I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 32: Many thanks to the Holy Envoy for seeing me off!

Feeling the other party's eyes wandering over his body, his spiritual consciousness scanning the surface of his body unscrupulously... Kong Yangzhou felt as if he had been touched by a big invisible hand!

So disgusting! Kong Yangzhou struggled subconsciously, but unexpectedly, it aroused Liu Ming's interest and pushed him further!

Shen Zhui's heart skipped a beat at this moment. He was not afraid of Kong Yangzhou being humiliated or anything like that. He could bear the danger of life and death, and trivial matters were not a problem. He was afraid that Kong Yangzhou could not hold back and expose his flaws. Once a battle breaks out here, it is not far from the Blood Red Castle, and strong men will probably arrive soon.

As a last resort, Shen Zhui had no choice but to disobey the persona of Danxia Sect Master and said to stop him: "Brother Dao, I can't bear the pain but to part with my love. It's really the Nightmare Sect Master's order that I can't disobey."

"If the sect master finds out that I didn't help him search hard, but went to have fun with Brother Dao, I'm afraid even if we don't do it face to face, it will cause trouble to Brother Dao and me in the future."

"During this war, Brother Dao, it's better for you and me to be cautious and never risk our lives for something."

A trace of clarity appeared in Liu Ming's eyes, and he became slightly awake.

Although he was a little surprised that this old prostitute would refuse his invitation, Danxia Sect Master still had to take his words seriously. If it were a normal war, forget it, but at this moment, not only the Three Tombs, Three Silver Cave and Six Great Cave were involved, but also the True God was involved, and even the mere venerables might not be able to see it on this battlefield. If you can be low-key, it's better to be low-key.

"Forget it, Brother Dao has a point." Liu Ming nodded. He said seriously: "Your Majesty has a long life. When the war is over, you will have plenty of time to enjoy yourself. There is no need to rush for a while."

Kong Yangzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Liu Ming changed the subject and still cast his eyes on Kong Yangzhou, regaining his lustful expression: "But Brother Dao, you still don't know if this girl is willing to transfer her..."

"..." Shen Zhui was also speechless. When he met such a lustful ghost, he knew that his previous words were in vain.

If Liu Ming keeps teasing him like this, I'm afraid Kong Yangzhou will explode, so Shen Zhui immediately refused: "Brother Dao, let's wait until I get back. Cuihua, you get in the boat."

"..." It took Kong Yangzhou a while to realize that this weird name was calling him, so he glanced at Shen Zhui resentfully and quickly entered the warship.

After a few more pleasantries with Liu Ming, Shen Zhui quickly ended the conversation and moved on.

Liu Ming watched the warship leave, and then looked away with some reluctance. He could feel that this maid's physical and spiritual roots were of the highest quality. If she could enjoy it, it would be useless, but unfortunately...

"Sir, Master Danxia has no token. This matter..." One of his subordinates asked Liu Ming.

"Hmph, even a maid refused to give in. Report it to him. Let him suffer a little." Liu Ming waved his hand lightly and then forgot about the matter.


Flowing clouds on the boat.

As soon as Shen Zhui came in, Kong Yangzhou grabbed Shen Zhui's collar and said through gritted teeth: "This matter is known to everyone. You know it and I know it. Don't let a third person know about it!"

"I was just teased a little bit. You deserve it..."

"You still!!" Kong Yangzhou screamed.

"Okay, okay, no, I promise." Shen Zhui slapped Kong Yangzhou's hand away and said with a half-smile. "Old Kong, how can you become a Wuhou in the future if you are so thin-skinned?"

"What Marquis Wu relies on is not his face, but his strength and military exploits." Kong Yangzhou snorted. "When I go back this time, the supernatural realm will withdraw, so that the venerable can join the battle. I will break through the venerable in the military camp."

"How many origin marks have you mastered?" Shen followed up and asked. The original imprint is the key to transforming the heart of the world. The peak of Kong Yangzhou's magical power has surpassed the third level of the Venerable, and he is a talent of Meng Wushang's level. It is expected that when he enters the seventh level of supernatural power, he will not only form a single source mark.

"The two paths are gold and wind." Kong Yangzhou said. "But after I go back, I should be able to form the third water mark! As for mastering the fourth source, the price is too high. With this energy and financial resources, it is better to wait for the breakthrough of the venerable and then improve myself. Study with the three sources The way of time and space will yield greater gains.”

Shen Zhui glanced at Kong Yangzhou in slight surprise, this guy had a different background. It seems that he is still hiding his clumsiness. Being able to master the three hearts of the world and become a venerable person is the most outstanding gift among his peers that Shen Zhui has ever seen.

While the Heart of the World doesn't mean everything, it means a lot. You need to know that his sworn sister is called a talent because she masters two original marks.

After a pause, Kong Yangzhou asked, "What about you?"

Shen Zhui can be judged by the God of War map to have the sixth level of combat power of the Venerable, so he cannot be weak in mastering the source mark, although this is not the main criterion for measuring combat power. After all, although some people only master one source, their understanding of the rules of the source is comparable to that of a true god, and is much different than those who bite off more than they can chew.

The original imprint forms the heart of the world, but it will receive more gifts from the world, making the cave world wider and stronger. However, in Kong Yangzhou's view, the difference between three and four is limited. There is no need to waste time and energy pursuing the gifts of the world. After reaching the Venerable level, you can completely start with the secret magic body to make up for the gap.

"Similar to you, I have also mastered two types of original marks, and there are still some that I haven't mastered yet, and they have been condensed and formed." Shen Zhui said. He didn't tell the truth, not because he was afraid of hurting Kong Yangzhou, but because the other party simply wouldn't believe it. After all, even if you want to form seven world hearts... you have to be good at it and be able to sense the original rules of other systems.

The magical power of the Great Dao and the Five Elements Clone Technique gave Shen Zhui the opportunity to unite the seven hearts of the world, but this was difficult to explain to Kong Yangzhou.

"Do you really have the sixth level of Venerable combat power?" Kong Yangzhou looked at Shen Zhui.

"No, this is the sect alliance's deliberate attempt to kill me so that they can openly send out strong men to deal with me."

"Haha, whoever asked me to be humble just now doesn't count if it comes to me."

"..." Shen Zhui was speechless, why didn't anyone believe him if he told the truth?

"How did you practice?"

"you guess!"

"Guess what the hell..."

After bickering for a while, both of them felt a little more relaxed. In such a crisis-ridden enemy rear, one's soul is always tense, and being too sensitive may not be a good thing.

Both of them had experienced a great war and were able to survive the disaster. Shen Zhui was a little better off, but Kong Yangzhou was really miserable.

In this battle, there were countless casualties in Yangzhou City. According to the military regulations that retreat requires masters to stay behind, Venerable Liu Fan sacrificed his life to protect their retreat. When Kong Yangzhou himself was rescued by Shen Zhui, he also Do the same thing to cover the retreat of your comrades.

When Shen Zhui saw him, his eyes were red, and the killing intent in his body was almost condensed into substance. Even after being rescued by Shen Zhui and recovering from a coma, he clenched his fists tightly, like a frightened bird.

Between life and death, there is great terror!

There is a wolf in front of him and a tiger behind him. If he doesn't adjust his mentality, he may not be able to reach the military camp and Kong Yangzhou himself will go crazy.

"Old Shen, thank you." Kong Yangzhou stood in front of the ship's side and stared ahead.

"I can't say thank you for your kindness." Shen Zhui said calmly.

"Go away." A smile appeared on Kong Yangzhou's lips.


Blood Red Castle, inside the main hall.

Cangsong sat high on the throne, eyes closed, motionless, as if practicing. However, the constantly fluctuating consciousness in the hall revealed that the holy envoy was not at peace in his heart.

Vast messages like smoke were transmitted to his mind one after another, and the results of cleaning up the battlefield were fed back to his mind as the commander-in-chief with the unique magic weapons of the sect alliance. Any abnormality would attract the attention of the holy envoy.


Cansong opened his eyes, and a slightly strange message came to Cansong's hand.

"Huh? Lord Danxia brought his maids to clean the battlefield on the orders of Lord Nightmare?"

"There was no secret order, so he was let go?!"

Cangsong's expression turned cold. He instinctively felt that something was wrong. This familiar routine was so similar to what the person he hated so much did before!

"Nightmare!" Cangsong's consciousness enveloped the Blood Red Castle, and he instantly found Nightmare who was meditating in the Blood Red Castle.

"Holy Envoy, are you looking for me?" Nightmare raised his head in confusion.

"Have you ever ordered Master Danxia to clean up the battlefield?" Cangsong asked.

"Master Danxia?" Nightmare wondered. "Holy Envoy, I have never given such an order. The Holy Envoy has already taken over the Blood Red Castle. How could my subordinates be so ignorant? Besides, there was a battle report half an hour ago. The Danxia Sect Leader was already dead." It’s gone.”

"It must be him!" Cangsong's eyes suddenly burst into light, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.


Youming City, inside Fengxing Hall.

Lu Yuanwei, Cheng Jiao, the Lord of Liehuo Hall, Gongsun Yang, Lord Ice, General Demon Eye and other high-ranking powerful men in the army all gathered together.

"Senior brother, there is no news about Shen Zhui?" Cheng Jian looked at Lu Yuanwei who was sitting in the main seat.

"No Ying" Lu Yuanwei shook his head.

"Can we send troops to the new city?" Cheng Jian asked anxiously. "If he has any shortcomings and Shen Zhui dies, our battle in the Eastern War Zone will be in vain!"

"I can't go." Lu Yuanwei glanced at the other sages present. "The three great Wuhous have ordered a truce for two days. We cannot cross Pojie City, and the other side cannot cross Yangzhou City."

"This move is to give all the soldiers under the Venerable an opportunity to evacuate. It is impossible to make an exception in the Eastern War Zone just because Shen is chasing one person. If we act without permission, it will cause both sides to break the rules, and only those who should have succeeded will die. Evacuate the soldiers in the Turbulent Divine Power Realm... The best we can do is wait in Boundary Breaking City."

"Wait until he comes back by himself."

"Then..." Cheng Jian wanted to know what to do if it happened, but after looking at Lu Yuanwei's gloomy face, he swallowed his words again.

As Shen Zhui's master, doesn't Lu Yuanwei feel sorry for his apprentice? However, even Lu Yuanwei would not be able to issue such an order, and even if it were given, the other venerables would not necessarily listen. Because this was an act of rebellion and a direct disobedience to the orders of the three Wuhou.

"I hope he can return safely." Cheng Jian thought in his heart. At the same time, this was also the thought shared by all the venerables present. The importance of Shen Zhui is self-evident. If he dies here, it will be a loss for the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.


Nine hundred miles away from the new city, a dragonhead ship was fleeing in panic.

"Boom~" The divine power barrier continued to burn at the stern of the warship, a color of fire.

"Damn it, the sect is determined to kill us." Kong Yangzhou looked at the stern of the ship that looked like it was on fire. In fact, it was not really on fire, but simply suffered too many intensive attacks. The original wave of light that collides with the divine power barrier.

"Stop talking nonsense and look ahead!" Shen Zhui shouted. "Hold on for a little longer, the Boundary Breaking City will be here soon!"

There is only half the time left to withdraw from the turmoil.

Since the two of them decided to escape, apart from Liu Ming's raiding team that managed to get through, there were a total of sixteen intercepting teams, but none of them were able to get through.

All of them are face-to-face meetings, and they start fighting whenever they disagree.

It made Shen Zhui and Kong Yangzhou wonder if there was something wrong with their disguise!

"There are three teams in front, a hundred miles apart, with about twenty people, led by the fifth-level Venerable!"

"There is a team on the left, about eight people, two fifth-level venerables."

"In the front right, there are two teams, seven people, all of whom are fourth-level venerables."

"Side...boom!" A violent shaking interrupted Kong Yangzhou's words.

"Why are there so many people!" Kong Yangzhou looked at the psychic compass in his hand in shock and anger. It was simply abnormal that so many people were chasing them.

"I'm afraid my identity has been discovered a long time ago." Shen Zhui Leng said.

It is true that the Wuxiang Divine Art can hide the aura, but it is impossible for them to change the secret order, and they are going against the current, which is extremely abnormal.

He felt that someone important was eyeing his position, otherwise the disguised identities of him and Kong Yangzhou would not be worth mentioning, and they would not attract so many people.

"Boom~" Just as Shen Zhui was thinking, there was a sudden explosion behind the warship!

"Buzz~" The entire sky split open, and the night sky suddenly turned into day, with a radius of thousands of miles, completely enveloped by the projection of the world.

Shen Zhui looked back and saw a figure holding a fly whisk floating in the air.

The divine power barrier of the Longshoulou ship was directly breached, and its flying speed changed from rapid to still, as if it was grabbed by an invisible big hand!

"Abandon ship!" Shen Zhui shouted, grabbed Kong Yangzhou and flew forward tens of thousands of meters.

"Bang!" The entire building exploded and was crushed by invisible hands.

Muds of soil were flying in the air. The Supreme Holy Envoy Cangsong stepped out and was behind the two men in an instant. There are only dozens of miles left!

"Cangsong! Nightmare!" Shen Zhui's face changed slightly. He had indeed been discovered, otherwise Cangsong, a ninth-level venerable, wouldn't have come in person. Looking next to him, even the Nightmare Lord has arrived, it can be regarded as an overwhelming force!

"Fang Liang, my dear adopted son!" Cangsong sneered the moment he saw Shen Zhui. "Where are you going when you become like this!"

"It's so hard for you to find your adoptive father!"

Shen Zhui said coldly: "You recognized the wrong person!"

"How dare you quibble!" Cangsong's eyes turned cold and he shouted. "Come here, capture it for me. If you admit your mistake, we will find out if you take it back!"

"Wait a minute, please listen to me!"

"Okay, okay, I admit it!" Shen Zhui waved his hand quickly and used the Wuxiang Magic Skill, and suddenly transformed into Fang Liang's appearance. After a pause, he returned to his original appearance.

"Sure enough, it's you!" Cangsong felt his breathing quicken.

Cangsong considers himself to be prudent. Since he became a saint, he has never done anything wrong. He is the only one who plots against others, and no one is plotting against him. But only here with Shen Zhui, he suffered a huge setback!

Now, his Cangsong quilt has become a joke because of Shen Zhui. Even if the true god deduces and understands the truth, the rift with the Corpse Puppet Sect and the relationship with the Jiuyin Sect are irreparable.

"Before you die, do you have anything else to think about?" Cangsong asked.

"The Holy Envoy is so smart that he can distinguish me among thousands of people. Shen Zhui really admires me!" Shen Zhui cupped his hands towards Cangsong.

"Hmph, although your concealment method is strong, but you are eager to return to the camp, and you can only do it once, but you cannot do it again and again. You still fell into my hands after all!"

"Holy Messenger, I have a big secret to tell you."

"You don't have to delay any more!" Cangsong waved his big hand and immediately shouted: "If you have any questions, I will definitely give you a great pleasure when you get into my alchemy cauldron! Get it for me!"

"Hahaha!" Shen Zhui and Kong Yangzhou looked at each other and laughed.

"Bang! Bang!" Before Lord Nightmare and Cangsong could get closer, they both self-destructed.

"What?" Nightmare was shocked. Looking at the place where Shen Zhui and Kong Yangzhou exploded, the self-destruction wave was quickly suppressed.

The surroundings returned to calm, but they found that there was nothing at all, it was completely empty.

"What's going on!" The people around him were also surprised. They should know that even if Shen Zhui exploded himself, it would not be so clean. There would always be some World Stone or the remains of some treasure left behind.

But...no! Nothing at all!

"Is the prophecy of the True God correct? Is there a way for Shen Zhui to be resurrected?"

"No, it's impossible. Even if that's the case, the blow after death is definitely not something Shen Zhui can bear!" Cangsong murmured to himself. He refused to believe that Shen Zhui could self-destruct so simply.

After a pause, his expression suddenly changed and he immediately looked in the direction of Breaking Boundary City.

At the same time, the others also reacted.


What Shen Zhui and Kong Yangzhou left here was a clone!

Five hundred miles outside the boundary-breaking city, two figures were running wildly in the night. As early as Shen Zhui discovered that there were too many people besieging him, he guessed that his body might have been discovered, so he simply exposed himself all the way, trying to hide it, and used his clone to attract the pursuit of masters!

As for me, I secretly hid myself and took a detour to Breaking Boundary City!

"The clone has been discovered!" Shen Zhui said. "Run quickly!"

Kong Yangzhou didn't say a word. He didn't even have the energy to speak at this moment. He wished he could use all of it to grow on his legs.

"Shen Zhui!!" A terrifying breath approached quickly from behind!

"Quick!" Shen Zhui roared angrily, the cave world exploded in strength, he grabbed Kong Yangzhou, and his speed surged instantly.

The Breaking Boundary City is in sight, and on top of the wall, many stern figures appear with powerful auras, and they are Lu Yuanwei and the others!

"Quick, save people!" Lu Yuanwei and others immediately jumped down and rushed towards Shen Zhui.

However, they were far away from Shen Zhui after all, and Cangsong was a ninth-level venerable. He locked Shen Zhui's position and was much faster than anyone else.

"You can't escape!" Cangsong shouted. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com He came very quickly. After all, he is the Supreme Holy Envoy, a ninth-level venerable. Before the person arrived, a white whisk crossed the space and poked directly behind Shen Zhui.

call! The whisk seemed to extend indefinitely, and in just a flash, it came a hundred meters behind Shen Zhui. As soon as it appeared, Shen Zhui felt a stinging pain, a life and death crisis!

"Bang!" The fly whisk broke through Shen Zhui's defense and landed directly on his back. Violent fluctuations caused the sky thousands of miles around to completely tumble!

"No!" Lu Yuanwei and others shouted, speeding up.

"Dead?!" Cangsong took a closer look, with a hint of joy on his face.

However... before he could get happy, a golden light lit up at the explosion site. Shen Zhui's figure reappeared with a faint golden light, and continued to fly forward, and his speed was three points faster due to the force.

Holy words, magical powers, invincible golden body!

Any attack, as long as it is not a true god, cannot break the golden body and cause damage to Shen Zhui!

"Hahahaha!" With the help of this power, Shen Zhui's figure was rescued by the people on the top of the boundary-breaking city and stepped onto the city.

"Thank you, Cang Sheng Envoy, for seeing me off!" Shen Zhui waved his hand, and immediately hundreds of thousands of troops appeared behind him and shouted together.

"Thank you so much, Cang Sheng Envoy, for seeing me off!"

"Thank you so much, Cang Sheng Envoy, for seeing me off!"

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