I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 88: The place where the God King is refined!

"One day has passed outside, and a hundred days have passed here?"

"On the fifth floor of the Fire Star Prison, is the God King imprisoned?"

"The God Chain will continuously extract the imprisoned person's divine power. After the divine power dries up, it will be the life force, or even the soul?"

"Sky-swallowing giant spirits, star prison guards, obliterate all outsiders who are not imprisoned?"

Memories and information appeared in Shen Zhui's mind one after another, shocking Shen Zhui.

The first is the one to one hundred, terrifying time flow rate!

One to a hundred, what is this concept?

To redeem within the secret territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, even if it is to be redeemed by King Wu, you will need a very high contribution point to enjoy it.

And it is only for temporary use and generally not used more. First, I can't afford it.

Secondly, for the strong, a too high time flow rate is not an advantage, but a disadvantage!

"Master, the divine power here cannot be replenished, and the source is solidified, so there is basically no opportunity to break through."

"The terrifying speed of time is enough to make a respected person die of old age in a very short period of time!"

"Even a true god can only live for ten thousand years. Ten thousand years here, and only a hundred years have passed in the outside world! The Hidden God accidentally fell in fifty years ago, but here, he was imprisoned for five years. Thousands of years!" There was a hint of sadness in the eyes of the Hidden God. "I'm close to the end of my lifespan, and I will die here completely in less than a thousand years. That's why I risked my life to attack the master just now, in an attempt to take the master's body and leave..."

Phesis, who was listening in the distance, also showed a hint of pain.

Although he lives longer than Zangtian God, he also came in earlier!

Both of them are considered to be running out of time.

After hearing this, Shen Zhui couldn't help but shudder.

"The Human Emperor of the Huolu Dynasty is so ruthless. He created such a place, where the time flow rate is one to one hundred, so that these criminals can watch their divine power being drained and their vitality drained day by day. This kind of The pain is unimaginable.”

Without freedom, a long life is no longer a kind of enjoyment, but a torture!

"Why didn't the person who created this star prison just kill you? Could it be that all this trouble was just to make you suffer?" Shen Zhui asked doubtfully.

The time flow rate of one to one hundred is eternally fixed. You can imagine how much energy and how much material treasures are needed to create such a star prison.

If it was just to torture the prisoner, it would be too wasteful.

"Master, please take a look." Hidden God waved his hand, and the chains on his body began to dangle.

As the power of the Hidden God exploded, secret lines appeared on the chain. At the same time, the pale yellow planet was also constantly trembling.

Shen Zhui clearly felt that a large amount of Hidden God's divine power was draining away. In just a short while, it was already comparable to the previous battle, and it was almost exhausted.

But this force did not collapse. Instead, it spread along the God Chain, injected into the interior of the planet, and disappeared.

"Master, you understand why." Hidden God said with a sad face.

"You mean..." Shen Zhui's pupils shrank.

"That's right." Zangtian Shen said numbly. "The purpose of the Fire Star Prison is to extract the divine power, soul, and vitality of these powerful men, and then refine them into... Fire Source Crystal Diamond!"

"What?" Shen Zhui was shocked.

"No wonder this Fire Hell has existed for so many years, providing a steady stream of energy."

"No wonder, when absorbing the Fire Source Crystal Diamond, you will receive different types of will shocks."

"The Huolu Dynasty spent so much effort to transform the cultivation of these powerful men for their own use!"

After understanding this principle, Shen Zhui couldn't help but feel emotional and lamented the ambition of the Huolu Renhuang.

If you kill a strong person, you will get nothing, and it will also cost your own strength.

But creating such a star prison can refine powerful people and continuously produce extremely precious fire source crystal diamonds!

Use the Fire Source Crystal Diamond to feed back your own strong men!

In this way, the Huolu Dynasty's army can be maintained with sufficient combat effectiveness, and new geniuses and strong men can be continuously produced!

"It's a big deal, it's really a big deal." Shen Zhui sighed with emotion.

Although he knew this principle, Shen Zhui was still extremely eager for the Fire Source Crystal Diamond. For people of their level and mind, absorbing the Fire Source Crystal Diamond would not cause any psychological obstacles.

After all, demons are also living beings. Isn’t it normal to absorb the demon’s inner elixir?

The weak prey on the strong, which has been the case since ancient times!

However, the Huolu Dynasty found a way to truly realize it.

"Roar~" At this moment, a heart-stopping roar came from the depths of the Starry Sky Bridge.

Feisis and Zangtian God both showed fear, and Shen Zhui suddenly stared over there with vigilance.

"What?" Shen Zhui asked.

"I don't know." Zangtian said. "As soon as we entered, we were trapped by the God Chain and never left anywhere else."

"It's the God King!" Feisis snorted coldly. "You are of a low level and cannot feel it, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that it must be the God King who can transmit the sound here through the barriers between the layers of the Star Prison."

"Can't the God King escape from the Fire Star Prison?" Shen Zhui was slightly shocked.

"Not to mention the realm of the God King, even if the emperor enters this hell of fire, he will still have to shed his skin!" Feisis snorted coldly. "Boy, you come from the Great Thousand World. How strong the Human Emperor of Zhou is, you can imagine how strong the Human Emperor Huo Lu is."

"The artifacts created by each generation of human emperors are extremely powerful. For example, the virtual god realm of your Great Zhou Dynasty is also extremely mysterious. Even the god kings cannot see through it and cannot influence it."

"The same is true for this Fire Hell!"

Shen Zhui was slightly stunned: "You actually know Da Zhou?"

"Of course." Physics said proudly. "Once upon a time, I saw your Great Zhou Renhuang. He was an extremely great being, stronger than any life form I have ever seen."

"Humph, that won't change my mind about killing you." Shen Zhui snorted coldly.

This Phesis deliberately got close to him, probably because he wanted him to spare his life.

However, how could Shen Zhui be swayed by this temptation?

"You!" Physics said coldly. "Then give it a try."

"No rush, just wait." Shen Zhui ignored Feisis and continued to ask the God of Hidden Heaven.

"What kind of existence is the sky-swallowing giant spirit?"

"Although the Fire Star Prison is dilapidated, most of its functions are complete." Zangtian said. "Since it is a prison, there are naturally guards inside."

"And this sky-swallowing giant spirit is the guard in this fire hell."

"They are patrollers and predators!"

"Once someone is found to have broken free of the God Chain, they will be captured and killed immediately."

"However, they are generally active on the fourth floor and above, and rarely appear on the lower three floors."

"At least in the past five thousand years, I have never seen it once. I only heard people mention it when I was outside."

Shen Zhui nodded and said, "Then do you know how powerful this sky-swallowing giant spirit is?"

"I don't know." Hidden God shook his head. "There is a God King on the fourth floor. I estimate that this sky-swallowing giant spirit is at least at the top true god level. Only by cooperating with the magic circle in the Star Prison can the God King be restrained."

"There's more than one sky-swallowing giant spirit?" Shen Zhui was slightly surprised.

"More than that." Hidden God shook his head.

"Master, don't go to the fourth floor, and don't get caught by the God Chain."

"Some God Chains will actively attack outsiders. If you are tied up by it... then it will be too late."


At this point, Shen Zhui had a rough understanding of the Fire Hell.

This fire hell has nine floors in total.

Starting from the fourth level, there are god kings being imprisoned.

All the way to the ninth floor, the higher the level, the stronger the imprisoned people are!

There are three dangers lingering inside this star prison.

One is the God-locking chain. The God-locking chain on an ownerless planet will actively attack outsiders.

The second is the trapped strong men. After all, they have suffered endless years. Their personalities may have become extreme long ago, and they are also eager to get out.

The third is the sky-devouring giant spirit, which is the guard in this fire hell, but they will basically appear on the fourth floor and above.

As for the rest, Shen Zhui only knew so much for the time being.

"I hope Huang Jingyu is on the third floor." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

Whichever vortex channel you fall from will usually appear on which floor.

However, this star prison is no longer perfect, and it is hard to say.

If Huang Jingyu is not on the third floor, it will be troublesome.

Shen Zhui was not going to risk his life or death for a favor from Tuo Sen.

"Have you ever seen this person?" Shen Zhui waved his hand, and a curtain of light suddenly appeared in front of him. Above is a woman with a hot body and a peerless face, but her expression is very fierce, as if everyone owes her money.

Huang Jingyu also entered this hell of fire about fifty years ago. He is at the peak of his venerable status. If he is cautious, does not fight, and has supplies, he will have no problem living for eight or nine thousand years.

However, Huang Jingyu has been here for five thousand years, and Shen Zhui has given up hope of finding her.

What's more, Huang Jingyu is only a peak venerable, and it may be difficult to survive on the third level of the True Gods everywhere.

"I haven't seen it." Sure enough, Shen Zhui was disappointed by Zangtian Shen's answer.

"Humph, you can't protect yourself, but you still want to save others." Physics said sarcastically. "Even if she is here, she must be trapped by the God Chain. Can you save her?"

Shen Zhui ignored Feisis, but looked down at the eight divine chains on Zangtian God.

"Don't move." Shen Zhui took a deep breath and held one of the chains with one hand.

After that, I immediately exerted my strength!

The 15,000-fold increase in the cave sky and the 8,000-fold increase in the divine body all exploded instantly!

"Drink!" Shen Zhui's eyes widened angrily, and his hands suddenly tugged.

"Buzz~" The secret pattern appeared on the chain, and the Hidden God showed pain.

After a moment, Shen Zhui let go of his hand.

"If I pull it away, even a sixth-level elementary magic weapon will be torn apart by me."

"And this chain actually didn't move at all, not affected at all..." Shen Zhui frowned slightly.

"It's useless." Hidden God shook his head. "Even the God King can't escape, so Master doesn't have to worry."

"That's not necessarily the case." Shen Zhui was not discouraged and took action a second time.

This time, the merit barrier is activated!

"Kakaka~" Under the dull gaze of the Hidden God, the secret pattern on the chain actually broke inch by inch, and at the same time, one of the chains was also torn off!

"Ding, 100 million good deeds will be deducted!" A prompt sounded.

"What?" Shen Zhui was also slightly stunned. "One hundred million good deeds have to be deducted! Just one second of effort..."

Originally, he had accumulated nearly 800 million good deeds on the Nine Hells Continent.

But now, in just one second, 100 million people disappeared.

This is still the third level. The level of the God Locking Chain only locks the mid-level true god Zang Tian Shen.

There are still seven roots left!

"Master, you, you, you..." Zangtian Shen stared at Shen Zhui with a feverish expression.

"This, this..." Physics looked at it from a distance, also dumbfounded.

He never thought that someone could destroy the God Chain.

To be able to destroy the third level of the God Chain, one must at least be at the God King level, right?

However, a venerable man actually did it!

"You, how did you do that!" Feisis stared at Shen Zhui.

"Humph, do you think I can say that?" Shen Zhui looked at Feisis as if he were a fool.

"You..." Feisis's face turned red, but he did not dare to offend Shen Zhui. This golden three-headed lion who was close to the high-level true god suddenly said: "You, you help me out."

"As long as you help me get out and return to the clan, I, the Golden Lion Clan, will definitely give you a generous reward!"

Shen Zhui remained unmoved.

"I'll give you a seventh-level top-grade magic weapon!"

Shen Zhui still ignored it.

"I am willing to be a slave!" Physics roared. "As long as you can take me out..."

"I said, if I want to kill you, I will definitely kill you!" Shen Zhui snorted coldly.



Above the dark red planet.

A golden lion kept roaring, and its body was pierced by eight mysterious chains.

Opposite him, there was a young man in black uniform, holding a purple sword, constantly attacking Fesis.

The golden lion roared again and again. As a strong man who is extremely close to the top true god and a higher race in the universe, every attack of the golden lion is extremely clever.

And the opponent is not weak either. Although he is only at the peak of the Venerable, Shen Zhui's current combat power can completely defeat the high true god!

The only thing to be afraid of is the time and space reversal of the Golden Lion.

"Bang bang bang!" The golden lion's body was cut off with a knife.

With the passage of time and the constant loss of divine power, Feixis was fighting on two fronts. On the one hand, he had to resist the attack and absorption of the God Chain, and on the other hand, he had to deal with the monster Shen Zhui.

One after another, the divine body was finally destroyed by Shen Zhui.

There is the first time, there is the second time, countless times...

An hour later, the fierce Shen Zhui returned to the Zangtian God, holding a lion's head in his hand.

By killing Fesis, Shen Zhui gained 300 million good deeds. Good deeds return to the billion mark!

"Master!" The Cangtian God looked at Shen Zhui with admiration. Although endless years had made him closely related to Phesis, he had no mercy at all at this moment.

"Hidden God, I can't save you." Shen Zhui shook his head. "Why don't I help you get rid of it."

"Master." Zang Tian Shen was slightly stunned, but quickly said firmly. "Thank you, Master, for your support."

"Death!" Shen Zhui thought in his mind, and Zangtian God died immediately. As a slave, this guy couldn't resist Shen Zhui at all.

After killing the Hidden God, 200 million good deeds were obtained. And the God Chain suddenly retracted to the planet.

But at this time, the chain of gods on the planet Phesis actually reappeared, targeting Shen Zhui.

"Suosuo~" The speed of the God Chain was extremely fast, and it arrived in front of Shen Zhui in almost the blink of an eye.

"Run!" Shen Zhui opened his realm, suppressed the rules on the chain, and fled into the distance.

Swish swish swish~

Back on the Starry Sky Bridge, the chain lost its target and suddenly retracted slowly - it had reached its limit length.

"Fortunately, I got rid of it." Shen Zhui shook his head. Although he would not necessarily die even if he was trapped by the God Chain, breaking free would require good deeds.

Now there are only 1.2 billion good deeds left, and we don’t know what kind of risks we have to deal with. Of course we have to be sparing.

"Shen Zhui, don't be careless. If you get locked, it's over." Zen Xin reminded.

"I know." Shen Zhui nodded.

"Hurry up and finish ten kills and leave this hellish place." Zen said with a trembling heart. "I always feel like something is wrong here. The place where the God King is refined... hiss, it's too scary."

"Yeah." Shen Zhui nodded, gathered his breath, and walked away.


On the bridge of the endless starry sky, a black shadow kept jumping.

Shen Zhui was extremely cautious. He only walked in the middle of the Starry Sky Bridge, and carefully spread his consciousness to the surrounding hundreds of miles.

In this way, even if there is movement, you can detect it immediately.

On both sides of the Starry Sky Bridge, at intervals, there is a planet.

However, along the way Shen Zhui walked, there were no more people on many planets.

I think he either died or no one was caught in the Fire Hell.

After all, the powerful people in the outside world are not fools. They know that the Fire Hell is dangerous, so they will not jump in foolishly.

Only when the Star Prison swallows energy, temporary hell vortexes appear out of thin air, and some unlucky ghosts will be imprisoned.

Walking and checking all the way, looking for Huang Jingyu's figure, Shen Zhui soon discovered the third imprisoned strong man, but he was just a guy at the peak of his venerable status.

"Poof!" A quarter of an hour later, Shen Zhui killed him and returned to the Starry Sky Bridge.

The number of good deeds has also increased from 1.2 billion to 1.29 billion.

"This is a good place for good deeds." Shen Zhui smiled slightly. Find bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.com


Kill all the way, go all the way...

With Shen Zhui's current state, he would basically have no problem dealing with those below the high level True God.

As for the third level, the golden lion was a little more difficult to deal with. After that, no more powerful characters appeared.


"Poof!" Shen Zhui put away his sword. In front of him, a foreigner with two horns on his head and three barbs on his back fell down.

"The eighth one." Shen Zhui stared around. "Still not found."

"The mission is completed, I will sweep this third floor aside."

"If you haven't found it yet, you can't blame me." Shen Zhui muttered and continued to move forward.

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