I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 134: Fatal blow!

"Done it?" Shen Zhui was also slightly happy, and quickly his mind sank into the cave world. These days, he finally heard some good news.

Soul Yuanling stood in the Origin Mansion and looked at the floating yellow flying disc in the distance. This flying disc was about a hundred feet in diameter, like a flying saucer.

This treasure exuded a gray aura, and Shen Zhui could feel that it contained extremely amazing power.

"What is this?" Shen Zhui asked.

"Earth is an important treasure, and I hate mountains!" Zen said proudly.

"You call this thing... a mountain?" Shen Zhui held his chin and asked, tilting his head.

This thing doesn't look like a mountain!

"Nonsense, the earth element is an important treasure, it should be a mountain." Zen Xin said matter-of-factly.

"Okay, just tell me what effect this treasure that cost me more than five thousand fortune coins has." Shen pursued.

"Weishanshan, suppress everything, subdue everything!" Zen Heart said with high spirits. "Compared with the heavy mountains before, there is a complete difference between a firefly and a bright sun!"

"The materials used for this heavy treasure can be used to create a hundred sixth-level primary magic weapons! Its grade has reached the sixth-level limit, comparable to the seventh-level magic weapon!"

"Moreover, Yansheng Mountain is different from Chongshan. Although its core will have most of its effects and be used to suppress the Dongtian World, it can separate part of its power and use it outside the Dongtian World. The power is about the same as Sixth-level intermediate level.”

"Shen Zhui, do you understand what this means?" Zen Xin said excitedly.

"What's so special?" Shen Zhui asked.

"It stands to reason that you can't activate the sixth-level magic weapon at all now, not counting warships, which can fly autonomously. However, this Shengshan Mountain is based on your cave world. So, you are With the entire cave sky as the foundation, it is driving this important treasure!"

"With ordinary magical powers, I'm afraid that this heavy treasure will overwhelm the sky, but you have a deep foundation and can fully unleash the power of a sixth-level magic weapon!"

"Hiss~" Shen Zhui finally understood.

It is difficult to activate other sixth-level magic weapons, even the lower-level Venerables, not to mention his level of magical power.

But now, with the addition of Yansheng Mountain, after the fusion, part of the power of Yanshengshan can be activated immediately, and a small version of Yanshengshan that is equivalent to a sixth-level magic weapon can be differentiated!

"The money was not wasted!" Shen Zhui couldn't help but get excited.

"Haha, that's not all." Zenxin controlled the flying disk to swim over. "The reason why I chose to refine this earth-based heavy treasure first is because its power to suppress the cave world is the most important among the seven heavy treasures!"

"With this important treasure, no one below the sixth level of the Venerable can try to crush your cave. As for the lower level of the Venerable, I am afraid that few can beat you in the world projection of the cave." Zen Heart said proudly.

"Zen Xin, thank you for your hard work." Shen Zhui said.

"Shen Zhui, stop being pretentious, I'm still waiting for you to avenge your teacher." Zen Xin said excitedly. "Quickly, fuse this thing quickly."

"Okay." Shen Zhui smiled slightly and immediately controlled the earth-yellow flying disc, imprinting his spiritual thoughts on it.

"Boom~" The earthy yellow flat flying disc landed on the land of the cave world, and Shen Zhui immediately felt a heavy pressure.

Heavy! Strong sense of weight!

Shen Zhui felt that if this body were thrown out and hit the enemy, even the fourth-level Venerable would be crushed alive!

"Boom~" The flat flying disk quickly expanded to a distance of tens of thousands of miles. Then it stood tall and gradually formed a mountain range, replacing the original heavy mountain.

The golden world tree swayed and shone on it, and Shen Zhui felt that his cave world had become stronger. It’s also more ‘heavy’.


Time passes day by day.

On February 13th, two clones of the Supreme Holy Envoy Cangsong went to Tianjue Sect and Jiuyin Sect to intercept Mei Qing and Meng Wushuang.

After failing to intercept them, they rushed straight to the mountain gates of the two major sects.

On February 14th, Cangsong came out of the mountain gates of the two major sects. Shen Zhui didn't know what happened. However, after that, Cangsong, the Supreme Holy Envoy, immediately asked him to start a war and begin to clean up and accept the surrounding sects. territory.

Shen Zhui guessed that even if Cangsong didn't identify these two people as the murderers, he must have had a stalemate with the two major factions.

This mission was in line with his plan, so he led his secret guards and subdued soul servants, and began to slowly erode the territory of the surrounding second-rate sects from easy to difficult.

With the help of Cangsong, and the killing of several sect leaders in the Qingyang Hall before, the five sects, three sects and two sects were immediately conquered and three of them were conquered that night.

Next, Shen Zhui seemed to have his fortunes turning.

On February 15th, Patriarch Guiyuan announced that the head of the Qingyang Sect and his disciple Lan Ruo Fairy had become Taoist couples, and specially sent people to Guangling Cave to congratulate them.

It was obviously to congratulate, but in fact, twenty-nine high-level supernatural powers and two sages were sent to secretly help Shen Zhui and Fang Ziyou.

With this help, on February 15th, Shen Zhui and Fang Ziyou teamed up with Liao Wushuang, the sword king of the Sword Sect, to destroy two more sects and two factions.

Either enslaved by the soul, or killed, or forced away...

Because the leaders of second-rate sects are usually low-level sages, and there are almost no fourth-level sages, they are unable to resist the Qingyang Sect's invasion.

So far, seven of the five sects, three sects and two sects have been virtually destroyed. Only three sects are surviving because they urgently applied for divine contract protection.

As for the Qingyang Sect, because it was a beheading operation and it controlled the top figures, its strength was not lost. Instead, it was greatly strengthened and did not stop its expansion.


Hehuan Sect, Molong Sect, and Haitian Sect.

The three sect leaders, each with a clone at the moment, gathered in Judgment City in the northwest of Guangling Cave Heaven.

"Master Molong, what should we do? Why hasn't Judgment City agreed to our application for a divine contract?" Master Hehuan is a charming middle-aged woman, but at this moment she has lost all her usual charm. There was a gloomy look on his face.

"How do I know! How do I know!" Lord Molong roared as he walked back and forth in blood-red armor. "If I hadn't escaped quickly, I would have become a dead soul under the sword of Patriarch Qingyang! If the Adjudicator is not protected by our contract, those city sites will still be counted as belonging to our Molong Sect and can be attacked... No! Forget it, the damn Qingyang Sect, most of the twenty-eight cities under my command are now under their control!"

"Someone is interfering with the Judgment Sanctuary." The Haitian Sect Master is an octogenarian. He is relatively calm at the moment, but the hand holding the tea cup is still trembling slightly, which shows that the Sect Master is not calm in his heart.

"Master Haitian, what time has it been, and you still have the heart to drink tea! We are going to exterminate the family, do you know it!" Master Molong roared.

"What are you yelling about! I have urgently sent a secret order to Tian Jue Sect to contact the Holy Envoy of Liuhe, but now they have to come from the south and it will take time. We can only wait!"

"how long?"

"Three days!"

"Don't Jiuyin Sect and Tianjue Sect care?" asked the leader of Hehuan Sect. "We paid a lot of tribute to them."

"They should know." Master Haitian said.

"Then why haven't you come yet?!"

"I don't know, I don't know!" Haitian Sect Leader also stood up in frustration. "Either they were stopped by people from the Corpse Puppet Sect on the pretext of Changsun Qian's death, or they were wasted on the road..."

"Shua~" At this moment, the space suddenly distorted in front of the three of them, and a man wearing the robe of the three sects of Guayao, Danding, and Longjian appeared in the courtyard.

"Lord Puyang!" The three sect leaders rushed forward to greet him. "How's it going? Has our contract application been approved?"

"Hehuan Sect, Molong Sect, and Haitian Sect. Because the territory you applied for is not clearly defined, according to the alliance regulations, it is not possible to sign a protection contract for the time being." Puyangzi said expressionlessly.

"What?!" The three sect leaders were all shocked.

"How could this happen, sir? Our sect's territory is clear and clear, how come something 'unclear' suddenly appears!" Molong Sect Leader roared.

"Three sect leaders." Puyangzi said coldly. "This is decided by the adults above. I suggest that the three adults should not be distracted and give up honestly or run away quickly."

"Stop trying to defend the city." Puyangzi looked at the three sect leaders with a pitiful look, and then quickly left in the air.

There were only three pale figures left in the courtyard.


Hehuan Sect, outside the mountain gate.

When the news came from Judgment City that the contract was invalid, Shen Zhui and Fang Ziyou immediately pressed down the Dragon Peng warship and rushed to the Hehuan Sect.

At this moment, a beautiful woman flew out from the mountain gate, followed by thousands of charming female disciples.

While flying, the Hehuan Sect Master quickly shouted:

"Master Fang, stop, we, the Hehuan Sect, are willing to surrender and follow the sect leader's precedent to be a slave for a hundred years!"

"Are you willing to surrender?" Shen Zhui said coldly. "Very good, let go of the imprisonment of the soul and let me enslave you. When the agreement is over, I will let you go free."

"Wow~" A contract was opened, and the contents on it were clearly transmitted to the woman's mind.

"Please show mercy, Master." The beautiful woman knelt at Shen Zhui's feet and lowered her head unwillingly.

Buzz~ A trace of spiritual thought was injected into the woman's mind, and Shen Zhui immediately controlled her soul.

Behind him, all the female disciples, regardless of their cultivation level, knelt down.

Shen Zhui's eyes flashed, and golden light flew out from his body and fell into the bodies of the women respectively.

"One thousand, six hundred and twenty-eight people." Shen Zhui thought for a while and came up with a number.

"Sect Master Fang is mighty!" Jin Yi, the leader of the secret guards, congratulated from the side.

"Congratulations to Sect Master Fang!"

"Congratulations to Sect Master Fang!"

Behind him, the dark figure suddenly erupted into a thunderous cry.

Most of the leaders are worshiped out of absolute loyalty.

"Sect Leader Fang, the Holy Envoy has ordered you to subdue the remaining Molong Sect and Haitian Sect immediately." Jin Dao said.

"I know, it only takes three days to report back to the Holy Envoy." Shen Zhui said calmly.

"Yes." Jin Yi respectfully excused himself.


On the way to the remaining two sects, Longpeng was in the warship.

"Old Fang, this Supreme Master has a very big plan." Shen Zhui looked at the map of Guangling Cave hanging in front of him and said with emotion. "After clearing out these sects, the only thing standing in front of us will be the Qingxin Sect. By then, in the entire northwest of Guangling, the Qingyang Sect will be just short of becoming a first-rate sect, on par with the Five Qi Sect."

"The Supreme Holy Envoy used the death of Changsun Qi as an excuse to incite the Corpse Puppet Sect to take action to intimidate Tian Jue Sect and Jiu Yin Sect. Until the truth of the matter comes out, Tian Jue Sect and Jiu Yin Sect are absolutely unwilling to fight with Corpse Puppet Zong is fighting." Fang Ziyou said.

"Then he took control of Guiyuan Sect and Qingyang Sect, launched an invasion, and quickly swept away the second-rate sects in the northwest, intending to open up the road to the central part."

"However, this matter should still encounter resistance. We must speed up. Once the incarnation of the rules is launched, the Qingyang Gate's attack will stop."

"Yeah." Shen Zhui nodded. At the beginning of the attack, he took possession of the five sects, three generals and two factions alive and without any taboos. No matter whether it was soul enslavement or killing, no one stopped him.

But something went wrong when they defeated the remaining Hehuan Sect, Molong Sect and Haitian Sect.

Before enslavement, a divine contract must be signed, and the combat power of these sects must not be destroyed.

"The Holy Envoy must have reached an agreement with someone."

"The rise of the Qingyang Gate is okay, but the fight for the northwest of Guangling Cave Heaven should not cause excessive internal friction to prevent excessive loss of combat power in the future battle with the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"As long as you agree to this, for the people above, the magical power realm and the low-level combat power of the Venerable are not missing, but they are commanded by the Qingyang Sect. It doesn't matter who makes the decision in the northwest of Guangling. Anyway, in the capital It is impossible to resist the Judgment Sanctuary and defy the alliance's call." Fang Ziyou guessed. "This can be regarded as some exchange of interests to calm the anger of the Supreme Holy Envoy and the Corpse Puppet Sect. And we are just the executors. We can fight for as much as we can, but in fact it is within the controllable range of the top powerhouses."

Shen Zhui sneered and said: "In the eyes of the strong, sect promotion battles and city challenges are just a game, just some chess pieces. Fighting can actually stimulate the emergence of strong people."

"But he met the general." Fang Ziyou smiled slightly. "I wonder when the general plans to overturn the chessboard?"

"There's no rush. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com" Shen Zhui smiled slightly. "When the time comes, I will give the sect alliance a surprise."

Now, the number of people controlled by Shen Zhui's subordinates from the Lingqiao realm and above has reached 30,000!

This is a terrifying number!

Among them, there are more than a thousand people in the realm of magical powers, among whom there are 170 people with high-level magical powers, and even 18 of them are at the Venerable level!

With such a force, it is not an exaggeration to say that Qingyang Sect is now a first-rate sect.

The Supreme Holy Envoy Cangsong couldn't do it himself, so he used the Qingyang Sect, but he didn't know that Shen Zhui was not from the sect world at all!

It was already late February, and according to what Marquis Wu An told him, the battle to seal the king would be at the beginning of March. When the battle for the kingship begins, the people he leads must go to the front line!

A soul slave cannot disobey his master's orders. What if he leads these people to rebel? It is enough to cause a local fatal blow to the sectarian alliance's front!

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