I Can Extract Abilities From Antiques

178. Since you can't figure it out, you can't refuse

Hu Muzhi read the letter.

Hello Mr. Hu.

Zifeng divided a painting into two and sold it because he had no way to discipline him.

To express our apology, we present the second half volume of Lan Ying's imitation of Li Tang's "Autumn Landscape Landscape", Wang ~ Mr. Haihan.

Sincerely, Tiny Herb.

Although the number of words in the letter is small, the font is neat and elegant.

Obviously not from the hands of a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy.

It can also be seen from the lines that it was written by the 'elder' of the young man, and most likely it was a woman.

Most importantly, the content of each other's letter expresses respect.

and made no demands.

This surprised Hu Muzhi.

"Brother Hu, since the things have been delivered, I will go back to the tea house first."

If it was a piece of porcelain or furniture, Wu Hanhai might stay and appreciate it.

However, Wu Hanhai had no interest in painting and calligraphy, so he said goodbye to Hu Muzhi.

"Mr. Wu, let's have a cup of tea and go." Hu Muzhi said politely.

"There is something else in the store, next time." Wu Hanhai smiled and shook his head.

After Wu Hanhai left, Hu Muzhi lay back on the reclining chair, looking at the signature 'Weicao' on the letter, and fell into deep thought.

If the other party asked, Hu Muzhi felt that things would be much simpler.

But now, the other party not only did not leave a way for him to contact him, but also gave such two great gifts.

Anyone can be suspicious, and Hu Muzhi is no exception.

At more than 7 o'clock, Yang Enhui came back.

After saying hello to Hu Muzhi who was lying on the reclining chair, he went to the backyard.

"Miss Yang, wait." Hu Muzhi called out to the other side.

"Anything? 35 Yang Enhui looked at Hu Muzhi puzzled.

"Look at this letter first." With that said, Hu Muzhi handed the letter written by Tiny Herb to Yang Enhui.

With only a few dozen words, Yang Enhui read it in a few seconds.

After returning the letter to Hu Muzhi, he wondered, "How could the other party be so generous? Although it is an imitation of Li Tang's "Autumn Landscape Landscape", it is also Lan Ying's painting.

Lan Ying (1585–1664), an outstanding painter of the Ming Dynasty, whose courtesy name was Uncle Tian, ​​whose name was Diesou, and whose late name was Shitou, was born in Qiantang.

Skilled in calligraphy and painting, he is good at landscapes, flowers and birds, plum and bamboo, and is especially famous for landscapes.

In the early years, he traveled to Dong Qichang and Chen Jiru.

He learned from the Song and Yuan Dynasties and was able to "pick up the strengths of various schools", and he was particularly proficient in the brushwork of Li Tang, a painter in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Teacher Li Tang's paintings, once praised by Tang Yin.

In his later years, his writing was vigorous and the weather was harsh, which was equally important to Wen Zhengming and Shen Zhou.

Because of the identity of Zhejiang people and the style of brushwork borrowed from the Southern Song Dynasty.

In the middle and late Qing Dynasty, it was once classified as the "Zhe faction" and was despised.

In fact, Lan Ying belongs to a typical connoisseur, that is, a professional painter.

He is also a Lijia (literati painter) type painter.

He not only has extraordinary skills, but also has pen and ink interest and literary and artistic quality, so he can break away from the old style of learning in his old age, set his own standards and develop a new style of martial arts.

"Not only that, but also the blue army postage of these four coupons. 33 Hu Muzhi showed Yang Enhui the stamps on the envelope.

Obviously, Yang Enhui knows more about stamps than Wu Hanhai.

Seeing the blue army post of the four coupons, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Blue army post, one of the ten treasures of Xinlong Kingdom?"

"That's right." Hu Muzhi nodded.

"It's a strange thing that the other party sent two great gifts in succession without asking for anything in return. Yang Enhui pondered.

"I also feel weird, so I want to ask your opinion. Hu Muzhi replied.

"Could it be..." Yang Enhui looked thoughtful.

"What?" Hu Muzhi asked.

"Could it be Lady White who came to repay her kindness?" Yang Enhui asked.

Hearing this, Hu Muzhi's face turned black.

"Okay, just kidding." Yang Enhui said with a light smile: "According to my opinion, since one thing can't be figured out, just don't think about it, it's not a bad thing anyway, thinking too much will only add to the troubles. .99

Yang Enhui's meaning is very simple. Since he can't figure it out, he should think about the good side. Anyway, he is not going to the battlefield to fight, so there is no need to plan for the worst.

Hu Muzhi nodded and didn't even think about it.

Anyway, you want to bring something here, and I didn't force you.

••••••••••*##£••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

Since you want to send it, then I will accept it all for you.

As for the other party's purpose, Hu Muzhi didn't care.

Just ignore it anyway.

After thinking about this, Hu Muzhi felt that the whole person was much smoother.

"By the way, can I appreciate this painting? I was in Panjiayao before, watching you compete with that young man. I haven't read it carefully yet." Yang Enhui pointed to the picture scroll on the stone table and said. road.

"Of course. 35 Hu Muzhi nodded.

Yang Enhui then slowly spread out the picture scroll and took a closer look at it with the help of the lights in the courtyard.

After a while, Yang Enhui closed the scroll, put it back on the stone bench, and said, "This Lan Ying is worthy of being the founder of the 'Wulin School', although it is only the second half of the scroll, you can still see this painting. Neat and rigorous, writing the autumn scenery of deep mountains and valleys, taking a lofty position, and composing a magnificent composition.


"Indeed." Hu Muzhi agreed: "I have carefully appreciated both paintings."

"The close-up forest is lush, the water is flowing, the pines and cypresses are scattered in red, and the grass cottage is secluded and secluded. 35

"The hook line of the trunk is strong and heavy, and it is curved and twisted, which is quite Li Tang's style. 39

"The leaves are often double-checked, and are given bright colors such as green, cinnabar, and white powder.

"Writing about the freshness of autumn and the appearance of emeralds and gold.""

"The middle scene uses light ink to paint the misty forest, and the spring water flows through it."

"Looking across the water, you can see distant mountains and mountains, strange rocks, and flying waterfalls. 55

"The axe is splitting and knocking the French method, and the strength is sharp, and the shades of ink are interlaced. It has the meaning of Li Tang's "Pine and Phoenix Map".35

"However, the shape of the mountains and stones is more concise and general than that of Li Tang, and the composition management also emphasizes the openness and sparseness, and has the flavor of transforming the ancients and opening up the new."

"The analysis is very thorough." Yang Enhui said: "When the time comes, let Mr. Sun bring the first half of the volume and re-mount the two paintings together, which will definitely be more shocking."

Just like that, the two sat under the plane tree and chatted.

At 8:00, Zhongtang's phone rang.

"I'll go take a call." Hu Muzhi said, he got up from the reclining chair, went to the central hall, and picked up the telephone operator.


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