Xia Hong is really dead!

No one expected that the great inspector would be so merciless that he beheaded the seventh son of King Liang in Liang Kingdom.

This scene made the remaining venerables tremble. And Shen Zhui also saw the power of the Great Inspector.

Swish~ A space crack appeared in the distance, and a miniature palace emerged from the space crack, and then opened the crack and fixed it.

A tall man wearing military boots walked out of the hall.

"I have met Marquis Wu'an." The six officials bowed their hands and saluted.

"Master Hou." Shen Zhui also saluted quickly.

Wu'an Marquis Zhao Xing bowed slightly and raised his hands towards the Chief Supervisor Long Xiao. Even after saying hello, he remained silent and motionless.

Seeing Wu Anhou's calm look, Shen Zhui felt at ease.

He guessed that Long Xiao must have seen some important people when he looked up into the sky, maybe the King of Liang and the Marquis of Wu'an.

Everything after that was simple. Long Xiao, the chief inspector, informed the remaining officials about his passing. Only then did everyone realize what had happened. It turned out that there was such a Venerable Greedy Wolf.

With the dragon zodiac as evidence, naturally no one mentioned whether Shen Zhui was enslaved by his soul.

"Although the chief culprit has been punished, the administration of Dayuan Mansion has really disappointed me and your Majesty." Long Xiao glanced at the six officials. "I hope that after you return, you can reflect on your mistakes, check for omissions and fill in the gaps, so as not to let this happen again."

"I obey," the six officials said in unison. They knew that many officials in Dayuanfu City would be unlucky this time. Anyone who is involved in leaking Shen Zhui's whereabouts and this matter will be investigated to the end.

"Yang Xiao." Long Xiao looked at Tanlang with a smile. "You helped me kill a noble from the foreign race and saved my human genius this time. You have made a great contribution. Are you willing to become an official again?"

"If you are willing, Marquis Wu'an happens to be here, and I am willing to recommend you to join the army. A fifth-grade master of the Law Enforcement Hall is the most suitable. What do Marquis Wu'an think?"

"Venerable Greedy Wolf has this qualification." Marquis Wu An smiled and nodded.

Everyone immediately looked at Greedy Wolf with envy. The early stage of promotion to a military attache was easier than that of a civil servant, but it was difficult later because there were not so many enemy chiefs to kill for you. To be promoted to the rank of fifth rank all of a sudden was tantamount to reaching the sky in one step.

"Thank you for your kindness, sir." Greedy Wolf first thanked him respectfully, and then changed the subject. "There are three Wuhou in the border army, which is enough to intimidate the outside world. I have been living in Yehe for two hundred years, and I have become accustomed to traveling around and living in seclusion in the mountains. Of course, if called upon, I will fight bravely to kill the enemy."

Greedy Wolf's polite refusal made everyone feel a little regretful. A fifth-level Space Venerable, needless to say, has great combat prowess. No matter which side he joins, it is good news.

On the other hand, the Grand Inspector Long Xiao seemed to have expected that he would not agree. He nodded and said: "Forget it, if you wanted to be an official, you might have been able to become a marquis from two hundred years ago. In that case, I don't want to be an official." Keep pushing."

"But merit will be rewarded, so come here."

"Yes." Tanlang took two steps forward and came to Long Xiao.

I saw a ray of light falling from the sky and falling on Tanlang. After that, Tanlang fell into deep thought and said nothing.

After he finished all this, Marquis Wu An extended his hand to invite Long Xiao to enter the palace.

"Lord Long, please."

"Your Majesty, you are polite." Long Xiao entered the palace with a smile, and the two of them disappeared into the cracks in space.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of the six officials, they were suddenly shocked.

"The Great Inspector was originally going to inspect the border troops?"

"At this critical moment, the imperial court sent a great inspector. What does he want to do?"

"Is there any change in the Holy Will?"

After telephoning each other's spiritual thoughts, several figures left in a hurry, leaving only Lan Ling Hou Yunkang behind.

After a while, Shen Zhui saw that all these people had dispersed, and he sighed dejectedly.

"What, you still have lingering fears?" Lan Linghou looked at Shen Zhui with a smile.

This kid is really brave enough to take advantage of the great inspector's power to plot against Xia Hong.

He was obviously fine, but he broke a dozen golden bones by force, making him look like he was dying, which attracted Xia Hong to kill him.

Changing positions, Yun Kang felt that he might not have such careful thoughts and courage.

"They just left like that?" Shen Zhui looked at the sky. "Master Marquis, please take me back at least. I'm already here, and I don't want to give him a ride. It will take more than two days for me to rush back to Wanfeng City by myself. What if I encounter another interception in the meantime? You can't always count on someone. Lord Space, come and save me."

Shen Zhui originally thought that Marquis Wu An came here because of him, but he didn't want to say a word.

"Haha, little guy, you think too much." Yun Kang said. "This time the Grand Supervisor inspected the border troops, and the first one he went to was the Wu'an Army. Can't you understand anything?"

"Huh?" Shen Zhui suddenly came to his senses when Lan Linghou said this.

"You mean... the Marquis is going to be crowned king?"

"You're not slow to respond." Yun Kang glanced at Shen Zhui with a smile. "The great inspector who is equipped with the emperor's sword and holds the punishment code must be carrying the emperor's will."

"I can't think of anything else that would be worthy of an angel coming to the border of Liang Kingdom."

"This, this is a huge happy event!" Shen Zhui couldn't help but get excited.

Zhao Xing, Marquis of Wu'an, was granted the title of king, which meant that a vassal state was once again opened from Liang State to the north.

If the Marquis of Wu'an is promoted to the King of Zhao, the status of the soldiers who follow him will surely rise.

Apart from anything else, as a third-class viscount, I have to get a count no matter what.

"Don't be too happy too early. This is just a guess." Yun Kang said.

"Marquis Wu wants to become a king, but the journey is long."

"The status gap between marquises is also very large. There are ordinary idle marquises and Wuhou. However, with the strength and merits of Wuanhou, it is enough to be crowned king."

"With such a major event now, how can Marquis Wu An not take it seriously?"

Shen Zhui nodded. Marquis Wu An and Long Xiao probably had important matters to attend to.

After a pause, Shen Zhui said again: "Marquis Yun, I heard that you are a high official in Dayuan Mansion. Do you have anything to say about this situation?"

"What do you want to say?" Lan Linghou looked at Shen Zhui with a half-smile.

"In this assassination, I suffered heavy losses. I destroyed seven or eight divine weapons in one go. The cave sky, divine soul, and golden body all suffered huge damage."

"When I return to the army, I don't know how long I will have to rest. The treasures are gone, and now the money is gone. Alas, I'm afraid there is no hope of recovery..." Shen Zhui sighed. At any rate, the loss of 180 Lucky Coins is a relief!

Lan Linghou glanced at Shen Zhui. "Okay, you kid, stop beating around the bush and make up for it. I'm here to deal with this matter. I'll escort you back to Wanfeng City by the way."

Shen Zhui was stunned, is there really compensation?

"Tell me, you have lost something."

"Not much, only three or four sixth-level magic weapons were lost. Dongtian World still needs a lot of world stones to repair it."

"..." Lan Linghou was stunned.

How fucking dare you say that!

There are three or four pieces of sixth-level magic weapons, and the sixth-level magic weapons are treated like cabbage!

"Haha, I've heard from Yun Duo a long time ago that you are a very brave boy. Thank you for your ability to speak out about the sixth-level magic weapon! Do you have a sixth-level magic weapon that can last for a long time? Now show me a sixth-level magic weapon. , If you can't get it out, I'm going to hit you!" Lan Linghou looked at Shen Zhui with a smile.

Whoosh, Shen Zhui took out the remains of Lord Dou Zhan with his backhand.

No more, no less, the remaining power fluctuations above are exactly six levels.

However, this thing was already mutilated and could not be recognized as Lord Dou Zhan at all.

"Yunhou, look, I'm not lying, right? It's indeed a heavy loss..." Shen Zhui said miserably.

Lan Linghou: "..."

Yun Kang almost couldn't hold back his internal injuries.

He didn't expect that Shen Zhui, a person with a small level of magical power, could actually produce a sixth-level magic weapon. Although it was just a wreck... but it was indeed a sixth-level weapon!

"Okay, put it away." Lan Linghou glanced at Shen Zhui. This guy wasn't seriously injured at all, and it was obviously not as bad as he said.

Shen Zhui put it away angrily.

"The Dayuan Mansion leaked the news about you, was negligent, and failed to rescue you in time. They are at fault. It is appropriate to give you some compensation. The purpose is to stop you from embarrassing them on this matter."

"They are too embarrassed to open this mouth to you. They can only do it this time."

"The chief culprits have been killed, and the rest are some venerables who have little to do with this matter. Boy, this matter can be big or small, and there can be compensation, but you can't go too far. After all, we are all venerables. "Well, as an official of the Liang Kingdom, I don't think you will have to deal with them in the future. Making too much trouble for temporary gain is not the way to be an official." Lan Linghou said seriously.

"Yunhou, this boy's life is really hanging by a thread this time." Shen Zhui said helplessly.

What he fears most is that the boss will try to reason with him. Usually in the process of reasoning, the money he deserves will be reduced unconsciously.

No wonder Shen Zhui saw all these officials running away without saying a word. It turned out that he had left Lan Linghou behind so that he could bargain with him!

"Of course I won't treat you badly." Lan Linghou smiled and stretched out a palm.

"Five hundred lucky coins? Deal!" Shen Zhui nodded.

Lan Linghou stared at Shen Zhui unkindly.

"It's just a joke. Don't take it seriously, Marquis Yun. It can't be five lucky coins, right?" Shen Zhui quickly changed his words.

"It's fifty lucky coins." Yun Kang said angrily. "Boy, this price is enough for you to buy a lower-grade sixth-level magic weapon. Don't be ignorant."

Shen Zhui felt that fifty Luck Coins was almost enough. Although the Lord was not short of money, fifty Luck Coins was not a small amount, and it was a huge wealth for someone in the magical power realm.

What kind of compensation can make up for so much? It’s just hush money!

The Grand Inspector will no longer care about the official career of those small men. As long as he stops making trouble, the officials of Dayuan Mansion will be less troubled.

Thinking of this, Shen Zhui sighed slightly in his heart, and immediately raised his hands and said, "Since the culprit has been killed, I will no longer pursue this matter, and it will not be implicated or spread. What does Yun Hou think?"

"Very good." Yun Kang nodded. Then he waved his hand, and a storage ring appeared in Shen Zhui's hand.

His spiritual thoughts swept over it, and inside there was a special jade box with fifty fortune coins stacked neatly. Shen Zhui immediately handed it over in thanks.

At the same time, I also lamented that the civil servants of Dayuan Mansion were really thoughtful, and they had already figured out how to deal with this matter in a short while.

The money was advanced by Lan Linghou and distributed by six officials afterwards to avoid prolonging the process and causing more accidents.

Seeing that Shen Zhui's matter was settled, Lan Linghou cupped his hands towards Tan Lang and said, "Brother Yang, thank you for saving Shen Zhui."

"I haven't used my real name for a long time. Marquis Yun can just call me Tanlang." Tanlang said with a smile. "Now that this is over, it's time for me to travel around."

"Thank you, Lord Tanlang, for your help." Shen Zhui said solemnly. "If your venerable master is free in the future, you can come to Wanfeng City to find me. After passing Fengshan Ridge, you will not be far from Wanfeng City."

"Fengshanling...haha, okay, see you later!" Tanlang wrote down the name of the place, and disappeared without a trace in a flash.

Lan Linghou watched Tanlang leave with a hint of appreciation in his eyes, but he quickly waved his hand and said, "Boy, let's go."

"Your Majesty Yun, please." Shen Zhui said respectfully.

"Whoosh~" A gorgeous warship appeared, Yun Kang rolled up and gave chase, and suddenly disappeared in the vast yellow field.


Wanfeng City, in a quiet mansion.

At this moment, a middle-aged scribe came hurriedly outside the mansion.

"Stop the visitors. The prince has been ordered to rest in the mansion. No other people are allowed in!" A sergeant shouted.

"Sir, although the prince is grounded, he is not imprisoned. He can be visited by one person every month." The middle-aged scribe said with difficulty. "I am Wen Qingfeng, the counselor in Prince Liang's palace. Your Excellency, you can go in and report something, and say that I am here."

"This...then you wait a moment." The soldier hesitated, but quickly agreed. Xia Jing, the crown prince of Liang Prince, had been banned for half a year, and the term was about to expire. It was within the scope of the rules to just inform him. He was not willing to offend Xia Jing, a prince, for no reason.

After a while, the soldier waved his hand and said, "Go in."

"Yes." Wen Qingfeng quickly handed over his hands and hurried into the mansion.

The mansion was quiet and unguarded, except for a few servants cleaning it, so it was considered deserted.

However, it is already the twelfth lunar month of winter, but the palace is full of spring and green, so it is not lonely.

Wen Qingfeng ignored these visions and hurried to a courtyard.

"Mr. Wen, why are you in such a hurry?" A gentle voice came into Wen Qingfeng's mind.

"Your Majesty!" Wen Qingfeng knelt down with a pop, with some fear in his eyes. "The seventh son, Xia Hong, attempted to murder but failed to pursue him. He was beheaded by the great inspector with the Emperor's Sword in the wilderness of Huangyuan. Lord Cui Deyuan of Dayuan Prefecture, General Han Guangfu of Chengguan and others were imprisoned for thousands of years."

"In addition, Shen Zhui has already won the first place in the Holy Word Secret Realm, and he broke through to the seventh level of supernatural power when he came out! The great inspector Long Xiao disappeared after meeting with Marquis Wu An."

Silence, the courtyard seemed to be silent.

"Oh." After a long time, Xia Jing's voice came out again. "I know, go down."

"Yes, Crown Prince." Wen Qingfeng bowed his hands and left the mansion.

After Wen Qingfeng left, all the flowers, plants and trees in the mansion bloomed instantly, filling the world with vitality.

"Squeak~" The bamboo door of the courtyard was gently pushed open, and a figure walked out.

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