I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 149: Ling Xiao’s Imperial Edict! (Final chapter of this volume)

Shui Qingrou was stunned. Is this such an exaggeration? !

She is an intelligence spy network, and when she arranges spies, she can only reach the level of a second-rate sect leader or a first-rate elder in the six caves of Sanyin Sanling Cave.

As for the three super caves of Liuhe, Taishang and Jiuyou? The place was so mysterious that it was difficult to put one's hand in it.

The status of the three super caves in the sect world is equivalent to that of the Great Zhou Palace!

How long has it been since Shen Zhui? He actually became a successor of the Supreme Sect?

Thinking of this, Shui Qingrou felt a little depressed. Why didn't he have a talent like Shen Zhui among his subordinates?

"This...I will talk to Mr. Hou." Shui Qingrou came back to her senses after a while.

"Thank you, Palace Master." Shen Zhui bowed his hand.


After meeting Shui Qingrou, Shen Zhui breathed a sigh of relief. He was now in Guangling Cave Heaven, but even a second-rate sect like us was already frightened and in constant danger.

If he entered the Taishang Cave among the three super sects, he didn't know how many things would happen. No matter what, he would not go.

Taishang Cave Heaven is part of the inheritance of Jiuyou Divine Sect, and the True God Venerable is everywhere. If someone discovers his identity, it will really be self-defeating.

"But I can enter the nearby Sanctuary of Judgment, enjoy the acceleration of time, and let Zen Heart refine the remaining treasures of Qi Jue Tian as soon as possible." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

Before entering the Nine Nether Realm, he had more than 20,000 fortune coins. This money was enough to buy five heavy treasures. However, at the auction in Dazhou at that time, some of the heavy treasure materials were still partially lacking.

Now, I just happened to go to Judgment City, firstly to speed up the time so that the Zen Heart can be successfully refined as soon as possible, and secondly, to collect materials and study the exquisite Buddhist treasures.

As Qingyang Gate's territory expanded, it became much more convenient for Shen Zhui to go to Judgment City, as he no longer had to pass through other people's territories.

On the night of February 15th, Shen Zhui entered Judgment City. Since everything in the sect alliance was purchased with contribution points, Shen Zhui didn't spend any money. He used his previous credit for killing Xia Jing and exchanged it for one to one hundred. Time flies by one day.

February 26th, in the Sanctuary of Judgment, in a secret space.

Shen Zhui stepped out from a simple door.

He glanced at the system.

Shen Zhui: Peak of Supernatural Power

Kung Fu: Red Yang Nine Dragon Diagram

Movement: Wind and Thunder Escape (Nine Ming Speed)

Knife Technique: Luoxue Knife Technique (Fourth Style, Breaking the Sky)

Taoism: Thunder God Technique (Seventh Form, Fourteen Thousand Nooses)

Divine power of the Holy Word: [Reverse Time], [Invincible Golden Body], [Tianshu Dragon Pattern Sword] [Return to Life] [Golden Cicada Escapes]

Good deeds: one million.

Redemption list: Enlightenment time (one hundred good deeds per second, can be gifted)

Enlightenment time (one thousand good deeds per second, can be gifted)

Enlightenment time (10,000 good deeds per second, depending on the level of the secret method.)

Skill: Eye of Deception (consumes good deeds and cannot see the true God)

Merit barrier (consumes good deeds)

Cumulative use of good deeds: 198.42 million.

"My magical power has reached its peak, and I am only one step away from being a venerable person." A smile appeared on Shen Zhui's face.

One hundred days of time accelerated, allowing him to reach the peak of his magical power, which was actually considered too slow, but... Since the Jiuyou Realm is a cave world, not a world of the universe, for the sake of safety, he was afraid that his understanding of the rules would be incomplete. Shen Zhui didn't waste much time on his cultivation. Instead, he devoted all his energy to studying the secret method, the Thunder God Technique, and letting Zen Heart create the remaining treasures of the Seven Jue Heaven.

"The good deeds have been exhausted and only one million is left. Now I have finally achieved a breakthrough and completed the final form of Thunder Dragon Arrival!"

"Fourteen thousand nooses formed the Evil Sea Thunder Dragon, which contains the power of rules to summon this ancient beast... With my current strength, I am afraid that even the third-level Venerable would not dare to take this from me. hit."

"However... the biggest gain is... Qi Jue Tian!" Shen Zhui's eyes were filled with fire.

Now, in addition to Yansheng Mountain, there are four more important treasures in his cave world!

Just a few days ago, my Zen mind told myself:

"Shen Zhui, Mount Yansheng is an earth-based treasure and the incomparably solid cave sky allows you to resist the Venerable's world projection."

"The second item, the Innate Alien Fire Bead, is a heavy treasure of the fire system. I refined it for thirty-eight days and scrapped seventy-nine sixth-level materials. I extracted various types of alien fire from it and fused them to finally form the Alien Fire Orb. , can make your cave world not afraid of any curses and evil spells. For example, the time when the foreign venerable directly used ancient methods to open a passage in your cave world will never happen again. And when you break through the venerable , you can use this strange fire orb to attack the enemy."

"The third piece, the Cold Spirit Weak Water River, enhances the resilience of the cave world. It can be ever-changing. A whole river is equal to the spare cave world wall energy! If, I mean, if your cave world is pierced, Even if it is split into half, this river of cold spirit weak water can completely freeze the cracks in the cave sky and prevent the collapse of the cave sky!"

"The fourth item, the Tree of Life! Repairs the damage in the Cave World and has strong vitality. The difference between the Venerable Cave World and the Divine Power Realm lies in the strong vitality. With it, you can frequently use the Cave World to fight against the enemy. The power increase.”

"The fifth piece, the Demon-Suppressing Sword! This is your most critical treasure. It is a desperate move that can harm both sides. It is connected to your original mansion. If you can't use it, don't use it."

After listening to Zen Xin's words, Shen Zhui was also very confused and asked specifically about the purpose of the demon-suppressing sword.

"The creation of the Demon-Suppressing Sword is very strange. It stands to reason that the founder of this secret method was at the same level as the Lord of the Nine Nethers at the beginning, and came from a large sect like the Jiuyou Divine Sect. However, this Demon-Suppressing Sword has a certain Powerful, very capable of controlling monsters and souls.”

"In addition to stabilizing the coexistence of the five elements in the cave, its biggest function is to instantly drain away the original power of your cave, and even your soul and spirit will be burned instantly to carry out a suicide attack!"

"If you use the Demon-Suppressing Sword, you will not be far from death." Zen Xin explained.

"There is such a thing." Shen Zhui couldn't help but be eye-opened.

Ordinary souls self-destruct, and their attacks are scattered and may be blocked.

However, in this vast world, it is surprising that there are people who come up with this kind of suicidal strategy.

"Is it really so magical?" Shen Zhui was eager to give it a try.

The spiritual thought was touched, and the Origin Mansion suddenly shook. Shen Zhui felt that his whole body was restless.

"Asshole, I told you not to try it, so don't touch it." Zen Xin was furious.

"Ah, sorry, sorry..." Shen Zhui rubbed his hands in embarrassment.

"You are now six million miles away from the cave world! The maximum increase in strength can reach six hundred times that of the first level of the Venerable!"

"With the five precious treasures in conjunction with the Little Five Elements, even the mid-level Venerable can't kill you. There is no need to study this demon-suppressing sword!" Zen Xin yelled.

"Okay, I understand." Shen Zhui looked away with regret.

Indeed, at the peak of his magical power, his strength has increased six hundred times, which is simply unbelievable!

Any secret technique or magical power will exert extremely terrifying effects under such a terrifying increase!

With this 600-fold increase alone, without using any secret techniques, Zen Heart can no longer defeat itself!

"When the second level of Qijuetian is completely refined and the seven great treasures are obtained, how strong will I be?" Shen Zhui was full of expectations.

"Zen Heart, two other important treasures..."

"Don't ask, I just don't have the money." Zen Xin said calmly. "You still have about 12,000 lucky coins for the last two important treasures. And even if you have money, getting the materials together won't happen overnight, so don't worry about it for the time being."

"Okay." Shen Zhui shook his head helplessly. Twelve thousand fortune coins, this is an astronomical number.

It should be noted that even a person of Lan Linghou's level would not be able to come up with so much money at once.

That is to say, he got so much money because he obtained the treasures in the Blood Demon Battlefield.

"It would be great if we could rob Judgment City." Shen Zhui stood outside the door of Judgment Sanctuary and looked back.

Judgment City is an organization of the sect alliance, responsible for collecting fees from the major sects. Every year, the spiritual fields, mineral veins, and sects in the entire Dongtian will collect 10% of the tax from those that are not protected.

If you include the output of the treasure land under the protection contract, the income will be 90%, which is even more exaggerated!

"It's a pity that there is no chance..." Shen Zhui shook his head and hurried back to Qingyang Sect.


On February 27th, the opportunity came.

The entire sectarian world began to strictly investigate spies and secret spies.

The Qingyang Gate where Shen Zhui is located is also under inspection. The matter of entering the Taishang Cave is on hold for the time being.

Countless supervising experts walked out of Judgment City and dispersed to the six caves.

That night, Zhuling Dongtian, Guangling Dongtian, and Xuling Dongtian, the Dongtian sects where the three second-rate sects lived, suddenly became chaotic.

Shen Zhui got the secret order, and Wu'an Hou joined the other two Wu Hous to activate all the secret espionage intelligence in the Jiuyou Realm!

"Elder Franzong suddenly went on a murder rampage during the meeting and stabbed the sect leader to death."

"The leader of the second-rate sect Piaoxue Sect in Zhulingdongtian suddenly killed more than 190 elders and disciples and disappeared..."

"Guangling Cave Tianfeixing Castle violated the protection contract regulations and forcibly launched an attack on the neighboring sect. The two sects were destroyed overnight, and were eventually killed by the Lord of Judgment City."

"There are also Demon Spirit Cave, Jinghun Temple, and Wugou Palace..."

News came to Shen Zhui's ears one by one. On this day, almost all the six caves had sect rebellions of varying degrees!

Either important figures in the sect were assassinated, or the younger generation was exterminated, or even the entire sect was under the control of a secret agent and rebelled!

After planning for hundreds of years, the secret espionage forces of the Great Zhou Dynasty all exploded in one day, with extremely terrifying destructive power!

Among them, the most serious ones are Guangling Dongtian and Xuling Dongtian!

Because these two caves even involve civil strife among first-class sects!

"Fang Liang, you quickly send out your soul servants to go out and quell the rebellion! Qingyangzi is also here to help!" Cangsong, the Supreme Holy Envoy, came in. After such a thing happened, he could not let Shen Zhui escape to Taiyang again. Shang Qianxiu, because now only Shen Zhui has eighteen slaves of the venerable master.

"Understood, Holy Envoy!" Shen Zhui said quickly. Naturally, there was some commotion within Qingyang Sect, but the situation was slightly better than that of other sects.

Because Shen Zhui had secretly transferred some secret spies from the Great Zhou Dynasty out of the Qingyang Clan's sphere of influence for various reasons, or expelled them from the sect.

He made an agreement with Shui Qingrou that once the secret agents riot, Qingyang Gate will not be greatly affected!

On February 28th, Shen Zhui's Longpeng warship, carrying eighteen venerable-level slaves, rushed to the cities in the Qingyangmen territory to quell the rebellion.

On the warship.

"Shen Zhui, this is a good opportunity!" Fang Ziyou looked at the map excitedly.

Shen Zhui said with a smile: "This is a good opportunity. The commotion within Qingyang Sect is much lighter than that of other sects. We can take advantage of the situation to interfere with other sects' internal affairs under the banner of Cangsong Holy Envoy. This is Justified!"

"In this way, Qingyang Sect's territory can be at least doubled, and the second-rate sects in the northwest of Guangling Dongtian are wiped out, leaving only the two first-rate sects, Wuqi Sect and Qingxin Sect!"

"Five Qi Sect... is also controlled by the Supreme Sect. Should we slow down for a while?" Fang Ziyou asked hesitantly.

"There's no need. With civil strife, it's inevitable to accidentally injure friendly troops." Shen Zhui said. "Lao Fang, we have to go back after this wave, and the Qingyang Gate will be gone."

"I understand..." Fang Ziyou was slightly startled and nodded.

The Qingyang Sect had developed to the point where it was comparable to a first-class sect, and suddenly it was about to disappear. Fang Ziyou was actually a little bit reluctant to give up. However, he also understood that there was no room for hesitation in the time of great right and wrong.

What's more, today's Qingyang Sect is completely a hodgepodge of Shen Zhui's powerful conquests and the gathering of strong men from other sects. They are no longer the original group of Qingyang Sect people.

The Longpeng warship slowly came to a stop. There was a vague city in front of it, with flames shooting into the sky...

"Swish, swish, swish~" Behind Shen Zhui, eighteen figures with profound auras suddenly appeared. They were the eighteen venerable-level soul servants who had been subdued.

"Targets, supernatural power realm and venerable level, leave no one behind!" Shen Zhui ordered coldly.

"Yes, Master."


Along the Canglan River, there is a large surrounding military area.

Dragon-headed ships and flying palaces appeared out of thin air over the border town of Canglan River.

"Woo~" A horn sounded from the border of Liang Kingdom, and tall golden figures emerged from the void.

The phantoms of gods appeared in the temple, chanting rituals and music, and the entire sky was rendered golden.

"Whoosh~" Tianxin Palace slowly emerged among the buildings, ships and palaces, and landed in the central area.

Zhao Xing, the Marquis of Wu'an, stood on the general-ordering platform of Tianxin Palace and looked down.

At a glance, one million troops were neatly arranged in mid-air.

Swish, swish, swish~ Powerful auras appeared behind Marquis Wu An.

The mysterious divine power was intertwined together, instantly shocking all the soldiers.

"Oh my God, there are actually so many strong men in our Wu'an army?"

"It's not that there are only nine palace masters in the army. Where can there be so many palace master-level figures now?"

"Ah - that's Venerable Fan Ling. Didn't she fall a hundred years ago..."

"That's the ancestor of my Zhou family. Oh my God, my ancestor is still alive..."

"More than forty venerables! Something big is going to happen!"


The generals are talking about it, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com In the Wu'an army, those who are qualified to know about the battle of the king must be captains and captains above the level of supernatural power. As for the commander, they may be able to feel the movement. Frequently, but unable to know these secrets.

But now, seeing so many strong men appear, some people immediately vaguely guessed what was about to happen.

The waiting of the soldiers did not last long. Soon, above the Tianxin Palace, many venerable palace masters, including Wu'an Marquis Zhao Xing, all knelt down on the ground.

A golden light fell from the sky,

"Wow~" The nine-clawed golden dragon emerged from the golden light pillar, and an imperial decree unfolded from the sky.

In the Tianxin Palace, a majestic and solemn voice appeared, covering the entire place.

"Marquis Wu'an listens to the order!"

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