I can extract martial arts files

Chapter 169 Refining! Three times of bone replacement!

And the feeling of fatigue that enveloped Du Beiding became even heavier.

His whole body was heavy, even after he had completed accumulating blood twenty-nine times.

At this moment, I also felt dizzy and tired, as if I was about to fall asleep at any moment.

This thing is the Nirvana Soul-Swallowing Flesh Lotus.

He also knew that the reason why his body was in this condition was because of the Nirvana Soul-Swallowing Flesh-Swallowing Lotus in front of him.

Because he was closer to the Nirvana Soul-Swallowing Flesh Lotus, the speed of absorbing Qi and blood from Du Beiting's body was also accelerating.

But why are there other green plants near the Nirvana Soul-Swallowing Flesh Lotus?

Can't it even absorb the vitality of green plants?

Although he was confused, Du Beiting didn't think much about it. Now was not the time for him to hesitate.

He resisted the fatigue caused by his body and quickly walked forward. While paying attention to the surrounding situation, he observed the Nirvana Soul-Swallowing Flesh Lotus in front of him. After confirming it again and again, he grabbed its root. , pull it out in one go.

Suddenly, a stronger aroma escaped from it and went straight to the tip of Du Beiting's nose.

However, the fatigue and lethargy that enveloped his body dissipated in an instant.

"Judging from its appearance, it must be at least one hundred and fifty years old.

It is said that most of the Nirvana Soul-Swallowing Flesh Lotus can grow to be more than two hundred years old, which is considered to be the best.

Nowadays, the Nirvana Soul-Swallowing Flesh Lotus that is more than one hundred and fifty years old can be regarded as a top-quality thing. "

Du Bei stopped and looked around, and after repeatedly confirming that there was no danger nearby, he found a place to sit down, broke several pieces of the Nirvana Soul-Swallowing Flesh Lotus, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it. Swallow.

The ultimate foreign object, the Nirvana Soul-Swallowing Flesh Lotus, must be taken as soon as possible after being removed.

In this way, its effect can be maximized.

"Crack, click, click!"

Crisp and refreshing, it also has a bit of sweetness, and an extremely rich aroma spreads in the mouth.

Not long after I swallowed a few pieces of the Nirvana Soul-Swallowing Flesh Lotus.

An extremely surging heat immediately appeared out of thin air, rushing towards Du Beidian's limbs and bones, and penetrated into every part of his body.


After sensing this condition in his body, Du Beiting immediately became overjoyed. He quickly ran the internal training formulas of the "Eight Immortals' Sutra of Drunkenness" and tried his best to refine the medicinal power contained in the Soul-Swallowing Flesh Lotus.

Suddenly, the pain came over like a huge wave, sweeping through his whole body.

The flesh and blood are like knife cuts and ant bites, and the bones are like needle pricks and iron chisels.

This time, Du Beiting felt for the first time what it meant to be born this way.

Within less than three breaths of taking the Nirvana Soul-Swallowing Flesh Lotus, the skin and flesh all over his body became like boiled prawns, with his whole body hunched over, his limbs all red, and smoking hot.

The pores all over his body were opened in an instant, sweat dripped non-stop, and the clothes on his body were completely wet.

Especially the bones all over the body made a "creaking" sound.

It seems that friction occurs due to growth in a short period of time.

The bone tissue is constantly dividing and reorganizing, and dense cracks begin to appear on the skin.

A little bit of dark, sticky impurities also began to leak out through the skin sac.

Even Du Beiting frowned in pain and gritted his teeth.

This situation lasted for nearly half an hour before gradually dissipating.

Not long after, Du Beiding, who was lying on the ground, also recovered.

He stretched out his hand and wiped it gently on his body, wiping off a layer of sticky body impurities.

Standing up, I feel that my body is becoming lighter and lighter, and the muscles in various parts of the body also appear to be more solid and strong.

"The Nirvana Soul-Swallowing Flesh Lotus helped me wash my essence and cut my marrow again."

Du Beiding closed his eyes slightly and felt the changes in himself.

The energy and blood in the body are like a vast ocean, rushing with no end in sight.

Every bone is shining with shiny smoothness.

Everything becomes brand new.

He twisted his neck slightly, and there was a "crackling" sound of bones rubbing from various parts of his body.

Suddenly, he clenched his fist and punched forward.

A strong wind blew away, causing a slightly clear sound of breaking through the air.

The speed of punching is also a bit faster than before.

"This time, taking the Nirvana Soul-Swallowing Flesh Lotus not only tempered and improved my talents, roots, and other aspects, but even my cultivation level also changed.

Finally, the third bone replacement was completed. "

With such a murmur on his lips, Du Beiting put his fingers together and moved them across his upper body, as if he was exploring something.

Finally, it stopped at a bone somewhere in the back.

"The bone temperer has made the progress of Fulong's secret art of bone cultivation a step ahead of schedule.

Now, you can open the fourth bone orifice in your body at any time.

It's a pity that there is no corresponding secret medicine for medicinal bath here, otherwise I would have directly opened the fourth bone orifice here. "

Du Beiping thought for a moment, then took some grass and green plants from the land nearby, scraped off the dirt on his body one by one, and cleaned it up.

Look at the black soil where the Nirvana Soul-Swallowing Flesh Lotus grows.

Du Beiding couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

After all, it is the soil that can grow extinct foreign objects such as the Nirvana Soul-Swallowing Flesh Lotus. Although from the outside, it does not look much different from ordinary soil, Du Beiding does not know what its actual function is.

"Could it have the effect of breeding green plants and foreign objects? Otherwise, according to the nature of the Nirvana Soul-Swallowing Flesh Lotus, it shouldn't grow in this nook and cranny."

Recalling the introduction about the Nirvana Soul-Swallowing Flesh Lotus, the Nirvana Soul-Swallowing Flesh Lotus will only be born in places with extremely fertile land and abundant nutrients.

Vaguely, Du Beiding noticed that this lump of black soil was unusual.

And while he was thinking about it, Du Beiting immediately moved closer and looked carefully. He found this black soil with green water flowing between the soil.

Du Beidian frowned, thought for a moment, then picked up a handful of green grass from the side and dipped it into the water in the black soil.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the grass blades on my hands were dipped in it, they would immediately turn yellow, wither, and then wither at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It turns into several pieces, like weathered grass blades formed by the passage of time.

This scene made Du Beiting feel a little dazed.

He quickly took a few steps back and left without looking back.

Fortunately, he was cautious and took other things to touch before he recognized the object.

Otherwise, if he was the one who touched this black soil just now, I'm afraid he would already be...

Du Beiling shook his head, didn't think much more, and returned along the original route.

He came to the body of the Black Spirit White-Eyed Python, took off the machete from his waist, chopped the Black Spirit White-Eyed Python into several sections, and classified them as meat.

As one of the most powerful top-level foreign objects, the Black Spirit White-Eyed Python's meat-eating effect is naturally no worse than that of the Plain Silver Red Flame Bear.

In fact, Du Beiting estimated that the effect of eating the meat of the black spirit white-eyed python would be several times more than that of the plain silver red flame bear.

"Anyway, let's take it away first and try the meat-eating effect of this black spirit and white-eyed python."

The machete on Du Beiting's waist was just a very ordinary machete.

It is used to chop up the body of the black spirit white-eyed python, which seems to be very tight.

In the end, the whole knife was chopped off, and the body of the black spirit white-eyed python was decomposed into less than one-sixth.

Seeing this, Du Beiting was helpless. He was about to find some vines from nearby, tie up the black spirit and white-eyed pythons one by one, and carry them away when he seemed to find something.

His eyes moved slowly and landed on a long sword not far away.

This long sword was the sword held by Chen Shaotian before.

It's just that he was knocked to the ground by Du Beiting.

"A sword that can severely injure and kill a black spirit white-eyed python must be of extraordinary quality."

Du Beiping came to the side of the long sword and picked it up.

It is cold and smooth in the hand, and the hilt seems to be made of some special material. There is no discomfort or roughness when holding it, but it appears to be very tight for the exertion of force.

The blade of the sword was shiny, and if you moved it slightly, you could see a cold light appearing from the blade and extending to the tip of the sword.

"This sword is suitable for cutting up the meat of the black spirit white-eyed python."

Du Beiding took the long sword in his hand and lightly drew it on a raised rock on the ground.

Suddenly, without any hesitation or pause, a deep cut was made on the surface of the rock.

The long sword itself did not show any wear and tear.

Du Beiting's eyes suddenly lit up. He was worthy of being the second young master of the Chen family, and the things he used were probably extraordinary.

He came to the side of the black spirit white-eyed python again, dug in along the edge of the snake's scales, and slashed with all his strength.


Suddenly, the sound of flesh and blood being cut was heard.

The sword blade penetrated horizontally and cut off the flesh and bone directly without any obstruction.

A small piece of black spirit white-eyed python meat was cut off and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Du Beiting didn't hesitate at all, and slashed with his sword continuously, landing on the black spirit white-eyed python.

After a while, pieces of meat were chopped out and tied up with rattans by Du Bei.

After cutting up the meat of the black spirit and white-eyed python, Du Beiting looked at the long sword in his hand again, with a strange color flashing in his eyes.

"This sword is only slightly inferior to my own, but the materials used to make it are probably not low.

It would be a bit of a waste to leave this thing here.

Although before participating in the hunting day trial, a life and death certificate was signed.

Chen Shaotian, as the second young master of the Chen clan, if someone from the Chen clan discovers that Chen Shaotian's sword appears in my hand, they will definitely think that I killed Chen Shaotian.

No matter how many excuses I give, it will be difficult to clear my name.

The current Chen family is definitely not something that I alone can contend with.


But regarding this item, Du Beiting did not intend to throw it away.

Because after a few days, after leaving this trial place, he only needs to return to the starting point.

The departure route is different from the personnel of the other two major forces, and there will be no people from the Chen family on the way.

There won't be any encounters.

This is a regulation made by the three major forces in order to avoid conflicts after the event.

Therefore, if you want to take this sword away, as long as you hide it accordingly, there will be no risk.

Furthermore, he also believed that this item could definitely be exchanged for rare items of corresponding value on the black market.

After thinking about this, he no longer hesitated.

Searched around.

After a while, he found a lump of wet clay nearby, pasted it directly on the sword, then spread it with a thick layer of grass blades, and finally tied it tightly with rattan ropes. A seamless piece.

Seeing this, Du Beiting felt relieved, took away all the things he wanted to bring, and left directly above the pool.

And Chen Shaotian.

Naturally, Du Beiting would not let it go.

But Chen Shaotian didn't have anything on him, only a few large banknotes and bottles filled with various pills.

He didn't even have a martial arts secret book with him.

The most expensive thing is his long sword.

But when I look back and think about it, it feels normal.

After all, on this trial day, who would bring money, martial arts secrets and other things with them for no reason?

Not to mention Chen Shaotian, even Du Beiting himself didn't have any money with him.

Soon, two quarters of an hour passed.

Near the shore of the pool, Lao Yu and a few others were standing aside, pacing back and forth, waiting for Du Bei stop to return from the bottom of the pool.

Judging from the faces of these people, they have become a bit more rosy, and there is a bit more radiance between their brows.

Not as tired and tired as before.

"It's been so long, why hasn't Master Du come down yet? What on earth did he want to do when he went to the bottom of the pool?" One of the men frowned and paced back and forth again.

Obviously, he was getting a little impatient from waiting.

"When he came here before, he heard Chen Shaotian's name from his mouth.

Maybe, what he wants to do is related to Chen Shaotian.

Actually there is one thing that I am curious about.

Are he and Chen Shaotian enemies or friends? Will they fight under this pool? "

"The situation here is strange and strange, especially under this pool. Both Chen Shaotian and Master Du were in a hurry to get down when they arrived here.

Under this pool, there may be a rare treasure.

At least, for us warriors, it is definitely a rare good thing in a hundred years. "The slightly fat middle-aged man narrowed his eyes slightly and spoke.

Hearing what the fat middle-aged man said, the eyes of the others couldn't help but brighten slightly, and some ideas ignited in their hearts.

But the next second, he was extinguished by Lao Yu's words.

"So what if a treasure appears? It has nothing to do with us.

Not to mention the appearance of Master Du, just because of Chen Shaotian, the thing that appeared under the pool is beyond our reach.

Instead of thinking about these things, it is better to think about how to help Master Du and let him come out of the pool earlier to help the master and us detoxify. "

"Speaking of which, Lao Yu.

After all, the leader of Dufang was also a person who was hanging out in Taiyuan City, and he should have heard of Chen Shaotian's name.

But I saw that Master Du didn't seem to be afraid when he heard Chen Shaotian's name.

Moreover, he had to go to the bottom of the pool to fight for something with Chen Shaotian.

Is it possible that he is confident in killing Chen Shaotian?

What is his specific strength? "

“I don’t know his specific strength.

However, not only me, but also most of the owners of the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce know that he hides his strength in the outer city.

He explained his cultivation state to the outside world, but he only completed two blood accumulations.

But he was valued by the second lady, and on the day he took up the position of the head of Minghaifang, he killed the protector Lu Ju who had been reborn three times.

Moreover, it took less than twenty breaths for Lu Ju to be killed. "(End of chapter)

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