I can extract martial arts files

Chapter 129 The three major forces in the inner city

There was a brief silence.

Du Bei paused for a moment and didn't reply. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and stared at Qin Fei.

After a long time, he spoke slowly.

"Are you trying to show your favor to me?"

Qin Fei's brows immediately twitched fiercely, and his lowered eyes turned.

He didn't expect that Du Beiting's mind would be so sharp. He could judge his intention just by speaking a few words.

Qin Fei did not speak immediately.

He was silent for a moment, then nodded, looked at Du Beiding and said solemnly: "Yes."

"Before, Mr. Qin was ignorant of Taishan, acted recklessly, and collided with Senior Du. I also asked Senior Du not to act with the past in mind."

"As compensation, Qin is willing to give you a thousand catties of gold, as well as some house deeds and property in the outer city."

With that said, Qin Fei bowed again to Du Beiding and apologized.

Seeing this, Du Beiding couldn't help but reveal a faint smile on his face, "Qin Fei, you are worried that I will find an opportunity to attack you by force and take back the Soul-locking Bluestone Bird Egg.

That's why you are so anxious to come to me to show your favor? "

Du Beiting said it so bluntly, which was unexpected by Qin Fei.

During the time when he got acquainted with Du Beiting, he already had a rough understanding of Du Beiting's temper and acting style.

"Yes, the spirit-locking bluestone bird egg is extremely important to me.

At present, I still need it to assist in martial arts training.

I also ask Senior Du to make it happen! "

Du Beiping stared at Qin Fei for a few seconds, then suddenly smiled, stepped forward, and patted Qin Fei's shoulder gently, "I have to say, you made a very right decision.

Originally, I planned to wait a few days for you to relax your vigilance, then go find you and kill you!

But now that you've said this, I naturally can't do anything to you again. "

Du Beiting's words immediately shocked Qin Fei into a cold sweat, and the smile on his face seemed slightly stiff.

"I, I understand. Thank you very much, Senior Du."

However, Du Beiting waved his hand.

"Don't thank me in a hurry, I haven't finished speaking yet.

The reason why I changed my mind is not to kill you.

It’s not just the kindness you showed me just now, but more importantly, you are weaker than me.

You should know very well that if I want to kill you, no one can stop me in the outer city.

Besides, in the fight I fought with you outside the city that day, I had not yet used all my strength.

Therefore, you should be very clear about your own situation, right? "Du Beiting tapped Qin Fei's body with his fingers.

"Yes." Qin Fei's face was heavy and he nodded heavily.

I don’t know why Du Beiting told him this.

"So, remember not to reveal my true strength to the outside world!

Otherwise, I will definitely kill you as soon as possible. "

"Also, in the future, I may often ask you to do things for me and help me find some secret medicines, poisons, news, etc.

Can you do this? "

"No problem." As he said that, Qin Fei took out a black jade sign from his sleeve, with the Red Scorpion Gang and his name written on it.

“It’s my status badge.

If you have something to ask me for, or if you have something to arrange for me to do, you can have someone take this jade medal and go to me.

When I see this jade token, I, the people of the Red Scorpion Gang, will feel as if they are seeing me and will not dare to be disrespectful to you. "

"Yes, I understand." Du Beiting looked calm, reached out to take it, stuffed it into his pocket, and then looked Qin Fei up and down.

"Then do you have anything else? If there is nothing else"

The sound stopped here, and Du Beiting's meaning was made very clear.

Naturally, Qin Fei did not dare to say anything, and he hurriedly said, "There is nothing else to do. In that case, I won't disturb Senior Du's rest.

The compensation I just promised will be delivered early tomorrow morning. Please accept it, senior.

I'll take my leave first. "

Qin Fei bowed his hands and saw Du Bei stopped, nodded and turned around to walk back to his courtyard, so he turned around and left.

After walking through several alleys, he stopped. His back was pressed against the mud wall, his face was slightly pale, his mouth was slightly open, and he was panting.

My heart was beating like a battery.

"This madman really wants to find a chance to kill me?!" Qin Fei's eyes widened, and there was still some lingering fear in his eyes.

At the beginning of today, the moment Qin Fei's eyes collided with Du Beiting's, Qin Fei vaguely noticed something was wrong with Du Beiting's eyes.

The look in his eyes was like that of a predator finding food, which was frightening.

Therefore, he had been absent-minded during the dinner banquet with City Lord Liu Heng and others.

There was even a vague guess in my mind.

Therefore, I immediately arranged with my subordinates to find the location of Du Beidian's residence, and planned to go there in person.

Come and explain your intentions and ensure that you are not a threat to Du Beiting.

He also showed benefits, using this to save his own life and lock the bluestone bird eggs.

“Fortunately it came in time.

If this lunatic comes to your door within a few days at night, he might really die. "

Qin Fei took a long breath and calmed down before walking towards his home.

Du Beiting returned to the yard and continued to practice martial arts.

Half a quarter of an hour later, when he saw that the time was almost up, he walked to the bathroom to wash up.

Originally, in Du Beiting's plan, he planned to take action just now.

With lightning speed, he used all his strength to kill Qin Fei in a very short time.

After all, the two had a feud.

He unilaterally felt that as long as he had a grudge against him, he could not keep him and must kill him to avoid future troubles forever.

But just when he was about to take action, he thought of something.

As his martial arts and realm improve, the poisons, secret medicines and other things needed for cultivation become increasingly valuable and rare.

In addition, Zheng Hui's channels and connections are limited, making it increasingly difficult to find him.

Qin Fei, on the other hand, is different from Zheng Hui.

He is the leader of the Red Scorpion Gang.

As the largest gang in the outer city, the Red Scorpion Gang definitely has far more channels, connections, etc. than Zheng Hui.

Therefore, Du Beiting had the idea of ​​asking Qin Fei to do things for him.

After all, killing him would not bring much benefit to Du Beiting, and it might also lead to an investigation by City Lord Liu Heng and others.

It will bring unnecessary trouble to yourself.

It would be better to save his life and use it as a threat to let him do things for him.

"This will save me a lot of trouble." Thinking like this, Du Beiting, who was lying in the tub, slowly sank into the water.

Early the next morning, before he even went out, there was a knock on Du Beiding's door.

Several strong-looking men came outside the door. They all carried heavy black boxes with their hands on their backs.

This thing is exactly the apology Qin Fei promised to Du Beiting last night.

The gold alone is worth thousands of pounds.

There were three large black boxes in total, all carried into the yard.

As soon as he opened it, a dazzling golden light rushed out.

Densely packed gold nuggets, each as big as a palm, are arranged neatly together.

Du Beiding touched them one by one. The hardness and thickness were almost the same, and none of them were fakes.

Not just for Do Cup stops, for anyone.

This thousand kilograms of gold can be regarded as a large sum of money.

"In order to save his life, Qin Fei is willing to spend a lot of money!"

Du Bei stopped his movements for a moment.

In the third big black box, he took out three pieces of paper.

"Dongyuanfang Sanzhai, Jinsanxiang Street, Dafu Gambling House."

These three places are all very famous places in the outer city, and they cannot be bought with a lot of money. They only belong to Qin Fei personally.

Du Beiping stared at it for a while, then put everything away and put it in the room.

After breakfast, he came to the gathering place of the three gangs again.

After he arrived at his destination, the rest of the gang had already arrived early.

When everyone was almost there, the referee was about to announce that the fight between the three gangs on the second day would proceed as usual.

Someone else is coming.

There was more than one person coming.

The group of people were dressed in various luxurious clothes, ribbons, and exquisite accessories.

The maids and servants accompanying him also had fair complexions and energetic looks.

Obviously, he comes from a wealthy family.

Moreover, the guard walking at the front held a red flag with a big "Chen" written on a black background.

Du Bei paused and stared for two seconds, then looked away, then looked at Zheng Hui beside him, and waved his hand in front of the latter's face, interrupting his thoughts.

"Who are these people? How did they end up at the gathering place of our three gangs?"

Zheng Hui's thoughts were interrupted and he came to his senses when he saw Du Beiting's hand waving in front of him.

He twisted his eyes and stared at the people walking from not far away, "These people are not ordinary people, they are members of the Chen family!"

"Chen family?" Du Beidian raised his eyebrows immediately.

He seemed to have thought of something. A familiar figure and name appeared in his mind, and his eyes suddenly became subtle.

"Could it be?"

"That's right, it's the Chen family you were thinking of." As he spoke, Zheng Hui's eyes suddenly narrowed and he pointed his finger behind the group of people. "Look, that guy is here too."

Looking in the direction Zheng Hui pointed, a familiar figure came into Du Beiding's eyes.

This person is none other than Chen Yutong, who had his Qing Gong stolen by Zheng Hui.

However, Chen Yutong's status in the Chen family does not seem to be high, so he can only follow at the back of the team.

As people from the Chen family appeared, many people present were obviously stunned.

The leaders Liu Heng, Liang Qingxiong, Qin Fei and others quickly stood up and went to greet them.

Although they came without warning, they were members of the Chen family, and even the city lord Liu Heng did not dare to neglect them at all.

Just as they walked out, another group of people appeared not far away.

All of them are tall and powerful, with strong bodies and extremely strong Qi and blood.

At least, among the warriors in this group, the weakest one has already completed his strength.

"They're from the Zhuluo Escort Bureau. Why are they here too?"

Seeing these people appear, Zheng Hui couldn't help but frown slightly.

During his many years in the Horned Snake Gang, he had dealt with people from the Zhuluo Escort Bureau due to gang affairs, so he also knew one or two of their core members.

When he saw someone he knew appeared here, he knew that someone from the Zhuluo Escort Agency was also here.

"Zhuluo Escort Bureau, the Chen family." Du Beiting thought in his mind, "They are one of the three major forces in the inner city. The remaining Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce will also come, right?"

"He's really here." Zheng Hui glanced at the back of the Zhuluo Escort team and said, "Look, there are quite a few people here."

The group of people walking at the end were all dressed in business attire.

Especially the one walking at the front was an old man with a stooped figure.

His palms were as skinny as chicken feet, and he was walking slowly with a cane.

Wearing two white jade bracelets on the left wrist, they are dazzling.

In his right hand, he holds an old abacus.

Behind him was a woman in the middle surrounded by the crowd, wearing a white dress.

The waterfall-like long hair spreads around her beautiful neck.

Her red lips are like blooming petals, her bright eyes are as bright as stars, and her face looks quite delicate.

A pair of red fire jade bracelets were worn on her hands as white as tender catkins.

The slender waist is even more slender, and the belt is tied up to outline an alluring figure.

Du Beiting just took one more look and felt a heat rising in his belly, and his mouth and tongue went dry.

An inexplicable evil desire appeared in his mind out of thin air.

"Don't look at this woman." Sensing Du Beiting's strange behavior, Zheng Hui quickly reached out and put his hand on his shoulder, his expression serious.

"Looking at it for too long will kill people."

Du Beiting came to his senses and looked extremely serious.

This was the first time he suffered such a loss.

"What's going on? Who is that woman?" Du Beiping glanced slightly out of the corner of his eye and gestured.

Zheng Hui knew who he was referring to.

"That person's name is Xia Zhirou, she is the eldest daughter of the current president of the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce.

As for her name, I believe you have heard of it.

So, don’t look too much at this person. "

While speaking, Zheng Hui glanced at the other people nearby.

He found that they were all like him, either lowering their gazes or looking away, not daring to look at Xia Zhirou in the crowd of the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce.

"So this guy is Xia Zhirou, no wonder I knew it just now." Du Beiting was still a little frightened.

Naturally, he had heard about Xia Zhirou's name.

The number one evil genius in Taiyuan City.

It is not a nominal award, but one that is unanimously recognized by everyone!

It is said that she completed entering Jin when she was only eight years old.

At ten years old, he has already completed three bone changes.

Now, she is in her twenties.

Ten years have passed, and no one knows what state she has reached now?

Among her peers, there was no one who was qualified to fight with her.

No one could survive three rounds under her hands.

the most important is.

She seems to have practiced mysterious charm skills related to spiritual power.

It can captivate the heart and seduce the soul.

You can even do it without any movement or being noticed, killing people invisibly.

He is an extremely terrifying and dangerous person.

Currently, he has been designated as the next successor of the Chamber of Commerce by the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce.

Even someone like the city lord Liu Heng complimented him in every possible way.

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