I Can Extract Abilities From Antiques

75. Poor people must have something to hate

Panjiayao on Saturday night is the busiest day of the week.

It is so lively and there may be various heavy weapons, Hu Muzhi will not miss it.

After finding a place to eat a bowl of stewed boiled fire, he rode a chariot to Panjiayao.

When Hu Muzhi came to Panjiayao, it didn't arrive at 11:00, but it was already crowded with people.

The roadside that used to be able to park everywhere is now occupied by the twenty-eighth bars, tricycles, motorcycles, and cars.

Hu Muzhi could only park in the distance and enter Panjiayao.

After walking around for a while, Hu Muzhi suddenly stopped.

It's not that I found something worth buying, but I found a Buddha.

The meaning of Buddha is very intuitive, and the statues enshrined in temples are Buddhas.

If it is a compliment to be called Buddha by others, Cixi is called "Lafayette" by her servants.

But for the people of Beijing, the word Buddha has another meaning.

That is the thief.

At that time, in order to flaunt themselves, these thieves said that stealing is not stealing, and called it "Buddha".

Therefore, the title of Buddha is also called.

Hu Muzhi remembers that when he was only 10 years old, he suffered a big loss at the hands of a Buddha.

It was during the Chinese New Year. The parents gave 5.19 to 10 yuan in New Year's money, and Hu Muzhi happily took the money and prepared to go to the canteen to buy something to eat.

On the way, someone suddenly stopped him: "Hey, that kid in front, stop.

Hu Muzhi looked back and forth, left and right, and he was the one who was called a child on the road, so he stopped and asked the other person what was wrong.

The man came over and claimed that he had lost the money, and asked Hu Muzhi if he had found it?

Hu Muren honestly said no.

The man didn't believe it, and asked Hu Muzhi to turn out his pocket and take a look.

At that time, Hu Muzhi was young and didn't think much about it at all, so he took out the 50 yuan that his parents gave him, and specifically told the other party that it was the New Year's money given by his parents, not from you.

The Buddha didn't believe it, so he asked to lose weight.

The gentleman is magnanimous, the villain is tall, and if he didn't pick it up, he didn't pick it up. Hu Muzhi also let the Buddha search his body.

In the end, the Buddha did not find any money from Hu Muzhi.

Just when Hu Muzhi felt that the matter was over and put the money back into his pocket and was about to leave, the Buddha stopped Hu Muzhi again.

Said that the search was not careful just now, and asked to search again.

At that time, Hu Muzhi thought to himself, if you searched a hundred times, I only have fifty, so I let the Buddha search my body.

Compared to the first time, this time is very sloppy.

Just touched the pocket, the Buddha left a sentence, either you picked it up, or left.

If Hu Muzhi was granted amnesty, he hurried away without thinking about anything.

When I got to the canteen, I took a lot of snacks and was about to pay for it. When I touched my pocket, the fifty yuan was gone.

At that time, Hu Muzhi was completely stunned.

I thought I accidentally fell on the road, so I walked along the road I came to look for.

Don't talk about money, there is not even a piece of paper on the ground.

Hu Muzhi returned home disheartened and told his parents about it.

After an analysis by the parents, it turned out that when the other party was turning his pockets for the second time, the money was passed away.

As the saying goes, eat a cut and grow a wiser.

Since then, Hu Muzhi has remembered this lesson, and since then, no Buddha has ever stolen it again.

It is worth mentioning that the Buddha does not distinguish between men and women.

Compared with the male Buddha, the female Buddha is better to start, mainly because people usually regard women as a vulnerable group, and their vigilance is naturally reduced.

A Buddha is a person who builds his own happiness on the suffering of others.

The reason why Hu Muzhi recognized the man in front of him as Lord Buddha was because he always avoided the eyes of others and concealed his actions.

Although Hu Muzhi is not an enthusiast, but seeing this kind of thing, naturally he has to take care of it.

He raised his legs and walked towards the Buddha.

At this time, there were a lot of people in front of the booth, which can be said to be very lively.

The stall owner can't greet them alone, so let them choose by themselves.

Anyone who likes an item will discuss the price with him, and if he doesn't like it, he will leave.

Although the Buddha held a blue-and-white from a folk kiln in his hand, he kept staring at the stall owner and shouted, "I'll put it down for you."

Saying that, he put the blue and white folk kiln in his hand on the ground.

Seeing that the stall owner didn't pay attention to his side, the Buddha quickly prepared to stuff the blue and white folk kilns into his arms.

At this moment, a pair of hands suddenly stretched out and grabbed the blue-and-white folk kiln in Lord Buddha's hand.

"Huh?" The Buddha was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look subconsciously.

It was found that the one who grabbed his blue and white was a young man of about twenty-five or six years old, with a thin body and silver hair.

The two looked at each other.

"Boy, don't meddle in your own business, otherwise..." Lord Buddha squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth.

It's just that before he finished speaking, he saw a palm like a palm fan coming towards his face.


The crisp sound of the palm touching the face resounded.

Hu Muzhi turned his head to look, and found that the one who slapped the Buddha was a fat man who was similar in age to himself, but a few sizes older than himself.

"Does it make sense for you to steal?" Fatty shouted towards the Buddha.

"Grass, there are thieves.

Only then did people discover that there was a Buddha on the stall.

"Damn, where did the fat pig come from." The Buddha covered his swollen face and scolded the fat man.

As the Buddha's voice fell, two people immediately came over and stood beside the Buddha. Obviously, they were a group.

"I advise you to leave quickly." Hu Muzhi said indifferently.

"I'll leave your mother." The Buddha cursed, then took out a switchblade from his body, and after fiddling with it, he continued: "Today, I will let you know why the flowers are so red.

The stall owner also came back to his senses at this time, looked at Hu Muzhi and the fat man, and then glanced at the three Buddhas on the opposite side, shouting loudly: "The big guy is here to help, there are thieves. 399

As his voice fell.

When the surrounding stall owners heard the words, they stood up one by one, picked up guys who could punch people, such as bricks and stools, and moved closer.

In an instant, the three Buddhas, Hu Muzhi and the fat man were surrounded.

That's how the stalls are set up. When a stall has an accident, they will basically come to help, because it is not guaranteed that the one who has an accident will be their stall.

What's more, people who buy and sell antiques, everyone usually has the habit of mixing goods, so they are familiar with it.

"Grass, you dare to steal from Panjiayao, you're tired and crooked?"

"That's right, damn, a huanghuali wood carving was stolen from my booth a few days ago. I think it was the 440 that this group of people saw."

"Come on, one person and one brick, greet them."

. . . . . . .

In the chatter of the various stall owners, who did not know who moved first, a brick slapped the head of the Buddha with the switchblade in his hand mercilessly.

'Bang' sound.

The Buddha was directly fired, and the blood flowed down his head.

Some people took the lead, and the others had no scruples. They picked up the guys in their hands and greeted the three Buddhas.

Seeing that the fat man was about to die if he fought again, he shouted: "Okay, everyone stops, it's not good to die."

Everyone heard the words, but they didn't mean to stop in the slightest.

Seeing this, Hu Muzhi couldn't help shouting: "Okay, it's really going to cause people's lives, don't even think about setting up a stall in Panjiayao in the future, it's not worth setting up a stall for the sake of a few Buddhas.

After hearing it, it might not be possible to set up a stall, and the stall owners stopped one after another.

At this time, the three Buddhas collapsed to the ground like a muddy mud.

Poor people must have something to hate, and it is appropriate to use them on these three Buddhas at this moment.

"Thank you two bosses." The stall owner also expressed his gratitude to Hu Muzhi and the fat man.

Hu Muzhi nodded slightly towards the stall owner, and after returning the blue and white folk kiln in his hand, he was ready to leave.

Just as soon as he turned around, the fat man's voice sounded slowly.

"Friend, let's meet.

"Hu Muzhi." Hu Muzhi said.

"Wang Luotian.

After knowing each other's names, Hu Muzhi continued to stroll around Panjiayao.

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