I can extract martial arts files

Chapter 108 Fight! beat! beat!

The palm imprinted on the tree trunk suddenly retracted.

The five fingers were slightly curved and arched, like an eagle's claws, in the shape of a hook, and they were directed towards Qin Fei's face.

The strong wind blew like a sharp blade, stinging Qin Fei's eyeballs.

He quickly moved back on his back.

The fingertips of his hook-like claws almost touched Qin Fei's cheek.

The hard nails plowed several deep blood marks directly on his face.

The skin was scraped off hard and curled up under the nails.

At the same time, Du Beiting attacked Qin Fei's face.

Qin Fei was not timid at all, he kicked his feet and rushed out like lightning, going straight to bite Du Beiting's ankle.

Du Beiding is well aware of the importance of ankle joints.

Especially during battle, it has a life-or-death role for a warrior.

However, when he attacked Qin Fei, he had been alert to Qin Fei's counterattack.

Especially your own middle and lower plates.

After all, he was attacking his upper plate, and Qin Fei was avoiding and defending.

At the same time, he will definitely choose his middle and lower plate positions to counterattack.

Sure enough, it was exactly as Du Beiting expected.

Seeing Qin Fei's toe stepping out.

Du Beiting didn't hesitate at all, swinging his leg clockwise low and slashing out quickly.

The next moment, the insides of their feet were intertwined and collided with each other.

A powerful force of terror spread out.

Through the sides of the feet, it spreads to the lower body and spreads throughout every part of the body.

The cloth shoes outside their feet burst into pieces and the threads broke.

The strong wind is swaying, and the clothes are hunting.

However, the figures of the two of them did not sway even a little.

The steps never moved.

Both of them relied on their own physical bodies and bone strength to withstand the force of the two collisions.

"This kid, his energy and blood power is so strong?!"

Qin Fei's brows twitched fiercely.

The moment his feet collided together, his right foot was already planted on the ground.

He concentrated his waist and exerted his strength, not giving Du Beipi any chance to breathe.

The two hands intertwined and bit out, just like two male and female snakes protruding from the hole, very fast.

Only two shadows that interacted with each other were vaguely visible.

He raised his hand and looked directly at Du Beidian's eyes.



There was a muffled sound of impact.

Du Beiding's face has not yet been touched.

Du Beiting's criss-crossed sticky hands had already been cut off, and the two intertwined hands were stuck while wiping the surface, and all the strength was removed.

At the same time, exert force on your shoulders and arms.

Secret records of eight sects and six special skills, raising gold and secret blood elbows!

The qi and blood throughout the body are turbulent, flowing rapidly like running water, and converge at the elbows.

Both elbows suddenly turned slightly red from the heat.

He suddenly returned his hand, raised the tip of his elbow and struck it down, directly poking Qin Fei's chest.

But Qin Fei seems to be a veteran as well.

Seeing that Du Bei stopped, his opponent easily intercepted his own attack and took advantage of the situation to counterattack.

There was no trace of panic in his eyes.

Quickly contracting the abdomen and chest, the hands stuck by the Du cup suddenly shook, the blood flowing in the hands buzzed, and the bones vibrated and made sounds.

At this moment, he was freed from the shackles of Du Beiting.

Withdraw your hands and return.

The palm facing Du Beiting's neck was like a sharp knife cutting across his neck.

The speed was so fast that it made Du Beiting's skin crawl.

Vaguely, Du Beiting could also see that Qin Fei's palms were not as thick and hard as those of ordinary warriors.

Instead, it was wrapped in a faint silver glow, with a hidden edge.

This seems to be made from a special secret medicine that has been soaked, cultivated and tempered for many years.

It seems that under this hand knife.

Du Beiting's body was chopped into two pieces.

He immediately stopped clamping his elbows, arched the five fingers of his hands, and used the claws of an eagle and a crane to attack Qin Fei's palm with a machete.

And, the right foot is picked out.

Cutting directly into Qin Fei's lower plate, forcing him to return to defense and blocking his position.

Once Qin Fei moves, shifts, and dodges his lower body, the palm of his upper body's attacking hand will inevitably be caught by Du Bei.

"Looks like this guy is an old hand."

Seeing how troublesome Du Beiting was, Qin Fei couldn't help but frown.

The gaze he looked at Du Beiting was a little more dignified.

He exerted force on his arm and quickly withdrew the slashed palm knife.

At the same time, the feet on the ground secretly exerted force and stamped the ground with their heels.

The whole person actually jumped up, his hands were clasped together, and using his elbows as handles, he plowed towards the eagle and crane claws that Du Bei stopped to grab.


Another dull crash sounded.

Put your hands on each other.

Just like last time, the two of them did not retreat even half an inch.

Qin Fei didn't hesitate at all. The moment he landed, he raised his foot and swung his broken bridge leg backwards. He stomped down hard with the heel of his foot, trying to crush Du Beiting's right foot out with one kick.

And Du Cuping is not a vegetarian.

He has rich martial arts and combat experience, while Qin Fei's feet landed on the ground.

His right foot that had been stretched out had been quickly retracted.

Use this as a support point to almost sink into the ground.

The other foot tightened its strength, and every muscle was tightened, and Qi and blood surged continuously.

The next moment, it was thrown out like a whip and slashed towards Qin Fei.

Without pausing in the air, a second leg was shaved off.

"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

The secret record of the eight sects and six special skills, the three forms of Xingshu's ghost legs!

The chain of leg shadows flashed one after another, rolling out the air with a piercing sound, forming a large leg shadow, like a star-shaped ghost.

If you look carefully, you can see a large shadow of the legs kicked out.

The locations and directions attacked are the lower body, waist, kidneys, liver, etc., which are the fatal points of the human body.

Moreover, Qin Fei's retreat and movement direction were completely blocked.

Don't give him a chance to dodge at all.

But facing Du Beiting's fierce and powerful offensive, Qin Fei's expression only tightened slightly, and his expression did not change much.

He kneaded his hands with palms and patted the stinging feet Du Beizhan kicked under his arms.

But compared with Du Beiting's speed, it was still half a minute slower.

Du Beiting's intensive attacks were not able to resist them all.

There were places on both sides of the legs and ribs that were poked by Du Beidian's toes.

Where it was poked, the cloth instantly burst open, exposing the flesh.

A large area of ​​blue and red blood appeared on the skin.

You don’t know if you don’t fight.

After the fight, Qin Fei realized how terrifying Du Beiting was.

This person's martial arts and strength are very strange.

The bones are not hard and have not yet reached the stage of completing the first bone replacement.

But his energy and blood were as unfathomable as the vast ocean and the deep sea, and extremely terrifying.

Every attack contains thick and vigorous energy and blood, like a mammoth.

The continuous attacks did not make Du Beidian feel tired at all.

Regardless of the burst of force or speed, they have always maintained the same frequency.

And, as time goes by.

It still maintains a growing trend and continues to rise.

This guy didn't use all his strength just now.

He kept his hand.

He was just testing himself!

Swing, pillow hand, downhand, turn over and hit the elbow, cover the top of the neck with the back hand, lift the knees and feet

In a few breaths, the two had fought for dozens of rounds.

A strong wind swept across the place, and there were numerous figures.

However, the fight continues like this.

Not only did Qin Fei fail to gain any advantage, on the contrary, the cuff of his right arm exploded.

There were already three staggered red palm marks on his arm, and blood was leaking through the pores, overflowing with faint scarlet blood.

Red and swollen.

In the previous fight, Du Beiting's martial arts moves changed again.

The speed of punching suddenly increased, with one punch and three moves.

The speed is simply incredible.

Three punches were thrown out in succession, and the afterimages were almost connected together.

Qin Fei did not dare to be careless at all, his eyes immediately focused, and he immediately turned his palms to protect himself, trying to intercept these three punches.

Unexpectedly, the shadow of the fist that had just been punched suddenly changed.

In the blink of an eye, he opened his palms.

The palm that was attached to Qin Fei's body in front of him slid forward, fell along his arm, and suddenly fell down.

Wrapped with tyrannical energy and blood, he slapped his arm one after another.

The terrifying power immediately caused his arms to tremble, causing the capillaries to rupture.

"This kid's energy and blood are too strong, and his attacks are extremely powerful. If he gets hit at any time, it won't be comfortable.

We can't delay it any longer, we must solve it quickly! "

Qin Fei's eyes were slightly gloomy.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, arched his hand, and swung his wrist towards Du Beiding's face like a silver spear swinging its tail.

Du Bei stopped and immediately swung his palm to face him. He rushed forward with his palm and slapped it straight to block it.

Unexpectedly, Qin Fei's blow was surprisingly powerful.

Even Du Beiting's hands could not help but tremble violently.

The whole person was repelled by this tyrannical force and took several steps back.

Along the way, he left several deep footprints on the ground.

The cuffs on his arms were already torn.

A bright red stained the surface of the arm, and the blood in the body surged.

"Boy, you are quite capable of forcing me to this point."

Qin Fei's slightly cold eyes swept over Du Beiding.

Immediately, he stretched out his hands like a mantis spreading its hook, his left foot bent forward and spread out, his right foot occupied the ground, and his body was arranged like seven stars.

The starting hand position is Seven Star Mantis Fist - the secret hand position.

Du Beiding's eyes couldn't help but narrowed slightly.

He knows the martial arts.

This martial arts is a top-notch martial arts.

Extremely lethal.

In the inner city, a martial arts gym "Seven Star Boxing Academy" opened by a strong man in the bone-changing realm teaches martial arts.

Moreover, the conditions for teaching this martial arts are extremely harsh.

Only those who have completed at least one bone regeneration and are under the age of thirty-five can join the Seven Star Boxing Academy for training.

Just one year of teaching and learning requires paying thousands of gold bars.

The fees are extremely high.

As far as Du Beiting knows, there are people who are currently studying the Seven Star Mantis Boxing at the Seven Star Boxing Academy.

Their number has not exceeded thirty.

Moreover, anyone who can enter the Seven Star Boxing Academy to learn boxing has an extraordinary status and origin.

Now this man has learned the Seven-Star Mantis Fist. Could it be that he is also from Taiyuan City?

While thinking about this.

Du Beiding had already reached out, took off his coat, and lightly touched the bandage chain.

Suddenly, the weight-bearing bandages wrapped together fell rapidly.

"A long time."

Du Beiting's eyes were calm as he looked at Qin Fei, who was standing not far in front of him.

“It’s been a really long time.

I have never encountered such a decent opponent.

At least, you have successfully aroused my desire to fight.

do not worry.

I will go all out in this battle! "

As he said that, the corners of Du Beidian's mouth raised.

A ferocious smile suddenly appeared on his face, and excitement surged in his eyes.

The weight that fell to the ground dug into the ground, making a heavy muffled sound that echoed in Qin Fei's ears.

This scene made the expression on his face tighten slightly.

"This kid was actually wearing these weights to fight with me just now?!"

His eyebrows trembled fiercely, "It directly smashed a hole nearly three inches deep into the ground. Isn't it weighing tens of thousands of kilograms?

This guy was actually wearing a load weighing tens of thousands of kilograms just now? ! "

Just as this thought emerged in Qin Fei's mind.

He seemed to notice something and quickly turned his head to look to the side.

Through the sparse branches, a figure can be seen walking towards him with staggering steps.

A weak, inarticulate sound came from his mouth, as if he was shouting something.

This person is none other than Chu Zhong, who has already swallowed the spirit poison powder.

He leaned on the tree trunk and had not walked a few steps. He was still nearly ten meters away from Qin Fei.

As soon as the soles of his feet softened, he fell to the ground.

His face turned pale as he buried his face to the ground.

A few raised veins were vaguely visible, already dark green in color, emerging on the surface.

"By the way, I almost forgot.

Both of these guys fell into my trap.

This is a battle without any suspense and I don’t need to worry about the outcome at all.

Now, I just need to delay the time and wait for the energy-swallowing spirit-swallowing poison to submerge into this kid's body. "

Qin Fei turned his eyes and landed on Du Beiting.

However, Du Beiting's expression remained normal and he looked no different from ordinary people.

There was absolutely no sign of poisoning.

This made Qin Fei frown.

“But what’s going on with this kid?

How come he looks just like ordinary people, but he doesn't appear to be poisoned at all?

Is it possible that he was not poisoned by me? ! "

Duojin Tunlingdu Powder was a ruthless product that he bought through some shady channels.

Its toxicity is extremely strong, let alone a warrior in the blood-containing realm.

Even he would definitely die within half an hour without an antidote.

But this kid in front of me

Du Beiping glanced back at Qin Fei and noticed the change in Qin Fei's eyes. He could not feel the slightest emotion.

He took off the wooden gourd hanging from his waist, unscrewed the cork, and poured Huanglong wine into his mouth.

The strong smell of alcohol spread instantly and filled the entire mouth.

"It seems you have realized that I am not poisoned."

The cork was plugged back, Du Beiting threw it away, and the gourd containing Huanglong wine fell to the ground beside him.

"Thanks to you for poisoning me secretly.

Otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to detect that someone is following me secretly. "

Having said that, Du Beiting stretched out his hand in a claw-like shape, with three fingers located at different positions around his heart.

Press it against it, thrust it hard, and move it three times quickly.


His heart beat hard, like a bell ringing, echoing throughout his body.

It was as if some pump door had been opened.

"Poisonous Gate, open!"

Suddenly, Qi and blood surged in the body.

Centered around the heart, the poisonous threads that were originally hidden under the skin and flesh emerged, spreading like a snake and sweeping through the whole body.

Intertwined, vertical and horizontal.

A large area of ​​dark green dyed his body.

Recently, many readers have complained that there are too few updates every day.

But actually, this is two updates.

It's just me putting it all together.

There are four thousand words in total.

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