I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 119: Are the two fellow Taoists crazy?

Qian Yuanzi was killed by Patriarch Guiyuan in front of Shen Zhui. Originally, he did not have to die, but he was extremely dissatisfied with Patriarch Guiyuan's temporary change of attention. He said that they were both second-rate sects and Guiyuan sect was not qualified to make decisions for the Holy Envoy. , inside and outside the words, he seemed to be on an equal footing with Patriarch Guiyuan.

He was completely unaware that his value was gradually lost in the quarrel, and he was completely unaware of the dissatisfaction between the Supreme Holy Envoy and Guiyuan Sect towards Qian Yuanzi himself. The quarrel outside the stone gate was a foreshadowing.


Qian Yuanzi was completely unaware that even the moment he saw Shen Zhui, he wanted to attack Shen Zhui...

Ancestor Gui Yuan was forced to kill him with his own hands.

Shen Zhui believed that Qian Yuanzi was completely seeking his own death. As a puppet, he became bloated after just achieving some achievements.

Arrogant, incompetent, and disobedient, he has all three.

So when Patriarch Guiyuan swallowed Qian Yuanzi in one gulp, Shen Zhui didn't show any surprise at all.

Whether Patriarch Guiyuan and Cangsong killed the chicken to show the monkey, or they were really tired of Qian Yuanzi, they actually had little effect on Shen Zhui. His roots were not here, and he was not a member of the sect alliance.

Regarding Guiyuan Patriarch and Cangsong, Shen Zhui only wanted to give in temporarily.

But it was not possible for Shen Xinlan. Although she was brought out, how to dispel her doubts still required a frank discussion.

After thinking about it, Shen Zhui asked Lao Fang to control the Falcon warship, while he walked into the warship.

Warship Quiet Room, outside the door.

"Fairy, it's me." Shen Zhui knocked on the door gently.

"Brother Dao, please come in." The voice inside the door was a little cold.

When Shen Zhui opened the door and went in, he happened to look at Shen Xinlan's eyes full of disappointment and vigilance.

"Fairy, please forgive me for my abruptness."

"Brother Dao, you don't have to be like this. You and I both know that this is just a deal. My role in Qingyang Sect is to monitor you."

"As long as you don't do anything harmful to the sect, I don't care what the Qingyang Clan does, and I won't hinder Brother Dao's future." Shen Xinlan looked like she was rejecting people thousands of miles away.

"Sister, it's me." Shen Zhui changed and returned to his original appearance.

"S-Shen Zhui...it's you." A complex look flashed in Shen Xinlan's eyes.

He is Shen Zhui, which proves that his previous performance in answering questions was just a disguise and was done deliberately.

However, compared to an emotionless husband-in-law Fang Liang, a foster brother he has never met is not much better.

Speaking of which, although Fang Liang had been a bit rude before, Shen Xinlan still had a hint of admiration for this young genius who was able to kill the Venerable. This was the result of the long-term sectarian philosophy of the jungle and the strong, resulting from the weak against the strong. worship.

If Fang Liang is really Fang Liang, he is still from the Jiuyou Realm, but now he has become Shen Zhui, the mighty general of the Great Zhou Dynasty!

The two suddenly became opposites.

"Aren't you afraid that I will tell you if you are exposed now?" Shen Xinlan stared at Shen Zhui and asked.

"Sister Yi can't." Shen Zhui shook his head. "If you wanted to tell the truth, I should have told you before when I first met you that you had... doubts in your heart."

"I am indeed a little curious about my life experience and what Master and the others are hiding from me, but that doesn't mean I will stand on your side."

"This is because you haven't recovered yet. If you come back to Dazhou with me, I will let the strong men in the army restore your memory."

"How do I know it won't be another false memory?"

"I won't harm you, you are my sworn sister."

"After more than ten years of upbringing, master and sect master still regard me as a tool for exchange of interests? What's more, you and I have only met a few times."

Shen Zhui was silent. Shen Xinlan was disappointed with everyone now. Thinking from his perspective, he himself could not easily trust a stranger whom he had only met a few times.


"Don't call me that!" Shen Xinlan frowned.

"Okay... the fairy is regarded as a victim of exchange of interests by the sect. Don't you have any idea?"

"Aren't you using me?" Shen Xinlan mocked. "General Shenwei, you must have come to the Nine Nether Realm for more than just the so-called family search."

"Let me guess." Shen Xinlan's eyes flashed with a hint of sarcasm. "Fang Ziyou should be a member of your Wu'an Army. The Qingyang Sect has refused to be solicited by the Supreme Religion for many years and has remained aloof from the world. When you came, everything changed drastically because Fang Ziyou could not resist the influence from the army. Is the order correct?”

"At your level, you have a lot of access to it. Since there is a Qingyang Sect, it's hard to say that there won't be a second sect."

"I am in your hands now, but you are not in a hurry to take me away. On the contrary, you have plans to stay here for a long time. I guess you should be shouldering some kind of mission."

"You are not making such a big show for assassination. You want to accept the Qianyuan Sect to prove that you want to expand your power... If you are the real Fang Liang, expanding your power like this is naturally ambitious, but as a Shenwei general, you can only do this A reason..."

"The imperial court wants to use troops against the sect world! And you are the supporting force! The Taishangjiao values ​​​​your potential, and you are also using me, using the Guiyuan Sect and the Taishangjiao to do things for the Great Zhou, in the Jiuyou Realm Forming a force that can cause chaos at any time."

"Shenwei General Shen Zhui, is what I said correct?"

After Shen Xinlan finished speaking, she stared at Shen Zhui quietly. Although Shen Xinlan looked weak, the light in her eyes at this moment was so dazzling that it was difficult to look directly at her.

Shen Zhui looked calm on the surface, but he was not calm inside.

Shen Zhui was amazed by her sworn sister's intelligence and she was able to find a clue from the information and guess the purpose of her actions with just a few pieces of information. Shen Zhui was amazed by her intelligence.

"Your guess is basically correct." Shen Zhui said calmly. "Only one thing is wrong."


"I won't take advantage of you." Shen Zhui said extremely seriously, staring into Shen Xinlan's eyes. "If you want, you can leave now and I will never stop you."

"If you are tired of being controlled by the sect, I can arrange for you to fake your death on the way back to help you escape from the control of your master and the Guiyuan Sect."

"What did you say?" Shen Xinlan was slightly stunned. "Then how do you explain to the Holy Envoy and how do you complete your mission?"

"You don't have to worry about it. Guiyuan Sect actually doesn't care about your life or death. You are just a pawn for surveillance. If I don't like it, I can replace you with someone else."

"Although it will be a little troublesome, I will never attack my relatives, even if you don't admit it. The only requirement is that you go back to Dazhou to see your adoptive father and stepmother, even once. In your case I won't let His Holiness touch your soul memory until you agree, how about that?" Shen Zhui said.

There was a trace of trance in Shen Xinlan's eyes, and her eyes were a little loose.

"What if I, I don't want to leave."

"Then you stay with me." Shen Zhui smiled and said, "Whether you want to repay your kindness or want to find the truth yourself, you can use your methods. I guess the reason why you have headaches from time to time is because your cultivation is gradually increasing. , caused by the conflict between the original memory and the tampered memory."

"When you continue to make breakthroughs in your cultivation, you will find the answer."

"As long as the Guiyuan Sect doesn't seek death, I won't touch them until you recover your memory." Shen Zhui said calmly.

I don't know why, even though the ancestor Guiyuan was several levels stronger than the young man in front of her, Shen Xinlan didn't doubt Shen Zhui's words at all at this moment.

It's just that Fang Liang may not be believed by others, but Shen Zhui's past achievements have a magical power that no one can doubt.

"The fairy asked me earlier if the farmer in the story was at fault, and whether the cub should hate the farmer..."

Hearing Shen Zhui mention old things again, Shen Xinlan also pricked up her ears and listened.

"It's not that I don't answer, but you have to find the answer yourself." After saying that, Shen Zhui turned around and prepared to leave.

Shen Xinlan pursed her lips and asked, "What if my final answer is not the answer the general wants? And... is the worst answer?"

Shen Zhui tilted his head slightly and said, "I will tell my adoptive father that his daughter has died a long time ago. And I will guarantee this result."


Falcon warship, on the deck.

"Shen Zhui, why don't you take your sworn sister back by force?" Zen Xin asked.

"It's useless." Shen Zhui shook his head. "Even if her memory is restored, the sworn sister's personality was formed in the Guiyuan Sect."

"Besides, I have carefully checked the memory of her maid. Putting aside this use, Leng Ruyue's kindness in raising her and Guiyuan Sect's kindness in preaching are true."

"My sworn sister is very smart and stubborn. If I take her back by force and restore that memory, it is no different from what the Guiyuan Sect did. It will even make her disgusted, which will be self-defeating."

"Guiyuan Sect's methods are very good." Zen Xin shook his head.

"No rush," Shen Zhui said with a smile. "Now that she is next to me, I will let her slowly change her mind. No matter how great the kindness is, it will be wiped out by disappointment again and again. Just wait and see."


Guangling Cave Sky, Judgment City.

A jet-black falcon warship slowly landed outside the huge city.

There are three statues on the top of the city wall, namely Taishang Taozu holding a green tripod in his hand, Liuhe Taozu holding hexagrams and Yao, and Jiuyou Taozu standing on a phoenix.

"The Judgment City is an important city built by the three super sects in the six caves. It adjudicates all disputes among the lower-level sects. There are many such important cities in the six caves. Usually the orders of the sect alliance are also issued from the Judgment City. ."

"Sects compete with each other and the territory they have conquered, if not recognized by Judgment City, does not belong to them in name."

"The sect promotion battle can only be started with the permission of Judgment City."

Fang Ziyou introduced: "After the war allowed by Judgment City, the territory and resources gained are truly our own. They are protected by the sect alliance. Of course, different proportions need to be paid to Judgment City."

"Because some sects are afraid of being annexed by other sects, they will sign a divine contract with Judgment City. Eighty percent of the territory and resources under their sects must be handed over to Judgment City. Only 20% belongs to them. Those who have signed such a protection contract The sect can reject all sect promotion challenges within ten years. After ten years, it can re-sign the contract, hand over 90% of the benefits, and extend the protection for another ten years."

"Twenty years later, if you want to renew the contract, you need to maintain the nine-to-one model." Fang Ziyou introduced.

"In this way, if a sect adopts 'protection' for more than ten years, it will inevitably weaken, lose its disciples, and fail to cultivate masters. In the end, it will have to completely disappear, and the territory will be owned by the sect alliance." Shen Zhui sneered.

"Yes, because there is no need for the weak to exist in the Jiuyou Realm." Fang Ziyou said.

"After the sect alliance takes over these territories, it will redistribute these benefits to the soldiers fighting on the front line. Any sect that has made contributions on the front line can also be promoted and cultivate talents through sect rewards."

Shen Zhui nodded and said: "In this way, the entire closed loop of interests has been completely formed. The three super sects used the Judgment City to swamp all the sects in the Jiuyou Realm onto the alliance's chariot without even a fight. Those who want to escape, even temporarily If it doesn’t die, it will slowly die if it goes on for a long time.”

"Brother Shen's analysis is good. Our Qingyang Sect was the best negative example before." Fang Ziyou said with emotion.

Those who do not strive in troubled times will die!

Within this seemingly absurd sectarian rule, it can greatly maintain the combat effectiveness of the sectarian world.

But once an opportunity comes, the Nine Nether Realm, which has long been accustomed to the existence of Judgment City, will no longer be able to resist the three super sects. In the end, a behemoth will be created that will unify the Nine Nether Realm!

The Jiuyou Sect, Liuhe Sect, and Taishang Sect are all competing for this opportunity!

"After the Qianyuan Sect was promoted to a second-rate sect, it has been adopting a one-to-nine allocation, so no protection contract has been signed for the territory resources."

"Because they need resources for development." Shen Zhui said.

"That's right. So, as long as our Qingyang Sect enters the Judgment City and applies for a sect upgrade challenge to the Qianyuan Sect, it will be passed quickly." Fang Ziyou pointed forward. "With the Supreme Holy Envoy's order, we only need to enter the adjudication office, and it only takes half a day to complete the process."

Shen Zhui laughed and strode forward: "Then what are you waiting for? Lao Fang, haven't you always wanted to take revenge? Although the real murderer is the Supreme Master, we can first find the interest from the Qianyuan Sect!"



Judgment City, the Holy Order Judgment Office.

This is a huge oval palace.

The person who received Shen Zhui and Qingyangzi was a person with peak magical powers named Puyangzi.

After listening to Shen Zhui and Fang Ziyou explaining their intentions, Puyangzi glanced at Fang Ziyou and Shen Zhui in slight surprise.

"Qingyang Sect is going to challenge the Qianyuan Sect for sect promotion?"


"Where are the number of participants?"

"It's just us, master and disciple. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com"

"What? Say it again?" Puyangzi seemed to think there was something wrong with his ears.

The strength of the Qianyuan Sect is recorded in Judgment City. The sect leader Qian Yuanzi is a first-level venerable, and he has twenty-three people with high-level magical powers under his sect.

There are thirty-five people in the middle level of supernatural powers and sixty-two in the low level!

There are even thousands in Lingqiao Realm!

"Just the two of you?"

"Sir, do you have any questions?" Shen Zhui asked with a smile.

"Yes." Puyangzi said, clasping hands. "Are these two fellow Taoists crazy?"


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