I can extract martial arts files

Chapter 199 Beating up Xia Zhirou’s dog

But not long after he walked out of the official road, he stopped.

He slightly pulled on the reins attached to the horse, causing the horse beneath him to stop.

In front of him, about thirty meters away, stood a person.

This man was about 1.7 meters tall, wearing a blue robe, a thick, warm cotton coat, and a pair of fur and cloth shoes at his feet.

He was an old man, with long black and white hair tied into a long braid, and he was looking at Du Beiding in front of him with a smile.

"Master Du, New Year's Eve has just passed this year, and you are in a hurry to leave the city on the second day. Where are you going?"

Du Beiting didn't seem to be surprised by the appearance of this old man.

His expression was calm, and instead of answering the old man's words, he asked a question.

"Are you the dog Xia Zhirou sent here to keep an eye on me?"

Hearing this, the smile on the old man's face couldn't help but froze for a moment, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and his tone became a little colder.

"Master Du Fang, what do you mean by this? Old man, I don't quite understand what you mean."

"What do I mean, you still don't understand?"

At this time, Du Beiding had also jumped off the horse and led the horse aside.

"Now that we have left the city and there are only two of us here, we can talk freely.

There's no need to be so secretive. "

Du Bei paused for a moment and said in a horrified tone, "I already noticed you appearing near my house a few days ago in the city."

"Did Xia Zhirou send you here?"

The old man had a sullen face and stared at Du Beiding without replying for a while.

He was a little suspicious. He had been hiding in the dark recently and was well hidden. How did Du Beiting find him?

Furthermore, if Du Beiting was aware of him, why could he directly confirm his identity?

He clearly did not reveal any information related to the second lady.

Moreover, judging from the boy's appearance, he seemed to be waiting for me to come out of the city this time.

Many doubts arise in my mind.

"Don't talk?" Seeing that the old man didn't say a word, Du Beiting didn't bother to talk nonsense to him.

"Okay, let's deal with you quickly. I don't have extra time to talk nonsense with you."

Du Beiting fetched the horses from the stable and headed straight out of the city.

It only takes about a cup of tea.

There was no chance to inform the old man in front of him.

Therefore, he knew that the old man had not yet spread the news to Xia Zhirou.

Fortunately, I took this opportunity to leave the city to completely eliminate this trouble around me.

Otherwise, as long as this guy's life is preserved, the place where the map was obtained from Chen Shaoying will basically be impossible to get to.

The soles of his feet suddenly grabbed the ground, and he ran straight towards the old man like a cheetah.

Du Beiting's explosive power was extremely terrifying.

The moment he stamped on the ground, he left a huge, deep footprint directly on the dirt.

Seeing that Du Beiting took action without saying a few words to him, the smile on Uncle Chen's face also disappeared.

Instead, there was a growing coldness.

"You brat, you actually took the initiative to attack me. Do you really think that because I am old, I am no match for young people like you?

The second young lady came to me specifically to see you, precisely because my realm and strength are higher than yours. "

The whip palm was wrapped with a fierce wind, and it whizzed straight towards Uncle Chen's right cheek.

Uncle Chen's face was calm, as calm as a dead pool without any ripples.

He suddenly raised his hand, blocked it on his right side, and shot out like a steel spear.

"Hmph, boy, this is too much strength."

There was a muffled "bang" impact.

The next second, Uncle Chen's expression suddenly changed, and his arm trembled heavily, as if it was hit hard by something, and it was thrown straight inwards.

He quickly turned his head to avoid the arm he threw back.

At the same time, he quickly moved his feet back, grabbed the ground with his heels, and walked backwards.

But Du Beiting didn't give him this chance at all.

The moment he took action, he had used all his strength and had no intention of sparing this person's life.

"Turn your elbow!"

Seeing Uncle Chen leaning back, Du Beiding quickly folded his arm inwards, and the tip of his elbow was driven forward, suddenly shot out like an arrow from a string, and went straight to Uncle Chen's jaw at an extremely fast speed.

The moment he saw Du Bei succeed in stopping his attack, he changed his tactics and attacked again, seemingly not giving himself a chance to breathe.

Uncle Chen already knew that Du Beiting was planning to kill him.

He must kill himself in the shortest possible time.

"Tease your heart!"

After the collision just now, Uncle Chen already knew that the strength of the two people existed.

This is not because there is a gap between Du Beiting and him.

But there is a gap between him and Du Beiting.

You know, he is a warrior who has completed reshaping six times.

But in front of him, the attack power and bone strength he used were not as good as Du Beiding? !

Du Beiting, didn’t he just complete three bone changes? !

"This boy's strength is completely inconsistent with the information I got from the second lady!

He is definitely hiding his own strength!

You can't confront him head-on.

Otherwise, I might really end up here today. "

Uncle Chen's eyebrows darkened. When he saw the tip of Du Beiting's elbow protruding like the tip of a pole, he didn't dare to show any signs of neglect.

If at this moment, he still has to forcefully retreat to dodge, he may not be able to avoid it and will be attacked by it.

He raised his palm high, flicked it, and swayed like a spiritual snake, stirring up many afterimages in the air.

He neither evaded nor counterattacked, but instead twisted towards Du Beiting's wrist.

The fingers protruding from the front of the palm arched and gathered together, like sharp awls, and dug hard into Du Beiding's chest.

"You just want to stop me?" Seeing this, Du Beiding couldn't help but sneered slightly, and a chill emerged in his eyes.

"Floating Light Thunder Power!"

Along with this, Du Beiting thought silently in his heart.

The Qi and blood flowing in his body suddenly became extremely active, as if being pushed, and instantly became extremely hot, sweeping towards the bones of his body.

If you look carefully, you can also find a layer of ripples appearing on the skin of Du Beiting's body, layer by layer.

"Qi and blood transport power, three layers superimposed!"

The three qi and blood transports were completed in an instant.

Du Beidian could even hear the fluctuations of Qi and blood in his body that were circulating crazily, making a "swishing" sound that echoed in his ears.

The skin and flesh also showed a deep blood red color.

The speed of the thrusting elbow tip suddenly accelerated as a result.

The wrist bone was wrapped with an extremely tyrannical force and he rushed forward, leaning hard towards Uncle Chen's wrist that was attacking him.

There was a heavy "bang" and a dull sound.

The next second, there was a crisp cracking sound from Uncle Chen's wrist bones.

At that moment, "click", a whole hand moved to the right.

You can even see the broken bone spurs at the wrists piercing the flesh and seeping out with blood.

"How is this possible?!" Uncle Chen's eyes widened.

The scene happening now is somewhat unreal.

His other hand quickly reached forward, his palm wide open, and pressed against his chest.


The tip of his elbow, which had not lost its momentum, landed heavily on the center of Uncle Chen's palm and hit his chest.

His face immediately became slightly distorted, his teeth were clenched tightly, and cold sweat broke out on his temples.

A powerful force penetrated through the palm of his hand and penetrated deeply into his chest, causing his upper body to arch like a shrimp.

The internal organs in the body were tumbling, as if due to the impact of external forces, the blood surged upwards, and the face became red for a while.

"I thought he was so strong, but it turned out to be this level of strength." Seeing this, Du Beiding couldn't help but shake his head slightly, with a bit of disappointment in his eyes.

As soon as he finished speaking, he pulled out his other hand like a python flicking its tail, and hit Uncle Chen's temple on the other side.

"not good!"

The fierce wind blew against his face, causing Uncle Chen's eyes to narrow subconsciously.

He quickly turned sideways and twisted his shoulders, moving his head, and the palms packed with force could barely brush his ears.

The moment Du Beidian's palm passed over Chen Bo's shoulder, there was a pause visible to the naked eye.

Immediately, with a flick of his arm and wrist, his five fingers gathered into a sharp cone and stabbed downwards, landing heavily on Uncle Chen's shoulder.

There was a muffled "dong" sound.

The clothes on his shoulders instantly tore apart.

The bones and flesh collapsed directly, and a large amount of bruises immediately emerged and secreted.

Half of Uncle Chen's body trembled and he almost fell to the ground.


Uncle Chen groaned in pain, and suddenly rushed forward with his right foot that was gripping the ground. An explosive force gathered on his toe, like a razor, it was drawn horizontally and went straight to shave off Du Beiting's ankle. .

Du Bei was not in a hurry to stop.

He raised his toes lightly and rubbed the lower side of Uncle Chen's feet the moment Uncle Chen's feet were kicked.


The two collided, and his left foot quickly retreated and stepped on the ground to support his body.

With the force of Chen Bo's kick, Du Beiting stepped back a bit, but he also threw out a palm.

But after all, Uncle Chen has been practicing martial arts for many years and has rich combat experience.

The moment he kicked out the kick, his hands were criss-crossed in front of him, resisting the heavy palm thrown by Du Beiting.

The majestic strength penetrates the skin and flesh to the bones.

Uncle Chen's hands were trembling uncontrollably due to Du Beizhi's wave of palm, and his body fell backward due to inertia.

After taking a few steps back, he immediately grabbed the ground with the soles of his feet, twisted his waist, turned his back to Du Beidan, and ran away in another direction.

After these few rounds of fighting, he already knew that he was no match for Du Beiting.

Whether it is the vigor and intensity of Qi and blood, the hardness of bones, or the burst of strength, they are far inferior to Du Beiding.

If Du Beiting continued to fight like this, he would probably be the one who died.

Instead of holding on, it is better to find an opportunity to escape and return to the city to inform the second lady of the news.

“Boy, you’re out of luck.

If the second young lady arranges for someone else to keep an eye on you, she might really get entangled with you.

There is no way to escape.

But I am different.

I practice Qing Gong and Leg Kung Fu. "

If you look carefully, you can see that Uncle Chen is walking with a rather evil-looking pace at this time.

The feet walk in a diagonal posture.

Every time he lands, his toes will instantly lift up as soon as his toes touch the ground, and he will fly forward a long distance, like a dragonfly touching water.

Every burst of speed didn't seem to require much effort on Uncle Chen's part.

Moreover, he ran extremely fast.

Only a few breaths had passed, and there was a long distance between him and Du Beiting.

Seeing that there was no movement behind him, Uncle Chen subconsciously turned his head and glanced behind him, only to find that Du Beiting was still standing there, not moving, just looking at himself very calmly.

"What happened to this kid? He didn't catch up? Are you planning to accept his fate?" Although he was thinking about this in his heart, for some reason, Du Beiting's unruffled expression always gave Uncle Chen a bad premonition. .

Uncle Chen continued to move forward and took several positions.

The moment his right foot was about to take a step forward.

Suddenly, something seemed to happen.

His eyes suddenly bulged, and there was a crushing, corrosive pain in his organs, and a "gurgling" sound came from his throat.

His mouth grew subconsciously.

With a "wow" sound, a large pool of smelly blood spurted out.

His consciousness seemed to be fascinated, he was groggy, and his vision became dark.

"Something's wrong?!

What's going on, how can it be so good?"

The incident happened so suddenly that Uncle Chen had no time to find out his condition, something strange happened to his body, and then a large mouthful of blood spurted out.

It was as if all the strength in the body had been drained out of thin air.

After staggering for several steps, he fell directly to the ground, shoveling a long trace along the ground and causing snowflakes to splash.

Lying on the ground, his breath became weak.

Not only the mouth, but also the nose and ears, there was an unstoppable flow of blood.

As if he were a dying person.

"You really think I let you escape?" Seeing this, Du Beiting, who was standing not far away, walked slowly towards Uncle Chen.

His open palm slowly lowered, and its surface was densely covered with multiple deep dark green poisonous threads, criss-crossing and intertwining with each other.

The poisonous vein hidden in the body was opened by Du Beipi as early as when he stopped fighting.

Mobilize highly toxic substances and float between hands and feet.

It is precisely because of this that every move made by Du Beizhan will become a fatal attack.

Even warriors with a higher level than him will be poisoned as long as they come into contact with him.

"Damn it, am I poisoned? What kind of poison is this?" His current condition is obviously a sign of poisoning.

Uncle Chen hurriedly reached into his arms, grabbed a small bottle from his arms, and wanted to take out the detoxification pills he carried with him.

But the next second, a strong wind blew in front of him.

Suddenly, Du Beiding's figure flashed vaguely and appeared in front of him.

The right foot was like a death scythe, kicking diagonally towards the side of his neck, and the toes wrapped in a strong wind went straight to Uncle Chen's Adam's apple.

"No!" Uncle Chen screamed with his eyes split open, and immediately let go of the bottle of antidote pills he was holding.

His hands immediately crossed in front of him, barely blocking his Adam's apple.

But in a poisoned state, one's own strength cannot be exerted to its limit.

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