I Can Extract Abilities From Antiques

56. Western Zhou Jade Pendant (66)

Hu Muzhi looked at the snakeskin bag in front of him and was extremely excited, because there were more than a hundred jade articles here, that is to say, more than one hundred abilities could be extracted through the system.

After seeing Wang Xizhi's cursive script "Ping An Post", Qianlong's green wrench, and the ability to extract from Kesi embroidery, Hu Muzhi became more and more looking forward to it.

So he picked up the snakeskin bag, found a place where no one was around, and put the hundreds of jade articles and the snakeskin bag into the Void Ring.

It was just what Hu Muzhi didn't expect.

A countdown is displayed on this snakeskin bag.

That is to say, so many jade articles can only extract one ability.

Hu Muzhi, who does not believe in evil, took out a jade from the snakeskin bag and prepared to store it separately.

Just as the jade was taken out, the countdown also disappeared.

At the same time, the voice of the system sounded in my mind.

[Remind the host that this antique is not a whole and cannot extract abilities. 】

"Isn't it a whole? Could it be that these hundreds of jade articles are combined together to be considered a whole?"

Thinking of this possibility, Hu Muzhi didn't care about continuing to visit Panjiayao, so he rode his car directly back to the courtyard.

After closing the doors and windows and turning on the lights in the room, Hu Muzhi thought and took out the snakeskin bag from the Void Ring.

Then, the jade wares inside were taken out one by one and placed on the table in an orderly manner.

Hu Muzhi did not put it together immediately, but carefully examined the jade objects.

Because he still doesn't know what period of jade this is.

After examining them piece by piece, Hu Muzhi found that these jade wares contained jade huang, jade hens, jade fangs, jade tubes, turquoise beads, and agate tubes, a total of one hundred and twenty-six pieces.

All the decorations on the jade ware are mostly made by the double hook method that combines the typical thin yin line of the Western Zhou Dynasty with the thick yin line on one side of the slope.

The lines are gentle and smooth, and the hardness and softness are combined.

"It's actually a jade pendant from the Western Zhou Dynasty." Hu Muzhi was shocked.

The ancient jade culture can be divided into four eras.

They are the Shenyu Era, the Liyu Era, the Deyu Era and the Secular Jade Era.

In the Neolithic Age, during the long night, jade has always been the spiritual pillar of the ancestors. Until the Shang Dynasty, in the eyes of the ancients, jade can communicate with spirits and communicate with the gods. This is the essence of the Shenyu Era.

In the Zhou Dynasty, jade began to convey the concept of survival, the ritual system of the Western Zhou Dynasty was formed, and jade began to get rid of the gods and strengthen the ritual.

Zhou Li said that jade is used to make six vessels, and it is used to worship heaven and earth.

Cangbi salutes the sky, Huang Cong salutes the earth, Qinggui salutes the east, Chizhang salutes the south, Baihu salutes the west, and Xuanhuang salutes the north.

This is the classic of the Liyu era.

Since the Warring States Period, jade began to pay attention to morality rather than ritual expression, which gave birth to success, compared virtue to jade, and finally summed up the five virtues of "benevolence", "righteousness", "wisdom", "cleanness" and "courage".

After the Tang Dynasty, jade entered the daily life of the people, gradually became secularized, and entered the era of secular jade.

Therefore, in the Western Zhou Dynasty of the Liyu era, jade pendants began to appear in large numbers.

Group pendant, also known as miscellaneous pendant, refers to the combination of two or more pieces of jade.

The popularity of jade group pendant is the need of the ritual system of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and it has become a symbol of the status and rank of the living and the dead.

And there is a strict system for the use of jade pendants.

Quantity, grade, and identity must match.

The scope of use of large jade group pendants is limited to princes, princes and other vassal states, monarchs and their wives, or nobles with corresponding titles. Especially, the jade group pendant of Duohuang is one of the symbols to distinguish rank status.

Looking at the number of jade pieces in the jade group in front of him, Hu Muzhi knew that it was at least stolen from the tombs of princes.

"Jade Zupei, the stolen tomb of the princes of the Western Zhou Dynasty." Hu Muzhi muttered to himself.

Soon, a word appeared in my mind.

He already knew where the short man stole this jade set.

Jinhou Cemetery.

This group of tombs was discovered when tomb robbery was rampant in the early days of Kaige's opening.

Except for the tombs of Marquis Jinmu and his two wives who survived, all others were patronized by tomb robbers.

Looking at the pair of jade pendants that had been sleeping underground for more than 2,800 years, displayed in front of him.

Hu Muzhi seemed to be able to hear the melodious sound from the jade group when the models were moving forward.

Through the millennium, the reverberation surrounds the beam.

After stopping for a while, Hu Muzhi moved his mind and put the jade pendant into the void ring.

He has already decided that Jade Group Pei can't take action anyway. After extracting the ability on it, he will hand it over to the country and replace it with a 500+ pennant.

Let the world also witness the shocking world of Yuzupei.

As the saying goes, a gentleman loves wealth and takes it in a proper way. Similarly, a gentleman loves treasures and takes it in a proper way.

Love cultural relics, collect cultural relics, but also protect cultural relics. If you are willing to collect things beyond the scope of the law to satisfy your personal hobbies, you are actually promoting the robbery and destruction, which is the same as illegal hunting of wild animals.

If Hu Muzhi hadn't bought this jade pendant just now, then this jade pendant would probably be dismantled and scattered.

The world will never know the beauty that our ancestors created thousands of years ago.

This is the fundamental difference between archaeology and tomb robbery.

Archaeology allows us to find the original appearance of history and find the roots of our own culture for us.

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