I can extract martial arts files

Chapter 220 Meet the Baihong Sect Again

“In just one day, two breakthroughs were achieved in a row.

Is this the product of Tianfeng Lair?"

Du Beiting's eyes flickered and he became thoughtful.

"Moreover, this is a product that was collected from the periphery. It was all leftover by Lu Tianqiang and others.

And the things inside are probably even better! "

You know, Tianfeng Nest is a secret place.

At present, except for Du Beiting, only Lu Tianqiang and a few people know about it.

And among the few people who knew the news, three people had already died.

In other words, apart from Lu Tianqiang and Du Beiting, there is currently only one other person who knows the news.

Moreover, the inner area of ​​Tianfeng Lair is currently full of dangers, but no one who is not in the Rebirth Realm or above dares to set foot there.

In other words, its inner area is unexplored.

“An untapped treasure trove.

By then, wait until my strength becomes stronger.

Maybe you don't need to wait until you are promoted to the Rebirth Realm before you can go to Tianfeng Lair again. "With this thought in his mind, Du Beiting quickly made a decision.

“In the next few days, first regulate your own Qi and blood status.

Once there is news from Lu Tianqiang, he can start preparing for the practice of the "Hua Zhao Tian Demon Poison Sutra". "

Seeing that his body was sticky with sweat and there was a light layer of impurities and dirt on his skin, he fetched several buckets of clean water from the well and washed it directly in the yard.

Then, he walked out of the house and walked to the market in the city.

By the time Du Beiting walked out of the house, it was already dark.

The full moon hangs high in the sky, and the starry sky shines on the ground, reflecting the cityscape.

Although it has fallen into the night, the popularity of Jiangxingcheng Market has not decreased but increased.

People are coming and going on the street, and almost every shop on both sides has a large paper lantern hanging at the door, with the company's name written in writing on the lantern.

Inside the shop, oil lamps were lit to disperse the darkness.

Du Beiping came to a grocery store in the back street of the market.

There were not many customers in the grocery store at this time, only a few sparse ones.

Du Beiding walked straight to the counter, purchased clothes and other daily necessities, and asked the clerk at the grocery store to deliver them to his home early tomorrow morning before leaving.

Half a year ago, before he left Taiyuan City, he exchanged his gold nuggets and other belongings for money notes.

So, I have a lot of large banknotes on hand.

And this money is what he plans to use to purchase the poisons and poisons needed to practice the "Huazhao Tianmo Poison Sutra".

"The money I brought back from Taiyuan City is quite a lot. I thought it would be used for a long time."

Du Beiting walked out of the grocery store, found a nearby restaurant, and ordered five wonton noodles, ten plates of beef salad and two large bowls of mutton soup.

“But I didn’t expect to encounter the Nether Poison Blood Pill.

It has ten branches of poison skills. Currently, I have mastered two branches of poison skills: "Nine Yin Crazy Demon Poison Body" and "Tribulation Demon Control Crane Poison Code".

As for the remaining eight branches of Poison Technique, it is necessary to start practicing them.

I'm afraid it will consume a lot of financial resources and may use up all my money. "

With this consideration in his mind, Du Beiting shook his head slightly.

After sitting on the wooden bench in the restaurant for a while, the old man in an apron walked towards Du Beiting with a wooden case.

There are three wonton noodles placed on the wooden table, and they are all topped with a large amount.

Each wonton is about the size of half a fist. The soup noodles are covered with chopped green onions for garnishing, and the dough is spread out underneath.

The hot air is wrapped in a rich aroma and hits your nostrils.

On the side is beef mixed with chili and cold vegetables.

And, mutton soup with a few slices of mutton.

"Sir, here are the wonton noodles and beef you ordered."

The boss brought several bowls of wonton noodles and cold beef to Du Beiting one by one.

“Here, there’s also mutton soup.

You eat first, and there are still some leftovers. "

Du Beiting took the chopsticks handed to him by the boss and began to eat without saying anything.

After blowing a few breaths of cool air, I took it into my mouth while it was still hot, chewed it, and stirred it.

The meat is tender and the noodles are chewy. It is one of the better noodles that Du Beiting has ever tasted.

"It's ok."

Du Beiting nodded. After finishing one bowl in a few seconds, he started eating the next bowl.

But not long after eating, there was a chaotic noise at the end of the back street.

Du Bei stopped consciously, stopped eating, and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw that there were only a few pedestrians walking on the back streets, which used to be quite crowded.

Even if they did, they would all lean to both sides of the street, not daring to make any unnecessary movements and watching from a distance.

And their eyes also fell on the group of people walking out of the back street.

This group of people all wore uniform clothes, which were white Taoist robes with a small "rainbow" embroidered on the upper right corner of the chest.

They walked side by side, each holding a lit candle in his hand.

The leader walking at the forefront was holding a large incense candle nearly as thick as a ham.

While walking slowly, his mouth opened and moved, as if he was mumbling something, uttering some words that Du Beiting could not understand.

The whole place was shrouded in smoke from the incense candle in his hand, giving it a rather strange atmosphere.

"What the hell? There are actually people from the Baihong Sect in Jiangxing City?" When Du Beiting saw this scene, he was stunned for a moment.

Judging from the costumes of this group of people, they are basically the same as the Baihong Sect group that I met in Taiyuan City that day.

Sure enough, it was just as Du Beiting thought.

When he saw this group of people, other diners who were also eating in the restaurant also recognized the identity of this group of people.

"What the hell? Why did the people from Baihong Sect show up again? I remember they haven't appeared in Jiangxing City for almost four or five months."

"Who knows, these people from the Baihong Sect are always talking about themselves and don't know what they are doing on a daily basis? I heard that they always do some shameful things behind their backs.

General Jiang's second son was abducted to the Baihong Sect two months ago. In less than a few days, his whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Not only do my parents not recognize me, and I can’t go back home, but I also believe in those methods of eternal life.

But didn’t people from the Baihong Sect die before?

How can there be eternal life? If you really have eternal life, you have reached such a situation that you need to convert people into religion? "

“Hey, forget it, stop talking nonsense here, and leave quickly.

If you are targeted by these people from the Baihong Sect, you will have to shed your skin even if you don't die.

Anyone who is targeted by them basically joins the religion the next day.

We'd better leave quickly.

If one really joins the Baihong Sect, that person's life will be completely ruined. "

Among the guests at the table next to them, several of them were tall and muscular, and they looked like they had martial arts skills.

But even so, they still have some fear of the so-called Baihong Sect.

"No, why are you in such a hurry? I haven't finished eating the pork stew rice yet." A slightly stout man was immersed in cooking rice. When he saw that several people who came with him were about to leave, he hurriedly raised his head and shouted. Voice.

"No, Hei Lao Zhu, are you really addicted to eating?

Want food or life? "

The person sitting opposite Hei Lao Zhu glanced at him helplessly.

He didn't forget to urge him, his brows furrowed.

"Hurry up and leave. Don't stop joking. People from Bai Hong's religion won't play around with you."

"I'm not kidding, I really want to eat." Hei Lao Zhu stopped, then poured a large mouthful of hot soup into his mouth, took a breath, and then continued.

"Have you forgotten the Jiang Xing grand meeting in a month's time?"

"Why, what's the point here?"

Hei Lao Zhu is the one who is more afraid of death among this group of people.

Now that they saw him watching the people from Baihong Sect approaching and not looking for a place to hide, others knew that things were not as simple as they seemed at the moment.

"Of course, we are all people who have been in Jiang Xingcheng for a few years. We should all know what Jiang Xingsheng is, right?"

Jiangxing Fair is a grand fair held in Jiangxing City every year.

Invite Taoist priests, magicians and other worshipers to perform rituals and prayers to protect Jiang Xingcheng and others' good health, disease-free and disaster-free, etc.

After seeing several people who were traveling with him nodding, the black old Zhu continued.

"This is also the news I received not long ago." He paused for a moment, then continued, "Have you noticed that during this period of time in the middle of the year, before the market event is about to take place, no one will Join the Baihong Sect?

No one joins, whether they actively join or are forced to join. "

After hearing this, several people present were obviously stunned and raised their brows slightly, as if they were recalling.

"It seems that there really is such a thing." A man standing next to Hei Lao Zhu scratched his head, "There is a family living in the north and south directions of my street, and he happens to be a member of the Baihong Sect.

You are also aware of this matter.

On weekdays, whenever he travels, he is almost always doing business for the Baihong Sect.

But during this time in the middle of the year, except for going out on the streets to go out to smoke, they almost never go out and spend the rest of the time at home. "

After Hei Lao Zhu said this, the man poured out everything about his neighbor.

"So, there's no need to run away in a hurry." Hei Lao Zhu stuffed another large piece of beef into his mouth and chewed it, making his lips covered with grease.

"As long as it is during this period of the year and before the end of the market event, the Baihong Sect will not arrest anyone to join them."

Having said this, Hei Lao Zhu pointed at the people hiding on both sides of the street.

"What's more, didn't you see those people?

He would rather hide and stand on both sides of the street and watch the excitement than run away. He obviously knew the news.

Otherwise, if you see people from the Baihong Sect going out on the street to offer incense, do you think there will still be people there? "

As soon as Hei Lao Zhu finished speaking, the old owner of the restaurant was already walking towards Du Beiting with noodles in his hand.

"The guest officer is right.

The fair is about to take place, and the Baihong Sect does not dare to cause trouble at will for the time being.

Therefore, you can eat with confidence. "

The boss gave Du Beiding a smile and placed the pasta, beef and other items on the wooden table in front of him.

"If not, you don't need to tell me, the old man will run away first."

"That's true. Boss, you see this situation is quite peaceful. Is it possible that you are not afraid of the Baihong Sect?"

Seeing the boss interjecting, Hei Lao Zhu subconsciously started a conversation.

"How can you not be afraid? It's just that you have to understand more if you are afraid.

As for why I'm calm, it's because I've seen a lot." The old boss responded with a smile.

Du Beiting, on the other hand, kept his eyes closed and began to eat at a slightly slower pace. He kept staring at Bai Hongjiao's group of people who were walking from a short distance away, holding incense and candles.

It wasn't until they left that he lowered his head again and continued eating.

Du Beiting was wary of the Baihong Sect.

Not to mention that he has completed five bone changes so far, he believes that even if he enters the realm of rebirth, he may not be an opponent of the Baihong Sect.

After all, it is an evil force that can spread across many cities. Behind it, it is definitely not as simple as ordinary people think.

Du Beiting even believed that behind the Baihong Sect, there might be warriors above the level of rebirth at the helm.

"Those people just mentioned that the market event will start in a month?" Recalling what those people said just now, Du Beiding subconsciously looked in the direction where the Baihong Sect and his group were leaving.

"But the Baihong Sect will not recruit anyone to join the sect at this critical moment. Are they also going to participate in the fair?"

Thinking about it, Du Beiting scooped several more large wontons into his mouth.

The next day, early in the morning.

In the courtyard, Du Beiting was standing in the courtyard with his upper body naked.

The arms were entangled like a horned dragon, with veins like branches entwined, densely spaced and clinging to every muscle as strong as steel.

Every time his palm reaches out, a strong wind will blow up.

Moreover, as soon as the palm of the hand was suddenly shot out, the wrist would twist along with the situation, and then the fingers would open up, and they would be arched like iron bars, and they would grab forward violently.

In an instant, it felt like the air was being crushed.

He just made a sound of tearing air.

At the same time as the claws were being grasped, Du Beidian stepped forward with his right foot, leaned forward, twisted his waist, turned around, and hit his elbow hard, hitting the front hard.

Whether it is the transformation of martial arts moves or the connection of steps and movements, they all appear to be very smooth.

After nearly half an hour passed, Du Beiting walked to an underground storage room in the yard.

Inside were placed ice cubes that covered the entire cellar, and in the center were two large stone jars filled with meat stained with sauce.

These things were all purchased by Du Beiting from a trip a few days ago and placed at home.

This way, he doesn't need to leave the house every time he eats.

Taking out a large plate of meat from the stone jar, Du Beiting walked out of the storage room and lit the fire to grill it.

After a while, the meat was roasted until it was golden brown and dripping with oil. The oil was sizzling and full of aroma.

Du Beiting sprinkled on his own special chili powder, stuffed it directly into his mouth, and started chewing.

Soon, after eating nearly eighty kilograms of meat, he slowed down slightly, his eyes thinking for a while. (End of chapter)

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