I can extract martial arts files

Chapter 162 Strange Object

"This forest looks weird, what are you doing in this forest?

Moreover, I remember that this forest is quite far away from the starting point of our Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce.

Came here in such a short time.

And, he has to come earlier than us.

Do you have anything urgent to do inside? "

As soon as they met, Xiao Feng asked several questions.

Qin Fei was also stunned when he saw Du Beiting and Du Beiting appearing in front of him.

"Master Dufang, why are you here?"

"Why am I here? Of course I am here for the Plain Silver Red Flame Bear.

What are you doing in this forest?

Don't tell me that you hunt plain silver red flame bears and foreign objects in there.

If you say this, even a three-year-old child might not believe it.

This is a place in the forest where birds don't poop. There probably isn't even a living thing. "

Du Beiting's eyes fell on Qin Fei, showing an expression that was half-smiling.

He knew that Qin Fei was deliberately changing the subject, so he directly brought the topic to the front.

After saying that, he walked straight towards Qin Fei, with no intention of leaving for him.

Seeing Du Beiting walking towards him, Qin Fei's face couldn't help but become more sad.

"This, this is because..." Qin Fei hesitated to speak, as if he had some difficulty.

Moreover, he knew very well that the Du Beiding in front of him was not someone who was easy to fool, and he was definitely not something he could get past with just a few words.

Du Beiting, on the other hand, frowned and did not force Qin Fei for a while.

Looking at Qin Fei quietly, waiting for him to make a decision.

"I also ask for your forgiveness, Master Dufang. This matter is closely related to my life, so I am sorry that I cannot tell you.

I beg Master Du to be noble and give me a chance to live! "

Qin Fei suddenly knelt down on one knee, lowered his head and shouted at Du Beiting, clasping his fists.

This scene made Xiao Feng roll his eyes, but Du Beiding beside him had not yet spoken, so naturally he couldn't say anything.

Seeing Qin Fei's move, Du Beiting's expression did not change much and his eyes were calm.

It was as if he had expected all this.

"What are you doing inside? Is it related to something that will benefit warriors?"

Du Beiting ignored what Qin Fei just said and continued to ask.

Those words that made no waves caused huge waves in Qin Fei's heart.

His face was calm, but his heart was shocked, and he still maintained a stable tone.

"Master Dufang misunderstood, there is nothing involving benefiting warriors." He paused and then continued,

"Besides, this forest looks dead and silent. Do you think there will be anything that will benefit the warriors?"

"You lied."

But facing Qin Fei's words, Du Beiting suddenly said something out of his mouth.

Qin Fei picked it up without leaving any trace, his expression remained unchanged, and he asked in confusion.

"Qin doesn't quite understand what Master Du said.

Qin has no intention of deceiving you either.

Moreover, this matter is closely related to my life. I really can't say much about why I appear in this forest.

Qin, boldly beg Master Du to give me a chance to live.

I really can't go into too much detail.

Otherwise, I will die. "Qin Fei clasped his fists and begged again, his voice seemed extremely sincere.

Xiao Feng's face was also full of confusion and he glanced sideways at Du Bei for a moment.

How could Senior Du know that Gang Leader Qin was lying?

Is there any special flaw in what he just said?

Why...I couldn't notice it.

As soon as Qin Fei said this, the scene immediately fell into silence.

Du Beiting did not speak, but continued to walk forward and stopped in front of Qin Fei.

Seeing Du Beiting's move, Qin Fei's muscles instantly tensed up, ready to escape at any moment.

Although, there is not much hope

But he did have reasons that he couldn't tell.

Otherwise, how could he appear in this remote wild forest?

Just when Qin Fei was concentrating on Du Beiding, Du Beiding stopped talking.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

"What?" Qin Fei failed to understand what Du Beiting meant.

As soon as he finished speaking, an elusive afterimage flickered in front of Qin Fei.

Du Beiding could only vaguely see the movement of raising his hand.

The next second, he felt Du Beiting's fingers moving heavily on two places on his chest, as well as on the upper and lower abdomen.

And, the last finger struck hard on the lowermost side of his sternum.

The terrifying force penetrated the skin and reached the bones, as if it was going to break every bone in his body.

He immediately shivered and his muscles tensed up, ready to get rid of Du Beiting's attack.

At the same time, Du Beiding's voice came over at this moment.

"The poison in your body is being contained by me.

If I were you, I would definitely stay still right now.

Otherwise, I cannot guarantee whether the poison you are containing will spread faster and gather in your heart and head, hastening your death. "

The ordinary words shocked Qin Fei, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

While his expression was shocked, he was also more surprised.

Her lips were trembling, and she was so excited that she didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Many, thank you so much, Master Du." In the end, thousands of words turned into just one sentence of thanks.

But Du Beiting still had a calm face, "Don't thank me in a hurry, I just suppressed the poison in your body temporarily, and I didn't release it.

Of course, whether it can help you detoxify next depends on your subsequent performance. "

As he spoke, his fingers that struck the underside of Qin Fei's sternum began to slowly slide down, as if they were pulling something.

Qin Fei's face quickly became rosy as a result, and the original fatigue and lethargy gradually dissipated.

"Can this poison be cured?" After hearing Du Beiting's words, Qin Fei was immediately shocked, and the expression on his face gradually became more exciting.

"Have you forgotten?" Du Beiting's eyes became slightly subtle, and he smiled half-heartedly, "When you and I met for the first time that day, you poisoned me. Do you really think that The poison has no effect on me?

I just melted away these poisons. "

Hearing this, Qin Fei's eyes rolled as if he was thinking.

The next second, he clasped his fists and raised his hands without hesitation, "Please Lord Du, please save my life. As long as the poison in my body is released, I can tell you anything you want to know!"

"He is a smart man." Du Bei stopped and nodded, looked Qin Fei up and down, and then said, "I want to ask you a few things. As long as you can answer them, detoxifying your body will not be a problem." Difficult matter."

"Master Dufang, please tell me."

"What's the matter with this poison in your body? Also, why did you come to this wild forest? Is there anything special about this place?" Du Bei paused and asked several questions.

At this moment, seeing that Du Beiting seemed to have the ability to undo the poison in his body, Qin Fei had no intention of hiding it after some consideration.

"This poison was given to me by Chen Shaotian, the second young master of the Chen clan.

Moreover, I am not the only one who was poisoned by him.

There were also two gang leaders in the outer city and some adults in the inner city who were also poisoned. "

"Chen Shaotian" Du Beidian frowned slightly.

Naturally, he had heard about Chen Shaotian.

It is said that this person is a swordsman, a martial artist who specializes in swordsmanship.

He is extremely skilled in swordsmanship and is known as one of the young geniuses of Taiyuan City.

Of course, this reputation is far inferior to Xia Zhirou.

However, he is an outstanding figure in Taiyuan City, and he is also the most beautiful future generation of the Chen family. Du Beiting heard that he has a good reputation.

In front of me, he would do such a dirty and shameless thing as poisoning?

Shouldn't I be the only one who can do this kind of thing?

The moment this thought flashed through his mind, Qin Fei continued to speak.

"After being planted with this poison, every time I have an attack, my whole body feels like swords and ants are biting me. I have to take medicine every short period of time to get some relief.

And it can't be solved yet.

The reason why he poisoned us was to coerce us into doing things for him.

As for what needs to be done, it lies in this strange forest. "

Qin Fei turned around and his eyes fell on the wild forest behind him.

"Master Du, you are right, this forest is indeed strange.

It's not even autumn yet, but the leaves have already begun to fall.

Moreover, there was not even a living creature inside.

Not even a shadow of any insect, snake, creature, etc. could be seen.

What we, the poisoned ones, have to do is go to this forest and look for a place. "

"Looking for a place?" After hearing this, Du Beiding couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, "What place?"

“We don’t know what the place is called.

That guy Chen Shaotian only gave each of us a simple copy of the map and asked us to find it.

Only by finding the people in this place can we get the antidote and survive. "

While speaking, Qin Fei reached into his pocket, took out a crumpled piece of paper, unfolded it, and handed it to Du Beiding.

"Doesn't that mean that among the several of you who were poisoned, only one of you can survive?" Du Beiding glanced at him and raised his hand to take the paper he handed over.

“Yes, so the probability of me surviving is very small.

Only after I saw that you could suppress the poison in my body did I have the idea of ​​surrendering to you. "

Qin Fei nodded, then opened his sleeves, and could see black threads spreading and intertwined like spider webs, hidden under his skin.

However, its color should appear very light, similar to the color of blood vessels.

Du Beiting glanced at him and spread out the paper in his hand without saying anything else.

There are no words on the paper, only a pattern.

It seemed to be a pool.

Moreover, on the edge of the water pool, there are long-open lotus flowers, clustering the entire water pool in the center.

"What the hell, shouldn't lotus grow in the water? How come it still grows on the shore?" Seeing the slightly weird scene, Du Beiding couldn't help but frown.

"Why are you looking for this place? Is there something hidden here?" Du Bei paused and asked.

"Chen Shaotian didn't tell me what it was specifically.

However, I heard from other brothers who were poisoned that there seemed to be a strange thing growing in this place.

It is a strange thing that can make people reborn after being taken by warriors.

But it’s not true, and I don’t know. After all, I just heard it. "Qin Fei scratched his head and thought for a while before saying.

"A strange object that can change a person's body?"

Du Beiding's eyes couldn't help but become brighter, "Reborn, this means the improvement of martial arts talent and basic skills. In the hunting day trial place, such rare things can appear in the weird wild forest. Not surprising either.

It's no wonder that guy Chen Shaotian doesn't hesitate to poison him, but also wants to coerce you into helping him find this place.

This forest almost spans a mountain top and covers an extremely vast area. It is not an easy task to find this place. "

Du Beiling thought like this in his mind, twitching his chin, his eyes flashing, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Master Du Fang, I have said everything that needs to be said.

Then look, should you do it next?" Qin Fei stopped mid-sentence, looking expectant and a little nervous at the same time.

The meaning is very obvious.

He was not afraid of anything else but Du Beiting's sudden change of heart.

"Don't worry, I, Du Beiding, will naturally practice what I say." Du Beiding glanced at him sideways.

Immediately, his two fingers came together to form sword fingers, which protruded like lightning and tapped several acupuncture points on Qin Fei's upper body and back several times.

Finally, the fingers landed on Qin Fei's abdomen, gathering strength and reaching through the skin and flesh directly into Qin Fei's internal organs.

Suddenly, the energy and blood in his body surged, as if something was forcibly taken away from his body.

The next moment, his expression suddenly changed, he opened his mouth, and a large amount of smelly blood spurted out from his mouth and spread all over the floor.

The land immediately made a "sizzling" sound, faint green smoke emitted, and many pits were corroded.

The temperature of the originally hot body began to return to normal quickly, and the groggy consciousness became clearer.

Seeing this, Qin Fei's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Thank you Master Du for saving your life. If you need to go to my place in the future, you can always look for me!" Qin Fei quickly bowed and thanked me.

However, Du Beiting's next words made him freeze in place.

"Don't thank me in a hurry, the poison in your body hasn't been detoxified yet.

I have only resolved nearly half of it, and I guarantee that this poison will not break out within half a month. "

The smile on Qin Fei's face was a little stiff. Didn't he understand Du Beiting's behavior very well? Didn't he just agree to detoxify him?

"Master Dufang, what do you mean?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely untie you from the poison, but not now.

I also want to look for the place that Chen Shaotian is looking for.

I am very interested in the strange thing you mentioned.

In the next few days, I asked Gang Leader Qin to lead the way.

Prevent us from repeating the same path you have taken before.

After five days, no matter whether I find that place or not, I will remove the poison from you. "

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