"This is the battlefield of gods and demons, the cemetery of the true gods. The rumor is that more than nine thousand years ago, civil strife broke out among the major sects due to disputes over orthodoxy... You!" Xia Wudao suddenly stopped talking and turned around angrily. Behind him, A golden sword pierced Xia Wudao's protective barrier, and half of the sword broke through the defense, hovering at the back of Xia Wudao's head.

"Sorry, my hand slipped." Shen Zhui shrugged. Shen Zhui himself in the pyramid regained some strength and walked up another step.

The corners of Prince Liang's mouth twitched, "Shen Zhui, what Gu said is true..."

"I think it's true." Shen Zhui said coldly.

"Prince Liang, you are considered a hero after all, why do you use such despicable methods again and again!"

What a joke! This must be related to the Nine Nether Divine Sect, but Xia Wudao said that the great war that took place more than 9,000 years ago, by that time, the Nine Nether Divine Sect had ceased to exist!

Obviously, Xia Wudao was lying!

"Prince Liang, every time you say anything that makes me feel unreasonable, I will stab you."

"I wonder how many times the prince's spiritual cutting body can block my sword?" After saying that, Shen Zhui turned his back and continued to climb the stairs.

After being exposed by Shen Zhui's lie and threatened by the other party, Xia Wudao was not ashamed, but suddenly fell silent.

"Shen Zhui, Gu will ask you again, do you really want to be an enemy of Gu?" Xia Wudao asked calmly with his eyelids lowered.

"Wrong answer." Jin Xing's clone stabbed out the sword again, and the protective barrier on King Liang's body was crumbling. The body that was slowly healing once again cracked with a blood mark, and his complexion became pale.

"Even if you can reach the top, you can't get the things above."

"I'm asking what kind of place is this!"

"Pfft~" Another sword stabbed out.

"The enmity between you and Gu is not serious, and Gu's words of resolving the grudge with you are not lies. As long as you are willing to help Gu and put aside your past grudges, Gu is willing to give you a way to become a king."

"Pfft~" The golden sword stabbed out, and another dent appeared on Xia Wudao's shoulder.

However, Shen Zhui also slowed down his movements slightly at this time.

Because he suddenly had a whim, he felt that what King Liang said seemed to be true.

Jin Xing's clone looked at Xia Wudao with a half-smile but not a smile: "No grudges? Could it be that the prince has a bad memory? The seventh son, Xia Hong, failed to intercept the official but was killed by Zhou Fa instead. Prince Jing, wait until I wear out the prince's mental incision. After losing his body, there is no possibility of survival."

"The revenge of killing a son is not considered a grudge. The prince's mind is really broad."

Xia Wudao chuckled and said: "I have seventeen direct descendants and twenty-six daughters. Due to various reasons, there are countless collateral descendants. In the 397 years since I became the King of Liang, I am the third In the five generations, not only 10,000 but also 8,000 children were born!"

"As the saying goes, everything is rare and valuable!"

"If Guruo wants a daughter, he can have another baby at any time!"

"Shen Zhui, you just said that I don't know what young people like you think. But at the same time, you have not reached the level of a lonely king. In the face of the ambitious hegemony and the glorious road, blood and family ties are nothing! Let alone the emperor's home? "

"Xia Jing and Xia Hong are dead. Gu will indeed be angry, but the anger is that someone is slapping Gu in the face, but it is not a feeling!"

Shen Zhui remained silent.

Indeed, in front of such an old guy, blood and family ties are not that important.

What they pursue is the great road, ambition and hegemony, and a higher realm!

In front of these things, you have to lean back on everything!

Maybe, this guy, Prince Liang, really thinks so.

Seeing Shen Zhui's silence, Xia Wudao continued.

"Shen Zhui, you see, the hatred between Gu and you is not insoluble. And Gu's power and strength are stronger than Zhao Xing!"

"What he can give you, Gu can also give you, or even more!"

"You are too smart to know this."

"The prince is so powerful, can he be more powerful than the imperial court? Moreover, now the great Zhou Dynasty is strong, the world is pacified, the world is at peace, and the people are happy. The prince collaborates with the enemy and treason, connects the sects, and acts against the will. If the prince raises an army, if the enemy can defeat the Zhou An upright master? If I follow the prince, I'm afraid he will suffer the consequences." Shen Zhui said sarcastically.

No matter how powerful the King of Liang was, he was just a true god and the leader of a vassal state. How could he be stronger than the Zhou Dynasty? Putting aside the morality of hatred, it was impossible for him to accept King Liang's solicitation based on interests alone.

"Hahaha, what an upright teacher!" Xia Wudao suddenly raised his head and laughed.

"Shen Zhui, I didn't expect you to be so naive!"

"You helped Murong Qingxue survive natural and man-made disasters and resolved her bad luck. Do you know why she appeared?"

"What does the prince want to say?" Shen Zhui's heart moved.

"I fought on behalf of Zhou Dynasty in the west and wiped out thousands of Taoist traditions in one fell swoop."

"However, such meritorious service was not rewarded by Great Zhou, but nine imperial edicts to cease war!

In order to stop Gu, the imperial court cut off Gu's military power, divided it into three parts, and supported Zhao Xing to become Gu's opponent.

The only son and daughter whom he loved and had hope to talk to Gu Si were also harmed by the imperial court's conspiracy, planted the blood-love poison, and caused a shocking scandal that was contrary to human ethics! "

"Is this the upright teacher you call?"

"What?" Shen Zhui was shocked.

He knew Murong Qingxue's life experience very well.

The King of Liang had a son and a daughter, Xia An and Xia Ruyun, the princess of Anning. These two people are extremely talented and are also the most beloved children of King Liang.

However, the latter two had an incest incident and gave birth to Murong Qingxue.

Shen Zhui thought that this was done voluntarily, but now when he heard it, it seemed that there was something else hidden.

"Back then, I went to Kyoto to have an audience with him, but the imperial court sent someone to plant the Blood Love Gu on the two of them. This vicious Taoism comes from the witchcraft and Gu sect in southern Xinjiang. If two people fall in love, they must be united by blood to be able to cure it."

"If this were not the case, with the rules and regulations of Prince Liang's family tutoring, how could such a thing happen?"

Shen Zhui was in a complicated mood. He didn't expect that Murong Qingxue had such a past.

"Since then, all I have in mind is ambition and hegemony, no blood ties anymore! No matter whether Shen Zhui, Marquis Wu'an, or the court, no one is clean when they become a king and a country."

"As for your question about how confident Gu Gu is to rebel, huh, Da Zhou now has more than just the sect world as an enemy. Da Zhou cannot escape the difficulties that those dynasties faced back then... If you decide to surrender, Na Gu will tell everything. !”

"Otherwise, you can try to see whether you can break the barrier first or you can reach the top of the tower first!"

"What's the dilemma?" Shen asked.

However, King Liang remained silent and stopped answering Shen Zhui's questions. A burst of light suddenly rose from Xia Wudao's body, and the dragon pattern wrapped around his body. In an instant, the injury was completely stabilized. No matter how Shen Zhui's seven clones attacked, it was difficult to cause any damage. And the golden barrier suddenly became shaky after the golden dragon-patterned light appeared.

Looking at this scene, Shen Zhui's heart suddenly tightened. He realized that he seemed to have underestimated this Liang Wang. After delaying for such a while, the other party actually regrouped and regained some strength.

However, Shen Zhui also delayed for some time to give himself a chance to recover.

Behind the figure on the blood guide compass, a true dragon was entrenched, seemingly sucking in the power of these barriers. Shen Zhui felt that the pressure on himself had also been reduced a lot.

For some reason, Shen Zhui suddenly lost consciousness for a moment when he saw this real dragon vision. In his cave world, a piece of kit became slightly hot.

Whoosh, a small gray-patterned bag appeared on Shen Zhui's hand.

This tip bag was given to him by Wei Tianlong when he left Daxia Academy!

"If you see a dragon and run away, your kit is useless."

"The boulder is flying in the sky, and the bag of tips can save your life."

Shen Zhui murmured to himself. This is a prophecy passed on by the people behind Wei Tianlong.

"Do you mean now? Run away as soon as you see the dragon?" A trace of thought flashed in Shen Zhui's eyes.

Where is this place, and who is King Liang? Why should he rebel? The imperial court...what crisis is there?

Ordering the seven clones to continue attacking, Shen Zhui no longer looked at Xia Wudao, but stared at the throne at the top of the pyramid.

Now, the only way to find the answer is to go up to the top of the tower.

There was silence for a moment in the pyramid.

Liang Wang Xia had no way, and used his secret method to seize the time to break the barrier, while Shen Zhui continued to climb the stairs.

Liang Wang Xia Wudao failed to persuade Shen Zhui to surrender, and Shen Zhui did not extract any useful information from the other party. Instead, he had more doubts.

In this second round of confrontation, neither side gained any advantage.

However, Shen Zhui became more vigilant. The various emotions shown by Prince Liang earlier seemed to be a deliberate show when he thought about it.

Only the last plain words seemed to be closer to the true face of this Liang Wang.

Fighting against this old monster who has lived for who knows how many years, even if it is just a verbal exchange, is much more tiring than a big battle.

Calculations between lightning and flint, careful tasting of words, debating the truth and falsehood, getting useful information by peeling off cocoons, guessing the opponent's back plan...

It had to be said that fighting a true god, even if it was just a fight with a spiritual body, made Shen Zhui feel even more stressed.

He just happened to be at the right time, and Liang Wang had been planning for many years. Whether he could defeat Xia Wudao in this crisis is still unclear.

But walking is impossible.

Now that the secret of King Liang has been revealed and he walks away, he will hand over the treasure to others and increase the enemy's strength.

Once King Liang gets his wish, even if he escapes this moment, he will not be able to escape death in the future.

Therefore, there is only upward progress and struggle!


Within the barrier, on the steps of the pyramid, on the 892nd step.

"Bang!" Shen Zhui's body was cracked all over, pale golden blood flowed out, the blood all over his body surged, and the injuries on his whole body looked hideous and terrifying.

Heavy! Extremely heavy pressure!

Even though the golden dragon on King Liang's body absorbed the barrier and reduced the pressure within the barrier, when Shen Zhui came here, he still felt huge resistance!

Shen Zhui felt like he was being pressed by hundreds of Shengshan Mountains. His purple and gold secret pattern bones were trembling, and a crack appeared!

"Kick!" Shen Zhui had to step back a step to make Shen Zhui feel a little better.

Looking at the throne in front of him, Shen Zhui frowned.

"The pressure within the barrier is now reduced, but if you want to reach the top of the tower, this strength is still not enough."

"Although I can wait for King Liang to continue to absorb the power of the barrier and wait for the pressure inside to weaken, but that is too risky. Once he comes in first, I may not be able to compete with him..."

The two hundred times increase in the power of the cave world is already his full strength.

But... it's still not enough!

Shen Zhui thought for a moment, and finally frowned. In the cave world, the Yinglong essence and blood on the eaves of the Origin Mansion suddenly started to rotate.

"Only by using Yinglong's incarnation, fighting with the ferocious beast's physical body, and rushing forward with all his strength can we gain the upper hand and get a chance to survive!"

"I can now exert 80% of Yinglong's strength, which may be enough..."

Looking back, Xia Wudao still closed his eyes and remained motionless, but the golden dragon above him became more and more solid, the barrier became obviously weaker, and the figure of King Liang became more and more clear...

"The incarnation of Yinglong appears!" Shen Zhui shouted sharply.

"Boom~" Yinglong's essence and blood suddenly poured into his body. Then a force suddenly penetrated his whole body.

The surging and ferocious power of the beast immediately penetrated into every meridian.

The ancient mythical beast ranks sixth. The body of the ferocious beast is completely beyond the ability of a human body to resist.

But at this moment, Shen Zhui reached the ninth level of supernatural power and used Yinglong's incarnation again, which immediately caused his strength to skyrocket!

Shen Zhui felt as if he was expanding infinitely. In an instant, he surpassed the threshold of the supernatural realm and seemed to be in control of everything!

"Ang~" Yinglong's roar came from the pyramid.

The huge Yinglong body looms over the pyramid.

The huge movement caused Xia Wudao outside the barrier to open his eyes.

But seeing this scene, Xia Wudao didn't show any surprise. Instead, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth...

When Shen Zhui's Ying Long incarnation is about to take shape...


"Boom!" A strange light suddenly came from the throne on the top of the pyramid, heading straight for Shen Zhui in mid-air.

"Traitor!" Along with the dim light, there was a roar full of endless resentment, as if it came from ancient times, as if it came from the abyss under the pyramid!

"Kakaka~" The dim light directly penetrated the formed body of Yinglong, and blood rained all over the sky!

"Poof!" This is a huge force that is difficult to resist. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Full of endless power, with one blow, Shen Zhui's body turned into a human form, and his whole body flew out, falling to the bottom of the pyramid.

"Ah~" Shen Zhui couldn't help but let out a scream. The severe pain seemed to come from the depths of his soul, and he immediately felt dead!

The golden bones all over the body were broken, the flesh and blood collapsed, and the divine power suddenly reached its bottom!

"What's going on!" Shen Zhui looked above his head in disbelief.

Why would this throne suddenly attack me?

Just when Shen Zhui was puzzled, behind him.

"Buzz~" The golden dragon above King Liang's head suddenly took a deep breath, and a hole was sucked out of the golden light barrier.

Prince Liang Xia Wudao stepped out and walked in from outside the barrier!

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