I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 139: The mysterious cemetery of the true god!

Falling, endless falling, the majestic attraction made Shen Zhui fall at a speed that exceeded the limit speed of his own flight in the blink of an eye.

The power of holding the astrolabe is extremely rough, and soon...

"Bang!" At an astonishing speed, Shen Zhui hit the hard ground like a meteorite.

"Kaka~" The sound of bones turning was heard. Shen Zhui straightened the bones of his lower body and stood up slowly.

"Hiss~" Shen Zhui looked at the ground. "It really hurts. Is this floor made of iron?"

He looked around, surrounded by barren sand dunes, but the sand was light red. Even with such a fast impact, it only made a tiny hole in the ground.

"The gravity is so strong, the space is chaotic, and the origin seems to be condensed. The evil energy is almost enough to kill someone in the magical realm instantly." Shen Zhui looked around.

"Shen Zhui, the land where the gods fell is always affected by the power of the true god. After the death of the true god, the power of the rules of the cave world escapes. Countless true gods mean countless rules!"

"The rules of the world are orderly, but the Land of God's Fall is chaotic and full of dangers. Common sense cannot be used to infer it here. You must be cautious and cautious!" Zen Xin reminded.

"I understand..." Before Shen Zhui finished speaking, at this moment...

"Phew~" The breeze blew, and a light dust suddenly blew up on the blood-red desert.

However, despite being far away from Shen Zhui's observation, there were still a few grains of rice-sized gravel that suddenly touched his body.

"Poof~" Shen Zhui's body was immediately beaten into a sieve by this handful of sand.

"Puff~~" Countless small blood holes immediately made Shen Zhui like a deflated balloon, and his whole body was bleeding.

Shen Zhui was stunned!

What he was wearing was a fifth-level elementary magic weapon, and he also had golden bones. How could he be just like that... punched through by a gust of wind and sand?

"Holy shit, this wind and sand contain the power of rules!" Shen Zhui immediately understood the key. Seeing the sand and dust coming over again, he immediately opened the merit barrier.

"Huh~" This time, the wind and sand passed through again, but it was just the impact of ordinary gravel, and it automatically dropped two meters in front of him.

The merit barrier makes these rules suppress and disappear, and the wind and sand naturally become ordinary wind and sand.

"Only ten thousand good deeds were lost, that's okay." Shen Zhui checked the system.

Shen Zhui: Ninth level of supernatural power

Kung Fu: Red Yang Nine Dragon Diagram

Movement: Wind and Thunder Escape (Six Ming Speed)

Knife Technique: Luoxue Knife Technique (Fourth Style, Breaking the Sky)

Taoism: Thunder God Technique (Sixth Form, Twelve Thousand Nooses)

Divine power of the Holy Word: [Reverse Time], [Invincible Golden Body], [Tianshu Dragon Pattern Sword] [Return to Life] [Golden Cicada Escapes]

Good deeds: 36.79 million.

Redemption list: Enlightenment time (one hundred good deeds per second, can be gifted)

Enlightenment time (one thousand good deeds per second, can be gifted)

Enlightenment time (10,000 good deeds per second, can be gifted)

Skill: Eye of Deception (consumes good deeds)

Merit barrier (consumes good deeds)

Cumulative use of good deeds: 123 million.

Since the conquest of the sects around Qingyang Gate, the crazy and large-scale killings have naturally made Shen Zhui's rate of good deeds increase rapidly.

Before entering this secret realm of the Nether Sea, Shen Zhui's good deeds had accumulated to more than 36 million.

"Presumably the power of these rules is just the power of ownerless chaos, so although it is at the level of a true god, it only consumes 10,000 good deeds per second." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

There is of course a difference between the Lord's rules and the rules of the true God. The difference is of course even greater whether the person who exerts the power of the rules is alive or dead.

More than 36 million good deeds, if used sparingly, would be enough for Shen Zhui to use for a long time.

"No wonder in the land of the gods, if you don't reach the high level of the venerable, you will die if you enter. If you want to resist the remaining power of rules of these true gods, if you are not a venerable, you really can't do it." Shen Zhui was secretly frightened.

Thirty-six million good deeds may be said to be too much or too little. If the merit barrier is turned on at all times, it will only take an hour based on 10,000 good deeds per second. If this consumption increases, the time will only be shorter.

In the Land of God's Fall... there are all powerful sages. Shen Zhui is not confident that he can kill those powerful sages to supplement his good deeds.

"We must act as soon as possible. We must use the astrolabe to leave before the consumption of our good deeds reaches the bottom." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

The astrolabe can be entered or exited, but there is a prerequisite: it must be used in a safe environment, otherwise the power of chaotic rules may interrupt the pulling process.

"The feeling of calling is in the west..." Shen Zhui closed his eyes, sensed it carefully for a moment, and immediately confirmed the direction.

"Bang!" Shen Zhui immediately rose into the sky, cast a merit barrier, disguised himself as a purple-robed Taoist, and suddenly flew towards the place of summons.

There is a barrier of merit to protect the body, and the suppression of the power of rules no longer exists. In the land of the gods, Shen Zhui is walking on flat ground!


In the Land of God's Fall, the True God War was formed. Time and space were chaotic, and the region was changing all the time. However, after a long period of exploration, some experiences were naturally summed up. Many places are named.

As for the God Tower, it was because the cave world was squeezed by violent space turbulence after the death of the True God, and was condensed into tower-like places.

Countless sky-reaching pillars hang high, and the colorful and incomplete cave sky is concentrated in this area.

"Huhu~" The strong wind is raging, the Ghost King is wandering around, and the Blood Demon God will be wandering in groups.

"Chichi~" The space crack suddenly appeared, swallowing up a group of blood demon generals, and then suddenly returned to normal.

Such weird things are common here.

Ordinary land cannot exist here at all. It is a mixed land condensed by a large number of ancient magic weapons and warship wreckage.

On a huge floating metal block, a figure appeared out of thin air. This person was dressed in rich clothes, holding a compass in his left hand, and an ever-burning lantern in his right hand.

The surrounding space was extremely chaotic, but the light was very stable. The faint light it emitted shrouded Xia Jing, preventing him from being violated in the slightest on the God Tower Continent.

"The origin has no existence, the rules are the boundaries, the tower reaches the sky, and the spiritual thoughts are in the dark."

"This is it. The place my father said is right here!" Xia Jing looked around excitedly.

"The core of the Land of God's Fall, the God Tower, the Ghost King, and the Blood Demon General. This place is exactly what my father said. It is the cemetery of the true god."

"Drink!" A trace of blood appeared between Xia Jing's brows, and then his face instantly turned pale, breathing heavily, while the blood dripped onto the jade compass in his hand.

"Buzz~" The compass suddenly faded, turning from green jade to blood red.

"Gulong~" A ball of flowing liquid protruded from the compass, and the blood-colored liquid finally formed into a fist.

The index finger of the fist is extended, pointing forward.


"Boom, boom, boom~" The divine tower is constantly deforming as the space changes, and the power that is enough to strangle any venerable is raging around.

Shen Zhui looked around with fear. The grey-blue cave world wall was cut off one by one by the cracks in the space.

"Xia Jing, Xia Jing, I am willing to sacrifice my life to accompany you." Shen Zhui wailed in his heart.

At this moment, the consumption of his good deeds has reached a terrifying 100,000 per second. Although it is not turned on all the time, because of this, he is dancing on the tip of the knife every moment.

In front of him, there was a faint figure, holding a lantern and a compass. There was no more than a kilometer between them!

However, there are countless spatial changes in the middle, and the actual distance is unknown.

A quarter of an hour ago, Shen Zhui discovered Xia Jing's existence.

Because the two of them did come to the same place.

However, for Xia Jing, the surrounding scenery was not real and could not be seen clearly. His actions were all guided by the treasure in his hand.

However, for Shen Zhui, the merit barrier was to offset the power of these rules, so he could naturally see everything clearly and follow Xia Jing.

"Old master bless you..." Zen Heart kept chanting in the cave world. He was completely confused now. A place at the level of a true god was completely beyond his imagination. All that remains is prayer.

"Stop reading it, you're making my head spin." Shen Zhui said angrily. "The teacher is resurrected and can't help me here."

"That's right." Zen paused for a moment, then continued. "King of Kue bless you..."

"..." Shen Zhui couldn't help being speechless when his Zen mind turned to chanting Master Ciyun's name.

Even his master, King Kue, who he has never met, cannot stand up to this place.

"Huh? Zen Heart, stop reading it!" Shen Zhui suddenly said.

"He stopped."


Xia Jing stopped. To be precise, the compass in his hand no longer guided him.

Shen Zhui saw clearly that Xia Jing stopped in front of an ancient building like a pyramid. There is nothing else in the surrounding space, and this building seems to be the only one in eternity.

However, this is an inverted pyramid.

The bottom of the tower faces upwards, and the top is hidden in the endless turbulence of space and is covered in mist.

The tower pointed downwards, standing in the void.

There is a huge portal in front of the tower.

The door was full of ancient patterns, and just by looking at it, Shen Zhui felt an ancient and primitive majesty rushing towards him.

"Huh? This door..." Shen Zhui frowned. He felt like he had seen it somewhere before, and it felt familiar. But for a while, I couldn't remember it.

"He's going in." Shen Zhui said.

"What did you see?" Zen Xin asked, but now he couldn't see anything and could only rely on Shen Zhui for prompts.

"An inverted pyramid, a tall, gray stone door." Shen Zhui said.

"Is Xia Jing coming here just for the relics of a certain true god here?" Zen Xin guessed.

"I don't know. It stands to reason that Xia Jing is the Crown Prince of Liang. What kind of treasure does he have? If nothing else, just because he was able to get here safe and sound, the treasures on him are definitely extraordinary. I feel it's not that simple." Shen Zhui said.

"Can you beat me?" Zen Xin asked. "Catch him and ask for his purpose."

"Not sure, and it might alarm people in the sect alliance." Shen Zhui shook his head.

After just a moment of hesitation, Xia Jing's figure had disappeared through the door.

Shen Zhui gritted his teeth and quickly followed, approaching the door.

Looking closer, this door is not closed.

From a distance, it looks like a gray stone door, but in fact, the middle of the door frame is filled with gray mist like water waves.

"Come in!" Shen Zhui didn't hesitate at all, opened the merit barrier and rushed in immediately.

Xia Jing can enter. Their cultivation levels are similar, and he has a merit barrier. There is no reason why he would be in danger if he enters.

"Buzz~" After passing through the stone door, Shen Zhui felt as if a thin film had broken through on his body.

Time and space change, and the stars change.

Inside the pyramid is a huge hollow area.

Shen Zhui looked up and looked around, and was suddenly shocked.

He found himself standing on a long bridge.

The stone bridge is suspended in the air, with no door behind it, but a seamless wall.

There is a bottomless abyss underneath, and many broken warships, magic weapons, swords, guns, swords and halberds are floating overhead.

The long bridge is wide and dilapidated. Every few hundred meters, there is a huge statue of a god. The statue is holding a spear and glaring ahead. It is lifelike. However, it is also dilapidated. Some statues are missing limbs, some are missing their heads, and some are missing. Only half of it was left.

The long bridge, which is hundreds of miles wide, is not complete, with huge gaps appearing everywhere.

Shen Zhui raised his head and looked forward, as if there was a cracked wall, hundreds of meters high! But immediately, he overturned his opinion!

Because he discovered that this was a... huge foot!

Shen Zhui had never seen such a huge foot bone!

Imagine a giant lying flat in front of you. The soles of his feet alone are hundreds of meters high...

"Oh my God, what on earth is this place!" Shen Zhui carefully explored his spiritual thoughts.

Once inside, Shen Zhui discovered that there were no rules to oppress him.

So, he boldly extended his spiritual thoughts to the surroundings...

Hundreds of meters, kilometers, ten thousand meters...

Finally, when his spiritual thoughts spread to a thousand miles, Shen Zhui caught a glimpse of a small area inside the pyramid!

"The corpse of a giant measuring 10,000 meters! This is definitely a true god!"

"There are also demon clan skeletons. Is this... Yinglong's remains?"

"Oh my God, the ancient mythical beast Immortal Phoenix?"

"What is this, a blade? Or a giant axe?"

"This piece of warship fragment is more than six levels, at least seven levels or above!"

"There is also a true god with golden bones and an extremely golden body?"


As they walked along the long bridge, Shen Zhui became more and more frightened.

The soaring broken-winged phoenix skeleton was broken into two parts, the Yinglong spine blocked in front of the long bridge, the 10,000-meter giant half-kneeling on the ground, the wreckage of a warship made of at least seventh-level materials...

All of this completely shocked Shen Zhui!

"Xia Jing...where did you come from?" Shen Zhui's scalp went numb. Find bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.com

There is no need to distinguish, he knows that these places must be the first level of True God.

What earth-shattering battle happened at that time?

Even the true god-level ancient beasts died, and the seventh-level divine weapons were broken?

The further they advanced, the more and more these bones and wreckage became, and at the same time, their levels became higher and higher, because Shen Zhui could feel his soul trembling just by looking at them.

Fortunately, there are no ghosts or blood demons similar to this place.

Silence, silent shock.

The bones and remains tell the story of the cruelty of that battle in the past.

Finally, after Shen chased away for half an hour, he finally saw something different.

Corpse, lifelike, flesh and blood corpse!

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