p.s. Hao, hao, I think this word is quite common, isn't it? (x

Chapter 46 Doctor Crow's Mouth

Inside the Melancholy Blues Cafe, Zhao Yeshou sat opposite Xu Haoning and Chen Ya. At this moment, Xu Haoning couldn't see that it was the weird person who easily killed a family of three last night, and just sat quietly, occasionally chatting with Chen Ya in a low voice.

Wouldn't it show up during the day...or would it be something to touch to make it look like last night?

Zhao Yesui quietly observed the two girls opposite Chen Minghao who had the closest relationship with Chen Minghao, and after a while he said, "Classmate Hao Ning and Classmate Chen Ya, I know this may be abrupt to you, but I hope you can help me."

"According to my investigation, Ming Hao's death is related to weirdness, but I don't know which weirdness it is. Since you are familiar with Minghao, he should tell you some weird things more or less. You are also much more familiar with this city than I am, so I would like to ask you to help me."

"Since we don't know who is involved in Ming Hao's death, we can just find them one by one."

Zhao Yesang's words were murderous, but Chen Ya did not suspect him, and said seriously: "If they are related to Ming Hao's death, then of course I will try my best to help you, please rest assured."

Xu Haoning just nodded slightly, as if avoiding Zhao Yeshou's sight, deliberately not looking at him.

"That's good." Zhao Yeshou smiled and said, "Then, let's meet at the entrance of the Central Hospital at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I'll go back and get some things, see you in the afternoon."

After Chen Ya and Zhao Yesui agreed, they left one after another, leaving Xu Haoning alone in his seat, his eyes wandering like sleepwalking.

Just when she was about to leave, Zhao Yesao's calm voice suddenly came from the table:

"Hello, Haoning classmate."

Xu Haoning was suddenly startled, looked towards the source of the sound, and found that the sound was coming from a mobile phone, and there was a pendant inlaid with azure gemstones beside the mobile phone.

"It's me, Ming Hao's father, Chen Hanshuang, who is talking to you on another mobile phone now."

When he said this, Zhao Yeshao chuckled: "Ha, the name I randomly gave myself is quite interesting, Chen Hanshuang, a rare name."

A random name for yourself?

What does it mean?

Xu Haoning was stunned for a moment, but soon calmed down, gritted his teeth, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Didn't I tell you? I'm Ming Hao's father." Zhao Yesui said mockingly, "Ha, you are the first 'person' who questioned my identity."

"No, you can't be Ming Hao's father." Xu Haoning frowned and said, "Although you do look very similar to Ming Hao, Ming Hao told me that he is an orphan and has no relatives at all. It's been a mess, at least that's what I remember."

"You, who exactly are you?"

"It's not important." Zhao Yesui's voice seemed very relaxed: "It's better to say that your current reaction has confirmed my guess. It's probably because of resentment, so there's no way to influence you... ..maybe a blessing in disguise?"

"......what are you talking about?"

Zhao Yesang's riddler behavior really made Xu Haoning grit his teeth, but Zhao Yesang's next sentence made her suddenly serious:

"Do you want to know who killed Chen Minghao?"

On October 13th, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Yesui arrived at the entrance of Huicheng Central Hospital on time. Chen Ya and Xu Haoning had been waiting here for a long time.

Even in broad daylight, he could see that guy in a crow's mouth mask and a white coat dangling at the door of the hospital. The usual pattern of weirdness not appearing in the daytime seemed useless to him.

"That's the goal."

Zhao Yesui looked at Chen Ya and Xu Haoning and said, "Do you have any clues? I think the monsters that can act in the daytime should be very powerful, so I didn't act rashly."

Chen Ya seemed to be well prepared, and handed a plastic-sealed file to Zhao Yeshou, and said, "If you say it's strong, it's strong, but if you say it's not strong, it's just that. The way is different, so it is possible to operate during the day.”

"Uncle, you only need to be a patient received by this hospital, and he will not hurt you."

Zhao Yesui nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Well, please help me with a medical record card, and I'll see if I can lead him to a remote place, or I'll fight at the hospital gate later. If it affects ordinary people, Hao Ning, come with me."

"Okay, then we'll be divided into two groups." Chen Ya nodded slightly and walked towards the hospital without any hesitation, while Zhao Yesui flipped through the files in his hand and frowned slightly.

"The well-known physician in Huicheng Central Hospital died after being retaliated for failing to save the only daughter of the chairman of HannStar Group... These strange things were left behind by Chen Minghao, why are the causes of death very similar , they all died of injustice, and the same goes for the seven weirdos in the school..."

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yeshou greeted Xu Haoning, and in Xu Haoning's surprised eyes, he walked towards Dr. Yazui alone, and asked directly:

"Why are you here? Who are you waiting for?"

Dr. Crowzui didn't seem to expect that Zhao Yesui would come to talk to him directly, and after a while in a trance, he said, "I...waiting for my patient."

waiting for a patient?

Zhao Yeshou said tentatively, "I am your patient, can you come with me?"

"No... you're not." Dr. Crow's Mouth was very calm, shook his head and said, "I want to wait for my patient."

Just when Zhao Yejiao felt it was difficult, Chen Ya arrived in time, handed the medical record card in her hand to Zhao Yejiao, and said nervously, "Uncle, is he here?"

Zhao Yeshou took the medical record card, looked at the graceful words "Chen Hanshuang" on it, his eyes moved slightly, and he said calmly, "Can't you see him?"

"Only Minghao can see it. Although he has been teaching us, I still can't learn it..." Chen Ya said while stepping back: "Then leave it to you uncle."

Zhao Yeshou nodded, and waited until Chen Ya withdrew before showing the medical record card to Dr. Crow's Mouth in front of him, and said, "Now, can you come with me?"

"..." After being silent for a long time, Doctor Crow's Mouth said, "Yes."


p.s. It has been revised to improve the plot.

Chapter forty-seven a meal




Ever since Zhao Yesui and Doctor Yuzui walked into this remote alley, strange voices kept ringing. From Chen Ya and Xu Haoning's point of view, this was the sound he made when he was subduing Doctor Yzui.

Only Zhao Yesui knew that he just set up a layer of water curtain, and from time to time he manipulated [Chai Chen] to make some noise. In fact, he was sitting at the corner with Dr. Crow's Mouth and discussing things that could affect the direction of the city.

"So that's the case." Zhao Yeshao sighed softly and said, "In other words, according to your observation, Dr. Li, when the weirdness was eliminated, the resentment in the city did not decrease, but increased?"

Dr. Crow's Mouth nodded and said in a hoarse voice: "When the young man came, there were four friends in the hospital, which is what you call weird. Because I am also weird, I was killed when they were killed. Afterwards, I could sense that the city's grievances had increased a lot, and it was from the hospital."

"So, where does the resentment come from?" Zhao Yeshou asked, "Because of a strange existence, or because of a strange death?"

"...Maybe because of the weird death, I'm not sure." Dr. Crowmouth said hesitantly: "But at least not because of the death of humans, I have seen too many human deaths, but they There was no resentment caused by his death."

"I see." Zhao Yesui felt like he had grasped the most important part of the scene, stood up, and said seriously to Dr. Crow's Mouth: "Thank you Dr. Li, without you, this city might have been destroyed. gone astray."

"Then let me give you a ride."

Zhao Yesui raised the magic sword, while Doctor Crow's Mouth closed his eyes calmly.

After a while, Chen Ya and Xu Haoning only heard a loud bang, and then they saw Zhao Yesui hurried out of the collapsed alley and said to them both: "Let's go, don't go and be caught by the city management. But it was fun."

The two probably understood what happened, and left the crime scene with Zhao Yeshou without saying a word.

After leaving a long way, Zhao Yesui said to Chen Ya: "Is there any other weird information? Leave it to me, it's getting late, and you two students shouldn't be messing around with me. Akira, I'll fix it myself."

Chen Ya said righteously: "Uncle, Minghao's business is my business. Since it is related to Minghao, I will naturally do my best to help you. Uncle, you are not familiar with Huicheng, and some places are very remote. If not, let me help you."

If it was before, Zhao Yesui might only think that Chen Ya is a good girl with affection and righteousness, but after giving out the medical record card, Zhao Yesang could only smile at her politely: "Okay, then thank you Chen. Classmate Ya."

"However, it's enough for one person to lead the way. I'd better send Hao Ning home first. After all, it's almost night."

Zhao Yesang's statement that it's almost night can be said to be a pun. Chen Ya thought for a while and said, "Indeed, otherwise, Hao Ning, you should go back first. If you go back too late, Uncle Xu will worry about you."

Xu Haoning looked at the two suddenly united front for unknown reasons, and said in a daze: "Oh, that's fine..."

Zhao Yesang sent Xu Haoning to the station, Xu Haoning stopped and said to Zhao Yesang, "Uncle, you can send it here. I have already called my dad, and he will send a driver to pick him up."

"Well, that's fine, I'll go back to classmate Chen Ya first, be careful with yourself." Zhao Yesui was saying that when he saw a police car parked on the side of the station, he stopped immediately, and stopped until he looked at the station. It wasn't until the police car drove away that he looked away.

"Uncle, what's wrong?" Xu Haoning asked curiously seeing that he had been staring at the police car.

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm just guilty of being a thief." Zhao Yeshou shrugged and said, "I kidnapped a friend last night and told him about my house, thinking that I might have a water meter check today, but it's just that So far no brother Jing has come to find me, and I don't know if that friend is cowardly or what."

"...Huh?" Xu Haoning exclaimed, not understanding what Zhao Yesui meant at all.

According to common sense, kidnapping others is fine. After kidnapping, I hope the police will come to the door. This is the first time Xu Haoning has seen such a person.

Zhao Yesui noticed her shocked eyes, spread out his hands, and said, "I hope he calls the police. In this case, it can still prove his innocence. The police are always better than those inexplicable things, but now it seems, It's hard to say..."

"Something inexplicable?" Xu Haoning keenly caught the word, and immediately said to Zhao Yesui, "Does it have anything to do with Ming Hao's death?"

"It should have a lot to do with it, but I can't be sure, because there are no useful clues at all. Even if I create the conditions myself, I can only know some specious clues." Zhao Yeshi shook his head and said: "There is always one I am In the feeling of taking over the endgame, all the clues that could be used have been destroyed by the previous chess player, leaving me watching a messy chess game."

"Can you be more specific?" Xu Haoning looked at Zhao Yeshou suspiciously, as if looking at a riddleman.

"I also want to be more specific, who wants to be a riddleman?" Zhao Yeshou sighed and said, "But I really don't know anything, who they are, what they are going to do, what is the organizational structure, There is no clue at all, except that I know they are not good people, and I don't know much from you."

"If you let me know who made me stay like a fool, I must treat him to a guillotine."

Chapter 48 Dormammu, I'm here to talk about conditions

On October 14th, at nine o'clock in the morning, Zhao Yesui stood in front of the abandoned factory building, flipping through the diary in his hand.

When Chen Ya came over, he generously gave the diary to Chen Ya and asked, "Student Chen Ya, this is the diary left by Ming Hao, but I don't know what he wrote. You know him well, do you know what this is?"

Chen Ya just glanced at it and immediately returned the diary to Zhao Yesao, saying, "Oh, this is a password Minghao likes to use, it's called the Polybius chessboard password, he used to tell us a lot about it. Playing with this is arranging the letters and showing them as coordinates . . . like this.”

Chen Ya also took a piece of paper and demonstrated it to Zhao Yesao, who just watched her perform quietly.

"Okay, I probably understand. So, who is the weirdness we have to deal with now?" Zhao Yeshou put away the diary and asked Chen Ya.

"Bai Zhanming, was a laboratory director of a laboratory under the HannStar Group during his lifetime, and later died in a river crash, but I...cough, Ming Hao thinks it should be caused by a dispute within the group."

Chen Ya skillfully handed the file to Zhao Yeshou, Zhao Yessang took it over and read it carefully, and when he noticed that this was a strange human figure who could communicate, he nodded slightly and said to Chen Ya: "Then, the old rules , I'll get in and get rid of him, you help me watch the wind outside, and let me know when someone comes."

After explaining the aftermath, Zhao Yesao carried [Caichen] into the workshop with a stern face, and before the figure in the white coat turned around, Zhao Yesao threw [Caichen] and let it be He made a noise while playing, and said to the figure:

"Bai Zhanming, I'm here to discuss conditions."

Chen Ya was waiting outside. There was a sound of crackling and broken utensils from time to time in the factory building. About five minutes later, Zhao Ye walked out wearily carrying [Chai Chen] and said to Chen Ya, "It's over, go down. a place."

"It's so strong..." Chen Ya was secretly startled, just like yesterday, Zhao Yesui swept over a dozen weirdos in a row without taking a break. Even Chen Minghao couldn't do this, right?

"Fortunately, the holy F2A is connected to us, no matter how strong he is, he can only be reduced to our help..."

Zhao Yesui also had a similar idea: "Although I don't know what their purpose is, if there is no information provided by them, the negotiation will not be so smooth. Maybe I should thank them?"

When the two scheming people met eyes, both of them could only smile awkwardly and politely, and then looked away.

On October 14th, at twelve o'clock in the evening, Zhao Yesui casually tied the diary to a duck and left the room by himself.

He took out a small bell that Bai Zhanming gave him during the day, and shook it gently. After a while, Bai Zhanming's voice came from the bell: "Receive the test, please speak up."

Zhao Yesui said as he shuttled between the houses, "This is Ye Lin, please answer Dr. Bai."

"This is Dr. Bai. The test is over. According to your guess, you have to go to the Urban Construction Archives. There is a very weak monster there. I have contacted him and know what his last wish is." Bai Zhanming calmly Said: "According to my estimation, your conjecture has a high probability of success, only one verification away."

"Remember, talk to him a few words after you go in. When he says he wants to share a memory with you, he will accept it and listen to it. This is his last wish."


Zhao Yesui was galloping in the night wind, and soon came to the entrance of the Huicheng City Construction Archives.

It was naturally impossible to visit from the main entrance. Zhao Yesui skillfully turned in through the side window, and went straight to the fourth archive according to Bai Zhanming's instructions.

The fourth archive was filled with numerous files, but Zhao Yesui's goal was not here, but the small room in which the newspapers were stored.

After wandering the archives for a while, Zhao Yesui saw the small door, pushed it open, and entered a translucent, drowsy old man who was awakened by him, and suddenly turned his eyes to him.

When the old man noticed that Zhao Yejia could see him, his eyes suddenly became eager: "Young man, are you looking for the newspaper?"

"Yes." Zhao Yesui walked in, closed the door, sat opposite the old man, and said after thinking, "Well, what newspapers do you have here?"

"Every newspaper in Huicheng has been here since 1994. You can tell me what you want to see." The old man patted his chest and said.

Zhao Yesui wanted to be polite and went to the main topic, but he thought of something and asked tentatively, "Can I find a newspaper related to a certain person?"

"Yes, of course, I remember every newspaper here clearly." The old man was full of confidence.

"Then, Chen Ya's?" Zhao Yesui observed the expression of the old man and said one by one, "Xu Haoning's? Chen Minghao's? Bai Zhanming's? Lin Xiaorong's?"

The old man's expression gradually became confused, and it was not until he heard the last name that he suddenly realized: "Oh, I know this, I know, you wait, I'll get it for you."

The old man got up and walked to the pile of old papers. After rummaging for a while, he took out a pile of dusty newspapers. He took out a copy and handed it to Zhao Yeshou: "Look, is it the newspaper you want to read."

Zhao Yeshou took it over, flicked the dust, and saw the news written in bold fonts on the homepage:

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