I can extract martial arts files

Chapter 206 Poisonous Cloud and Black Crocodile Group

Before Lu Tianqiang finished speaking, Du Beiting raised his hand to stop him.

The latter shook his head slightly, "No, it's the Fengming Glazed Heart Stone. I'm very interested in this thing.

No matter what the situation is in that cave, go and take a look first.

If it really doesn't work and we can't get involved, we'll look elsewhere.

Before that, though, I have a few questions for you. "

"Senior, please tell me."

"You said before that besides you, there are others who know the news, right?"

"Yes, there are three people including me who know about it." Lu Tianqiang nodded.

"Since others have invited experts from the Reborn Realm to help, take the Fengming Glazed Heart Stone.

Then why don't you invite a strong person from the Rebirth Realm to help?

As one of the guardians of Blood Hand Hall, your power and status are probably not low.

It shouldn't be difficult to invite a few powerful people from the Reborn Realm to help, right?

Or if the three of you each invite a strong person from the Reborn Realm to work together, won't you be able to take down the Fengming Glazed Heart Stone? "

Regarding Du Bei's question, Lu Tianqiang just sighed and shook his head slightly.

"Senior, you are overthinking. Blood Hand Hall is just an extremely ordinary force in Jiangxing City.

As for the position of protector, although it holds a high position in the Blood Hand Hall, it is impossible to recruit a strong person from the Reborn Realm.

Because the only strong person in the Reborn Realm in the Blood Hand Hall is the Hall Master.

Since I took up the position of Protector, I have never said a word to the hall master.

On top of the Dharma protector, there is also the position of elder.

I can only be regarded as a core fringe member of the Blood Hand Hall, and my authority is not very high. It is difficult to see the leader of the hall on weekdays. "

"Furthermore, the powerful man in the Reborn Realm invited by Wang Laogou at that time was his master.

It was only because of their master-student relationship that they could be invited here. "

"But fortunately, Wang Laogou's master died at the mouth of Poison Cloud Biluo Black Crocodile.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

Afterwards, we made corresponding agreements among ourselves.

We have agreed not to bring any outsiders here in the future.

Everything about Tianfeng Nest can only be obtained by one's own ability.

Otherwise, all members will unanimously resist and will not be allowed to enter Tianfeng's lair.

After all, Wang Laogou broke the rules.

He actually brought an outsider here, and he was still a strong man in the Reborn Realm!

You must know that strong men with the Rebirth Realm know the existence of Tianfeng Lair, let alone eat meat.

We warriors in the bone-changing realm are not as strong as them, and we may not even be able to drink soup.

It may even put your own life in danger. "

After saying that, Lu Tianqiang added another sentence.

"At that time, Wang Laogou's master was brought here by him. On the way to his destination, he searched for treasures in several dangerous caves nearby and around him.

If he hadn't been in such a hurry to get the Fengming Glazed Heart Stone, he would have raided the entire peripheral area of ​​Tianfeng's lair. "

"What about Wang Laogou? He broke the rules, and you just let him go?"

"Wang Laogou is not weak in strength. Among us, his strength is considered to be in the middle to upper level.

It's not easy for us to take action against him.

However, since that incident, I have never seen him again, and there is no news about him. "

Du Beiding nodded, finally understanding the meaning of Lu Tianqiang's words.

Someone should have gone to find Wang Laogou privately.

However, I don’t know who did it.

"According to what you said, there are nearly a hundred poisonous cloud blue black crocodiles living in that cave.

So they don’t need to eat or excrete? "

Du Beiting looked at Lu Tianqiang in confusion, "Could there be enough meat in other caves in Tianfeng's lair?"

Du Beiting's words stopped Lu Tianqiang.

He couldn't help but be slightly startled. After all, he had never thought about this problem.

"have no idea.

Maybe this is the mystery of Tianfeng Lair?

After all, every secret place has its own mystery. "

Du Beiting nodded thoughtfully, "Okay, let's go over and take a look before making any plans."

"Senior, do you really want to go?" Lu Tianqiang hesitated slightly and already regretted telling the news.

He was afraid that when Du Bei stopped somewhere, he would get the Fengming Glazed Heart Stone out of a sudden impulse.

That cave is a place where even strong men in the realm of reincarnation have to perish.

Even though Du Beiting has entered the state of rebirth, it is probably impossible to seize the Fengming Glazed Heart Stone from under the noses of a large group of poisonous clouds and blue black crocodiles.

It is even very possible that it will take his life.

And Lu Tianqiang happened to have the poison planted by Du Beiting in his body. If Du Beiting died, wouldn't he?

Du Beiting noticed Lu Tianqiang's changing expressions and understood what he was thinking.

"Well, let's talk about it when we get there. Hurry up and lead the way." Du Beipei nodded and walked towards the cave entrance in the direction Lu Tianqiang pointed before.

If it were other alien races, maybe Du Beiting would really be wary of them.

After all, they are all foreign objects that can rival the strength of a warrior who has completed ten bone reshapings.

No matter how strong Du Beiting was, it would be difficult for him to fight with such a large group in a small area.

The regional space is limited, and it is difficult to fully utilize its own strength.

But if the foreign object is the Poison Cloud Biluo Black Crocodile, it will be different.

Apart from the slow speed, there are almost no other disadvantages.

It has rough skin and thick flesh, and its lethality is astonishing.

Any creature bitten by the Poison Cloud Biluo Black Crocodile will almost certainly die as long as there is not much difference in strength between the two.

Moreover, the skin on its body contains highly toxic substances, making it difficult for ordinary warriors to harm it at all.

But at the same time, as a member of the foreign body, it has a fatal flaw.

That’s fear of poison!

Although it carries a poison sac, it is poison hidden in the outer skin of the body and cannot be driven and used independently.

Once a foreign poison contaminates the outer body, it will carry the poison sac under the epidermis and invade the body together, spreading to every part of the organs, flesh, and bones.

And about this news.

It was what Du Bei saw when he stopped at a book.

As for this book, it naturally comes from the "Crane Control and Tribulation Demonic Poison Manual" that he practiced.

The poison sac on the skin of the Poisonous Cloud Biluo Black Crocodile is used as one of the main materials needed for its cultivation.

On the pages of the Control Crane Tribulation Demonic Poison Codex, there is a detailed introduction to the poisonous cloud blue black crocodile.

And Du Beiting also learned from these contents that using poison was definitely the best way to deal with the Poison Cloud Biluo Black Crocodile.

However, there is an extremely stringent requirement.

That is the poison used, and its toxicity must be higher than the poison carried by the Poison Cloud Biluo Black Crocodile itself.

Otherwise, it will not be able to penetrate into the skin of Poison Cloud Blue Black Crocodile.

It will be directly corroded and dissipated by the poison on the surface of the skin, making it difficult to corrode and invade the body.

“I just don’t know that the poisonous skills I practice are extremely poisonous.

Including the poison I specially developed, can the mixture be stronger than the poison on the surface of the Poison Cloud Biluo Black Crocodile? "

Du Beiting remembered that the poisonous poison carried by the Poison Cloud Biluo Black Crocodile could only be regarded as average.

It seems that even warriors in the realm of reincarnation cannot be poisoned to death

But whether his idea will succeed is still unknown.

After all, that was just an introduction to poisonous substances in the "Crane-Controlling Soul-Stealing Grimoire".

It's the same thing as described.

But specifically, it depends on the effect after implementation.

When Du Bei stopped issuing orders, Lu Tianqiang naturally did not dare to disobey.

His face didn't look good.

Because in his eyes, that cave was a place where even a strong person in the Rebirth Realm would die.

No matter how strong Du Beiting is and how powerful he is, he can't be a match for this group of poisonous clouds and blue black crocodiles.

In a limited area, a group of poisonous cloud blue black crocodiles attack at the same time. Who can withstand this?

Unless there is a crushing level of strength between the two parties.

All he can do now is pray that Du Beiting still maintains a certain degree of sanity.

He wouldn't go and take Fengming Glazed Heart Stone by force just because he's hot-headed.

Otherwise, if Du Beiting dies, he may have to pay for his life.

It's not far from the cave where the Poisonous Cloud Biluo Black Crocodile is.

After a while, we arrived.

As soon as the two of them passed through a cave full of grass, Lu Tianqiang, who was walking at the front, pointed to a cave to his right.

"This is it.

You can reach it by walking straight along the entrance of this corridor. "

There is a black circle painted on the mud wall to the left of the cave entrance.

Du Beiting knew that it should be the mark left by Lu Tianqiang and others.

He was about to speak.

Suddenly, his expression changed slightly.

Before Lu Tianqiang on the side could react, Du Beiting grabbed him by the collar and rushed towards the cave entrance away from the two of them.

A large figure disappeared into the tunnel at the entrance of the cave.

And the next moment the two of them disappeared into this cave, they were just where Du Bei stopped looking.

There was a rustling noise for a while.

After a while, several poisonous cloud blue black crocodiles with a body length of about ten meters appeared.

Each poisonous cloud blue black crocodile has thick limbs, and every time it steps on the ground, it will leave a light footprint.

The whole body is pitch black, the scales on the body are faintly black, and two rows of white sharp teeth are exposed to the air.

They were arranged neatly and were crawling slowly towards the direction Lu Tianqiang pointed just now.

After all the Poisonous Cloud Biluo Black Crocodiles left one after another, Du Beiting and Lu Tianqiang emerged and walked out.

"What's going on, these poisonous cloud blue black crocodiles are coming out?" Seeing this scene, Lu Tianqiang couldn't help but feel horrified in his heart, but he was more confused and afraid.

You know, he had often wandered and searched around here before.

If they were to encounter this group of poisonous black crocodiles, they would probably die.

"Judging from the number just now, I'm afraid there are around twenty, right?

These poisonous cloud blue black crocodiles left their habitat, where did they go? "

"Looking for food." At this moment, Du Beiting, who was standing next to him, suddenly said something.

His eyes darkened, "Didn't you notice that the abdomen of every Poison Cloud Blue Black Crocodile is heavy and bulging.

Obviously, he went to the outside world to look for food.

Whether it is a foreign object or a strange beast, without a stable source of food, it will not survive long underground.

Previously, I was curious as to how there could be so many Poisonous Cloud Biluo Black Crocodiles gathered in the same cave under Tianfeng's lair.

If we live together for a long time, we won't starve to death?

The reason is right here. "

Du Beiting's eyes narrowed, and he immediately walked towards the cave entrance where the Poisonous Cloud Blue Luo Black Crocodiles had left.

“Under Tianfeng’s lair, there is an exit to the outside world.

And this exit is not the entry point for us to enter this place. "

"Senior, what do you mean?" Lu Tianqiang frowned slightly, vaguely understanding the meaning of Du Beiting's words.

"After I finish this trip, I will seal the entrance of the cave.

Tianfeng Lair is a secret place that cannot be known to too many people. "

Du Beiting turned his eyes slightly and looked at Lu Tianqiang.

“Just for the few of us, the things on the edge and periphery of Tianfeng’s lair are not enough.

If an outsider discovers this place again, the warriors in the bone-changing realm will be fine.

If someone comes from the realm of rebirth, you guys probably won't even be able to drink the soup.

At the same time, it will also cause me a lot of trouble.

The inner area of ​​Tianfeng Lair has not yet been explored and developed, and I don’t want to give things to these guys. "

You know, Du Beiting walked a long distance for nearly a month in order to get to Tianfeng's lair.

He also killed Chen Shaoying.

The Chen family was furious.

Since returning from the last hunting day trial event, the Chen family has launched a large-scale investigation.

Secretly send people to find those who survived the hunting day trial, and ask if anyone has seen Chen Shaoying, and if his traces have been found.

Until Du Bei stopped leaving the city and headed to Tianfeng's lair, the Chen family's investigation had yet to find any clues.

Du Beiting thought that he was not a good person.

After finally arriving here, he didn't want to give up the benefits he was about to receive.

As for Lu Tianqiang, he could understand what Du Beiting said later.

But what did those previous words mean?

"Senior, you just said you were going to seal the entrance of the cave after finishing your work, right?"

Seeing Du Beiting nodding, Lu Tianqiang continued to ask.

“Sealing the cave entrance, I can still understand.

But what do you mean by ‘finishing things’? "

Seeing Du Beiting looking straight at the cave where the Poison Cloud Biluo Black Crocodile was, Lu Tianqiang felt a bad premonition in his heart.

"Just because you asked, doesn't it mean you know what's going on?" Du Beiping glanced at him, without saying anything, and then quickened his pace and walked towards the cave corridor of the Poisonous Cloud Blue Luo Black Crocodiles.

At the same time, I didn’t forget to shout.

"Hurry up and follow."

Du Beiting's words made Lu Tianqiang's face become extremely ugly.

That was the Poison Cloud Biluo Black Crocodile population, and there were nearly a hundred of them, all in one cave.

How could one person from Du Beiping be their opponent?

What should I do if he dies?

Doesn’t that mean we have to die together?

Many thoughts were swirling in his mind, and Lu Tianqiang did not dare to disobey for a while, so he could only follow him obediently.

But fortunately, Du Beiting was not as reckless as Lu Tianqiang imagined.

After entering the tunnel leading to the cave of the Poison Cloud Biluo Black Crocodile population.

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