I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 4: Yang An’s Tomb, the Forbidden Land of Extreme Flame!

"Yiyang?" Shen Zhui was slightly stunned, but he quickly responded.

In fact, Yiyang was the name of the older generation. Nowadays, Yiyang is no longer called that way. Because the flames never go out, it has been nicknamed the 'Forbidden Land of Extreme Flames'.

Ever since the first champion Hou Yangan died in battle in Yiyang eight hundred years ago, that place has become a deserted place of death.

At that time, the three super sects set up a large formation, using the millions of lives in the royal city as an altar, and besieged by one hundred and twenty super strong men. They even dispatched the sacred oven, triggering the earthly evil lung fire and the nine gang fires to come to the world, and put the entire world under siege. Tens of thousands of miles around Yiyang City were reduced to ashes.

In that battle, Yang An died, which also led to the removal of Yiyang City.

The entire place was cut off from life, and even after eight hundred years, the flames have not burned out. All the barriers in the world have been burned through, the space is turbulent, lung fire and gang fire are running around, making it completely uninhabitable. Moreover, there are rumors among the people that the faint cries of the innocent souls can be heard in the old residence of Yiyang City.

Some people even saw a skeleton with broken armor sitting on the top of the mountain and staring. It was said that those were the personal guards guarding the champion Hou Yang An. Some people also saw a golden-armored general roaring, it was Yang An. The wronged soul came out from the netherworld and sought revenge from the sect outside the country...

Of course these are all nonsense, spread among the people. However, Emperor Ming established a Yang'an temple outside Yiyang City. A golden body was built for him, and an army was specially created to protect him. Every year, people go to pay homage. It is said that a branch of the Yang family's descendants stayed in seclusion outside Yiyang City.

In order to commemorate his meritorious service, later generations wrote a poem to commemorate Yang An.

The twelve evil kings were all given their heads and cut off West Antarctica in two with one sword.

There are generals in the Yang family who are invincible, and it’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance to win a champion!

This is when the twelve cruel kings who proclaimed themselves emperors in West Antarctica when Yang An killed Lian conquered half of West Antarctica with one sword. Since joining the army, he has never failed, so he has the title of Yang Invincible. For such a character, future generations will never see another champion, even if it takes a thousand years.

However, Shen Zhui really didn't understand why King Zhao suddenly asked this. Could it be that Zhao Xing had an old relationship with this person? Want to go there specifically to show it to yourself? But this doesn't make sense. According to records, Zhao Jie was born a hundred years after the founding of the Zhou Dynasty. At that time, Yang An had been dead for almost a hundred years.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, and Shen Zhui answered truthfully: "My disciple has heard a little bit that there is the burial place of the first champion Hou Yang An. It was also the turning point for the pacification of West Antarctica. Since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it has had great influence on the West. The conquest of Jizhou was at a standstill until it was resumed by the Liang king five hundred years ago.”

"Yes, Yiyang is the place where the first champion of the Zhou Dynasty fell." Zhao Xiutou said. "However, although Yang An died, the Yang family did not decline."

"Back then, Your Majesty held the promise of marriage, saying that if you give birth to a boy, I will marry your daughter, and if you give birth to a daughter, my son will marry you."

"Later, Yang An's wife gave birth to a son and a daughter. His son Yang Yi was promised by His Majesty as soon as he was born. As long as he comes of age, he can choose any princess to be his wife. After he comes of age, he will cultivate her with all his heart and accept him as a disciple of the Human Emperor. .

Not only did he become the Right Prime Minister, he was also granted the title of Lord Protector! Glory, wealth, position and great honor! However, Yang Yi's qualifications were limited, and he resigned voluntarily after less than 50 years as right minister. His Majesty repeatedly tried to persuade him to stay, but finally he was retained as the vice president of Jixia Academy and led the temple to offer wine. "

"My daughter Yang Ying was given the title of Princess Yongkang when she was born. When she came of age, she married the eldest prince as his wife. The eldest prince showed his respect for the Yang family. For hundreds of years, he had only one wife and one concubine. No cherry blossoms”

"In the past eight hundred years, the Yang family has always had a very important position. Whenever young talents appear, they will be reused. And the Yang family has lived up to the divine grace. The descendants who died on the battlefield in these years, Guang Zhen Shen are all More than ten places. Even if it is slightly inferior now, it is still the top clan in the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"The Yang family's status is already extremely high, but there are still so many people rushing to the battlefield borders and dangerous places. Shen Zhui, what do you think they are for?" Zhao Xing asked.

"Inherit the glory of our ancestors and be awarded the title of Champion." Shen Zhui said in a deep voice.

This is very obvious. Championing the title is an honor. All Yang family disciples probably want to get the reward that is comparable to their ancestors.

"Now that the champion has fallen on your head, how do you think the Yang family will react?" Zhao Xing asked again.

"I-I'm afraid I have to weigh my disciple's worth." Shen Zhui said with a wry smile.

This is a rather euphemistic way of saying it. If someone gets something that the family has struggled for hundreds of years for, they may not have a good attitude towards it.

"The Fan family is already a giant. If you offend the Yang family again, you may have no hope of marrying the princess." Zhao Xin.

"So the teacher wants to take me to pay homage to the ancestors of the Yang family? To show favor to the Yang family?" Shen Zhui reacted quickly. As a result, if I keep my posture so low, I'm afraid the Yang family will be afraid of the rumors even if they want to embarrass themselves.

"Not bad." Zhao Xiu nodded. "The capital city is not like the army, where dragons and snakes are mixed, and forces are entangled. Force is not the best method. Judging the situation is also essential."

"Of course, it's just a matter of worship. I'm not asking you to be inferior to others."

"Disciple understands." Shen Zhui nodded. Yang An's achievements are indeed impressive, and there is nothing wrong with paying homage to him as a descendant.

After a pause, Shen Zhui asked again: "But the disciple doesn't understand why we have to take such a long detour?"

It would be fine if it was just Yiyang, but this route to Beijing is very complicated. After passing Dayuanfu, we first went to Yiyang. However, to visit Yiyang, we had to turn back to Xiangshan Kingdom.

In addition, Yecheng is the capital of Lunnan in the Southern Continent, but Nantong City is in the foreign country of the Eastern Continent. Zhending Mountain is also in the southern continent, but it is already close to the South China Sea...

Walking to Kyoto in Dongshengzhou in this way took us through almost half of the Zhou Dynasty and more than a dozen vassal states.

"You don't need to ask any more about this." Zhao Xing waved his hand. "I have my own intentions."

"Yes." Shen Zhui suddenly stopped speaking.

Anyway, I had plenty of time. Even if I took a detour, it would only take about ten more hours to get to Beijing. It would still be no problem to arrive before my birthday.

In this case, he didn't ask any more questions. Different realms and different statuses naturally lead to different levels of contact. Shen Zhui is not a curious kid. As long as it doesn't hinder his plan to marry the princess, it doesn't matter.

Zhao Xing asked Shen Zhui some more about his cultivation and the progress of the Nine-turn Star Art.

After giving guidance for about half an hour, Shen Zhui resigned with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Although the purpose of accepting a disciple was to facilitate future marriage proposals, Zhao Xing did fulfill his duties as a teacher and basically devoted an hour to teaching Shen Zhui.

However, the method is a bit crude.

There is only one way for Zhao Xing's followers, actual combat!

Every time, Zhao Xing would separate a clone to fight Shen Zhui.

No, it shouldn't be considered a battle, it was completely Shen Zhui's unilateral abuse...

Shen Zhui couldn't say enough about this simple and crude teaching method.

In actual combat, King Zhao treated Shen Zhui as an enemy! When fighting, it is also extremely crazy! In the first sparring session, Shen Zhui was seriously injured immediately. Even if it was a clone, Shen Zhui felt like he was facing an ancient ferocious beast. Every time he tried his best to survive this one, he was beaten to death every time before going out.

Sometimes he wondered if King Zhao did not accept disciples because he was afraid of beating them to death...

Fortunately, Shen Zhui's extreme body was strong enough, and the tree of life in the cave world also made Shen Zhui's resilience strong enough. So I gritted my teeth and persisted.

After all, there are not many opportunities to fight with true gods. With a strong man like King Zhao as his partner, he certainly won't give up.


Dragging his tired body back to the Longhead Tower ship, Shen Zhui lay down on the Lingyu warm bed, his head blank.

It is not an easy task to calculate the true god's moves and prevent oneself from being disabled. It is not only physically tiring, but also requires spiritual movement at the same time.

Although it lasted only a short time, Shen Zhui felt like he was in a battle to win the title of king.

"Your Highness, have you been taught by King Zhao again?" Tanlang's figure appeared in the room.

"This is not a teaching..." Shen Zhui sighed. "I'm looking for abuse."

"Haha, this is what His Highness asked King Zhao for advice, no one else can blame him." Tanlang said with a smile. "Furthermore, although he was a little affected, His Highness's progress is quite good. The fifth level of the Venerable has actually stabilized. Some of the hidden dangers of breaking through too quickly in the past have also been eliminated by the prince."

"That's true." Feeling that he had recovered a little, Shen Zhui sat up.

Previously, he broke through to the third level of the Venerable. After a battle on the critical land, he broke through to the fourth level of the Venerable. However, that was due to the Black Turtle Pill made by the Deep Sea Black Turtle. The huge medicinal power took time to digest and consolidate the realm. But there was no chance at that time.

Later, he was sealed by a destiny decree from the Great Zhou Dynasty, and his cultivation level increased by another level.

Although Shen Zhui didn't notice anything wrong with his body, in the long run, this was not a good thing.

But now, King Zhao was like a sledge hammer, hammering down the foundation of this fat man.

It's just that the method is a little rough...

"I didn't expect the teacher to fight so fiercely. It was like fighting with someone..."

"Like a madman?" Tanlang took over.

Shen Zhui nodded in agreement.

"Back then, before the prince was granted the title of Marquis of Wu'an, he was known as Crazy Zhao." Tanlang said with a smile.

"Oh? What?" Shen Zhui became interested.

"The prince has entered the Nine Nether Realm three times." Tanlang recalled.

"For the first time, the prince was just a partial general under the command of King Liang, and his cultivation level was only at the peak of his magical power. However, he crossed the Canglan River with Dingwuhou and Shenjianhou and broke into a second-rate sect called 'Guanghai Sect'. sect."

"First, they destroyed the Guanghai Sect and looted everything from top to bottom. They also followed the passage from the Great Thousand World to the Jiuyou Realm, pursued them, and killed all the disciples of the Guanghai Sect."

"Hey~ are you so cruel? How did Guanghai Sect offend Teacher and the others?" Shen Zhui asked.

"I'm not sure about the details. I just heard that an elder from the Guanghai Sect offended the prince in the Blood Demon Battlefield and injured the then Divine Sword Master."

"I injured Shen Jianhou, but the teacher and the others wiped out the family?" Shen Zhui was speechless. He didn't expect that the teacher had such a bad temper when he was young. No wonder I always let myself drink tea and meditate, but half of it is meditating for myself.

"The second time he entered the Nine Nether Realm was when King Liang launched the King's War. He killed six holy envoys, all of whom were at the extreme Venerable level. The prince had just entered the seventh level of Venerable at that time."

"In that battle, King Liang was granted the title of king, and the prince was granted the title of Marquis of Wu'an. From then on, he became famous in West Antarctica!" Tanlang had a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Kill six holy envoys, and each one is at the limit of a venerable?" Shen Zhui was also stunned, it was simply terrifying. The Venerable Limit, why it is called the limit, is because its combat power is extremely powerful, almost reaching the limit that a normal Venerable can reach. But the teacher was able to kill the limit of six sages when he was at the seventh level.

Strong enough, crazy enough!

"The last time, the prince entered Liuhe Cave, it is said that it was because of a woman..." Tanlang was standing, but suddenly lost his voice.

"Kacha~" A soft sound came out, and Greedy Wolf's head suddenly bent strangely, as if an invisible hand had broken his neck.

"This, Greedy Wolf, you..." Shen Zhui was shocked and hurried over.

"Kakaka~" Tanlang held his head with both hands, slowly straightened it, and said with a wry smile and cupped his hands in the air. "I'm just talking too much. Thank you, Your Majesty, for your mercy."

"Hoo~" An invisible silhouette made of pure air appeared behind Greedy Wolf, and a big hand of air had just been lowered from Greedy's neck, full of chilling.

Shen Zhui obediently raised his hands on his chest.

Don't look at me, I don't, this is all greedy and has nothing to do with me.

Good boy, the teacher heard it, and I don’t want to suffer again.

"Huh!" A cold snort gradually faded away, leaving the two of them shivering in the cold wind, relatively speechless.

"Your Highness, it seems that we should stop talking about the prince's rumors in the future." Tanlang said with a bitter smile.

Shen Zhui nodded, convinced.


Three days later, the warship team finally flew outside Yiyang City.

This is the border between the Liang Kingdom and the Xiangshan Kingdom. As the capital of the Puppet Kingdom back then, Yiyang City was so large that it was almost half the size of Dayuan Prefecture.

This place does not belong to any feudal state and exists completely independently, because it has no use value at all and is not suitable for human habitation.

The lungs and fires burn all year round. Large areas here are deserts and extremely dry.

After entering Yiyang City, Shen Zhui could clearly feel the surrounding temperature rising sharply, even if he was on a warship with a barrier for defense.

"No wonder it's called the Extreme Flame Forbidden Land."

"Forget ordinary people, even if you come to the supernatural realm and live here for ten and a half months, people will go crazy." Shen Zhui frowned and glanced ahead.

What's even more weird is that half of the desert here is black.

There are no half-dead clouds in the sky, but they are not all blue, but black and blue. It was like a piece of rag that had been poked with countless big holes.

"Are there really Yang Jiajun guarding this place?" Shen Zhui couldn't help but be confused.

Eight hundred years have passed, and most of the flames have been reduced to this kind of climate. It is hard to imagine what kind of cruel conditions it would have been like eight hundred years ago.

If it were just after the war, it would be difficult for even the true gods to enter, right?

"Your Highness, someone is coming." Tanlang, who was standing next to Shen Zhui, pointed to a black spot in front of him.

"Huh? There really is someone!" Shen Zhui also looked over attentively and saw a figure in blue armor flying over the tall sand dunes in front of him and flying towards him.

Whoa~ Shen Zhui put two big flags, one gold and one purple, behind him and flew out of the warship.

The scorching hot air hit his face. Shen Zhui immediately frowned slightly and used his spiritual power to protect his body. However, he did not put on the armor, but wore the uniform of a mighty general.

As for the clothes of Marquis Wu, the imperial court has not distributed them yet, so you need to go to Beijing to wear them.

"The person coming here is the Yang family's guardian!" Shen Zhui stopped when he was about fifty miles away and shouted.

"Who are you!" A hoarse and dark dragon's voice sounded. "This is not the place you should come, so leave quickly. If you want to worship, you can go to the Xiangshan Border Town Temple."

"I am a former general under the command of King Zhao, and I have come here specifically to pay my respects." Shen Zhui did not lose his own identity, but directly took out the identity of King Zhao.

"King Zhao?" There was a trace of doubt in the other party's voice.

When Shen Zhui heard this, he knew that the messaging here might be a little behind.

But yes, in this extreme environment, population movement will not be too frequent. A one-time delivery will provide enough daily necessities for a long-term garrison.

Maybe once every six months, maybe once every few years.

"One month ago, the imperial court conquered the Jiuyou Realm. Wu'an Marquis Zhao Xing, Shenjian Hou Lanhe, and Dingwu Marquis Yan Kun broke the sectarian alliance. They recovered the last piece of land in West Antarctica and expanded the territory to eight thousand miles west of the Canglan River. "

"The Human Emperor conferred the title of King of Zhao on Marquis Wu'an. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. This time he went to Beijing to receive the title. He came here specially to pay his respects." Shen Zhui explained patiently. "If the visitor is from the Yang family, please show your identity quickly and lead the way."

"It turned out to be Marquis Wu'an, and he was granted the title of King of Zhao?" an old voice murmured to himself. He really didn't know the news. Since it was a guard cluster, he certainly didn't want the souls of his ancestors to be disturbed, so he only communicated with the outside world once every six months.

The blue figure looked at Shen Zhui and saw that he was indeed dressed as a general of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he had no special armor to protect himself. He could move freely in this harsh environment with only his own spiritual power to protect his body. It was obvious that only a master could do this. arrive.

Looking at the golden dragon warship in the distance, the blue figure cupped his hands and said: "I don't know if King Zhao is here, I have offended you. General, please wait for a moment and allow me to report."

Then, the blue figure turned around quickly and flew over the tall hills.After waiting for about half an hour, a large group of figures, about a hundred people, appeared on the other side of the tall hill, and they all came to greet them. The leader, a grey-white old man in black robe, bowed his hands towards Shen Zhui and said, "I am Yang Ruye, the guardian of the temple. I don't know if your distinguished guest is here, but I am not welcomed at a distance. Please forgive me." "Senior Yang, there is no need to say more. Courtesy." Shen Zhui bowed his hands politely. The opponent's aura is not weak, at least he is a high-level venerable. “Please follow me.” Yang Ruye stretched out her hand and immediately led the way.

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