I Can Extract Abilities From Antiques

97. Hu Muzhi's plan to make money (25)

After leaving the Tianlun Dynasty Hotel, Xia Heze asked a very silly and naive question as soon as he got into Xia Yurou's car.

"Sister, why are there fakes in this world?

"There are only two purposes, deception and profit." Xia Yurou explained.

"There is indeed such a person in history who fakes not to make money, but to show his ability.

"Museums all over the world have this kind of thing. After some people fake it, give it to the museum, and then tell others that this thing is more powerful than it is, and I copied it.

"This is a very small part of the people, and Lord Lan is one of them."

Xia Heze nodded in agreement, which was evident from the fact that he returned all the money for the pottery to the buyer.

"But most of them are for profit, because the cost of counterfeiting is low and the rate of return is high." Xia Yurou continued.

"Your sister is right, even food and medicine are faked, not to mention antiques." Hu Muzhi replied.

“Counterfeiting has been with collecting ever since people began to have the awareness of collecting. 99

"So you must make strict theoretical preparations before collecting, and don't take shortcuts and do what you can.

"As for rigorous theoretical preparation, it involves extensive and extensive reading of rigorous theoretical writings.

"Yeah." Xia Heze nodded heavily.

"Study hard, the road of antique identification never ends, because as our identification ability improves, the quality of those fakes is also improving." Xia Yurou said, "A little carelessness will lead to the same situation as today's Tian Tian. Just like the shopkeeper, everything is lost."

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Back at Guxuan Pavilion, Hu Muzhi sat in a chair, thinking about how to make money quickly.

After all, the price of a set of two-level courtyard houses is around one million. If I want to win the full amount, there is no other way but to sell the antiques.

As for most of the valuable antiques in the Void Ring, Hu Muzhi thought of collecting them himself, and had no intention of selling them.

Then there is only one way to go, to make money, to make a lot of money.

One million, in this day and age, is really an astronomical number.

Hu Muzhi thought of the fastest way to make this money, that is to become the type of person he hated the most in his previous life.

Go to the south of Longguo to speculate.

According to the memory of Hu Muzhi's previous life, the Qiong Province in this meeting was just established, and the state gave a very favorable policy of changing the cabinet.

This also led to an outbreak of real estate in Qiong Province.

As the so-called '100,000 troops descended on Qiong Province, major consortiums scrambled for territory. "

In Qiong Province, which has a population of only more than 6 million, more than 20,000 real estate companies have popped up all at once.

This year, that is, 1991, the average price of commercial housing in Qiong Province was 1,400 yuan per square meter.

In 1992, it soared to 5,000 yuan a square.

In 1993, it reached 7,500 yuan per square meter.

You know, in 1993, the national average price of commercial housing was only 995 yuan per square meter.

The average price of commercial housing in the four first-tier cities was less than 5,000 yuan until 1998.

In Qiong Province, the streets are full of real estate speculators with accents from all over the world.

They spit out astronomical numbers, but behind the numbers is just a barren land.

Some houses are still in the design drawing stage and have already been transferred several times.

No one knows who the house will be sold to when it is built, only that it can make a lot of money when it changes hands.

The real estate sales contract signed on the first floor is sold with a price increase on the sixth floor, which is terrifying to think about.

It's like a game of drumming and passing flowers, but it's not the flowers, but the land.

Many players are adhering to the idea of ​​'even if the flood is heavy after I die'.

Everyone wants to land successfully before the game is over.

It doesn't even take into account the huge bubbles that it could create.

However, all this, in June 1993, the real estate bubble came.

When the last group of players who received the flowers were nervously looking for their next home, the final whistle blew.

Country shot.

Thousands of developers are caught and fled.

The price is painful, and the vacuum after the bubble burst is visible to the naked eye.

More than 16 million square meters of unfinished buildings, 80 billion yuan of backlog, and 30 billion yuan of bad bank loans.

The End of the World, the Cape, and the Unfinished Building have become the three major wonders of Qiong Province.

"This is a really impossible solution, and it's not under consideration at the moment. Hu Muzhi shook his head and waved the thought away.

After thinking about it for an afternoon, Hu Muzhi finally came up with a big money-making plan that was linked to his business ability and had the opportunity to catch big leaks.

That is to go to the countryside to collect waste.

That is, 'shoveling the ground'.

Different from the 21st century, this will, because the information technology is not very comprehensive, many towns and villages are relatively backward, what is an antique, what is an antique, many people do not know.

Therefore, going to the countryside to collect waste is a job full of unlimited opportunities.

Think of it and do it, this is Hu Muzhi's consistent style of doing things.

When it was time to get off work, Hu Muzhi found Xia Yurou.

"Manager Xia, I want to ask for leave." Hu Muzhi said.

"Ask for leave?" Xia Yurou did not immediately agree, because he saw that Hu Muzhi's request for leave this time was different from the previous one.

In the past, Hu Muzhi used to ask for a day off, half a day, but this time he didn't say the time.

Hu Muzhi also didn't want to lie to Xia Yurou, and said truthfully: "Yes, this person is about to run for the third time, thinking about making more money so that he can marry a wife in the future.

Xia Yurou's heart skipped a beat, and an unprecedented sense of loss suddenly rose up, looked at Hu Muzhi, and said, "Are you going out to find a job?

"Learn about the market situation first, and maybe prepare to go it alone." Hu Muzhi said.

"Starting a business is not easy. If you are short of money, you can tell me that you don't have a few million, but I can still handle tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands. Xia Yurou said.

After Hu Muzhi thanked him, he continued, "Manager Xia, I don't know how many days it will take for me to ask for leave this time, but it really won't work, can you find another appraiser?

Hu Muzhi didn't want to delay other people's business because of his leave.

"Don't look for it." Xia Yurou was very tough, and once again showed her long-lost strength, and said, "No matter how long you ask, in short, come back anytime after you are done with your work. The door of Gu Xuan Pavilion is always open for you."

"Okay." Hu Muzhi nodded with a smile: "If there's nothing else, I'll go first.

"Wait!" Xia Yurou stopped Hu Muzhi, then turned around and went back to her office.

When I came out, I had a black plastic bag in my hand.

"Everything is difficult at the beginning, you should take this money first, just in case you need it. 33 said, and handed the black plastic bag to Hu Muzhi.

Hu Muzhi didn't reach out to pick it up, but waved his hand and said, "Shopkeeper Xia, no need, I have money myself. 35

"Take it if you want!" Xia Yurou forcefully put the money into Hu Muzhi's hand.

"Yes, this money counts as a share for you, and then you get a share of it." Hu Muzhi smiled, then he waved to Xia Heze, turned and walked out of the store.

Xia Yurou just kept staring at Hu Muzhi's back and disappeared from sight.

At this moment, Xia Heze's voice suddenly sounded.

"Sister, why didn't you keep Muzhi?

Xia Yurou was taken aback by Xia Heze's voice, and after glaring at Xia Heze, she said: "He has his own ideas, I can't keep him bound in Guxuan Pavilion all the time. 99

"Wide sea diving, sky high the birds to fly."

"Sister, do you want to be the woman behind Muzhi who gives silently?" Xia Heze dared to joke.

Originally, Xia Heze thought that he would be reprimanded by his sister, but this time Xia Yurou just smiled and said nothing.

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