't help but gasped when he saw the tiny cracks on Xiao Huo's body.

The flying swords in the inner area can actually hurt Douzhan King Kong's body. How terrifying this is!

Fortunately, the small fire itself has the function of self-healing, and these cracks can slowly recover by absorbing a certain amount of energy.

Even so, this situation made Shen Zhui frown.

"Even the Dou Zhan King Kong can't get through. The requirements of this sword tomb are too high!"

"Is it possible that this Sword Tomb requires the third-level magical power to possess the strength of the ninth-level magical power? How is it possible under the circumstances that the use of the incarnation of the beast is restricted?" Shen Zhui frowned.

At present, this mansion alone has three levels of protection.

In one place, there are fifty-six purple flying swords, with two forms, which can be combined to form a sword formation that is as powerful as the sixth level of magical power.

In the second inner circle, there are thousands of flying swords scattered on the mound, but only sixteen swords can appear at the same time at most, which can threaten the fighting king of the eighth level of magical power.

The third thing is that before entering the mansion, there seems to be an illusion. Even the life of the puppet will be blocked from perception and enter the illusion.

Three major checkpoints blocked the road, keeping Shen Zhui out!

Shen Zhui had another option, and that was to use the fifth-level ultimate magic weapon, the Ruyi Warship, to carry him over.

With the Ruyi Warship's defensive power, as long as he rushed to the mansion, protected by the Bloodborne Divine Armor and protected by merit barriers, Shen Zhui was confident that no illusion could stop him.

The problem is that the seven clones are not protected by the blood source armor, and what controls the clones' actions is only the mind of differentiation.

If you want to go...you can only go there by me!

Moreover, the barrier of merit is Shen Zhui's trump card that he doesn't want to expose too soon. After all, there might be strong and powerful people outside the secret realm of the Holy Word watching his every move.

Although even Marquis Wu An could not see the existence of his merit barrier, Shen Zhui felt that it was better not to use it until the critical moment.

"What should I do? This sword tomb obviously has great opportunities and great treasures!" Shen Zhui thought quickly.

Just when Shen Zhui decided to take a risk with his true self, suddenly——

"Shua~" Not far from the cliff, a stream of light suddenly appeared.

This stream of light was extremely fast, but it soon weakened, until it hovered above the cliff, and Shen Zhui saw it. It turned out to be a small spiritual beast.

The spirit beast had a cat's head and four claws, colorful patterns, two tails, and an ancient text on its forehead, but Shen Zhui couldn't recognize what it meant for a while.

"Chirp~" The spirit beast called behind him twice, and then, a figure quickly appeared in front of the spirit beast's magic weapon.

The aura of this figure is at the third level of supernatural power, and the armor and weapons on his body are exuding strong spiritual power. At first glance, it is not ordinary.

"Huh? Someone is coming." Shen Zhui quickly restrained his breath and hid behind the boulder. At the same time, he observed the figure with a spiritual thought.

This ordinary-looking young man, wearing expensive cloud-patterned gold silk armor, held a fifth-level magic weapon in his hand. He waved his hand, and the small spiritual beast disappeared immediately.

He looked at the cliff below, then looked around, and then his spiritual thoughts spread out unscrupulously, as if he was constantly searching for something.

Shen Zhui withdrew his spiritual thoughts and quietly watched what this man wanted to do.

After a moment, the young man who had been searching intently showed a smile.

"Haha, it is indeed here."

The young man waved his hand, and a light green two-headed bird suddenly flew out from in front of him. The bird's head was one black and one white. It had a sharp beak like an eagle. Its wings were spread out and covered with knives as sharp as a knife. The feathers sparkled with a metallic luster.

"Fifth-level advanced mechanism puppet, a two-headed dragon eagle?" Shen Zhui's heart trembled.

The so-called mechanism puppets can only be made by master craftsmen approved by Tiangong Palace. The double-headed dragon eagle is modeled after the monster dragon eagle, and double-headed is even more rare. It contains two kinds of original power and is very expensive. .

Moreover, the double-headed dragon eagle is a military item, and it is difficult to buy it without channels. If you can afford the double-headed dragon eagle, this person is either rich or noble.

"In green robe and Confucian uniform, it seems that he is a student of Daxia Academy, and he actually discovered the location of the Sword Tomb as soon as he arrived?" Shen Zhui felt that there seemed to be many things he didn't understand about the Holy Yuan Secret Realm.

The young man's next move surprised Shen Zhui. He originally thought he was letting the two-headed dragon eagle go down to explore, but the other party went down by himself, while the two-headed dragon eagle was on guard in mid-air.

"This person seems to be well prepared. Is there anything he can do?" Shen Zhui glanced at the dragon eagle hovering in the air. The group of dark red eyes emitted an arc of light, constantly scanning the surrounding hundreds of miles. It seemed that On alert.

With a thought in Shen Zhui's mind, he immediately created a clone, used the formless magic technique, and lurked quietly.

The tall young man didn't seem to know that Shen Zhui's earth-moving clone was following behind him. As soon as it fell, he immediately rushed towards the purple flying sword area.

However, when he saw the area, the tall young man suddenly became more vigilant and looked around.

"Who's there, come out!"

Tu Xingfen was shocked physically and mentally, but he quickly regained his composure.

Shen Zhui had previously fought with the Purple Flying Sword, which attracted this man's attention. However, Shen Zhui was still very confident in his phaseless magic, and he could tell at a glance that the young man was bluffing him.

As expected, when the tall young man saw that there was no one around, he immediately shook his head and continued to move forward.

The next scene couldn't help but surprise Shen Zhui.

I saw a long gun appearing in the hand of the tall young man. After breaking into the area of ​​fifty-six flying swords, he jumped slightly and knocked away the purple flying sword with the long gun.

Every time the purple flying sword was knocked away, a force of attraction erupted from the long gun, leading it to the canyon cliff a thousand meters away.

Immediately afterwards, the purple flying sword actually stuck to the cliff, motionless!

Fifty-six flying swords, suddenly only fifty-five were left!

"Holy shit, you can still play like this?!" Shen Zhui was stunned.

The purple flying sword of love has a customs clearance requirement. Shen Zhui would never have thought that this thing would be sucked close to the cliff!

Seeing the opponent knocking the purple flying swords away again and again, relying on the long gun and the armor defense on the body, moving up and down in an orderly manner, leading the purple flying swords to the cliff, the number of flying swords was decreasing little by little.

The whole process was easy and enjoyable. Not to mention the formation of the second form of the purple flying swords, even the formation of the giant sword in the first form seemed to have never been formed due to the lack of the number of flying swords.

"He must know the secret of this sword tomb, or at least know how to get in!" Shen Zhui narrowed his eyes.

The opponent's strength is not too strong. Although his moves are exquisite, he can barely reach the fourth level of magical power with his sword moves. Most people who enter the secret realm can do this.

However, the spear and armor in his hands were of extremely high grade, and he seemed to know the ropes, so he was so calm and unhurried.

Seeing all the purple flying swords at the first level disappear, the tall young man also smiled.

"The information my father spent a lot of money to buy from His Holiness turned out to be effective, hahaha~"

The treasure is in front of you, how can you be dissatisfied?

At this moment, he had no idea that there was a pair of eyes staring at him under a big tree not far behind him.

Shen Zhui used the Eye of Delirium to check the opponent's sin value.

Five hundred and twenty-six thousand!

The scarlet numbers made Shen Zhui ready to make a move.

He spent 100,000 good deeds and continued to check the other person with his delusion-breaking eyes. Then, news about this tall young man appeared in Shen Zhui's mind.

Among the seventy-two pictures Shen Zhui saw, one scene caught his attention.

There was a venerable man who handed a jade slip and the small cat-shaped spirit into the hands of this young man named 'Han Po'.

This means that by killing this person, he can obtain 520,000 good deeds, and more importantly, he seems to have information about the secret realm of the Holy Word!

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