I Can Extract Abilities From Antiques

89. The whole body is soft, only the mouth is hard (45)

"Brother Hu, what are you talking about?" Lin Kaikai asked with a puzzled face.

Unlike Hu Muzhi, Wang Luotian asked straightforwardly: "Why is Geyao fake?"

"What? Fake?" Lin Kaikai said with a look of surprise: "What's going on? 99

"You know clearly." Wang Luotian snorted coldly.

"Brother Hu, I really don't know that Geyao is fake." Lin Kaikai said with a look of injustice.

Wang Luotian ignored Lin Kaikai, but said to Hu Muzhi, "By the way, Brother Hu, I took a look at the porcelain bottle when you were holding it. How can you tell it's fake?"

"Actually, sometimes, to judge the authenticity of an antique, you don't have to start with the antique itself. You can also judge a general idea through the surrounding environment." Hu Muzhi said slowly.

"Just now, that Mazi's conversation with the four revealed everything.

"If those four are really insiders, how could they be full of praise for Geyao?"

"People in the industry buy things, regardless of whether they are good or bad. When they come up, they either don't talk, or they say things are bad. If there is no problem, he can find a problem for you, which can pave the way for future bargaining.

"So..." Lin Kai opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

However, Hu Muzhi did not give him a chance, and said directly: "So "four or five", that Mazi and those four people are a group, just to show us the show and let us enter the set.35

"Brother Hu, since you knew it was a trick early on, why didn't you just leave and bargain with that Mazi? In the end, you gave him a deposit of 5,000 yuan." Wang Luotian finally asked the doubts in his heart.

"Because apart from Mazi and those four people, there are more than a dozen people hiding in the back room." Hu Muzhi said, "Even if we want to leave, they won't let us leave.

Wang Luotian thought about it, indeed, a dozen people, even if they didn't have weapons in their hands, could beat them down with a single fist.

What's more, it's still not sure if the other party has a guy in his hand.

Thinking of this, Wang Luotian was afraid for a while.

Actually, just now, Hu Muzhi didn't think about trying his best, but he was just an arrow.

You hit the line at three o’clock, aim at the gap, and after you hit a person, by the time you load a hidden arrow, the other people may have already lifted their Heavenly Spirit Cover.

"Grass, that Mazi dares to trick us, I can't spare him, I must let all my colleagues know that this Mazi's behavior makes him unable to get along in this industry." Lin Kaikai said with righteous indignation.

"Although we didn't get caught, we also lost 5,000,000 yuan, that's really cheap, that kid." Wang Luotian also said angrily.

"It's not that much of a loss." Hu Muzhi said, "To be exact, it's a loss of 100 yuan."

"How could it be 100 yuan? I watched with my own eyes that you gave five thousand yuan consisting of five bundles of ten yuan to that pockmark." Wang Luotian said.

"Actually, the money was manipulated by me, only the top and bottom two are real, the rest are all white paper with a little paint about ten pieces on the edge." Hu Muzhi explained.

In the antique shop for so many years, Hu Muzhi knows all the routines, so he prepares these in case of emergency.

I didn't expect it to come in handy today.

"Ah?" Wang Luotian was stunned for a moment, puzzled: "Brother Hu, when did you move your hands and feet?"

"It was the time I left the hospital after I took your bag." Hu Muzhi explained.

"I remember you left for about a minute." Wang Luotian said.

"One minute, you can do a lot of things." Hu Muzhi said meaningfully.

In fact, he had prepared all the money in the Void Ring in advance, and it was enough to collect and release it.

At this time, Hu Muzhi had already put Wang Luotian's more than 200,000 yuan from the Void Ring back into his bag.

"It's up to you to be thoughtful." Wang Luotian said with emotion.

"If it were a normal situation, Mazi would definitely find out that there was something wrong with the money, but he made the room so dark, in order to make the viewers see things, and at the same time, it also provided us with a good opportunity." Hu Muzhi said road.

"No danger." Xia Yurou let out a long breath.

"After all, we got a treasure." Hu Muzhi said.

"Where?" Wang Luotian asked curiously.

"What baby?" Lin Kaikai was also very curious.

Hu Muzhi took the makeup gown from Xia Yurou's hand and handed it to Lin Kaikai, saying, "Lin Kaikai, you are well-informed, give it to Zhang Zhangyan.99

Lin Kaikai glanced at it, and then said: "Makeup, ancient women used to dress up.

"I didn't ask you what it was." Hu Muzhi shook his head: "Tell me what material it is."

"Brother Hu, I don't know much about wooden ware." Lin Kaikai waved his hand and didn't go to pick up the makeup.

"When I came here, when I heard you talk about gall wood, I was straight-forward. How come I didn't know much about wooden utensils when I got here?" Hu Muzhi said solemnly.

"I...I only know gall wood, as for the others, it's almost meaningless." Lin Kaikai quickly explained: "You also know that there are many types of wood, like golden nanmu, red sandalwood, huanghuali, Wenge wood, etc., only red sandalwood is divided into small-leaf red sandalwood, big-leaf red sandalwood, rosewood red sandalwood, etc."5

"But since it can be considered a treasure by Brother Hu, it must be a good thing, can't go wrong.

Hearing Lin Kaikai's words, Hu Muzhi's expression darkened.

There is no other reason, because the material of this makeup is gall wood.

At this moment, Hu Muzhi only understood that Lin Kai's theoretical knowledge was invincible, but his practical ability was almost zero.

Looking through the rearview mirror, Wang Luotian noticed that Hu Muzhi's face was wrong, so he asked, "Brother Hu, what's wrong?"

"Stop the car and get down to business. 33 Hu Muzhi said.

When Wang Luotian heard the words, he found a place where he could park, and with one foot on the brakes, the car stopped steadily.

Hu Muzhi got off the bus first with the makeup robe and came to the co-pilot's seat.

The purpose of this is to prevent Lin Kai from escaping, and at the same time, to verify that he has not wronged a good person.

"Lin Kaikai, I'll give you one last chance, what kind of material is this makeup gown?" Hu Muzhi said.

"Hu... Brother Hu, I really don't understand wooden tools. 39 Lin Kaikai complained bitterly.

"Can't tell, right?" Hu Muzhi said solemnly.

"Red sandalwood?" Lin Kaikai made a random guess.

"Let me tell you, this is the gall wood you mentioned just now." Hu Muzhi shouted coldly.

"Ah?" Lin Kai was dumbfounded.

Wang Luotian was also stunned, and instantly understood that Lin Kaikai was a fake expert.

Thinking of the landmine just now, Wang Luotian was instantly furious, unfastened his seat belt, went around the front of the car, came to the co-pilot, and pulled Lin Kaikai out of it.

"Brother Wang, you....what are you doing?" Lin Kaikai said in horror.

"Don't ask, you must have colluded with Mazi to lay mines for us. Wang Luotian said angrily.

"You're wronged, brother Wang." Lin Kaikai shouted.

Wang Luotian ignored Lin Kaikai and glanced from the ground, ready to give Lin Kaikai a brick.

It's just that not to mention the tiles on the ground, there is not even a big stone on the ground.

In the end, Wang Luotian didn't want to use bricks at all, he directly swung his palm as big as a palm fan, and slapped Lin Kaikai's face.

"Crack!! 35

This palm, Wang Luotian can be said to have exerted the strength of feeding.

Lin Kai was a little dizzy when he was pumped.

Before Lin Kaikai came back to his senses, the next slap came again.

Wang Luotian is full of fire right now, if it wasn't for Hu Muzhi, he would be empty of money and people today.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the strength in Wang Luotian's hand became stronger and stronger.


"Clap ․.."

"Clap clap clap..."

More than a dozen slaps were slapped on Lin Kai's face.

Although Lin Kaikai tried his best to dodge, he could dodge once, but couldn't dodge the second time. Being beaten by Wang Luotian, he screamed.

Hu Muzhi watched all this silently, his expression indifferent.

Because burying landmines is one of the things that antique shops hate the most.

Lin Kaikai ended up here, and it was his own fault.

After more than thirty slaps, Wang Luotian was also a little tired, so he stopped.

At this time, both sides of Lin Kaikai's face were pumped and swollen, and he said vaguely: "Brother Wang, I... I really didn't put mines on you.

"I don't believe there are such coincidences in the world." Wang Luotian snorted coldly.

Saying that, he made another output to Lin Kaikai.

"Brother Wang, no, no, no, brother Wang, don't fight, stop fighting..." Lin Kaikai begged to go around while beating each other.

But he didn't admit that he buried the mines.

In fact, this is also very understandable. If Lin Kaikai dared to admit it, he would only be beaten even worse.

This guy is very smart and won't make such a mistake. 2.8

I am afraid that even if this guy is beaten to death, once the autopsy report comes out, the whole body is soft, only the mouth is hard.

"Brother Wang, it's almost there." Hu Muzhi stopped Wang Luotian.

When Wang Luotian heard the words, he gave Lin Kaikai another kick before he stopped.

"Brother Wang, I really didn't team up with Mazi to lay mines for you, trust me." Lin Kaikai covered his face, still proving his innocence.

"Whether there is or not, let's just break up." Hu Muzhi said indifferently.

"Elder Hu..." Originally, Lin Kaikai wanted to be called Brother Hu, but seeing this situation was obviously inappropriate, he quickly changed his words and said, "Brother Hu, don't you have one more..."

"Go to your uncle."

Before Lin Kaikai could finish speaking, Wang Luotian kicked over and scolded, "Brother Hu getting the baby is none of your business?

"That's not what I meant." Lin Kaikai hurriedly shook his head and said, "Brother Hu just said that this is a treasure, but the makeup is already worn out, and even the bronze mirror on it is broken, so I can't bear the word 'baby'. Ah?

I have to say that Lin Kaikai is very smart, even a little too smart. He actually found another meaning in Hu Muzhi's words from just a few words.

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