I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 40: I can save you!

The arrival of Shen Zhui actually did not give Gongshu Bo, Zhou Changgong and others in the barrier much confidence. The ten soldiers who retreated from the battlefield and successfully received treatment also believed the same. Among them, there were many fifth-level venerables, and even among those who were not crazy outside, there were also sixth-level experts.

Although Shen Zhui was judged by the God of War Tu to have the sixth level of combat power, they heard it in vain. If they didn't see this kind of thing with their own eyes, they really didn't have much hope that Shen Zhui was at the peak of his magical power.

Even if he really has the combat power of the Sixth Level, there are four or five of the Sixth Level of the Venerable here, and because of Wolfsbane, he is now on the verge of going berserk, and his combat power is extremely strong...

These people were not optimistic about whether Shen Zhui could control the situation.

After glancing at the expressions of the people around him, and focusing on the faces of Gong Shubo and Zhou Changgong for a moment, Shen Zhui immediately understood the meaning of these people's delay in taking action.

This kind of matter can only be made by the powerful general himself, otherwise they will not be able to afford to hurt any middle-level venerable.


Just when Shen Zhui was about to speak, suddenly, a loud shout came from outside the barrier, interrupting Shen Zhui's words.

"Shen Zhui, open the barrier quickly and let me go in for treatment!"

"You favor one over the other, why do you only save them and not us!"

"I, Yang Guang, have traveled thousands of miles to come to help your Wu An Army. This behavior is simply chilling!"

"Now quickly open the barrier and let Wen Ruohai come out to save people! Otherwise, don't blame Yang for being rude!"

Shen Zhui turned around and looked around, only to see the barrier outside the medical palace. Apart from the twenty-five people running wildly on the grassland, there were still thirty people who were not restricted from moving.

And these thirty people seemed to remain awake. Of course, this sobriety is relative. Judging from the threats in this man's words and the way he confronted Gongshu Bo, he really didn't deserve the word sobriety.

"General Yang!" Zhou Changgong shouted immediately. "I have told you many times that there are currently no black pearls in the army. Generals, please wait patiently. The Marquis and Mr. Wen will definitely find a way to save you!"

"Fart!" Yang Guang was furious. "We only have two lives to live for at most. If we continue to wait, you are leaving us to die!"

"Since you don't have the antidote, let us in and we'll know at a glance!"

"Yes, let us in!"

"Damn it, you're committing murder!"

"Why haven't you seen the Marquis take action until now?"

"Hehehe, I can't live, and you can't live either!"

The crowd was excited and there was a flood of shouts and curses.

Originally, only five or six of the thirty people were scolding, but under the dual stimulation of wolfsbane and words, the rest gradually became unable to stay rational and were on the verge of going berserk.

The curses gradually became harder to hear, and Shen Zhui's face turned ugly. At the same time, he finally understood why these people were so excited.

The same group of seventy-two people who were poisoned by wolfsbane only had ten copies of the antidote when they returned.

When they first returned, everyone was sober, at least able to maintain rational discipline. Gongshu Bo and Zhou Changgong also rushed to apply for the ten-thousand-year black pearl from the military department.

The great medical scholar Wen Ruohai first gave the antidote to the ten people with milder toxicity and lower cultivation level according to the degree of poisoning in this group of people. Because the others can still persist to some extent, but these ten people will be in danger of death if they are not treated because they cannot resist the wolf poison rules of the wolf.

It turns out that Ben Ruohai's approach is understandable. Things have priorities, and it is the right thing to deal with these generals who are in crisis first.

But not long after, the remaining sixty-two people's toxicity suddenly worsened and worsened.

Three people couldn't help but blew themselves up and died, their souls being wiped out in ashes!

Everyone flocked to Wen Ruohai and asked for the antidote. However, the antidote was now exhausted and the army could not get it out. Helplessly, Gong Shubo and Zhou Changgong had no choice but to announce that they needed to wait for the arrival of a new batch of antidote before they could be cured.

As a result, conflicts broke out. All the generals were in an uproar.

In anger, some people even attacked Wen Ruohai.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Gongshu Bo and Zhou Changgong immediately activated the magic circle inside the Gongdian Hall to separate the Medical Hall, and at the same time controlled 25 of them.

By this time, the shortcomings of the imperial court's vigorous recruitment of foreign aid for the march were also revealed.

Yang Guang and other foreign lords believed that Gongshu Bo and Zhou Changgong were favoring their own people and were hostile to them as foreign aid, so they deliberately gave ten copies of the antidote to their own people in Wu'an Army. However, Marquis Wu'an still refused to rescue them, and he stubbornly believed that he was rejecting dissidents.

So there was a scene of confrontation between the two sides.

Hearing this, Shen Zhui also frowned, feeling extremely troubled.

It is impossible to persuade Yang Guang and this group of foreign lords to calm down now.

Thinking about it from his perspective, if he were in Yang Guang's position, he probably wouldn't be able to calm down.

Don't forget that Yang Guang is not under the command of Marquis Wu'an, but only temporarily joins the army to obey orders. In addition, Yang Guang's group of people also had another level of identity - they were all recommended by Liang Wang Xia Wudao and joined the Wu'an Army Zheng

Reminiscent of the rumors that Wu'an Hou and Liang Wang are not dealing with each other, this unbalanced mentality and conspiracy theories; there is no obstacle at all for these people to believe what Yang Guang said!

"If we can't get an antidote now, I'm afraid it will be useless."

"As for letting them go...this is absolutely impossible." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

This group of people has now become a time bomb. It is fine if they are trapped inside the formation barrier, but once they are placed outside the military camp, there may be a civil strife.

At that time, Shen Zhui had no other choice but to kill them one by one.

But doing nothing now is just as dangerous.

Although the wards inside the Gongdian are powerful, all the wards are designed to protect against the outside but not the inside. If they continue to wait, if these thirty people unite their thoughts and are determined to follow Yang Guang to attack the Medical Palace, the wards will be broken. Just a moment!

Thinking of this, Shen Zhui took a deep breath and suddenly shouted: "Everyone obeys the order!"

"Guard the barrier and don't act without authorization!"

"Uncle Gongshu, go into the medical hall and ask Mr. Wen if there is any way to temporarily suppress the wolf poison."

"Zhou Changgong, please quickly send an order to the military headquarters and the transfer envoy to urge the delivery of the antidote. At the same time, contact General Fengxing and report the situation."

After issuing a series of orders, Shen Zhui walked towards the outside of the barrier.

This scene made everyone behind them shrink their pupils. Gongshu Bo couldn't help but said: "General Shen, you, you are trying to..."

"Execute the order." Shen Zhui said nothing, opened the barrier, and quickly walked out of the medical palace.

"Buzz~" The barrier fluctuated for a while, and Yang Guang and others who had been staring at the barrier suddenly stood up and focused their attention.

"Shen Zhui?"

"It's General Kamui."

"When did he come here?"

"No matter how he got here, he's the same raccoon dog. The antidote is here!"


Pairs of red eyes looked at him. Of course, some of them were relatively sober. Wen Ruohai's judgment was indeed correct. Those with stronger strength could resist the attack of wolfsbane and last longer.

"Everyone!" Shen Zhui didn't say any nonsense and went straight to the topic. "I have a treasure that can save you, but I need your cooperation!"

"Huh?" Everyone suddenly fell silent for a second, all staring at Shen Zhui.

But the next moment, he was filled with distrust again.

"Absurd!" Yang Guang said angrily. "Gongshu Bo and Zhou Changgong actually pushed you out as a shield. What can you do if you are in the magical power realm!"

"Yes, Shen Zhui, don't mess around here!"

"It's just that I have a good teacher who is respected by Marquis Wu'an and sits in the military camp. Do you really think you are a sixth-level venerable?"

"Catch him and threaten Wen Ruohai!"

"Shen Zhui is in our hands, let's see if Zhao Xing can save him!"

Immediately, seven or eight people, ready to move, surrounded Shen Zhui.

Although Shen Zhui was talented, Yang Guang and others did not know that Shen Zhui had made a breakthrough.

In their eyes, what can a Shen Zhui in the supernatural realm do?

They also admitted that Shen Zhui was a talent, but... after all, this was the rule and method of the True God Wolf King. Even the great scholar Wen Ruohai couldn't do anything about it, so how could Shen Zhui do it?

In the eyes of this group of true venerables, Shen Zhui's evaluation of being comparable to the sixth level of venerables is still open to question.

"If you attack me now, there will be no turning back. Even if there is an antidote, you will not be able to escape the court's sanctions in the future!" Faced with the approach of these venerables, Shen Zhui not only did not retreat, but stepped forward. Step, with a forced look.

"If you listen to my words and accept the treatment honestly, you may still have a chance of survival. Today's incident, any words and deeds, I can consider it to be caused by wolfsbane, and let bygones be bygones!"

"Yang Guang, generals, please think carefully!" Shen Zhui shouted.

He knew that he might have a great reputation and prestige in the magical realm, but among the middle-level venerables, especially in front of these foreign venerables, his prestige was still a little low. However, Shen Zhui didn't expect all of them to believe in him. As long as some of them hesitated, that would be enough.

As expected, many people immediately became hesitant after hearing Shen Zhui's words.

One of the reasons for their riots was the wolf poison, and the most important reason was that they felt that they were in a dead end. Either way, it's death, so of course there won't be any scruples.

Now, since there is a glimmer of hope, of course he is not willing to follow Yang Guang to cause trouble anymore. After all, it may take a lot of effort for Marquis Wu An to save them, but to kill them, he only needs to move his hands!

Seeing the crowd gradually stopping, Shen Zhui breathed a sigh of relief.

He is indeed sure to cure these people, because the barrier of merit just restrains this evil and insidious rule!

Yang Guang looked around and saw that he was really being stopped by Shen Zhui. Suddenly, a black air flashed between his eyebrows, and he said sullenly: "Ignorant son, you are delaying time here on purpose. I will wait until I capture you." It’s the real way to survive!”

Whoa~ Yang Guang's figure immediately rushed out. The rage in his heart and the burning of his divine power could no longer be suppressed. A mighty divine power immediately turned into a big hand, trying to suppress Shen Zhui!

"Stop!" The eight venerables in the barrier were shocked. Yang Guang was a sixth-level venerable. Although he was injured now, wolfsbane stimulated his potential. At this time, taking action would be even more dangerous than before.

Those who shouted these words were also several generals outside the barrier. They still retained a trace of clarity in their hearts and knew the importance of Shen Zhui, so they immediately took action to stop Yang Guang.

"Don't come out!" Shen Zhui shouted, stopping any further thoughts of taking action.

At this time, once the fighting expands and involves those on the edge of the riot, it will be irreversible in the end.

"Boom, boom, boom~" Shen Zhui's aura suddenly burst out, an unparalleled and domineering martial arts will, crushing directly towards Yang Guang.

The ultimate Gengjin power first defeated Yang Guang's divine palm, and then penetrated Yang Guang's limbs!

"Bang!" A figure fell heavily, and four golden nails formed by the power of Gengjin pinned Yang Guang to his feet.

"What?!" Everyone was shocked. Shen Zhui's outburst was completely unexpected.

"He really broke through the Venerable."

"A third-level venerable person actually has such a powerful combat power?"

"The power of that rule makes me feel frightened. Could it be that I have mastered the intermediate rules?"

"Hiss~ General Shen's combat power is too terrifying."


Yang Guang struggled on the ground, but he could not escape the suppression of Shen Zhui's world projection and Gengjin's power. His face was full of darkness, and he looked at Shen Zhui with extremely vicious eyes.

Shen Zhui didn't bother to talk nonsense with this person and stepped on him, completely imprisoning his soul and making him lose the ability to move.

Ninety-million-mile cave, nine-thousand-fold increase, and the ultimate power of Gengjin... This allowed Shen Zhui to completely crush Yang Guang, who was at the sixth level of the Venerable!

If Shen Zhui hadn't deliberately held back, I'm afraid Yang Guang would have died at this moment.

"Now I will start treating you. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com" Shen Zhui didn't give them a chance to think at all. He immediately called their names, pointed at the dwarf general at the front and said: "General Dou, why don't you just do it? you first."

Seeing Shen Zhui's ordinary expression, a wave of confidence spread out involuntarily towards the surroundings, and a sense of clarity also prevailed in the eyes of everyone.

The short general nodded immediately and walked towards Shen Zhui.

He cupped his hands and said, "General Shen, I'm... ashamed."

"Don't resist, don't think too much." Shen Zhui smiled slightly and put a hand on his shoulder.

The yellow light that no one can observe spreads from the body surface, and the merit barrier is activated!

"Buzz~" The merit barrier quickly expanded, including Dou Jianming.

In Shen Zhui's field of vision, he soon discovered that half of Dou Jianming's soul was now dyed with a dark green color. The golden soul was entangled in this dark green color, making it look ferocious and terrifying.

"Exorcise!" Shen Zhui thought in his mind, and immediately the light of the merit barrier enveloped the dark green Wolfsbane.

"Buzz~" Just for a moment, when the yellow light of the merit barrier passed by, the dark green wolfsbane, the advanced rule used by the true god's clone, was immediately cleared away.

"I, I'm fine!" Dou Jianming was extremely shocked, and then shouted with excitement.

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