I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 103: It’s 4…

The moment when the Golden Lizard King was thrown into the jaws of the magical beast Haechi.

A golden light fell down and enveloped the Golden Lizard King.

But the process was not smooth.

When the golden light fell over the head of the Golden Lizard King, there was a brief pause.

As the Golden Lizard King at the pinnacle of the True God, even if he binds himself to his divine body, his life level is higher than that of the Demon Water King.

As a prince, the maximum range of the magic beasts that can be summoned is the peak level of the True God.

The powerful ones at higher levels, such as the True God's Limit, are invincible, and even the magic beasts invited by the prince have no right to interrogate them.

Because these strong men are the foundation of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and as the saying goes, power cannot be granted lightly, it is impossible for the Human Emperor to allow the prince to have such great power.

As for the God-King who is above, there is no way to judge him.

The golden light fell, and everyone held their breath. Staring at the figure of the Golden Lizard King.

The realm of the Golden Lizard King, the luck that the king occupies. Let it have a certain amount of resistance when facing this magical beast.

The success or failure of questioning is somewhere between five and five, it all depends on how firm the Golden Lizard King is.

If he can't bear it, he will say anything.

"Buzz~" After shaking for a while, the golden light finally successfully enveloped the Golden Lizard King's body.

Shen Zhui was also secretly frightened when he saw this: "It seems that this magical beast is still a little reluctant. If I had known better, I should have severely injured the Golden Lizard King."

If the Golden Lizard King is hit hard, the resistance will naturally become lower.

This is like interrogating ordinary prisoners. They were all die-hards when they were first arrested, but after the three-way board was knocked down and they were tortured to the point of mental and physical exhaustion, they all resorted to anything.

In this state, Shen Zhui didn't know whether he was successful or not, so he had no choice but to step forward for interrogation.

"King Golden Lizard, King Yao Shui has identified you as her accomplice and the mastermind of the Demon Burial Valley disaster. Can you plead guilty?!"

"I, plead guilty." The Golden Lizard King's body trembled with a look of repentance on his face.

"Very good." Shen Zhui rolled his eyes and immediately took advantage of the situation to pursue him: "Since you have confessed, please ask the magic beast to deprive you of the title of king."

"Wait a minute!" A man walked out from beside the Fourth Prince Ji Dan and shouted.

"Who are you? Do you know what the crime of interfering with the trial is?" Shen Zhui stared at the other party coldly.

A fat official who came out was not afraid of Shen Zhui. He cupped his hands and said, "I am the chief officer of the Supervision Department and Prison, Hou Zhengde. According to the law, if there is any inappropriateness in the trial process, I have the right to correct it!"

"Then you should tell me what is wrong with me, Hou Zhengde, if you can't explain why, you will also have a share of Xie Zhi's rations!" Shen Zhui shouted.

Hou Zhengde's body trembled, and when he looked into Shen Zhui's eyes, he seemed to feel like he was being seen through.

However, he quickly returned to normal and continued: "Don't get me wrong, Lord Champion. It is not my duty to judge you unfairly, but I want to remind Lord Champion whether the interrogation has been completed."

"Of course not." Shen Zhui sneered.

"If not, then you can't deprive him of his title!" Hou Zhengde said.

Shen Zhui looked at the other party deeply.

He originally wanted to deprive the Golden Lizard King of his title and then interrogate him. Without the position of prince and the protection of luck, the Golden Lizard King will completely lose his resistance and let others manipulate him. Whatever they want to ask him, he will honestly confide in him.

This is to prevent someone from tampering with the Golden Lizard King's soul.

For example, when he was lurking in the Jiuyou Realm, a spy was interrogated, but when he was searching for the soul, a magical power directly impacted the soul, causing the enemy to collect nothing.

Shen Zhui didn't know if this kind of protection mechanism existed in the true god's soul.

But judging from Ji Dan's steady appearance, there is a high chance that it is possible.

As for the news about Ji Dan, once asked, I am afraid that he will immediately receive some kind of 'protection' and automatically fuse and take effect.

But if you are deprived of the royal title and the blessing of luck, even if you have it, it will become nothing.

Interrogating the Great Zhou Golden Lizard King and interrogating a peak true god are two different concepts.

"What a pity..." The people on Ji Chen's side expressed both regret and admiration.

It's a pity that this "cut first and then show off" trick was actually seen through.

What is emotional is that Shen Zhui, a military general, actually thought of the method of 'depriving the king of his title' before most civil servants. If he succeeds, he may be able to find out a lot of unfavorable news about the Fourth Prince Ji Dan.

But now, it is no longer possible.

If the king is deprived of his title, the magical beast will immediately swallow the Golden Lizard King.

The Golden Lizard King is dead, but this mutiny case was stopped at his level.

If the king is not deprived of his title, then he may not be able to find out those secrets through questioning.

This is the helplessness of the civil officials, or the laws of the Zhou Dynasty.

They tried their best to restrict the strong ones among the generals, but these strong ones had certain metaphorical privileges and were also those who participated in making laws.

After all, the founding time of the country was too short, only more than 800 years.

After all, there is no way to achieve perfection.

Shen Zhui was not disappointed.

If the Fourth Prince Ji Dan didn't have anyone with this talent under his command, he probably wouldn't be able to fight against the Seventh Prince Ji Chen.

"A peak true god, a top true god, just want to exchange my master's life? It's too simple!" Shen Zhui sneered in his heart and continued the interrogation.

"Golden Lizard King, besides commanding Demon Water King, who else do you have?"

"King Peichuan, Yu Ming is his disciple, responsible for attracting Lu Yuanwei and Lan Hai to the Demon Burial Valley."

Another shocking news.

The officials and powerful men present were in an uproar.

"I didn't expect that King Peichuan was also the mastermind of this matter."


"These three are now crowned kings, it's incredible..."

"The trend of seizing the direct descendants is becoming more and more serious."

Many officials and powerful people were talking about it, and many people could understand some other meanings from this incident.

Putting aside the Golden Lizard King, King Peichuan and King Yaoshui are both people who are closely related to the fourth prince Ji Dan.

It is self-evident to whom this matter is directed.

"If I keep asking, I'm afraid there will be a big disaster..." Blade King Li Ying murmured to himself.

With the deduction of his divine mind at the limit of his True God, he was naturally able to guess many things through this short inquiry.

On the surface, this matter is not too big, and only three venerables are involved.

But in fact, Lu Yuanwei is Shen Zhui's master, and Yu Ming is King Peichuan's apprentice.

Shen Zhui is a popular figure under Ji Chen.

King Peichuan, King Jinliu, and King Yaoshui are the generals under Ji Dan.

"The millennium is approaching, and for the sake of the crown prince's position, I'm afraid I can't bear it anymore." The Blade King felt an undercurrent surging.

Many people are thinking about their respective positions.

The impact of this incident will definitely be considerable!

"Who else instigated this besides King Peichuan!"

"True God of Swords and Crossbows, True God of Silver Leaves." The names of two more people.

As soon as these two names came out, there were two true gods in Ji Dan's team, and their faces immediately turned pale.

Swish, swish, everyone’s eyes were focused on these two high-level true gods.

Shen Zhui smiled, this Golden Lizard King was indeed 'valuable'. It was two more true gods, and these two people actually came to the scene without running away.

"Pu Xin, Jiao Luan!" Ji Chen shouted immediately.

"I'm here!" Two people walked out next to Ji Chen. Their auras are huge, and they are all top true gods.

"Take these two people down immediately!" Ji Chen raised his hand.

"Yes." The two top true gods immediately rushed towards the two alien gods, Sword Crossbow and Silver Leaf.

"Your Highness, save me!" The expressions of the two aliens changed dramatically and they hurriedly looked at Ji Dan.

Ji Dan was furious, and suddenly a huge dragon head flew out from his body. "How dare you do such a thing without telling me, you will die!"

"Ah——" The dragon head quickly flew to Jiannu and Yinye and swallowed them in one gulp.


Both form and spirit are destroyed.

"So ruthless." Seeing this scene, Shen Zhui couldn't help but admire Ji Dan's ruthlessness.

The two true gods had no use value and were killed as soon as they were told.

"Seventh brother, Brother Wang is satisfied with how he handled it!" Ji Dan stared at Ji Chen with a cold face.

"Brother Wang is also Zuo Sizheng of the Supervision Department. There is nothing wrong with it being handled by Brother Wang." Ji Chen said with a smile. "Brother Wang always does things cleanly and fairly, and he also enforces the law fairly when he treats his own people. I admire him."

Hearing these profound words, Ji Dan's face turned gloomy.

Shen Zhui did not pester them. It would be useless to capture these two people. There was no hope of asking anything from them. It would be easier to kill them.

After a brief pause, Shen Zhui continued to torture the Golden Lizard King.

"Besides what happened in Demon Burial Valley, what other evil things have you done?"

"King Golden Lizard, how did you get in touch with King Yaoshui and King Peichuan?"

"King Golden Lizard, you fifty-six years ago..."

"Golden Lizard King..."

Asked again and again.

Shen Zhui never touches the real core issue, which is - who is the Golden Lizard King instigating?

He wanted to use this method of cutting flesh with a soft knife to squeeze out the last bit of value from the Golden Lizard King.

At the same time, it was also to break down the Golden Lizard King’s defenses.

Under questioning, the golden lizard king's body was eroded, and he got closer and closer to the magical beast's mouth.

This means that his secrets are gradually being unearthed, and his resistance is getting lower and lower.

At this moment, the Golden Lizard King wished he could die immediately...


Shen Zhui interrogated the Golden Lizard King, which lasted for a long time.

For such a long time, many people have paid attention to the Demon Burial Valley.

Especially in the secret realm, the incident involving two Wuhou commanders and involving several feudal kings immediately aroused great concern.

The secret realm of heaven and earth, in the palace of the God King.

In the vast golden ocean, a palace floats.

In the circular palace, the figure of King Jianhuang appeared in front of the magnificent palace.

"Jianhuang asks to see King Ali!" King Jianhuang said respectfully.

Before he could get closer, a deep voice came from the palace.

"Jianhuang, what's the matter?"

"God King, in my secret realm, two geniuses were assassinated. They are still alive and dead. This happened in the secret realm of Demon Burial Valley in Tianyao Continent. It was done by the Golden Lizard King, Peichuan King, and Yaoshui King." King Jianhuang quickly said He said, "Then the two princes..."

King Jianhuang finished narrating the whole incident and respectfully waited for the reply from King Ali.

God King Ali, one of the masters of the God King Palace, has a high status and strong strength, and can be regarded as an invincible existence among the God Kings.

He was entrusted by Ji Chen to inform him of the matter. Because Shen chased King Jianhuang to extradite him into the secret realm.

He is considered a genius in the lineage of God King Ali.

After a while, the voice came out.

"I understand. When this is over, you can bring Shen Zhui to see me."


Tianyao Continent, over the Demon Burial Valley.

The long interrogation tortured the mind of the Golden Lizard King, as well as everyone around the two princes.

After asking again and again, the answers given by the Golden Lizard King were shocking.

Shen Zhui almost drained the value of the Golden Lizard King, leaving no trace of mercy.


When Shen Zhui repeated it a second time and got the same answer, he realized that there wasn't much useful information.

"King Golden Lizard, why did you assassinate Lu Yuanwei and Lan Hai."

"Who on earth ordered you to do this! Answer me!"

Boom ~ Like a thunder, resounding in people's hearts.

Shen Zhui, after all, he still didn’t show any mercy to Ji Dan!

Everyone was shocked and looked at the Golden Lizard King!

When this sentence was asked, the Golden Lizard King struggled violently.

"Buzz~" Layers of golden light were superimposed, and the Golden Lizard King's expression became extremely painful. There seemed to be something violently resisting.

After a while, the Golden Lizard King slowly spit out two words.

"It's four..."

Everyone took a breath!

My heart was almost in my throat.

At this moment, Ji Dan moved the ring on his thumb without leaving any trace.

The green wrench gave off a faint light.

"I want to do this myself." A hint of green flashed in the Golden Lizard King's eyes. "No one else's business."

"Huh?" Shen Zhui couldn't help but ask again.

However, the answer given by the Golden Lizard King was still...

"No one is instructing me, I am the one in charge!"

This result disappointed many people.

Shen Zhui was also a little disappointed, but this had achieved the effect he wanted.

Of all this recorded, the first two words spoken by the Golden Lizard King are the key points.

Is it four?

There is no doubt that the direction is clear.

Although he changed his mind in the end.

But anyone who cares can probably understand the reason.

After all, the Golden Lizard King's soul has an extremely powerful protection mechanism.

However, the suspicion of the fourth prince Ji Dan could not be removed no matter what.

After asking a few more times, seeing that the Golden Lizard King had not changed his mind, Shen Zhui stopped pestering him.

If you want to overthrow Ji Dan, relying on just one Golden Lizard King is still a little short of success.

But this time, Ji Dan lost more than ten True God disciples, and even one True God peak, and two top True Gods, which is already a huge victory!

"Take away the king's title!" Shen Zhui looked at the magical beast coldly.

"Bang!" The magical beast swallowed the Golden Lizard King in one gulp.

The soul is destroyed.

At this point, this trial has finally come to an end.

"Brother Wang, are you satisfied with this result?" Ji Chen looked at Ji Dan indifferently. "My dear brother, I really want to ask Brother Wang, what does the Golden Lizard King mean by 'it's four'."

Ji Dan's face turned red, and the fists under his sleeves turned white.

"Seventh brother, we will definitely meet again."

"Next time, Brother Wang will definitely answer your questions!!"

Ji Dan groaned, threw his hands and flew back to his golden dragon warship.

After returning to the Golden Dragon Warship.

Ji Dan's face flushed.


After the warship set off, Ji Dan finally couldn't bear it any longer and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Your Highness..." Fan Hongyi suddenly exclaimed and quickly stepped forward to support Ji Dan.

"Shen Zhui!!" His face was pale and veins popped out.

The dignified fourth prince was actually chased by a small lord, Shen, and was forced to this point. He almost lost everything. This was a huge blow to him!

What a huge shame!

Ji Dan couldn't bear it. It would be fine if he lost to Ji Chen. There was no shame in not being able to protect the Demonic Water King, but in front of many officials, Shen Zhui actually nailed the Golden Lizard King to death, implicating so many people and losing a lot of his manpower. It was really hard for him to accept this fact.

How esteemed is his position and how noble is his bloodline?

The son of the Human Emperor, the prince who is most likely to become the heir apparent... Ever since he was a child, he was the only one who took life and death from others. Unexpectedly, today, his majesty would be wiped out and he would be trampled under his feet by Shen Zhui.

Not only was the Golden Lizard King not saved, but he also made a mess of himself!

It is conceivable that after this, his fourth prince's reputation and influence among the courtiers will be greatly weakened!


After the Demon Burial Valley incident came to an end, Shen Zhui boarded Ji Chen's golden dragon warship.

"The Golden Lizard King is dead, and the Demon Water King of Peichuan has been killed. This also eliminates the hidden danger of you pretending to be the Demon Palace to kill King Peichuan."

"This time, Brother Wang's men have lost troops and generals. At this critical moment, his reputation has plummeted. I am afraid that many strong neutrals will fall to our side."

"Father only looks at the essence of things. No matter what Ji Dan does or doesn't do, he will inevitably end up with improper employment and incompetence."

"Shen Zhui, this time, you gave me a big surprise!" Ji Chen laughed and looked at Shen Zhui.

"It's a pity that we couldn't pry the information about the Fourth Prince from the Golden Lizard King." Shen Zhui said with slight regret.

Although the results are good, there are still some flaws.

"It's a pity that I don't have the strength to bring down Ji Dan all at once. Even the Seventh Prince has not done such a big thing..."

However, how can things in this world be perfect?

It’s pretty good to have such a big harvest this time.

"Haha." Ji Chen laughed. "If it were that simple, Fourth Brother wouldn't have been in the capital for hundreds of years."

"However, you are performing so well now, so you must be careful of my fourth brother doing anything crazy."

"I understand." Shen Zhui nodded.

Ji Dan was offended to death by himself.

Moreover, at the peak of his venerable status, he possesses the peak combat power of a true god. Now Ji Dan is probably eager to get rid of him.

"Go back and treat your master and Lan Hai first," Ji Chen said. "Eternal Tears can only freeze the vitality. If you want to cure it, you have to find another way."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"Hoo~" The golden dragon warship quickly flew towards the secret world.


Just after Shen Zhui walked out of the Demon Burial Valley, the news about what happened here suddenly spread like crazy. People from all walks of life inside and outside the capital, inside and outside the secret area, suddenly started to boil!

The Golden Lizard King, Yaoshui King, and Peichuan King were beheaded.

Even the fourth prince Ji Dan did not stop the success.

Moreover, the fourth prince almost fell into it.

This news was so shocking. As soon as the results came out, officials and powerful men quickly told each other's friends, like crazy, one after another summoned the news!

"What?! Shen Zhui actually killed the Golden Lizard King and the Demonic Water King in front of the fourth prince!"

When the figures received this news, they suddenly felt a little unbelievable. Ji Dan led so many strong men to rush over, and was actually defeated by Shen Zhui.

"Is this serious? Is it really Shen Zhui?!"

When the news reached Longteng Continent, Gao Luo almost couldn't even hold his spear steady.

The interrogation is secondary, the important point is that Shen Zhui actually has the combat power of a peak true god!

How long has it been? !

"It's amazing..." Gao Luo sighed.


After returning to the secret world, everything in the Virtual God Realm exploded.

Many people wrote in and asked.

But at this time, Shen Zhui ignored them all.

Machiavellian tactics are easy to think but difficult to implement. Only strength is the foundation.

If he had the strength of a god king, then Ji Dan might not show up at all and let these chess pieces be discarded.

"Shen Zhui." King Jianhuang appeared outside Longteng Palace.

King Jianhuang is one of the few people who can directly enter Longteng Palace without notification.

"King Jianhuang." Shen Zhui raised his hand.

"Well done." King Jian Huang said with a smile. "That's it. Sometimes you can show your strength appropriately and hurt people so that others won't dare to bully you."

"But Master, what is it..." Shen Zhui shook his head.

"That's exactly why I came here." King Jianhuang said. "God King Ali wants to see you."

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