I Can Extract Abilities From Antiques

1. Extract Antique Ability System

Hu Muzhi opened his eyes in a daze, and what he saw was a small crowded room.

He was lying on a wooden bed.

The surrounding environment is not to mention the old, but also exudes a tide.

"Where is this?"

Hu Muzhi got up from the bed suspiciously and looked around.

Soon, he saw 'self' in the mirror.

It was a young man of about twenty-five or six years old.

Although his face is clean and fresh, there is a silver thread that does not match his age.

"This... this is not me!!"

Hu Muzhi touched his face with trembling hands.

Just when Hu Muzhi didn't know how he changed his face, a mass of memories flooded into his mind.

"Hu Muzhi, 25 years old, junior high school culture, former member of the cultural relic restoration factory of the Beijing Museum, has been dismissed..."

As his memory became clearer, Hu Muzhi finally figured out his current situation.

I was reborn and came to 1991.

The owner of this body is also called Hu Muzhi.

The shepherd of Yanzhou, Cao Cao, the shepherd of Yuzhou, and Liu Bei all became kings.

The name "Muzhi" is nothing more than the meaning of the father's desire for the son to become a great thing.

In the 1950s, the Jingcheng Museum set up a new cultural relics repair group, and invited some traditional and skilled craftsmen from various places to enter the palace.

These craftsmen were all well-known restoration experts at the time, and Hu Muzhi's grandfather was one of them.

In the 1960s, Hu Muzhi's grandfather retired, and his father took over his grandfather's restoration work in the Beijing Museum.

It had a very special name at the time, Succession.

Due to health reasons, Hu Muzhi's father worked in the restoration factory for only 20 years before he retired from illness. After that, Hu Muzhi, who was only fourteen years old, took over.

Although it was a succession, at that time, in order to become a regular worker, the team leader needed to submit an application for regularization to the superior, and then it was approved by the leader.

But in the past ten years, every time Hu Muzhi was submitted for a regularization order, he was notified to be transferred from his post.

From the ceramics group to the calligraphy and painting group, from the calligraphy and painting group to the jade group, from the jade to the miscellaneous group...

You must know that in the antique industry, every category depends on time to feed, and a sudden transfer means starting from scratch.

At first, Hu Muzhi didn't think much about it, thinking that it was the leaders who were sharpening themselves.

But after many times, Hu Muzhi felt that someone was deliberately targeting him, no matter how stupid he was.

It took half a month's salary to invite a leader of the unit to have a meal.

After three rounds of drinking, he finally let him know the answer through the method of side-by-side.

It turned out that my father offended a leader of the museum when he was in office.

The leader is throwing his anger on himself.

It is impossible not to be angry.

But the other party is a leader after all, and his arms can't twist his thighs.

Hu Muzhi can only hold his anger deep in his heart, hoping that through his own hard work, he will become a positive person as soon as possible.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed, and he has stayed in all categories of the museum.

When he was thinking about the reasons why the leader could not give him a regular status, he was directly dismissed by the unit on the grounds that his education was too low.

In order not to worry his parents, Hu Muzhi never dared to tell his family about his dismissal.

Without telling them, they lived in a large courtyard outside the Third Ring Road.

Be prepared to wait until you have made some achievements.

God does not fulfill one's wishes.

Everywhere in life hit a wall and the sudden departure of his girlfriend finally overwhelmed the teenager who originally had a dream.

So there was a scene of his own rebirth.

Just as Hu Muzhi digested the memory in his mind, a cold mechanical sound suddenly sounded.

[Ding, the system for extracting antique abilities begins to bind. 】

"Who is speaking?"

[Ding, the extraction of the antique ability system is successfully bound. 】

The cold mechanical sound resounded again.

And this time, Hu Muzhi also understood that the source of the voice came from his own mind.


Not only does he have the plug-in of past life memory, but he also has the golden finger of the system.

Who would think too much of this plug-in?

After calming down his excitement, Hu Muzhi said.

"System, what is your role?"

[The ability to extract antiques, as the name suggests, means that the host can extract the corresponding abilities on the antiques by storing the antiques in the Void Ring for seven days. 】

[The level of ability depends on the type, value and rarity of the antique. 】

"Void Ring?"

As soon as Hu Muzhi was suspicious, he saw a flash of white light in front of him, and then, a simple ring appeared in front of Hu Muzhi's eyes.

Hu Muzhi took it subconsciously.

Just the moment his hand touched the ring, Hu Muzhi felt his consciousness enter a void space.

This space can only be described with one word.


The kind that can't see the edge.

"Is this the inner space of the Void Ring?" Hu Muzhi asked in astonishment.

This turned his eyes to an old wooden chair beside him, and his mind moved.

The wooden chair disappeared out of thin air, and then appeared in the inner space of the void ring.

[Ding, antiques, cultural relics left over from ancient times, including handed down items and unearthed items, are regarded as the epitome of human civilization and history. 】

[This wooden chair is a modern product and does not meet the conditions of an antique, so the ability cannot be extracted from it. 】

Hearing this, Hu Muzhi's face changed from worry to joy.

Because this void ring can store other things in addition to antiques, and can even indirectly help him identify the authenticity of antiques.

Xiongguan Mandao is really like iron, and now it is more and more from the beginning.

With the arrival of the last decade of the 20th century, the Dragon Kingdom also welcomed a new generation of citizens.

This is a new and lucky generation.

The wolf smoke war is a distant past.

Hunger and cold have also become a thing of the past.

The teenagers here don't have to bear the burden of history and psychological burden.

Allowed by the times, they went into battle lightly and entered the prosperous world.

Compared with the hardships faced by the seniors, the teenagers looked up at the sky, and the sky was almost clear.

Step forward, all the way in the distance.

It is this impending prosperous age that makes the collection, which is only an elegant affair of emperors, generals, and wealthy businessmen, into the homes of ordinary people.

ps: The new book set sail, please support! ! ! ! ! !

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