"Xiao Lin, according to the information in the bureau, there seems to be a hero-class monster in this building, but the bureau is now concentrating manpower on the C-level scene, so this task is on our heads." Middle-aged police officer Shen Shen Sheng said: "We all know which is more important and which is more important. That scene is far from being as simple as C-level. If it is not dealt with as soon as possible, it will become a disaster that endangers the entire Nancheng City. In contrast, a D-level is just weird. It's not enough to divide the people."

"In short, be careful with everything. According to the plan, first go to the suspected strange home to see the situation, then ask the other residents in this building, and finally investigate the building. If there is no accident, there should be no danger."

The young policeman nodded heavily.

The two left the police car, passed through the iron gate, and went downstairs. Looking at the deep stairwell, they stepped in without hesitation.

At the same moment when they stepped into the darkness, a cold feeling that seemed to come from the heart spread to the whole body, freezing to the bone marrow.

Behind them that they couldn't see, a dark figure in a robe stood up silently from the darkness, a dark scythe hidden in the shadows and aimed at the heads of the two.

Just as the sickle was about to be swung down, someone seemed to cough upstairs, so the voice-activated lights in the corridor lit up with a snap, dispelling the darkness, and the dark figure also reluctantly retreated.

"Old Chen..." Officer Lin was convinced that the cold feeling just now was not an illusion, his pupils contracted slightly, and he looked at Officer Chen beside him.

Officer Chen hesitated for a moment, then took out a strong flashlight and shone on the corridor, and said, "Go ahead, there is no saying that you just wanted to escape when you first came."

Although Officer Lin was still a little nervous, he continued to follow Officer Chen and went straight to Room 502 on the fifth floor. This is the residence of Chen Tianxiong as shown in the information.

The two looked at each other and rang the doorbell.

"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong."

The monotonous bell rang, but no one responded for a long time.

This is also one of the many possibilities that were expected. After a long time without a response, Officer Chen took out a rusted bronze key, inserted it into the keyhole, turned it slightly, and easily opened the old anti-theft door. .

Officer Chen held his breath slightly and opened the security door. What was revealed behind the door was an entrance that was no different from an ordinary home. From this angle, you could see the living room behind the entrance.

Although the lights were not turned on, Officer Chen and Officer Lin were not ordinary people, and the Life Policy Bureau would not arrange for two ordinary people to die, so they could see things clearly in the dark.

About to step into the danger zone, Officer Chen took a deep breath and looked at Officer Lin: "Xiao Lin, are you ready?"

"En." Officer Lin nodded slightly and rolled up his sleeves, revealing his arms after that. Although the hand does not have exaggerated muscles, it has a smooth sense of strength, and what is even more eye-catching is the crooked zipper on the arm, as if sewn to flesh and blood.

The middle-aged policeman also rolled up his sleeves, revealing the same zippered arms as Officer Lin.

The two looked at each other, straightened their arms, and slowly opened the zipper.


The sound of the gears clinched was heard, and there was a heavy gasp in the middle. After this sound that made people's heart beat faster, it was not two police officers who stood there, but two behemoths two meters tall.

The tall body, the thick arms, the heavy head, and the bright colors that signal danger, there is no doubt that this is at the top of the food chain—

Pink fluffy rabbit.

Yes, at this moment, the two behemoths standing at the entrance of Room 502, two meters tall, are the legendary creatures, the Pink Fur Rabbit.

From the appearance alone, it looks like two staff members in doll costumes, but in fact...

It does look like a staff member wearing a doll costume.

"Fifteen minutes, hurry up."

The older pink fur rabbit made a dull voice from Officer Chen, and the other pink fur rabbit responded, "Understood, sir."

The two of them bent down, passed through the low door after the transformation, and entered Room 501.

As well-trained professional field personnel of the Life Strategy Bureau, they did not split up, but the two of them investigated everything in the room together at a very fast speed.

They first confirmed that the strange person suspected of Chen Tianxiong was not in the room at the moment, and then began to investigate the furnishings in the room.

The living room, kitchen, balcony, bedroom, all places are like ordinary houses, there is nothing wrong with them, and the two even wonder if they have entered the house by mistake.

"This is......"

Finally, Officer Lin saw a photo frame in front of the sink in the bathroom.

There is a yellowed photo in the photo frame, and only two people are fully presented in the photo, a kind old man and a man who is as short as a child but has the appearance of an adult, both of them are smiling and watching. The camera looks like a happy one, but the photo seems to be damaged more than half, there should be a person in a lady's suit and a plaid shirt, but the face can't be seen...

In any case, Officer Lin knew very well that the old man in the photo was undoubtedly Chen Tianxiong, who was suspected of being a D-class weirdo!

As for the short young man, he didn't care too much. He covered the photo frame according to the rules and regulations, and was going to report to Officer Chen. Because the pink rabbit was too big, they did not enter the bathroom together, but Chen The police officer watched for him at the door.

What Officer Lin didn't notice was that when he left the bathroom, his shadow in the mirror didn't disappear. The pink furry rabbit's huge body stood quietly in the mirror, with blood dripping from its eyes, soaking wet. up pink fur...  

Not only that, the rabbit in the mirror doesn't seem to be satisfied with being trapped in this narrow container, grabbing the frame with both hands, ready to jump out of it...

At this moment, it seemed to hear someone's call, glanced back, hesitated, and finally left this mirror and went to another mirror.

Outside, Officer Chen also heard Officer Lin's description, pondered for a moment, and then felt horrified: "Wait, if Chen Tianxiong is really weird, then according to the law of supernatural, the person who can be in the same photo as him... ."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a burst of singing in the house, but it was more a combination of howling and weeping than singing.

"The stars in the sky are blinking, and there is a rag doll by the road. Doll, rag doll, why don't you go home? Is it because you have no home, no father and mother. Don't be sad, don't be afraid, rag doll, let me lend it to you You are half mother and share a home with you. Let me lend you half father and share a home with you..."

Songs ten times worse than fingernails scratching the blackboard echoed in the room, and a rag doll appeared out of thin air in the sight of Officer Chen and Officer Lin.

It seems to be made of two rag dolls, half of the face is feminine, wearing a lady's suit, the other half has a beard, wearing a plaid shirt, there are dense stitches in the middle, blood seeps at the stitches, the cloth The doll's already worn body was stained even more filthy.

Officer Chen stared at the rag doll under his feet, as if facing a big enemy, as if a sentence popped out from the depths of his throat: "Back up."

The two slowly retreated towards the door. The doll did not move, but continued to sing, but the singing became more and more sharp. Even with the doll suits, Officer Lin and Officer Chen still felt dizzy and almost unconscious.

At this moment, there was a thumping sound from downstairs, and someone shouted in dissatisfaction: "What ghost song is playing upstairs in the morning? Are you still not letting people sleep?"

The ragdoll's singing suddenly stopped, and it seemed a little confused. Officer Chen pushed Officer Lin away immediately, closed the security door, and didn't say a word of nonsense. The two quickly went downstairs, but they seemed to have touched something. Regularly, when they finally came to the first floor, they felt a whirlwind, and when they looked closely, they actually came to the seventh floor.

"What's the matter, is the ghost hitting the wall... How many weird things are in this building!" Officer Chen couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Even the most sluggish person can see that something is wrong with this building.

What terrified a trained professional like Officer Chen was that there seemed to be more than one weird person in this building.

two? five? ten? Or a hundred?

Or...the building itself, is the biggest weirdness?

At this moment, the two police officers heard the sound of the lock cylinder turning from Room 701 on the left. They naturally did not bet on whether it was a normal person's idea and continued to try to go downstairs. When he reached the first floor, he was sent back to the seventh floor.

At this time, it seems that a door has been opened in Room 701, and only the security door outside has not been opened.

A strong sense of crisis surrounded the two. They continued to go downstairs and tried various props on their bodies, trying to send a distress signal to the outside world, or to escape from it, but in the end they were unsuccessful.

When they went downstairs, they felt more and more the maliciousness of the building towards them, as if there was a strange person or even a few people in every room, staring at them...

Just when they went downstairs for the fifth time, the security door of Room 701 was about to be pushed open by something indescribable. The two police officers happened to arrive on the fourth floor, and then they saw someone push the door of Room 402 open. Frightened, he took a big step.

"What are you doing, why are there people running around in the morning..."

It was a handsome black-haired boy who opened the door. He frowned slightly and looked at the two pink furry rabbits, and said, "Is that you? Why are you making a fuss in the hallway wearing a doll costume?"

Officer Chen heard the faint sound of the TV coming from the house. It was the voice of Li Yue, the host of Nancheng Satellite TV, who he was very familiar with. Every morning at ten o'clock, she would host a program called Home Improvement 100 Questions.

Do ghosts watch TV too...

This thought flashed through Officer Chen's mind. He gritted his teeth, made up his mind, and said "I'm sorry" in a low voice, then dragged Officer Lin into Room 402 and closed the door.

As soon as he entered the door, he felt that the vaguely gloomy aura disappeared, and it seemed that the other weirdos in the building had tacitly retracted their gazes and stopped looking at them, as if they were already dead.

This room is indeed completely different from the Room 502 they entered before. To put it in a slightly mysterious way, it has the smell of "people".

This made Officer Chen slightly relieved.

Perhaps, this is the safest place in this ghost building.

"What are you doing?" The black-haired boy looked at them suspiciously, frowning slightly: "Breaking into a house without permission is a serious crime, or do you think you can ignore the law by wearing cute doll costumes?"

After realizing that the boy in front of him might be the only normal person in the building, Officer Chen took off his hood and showed the boy his police ID card: "Hello, I'm a police officer from Nancheng Bureau, Chen Kaisen, this is The second time is to investigate a murder that happened in your building, and I hope you can cooperate with us."

"Murder case?" The boy raised his eyebrows. He first checked Chen Kaisen's police officer card, and then said, "Wearing a doll costume to investigate a murder case? Is this a new rule?"

"Uh..." This question made Chen Kaisen feel embarrassed for a while, but he finally made a haha: "Anyway, I hope you can cooperate with our investigation."

The boy shrugged noncommittally, beckoned the two to sit down in the living room, and politely poured a glass of water for the two of them, and then brushed his phone on his own.

Chen Kaisen and Officer Lin sat restrainedly on the small bench and looked at their surroundings at the same time.

This seems to be a place where a normal person lives. Although the previous Room 502 seemed to be fully furnished, there were many places where it was exposed, such as the empty kitchen and the convenience food older than Officer Lin. The smelly sink doesn't look like a "human" inhabited.

But it's different here.

The PS5 and Switch in the living room, the figurines and Warhammer soldiers on the cabinet, and the TV that is broadcasting Home Improvement 100 questions all reveal the breath of life.

The most direct one is the teenager who is playing mobile games in front of him. It's weird that he still plays cute pig mobile games, right?

Chen Kaisen tried it and found that there was already a signal here, so he quietly sent a message to the outside, and called up the information of each resident in this building that had been sent to his mobile phone before he came out, and asked the teenager. : "Hello comrade, I forgot to ask before, what is your name?"

"Zhao Yesui." The young man said without raising his head, "What? Do you suspect that I am a murderer?"

Zhao Yeshou?

Chen Kaisen first felt that the name sounded a little familiar, then thought for a while, and was shocked: "Are you the ex-boyfriend of Chief Gu? That scumbag who always gave up?"

As soon as he said this, he knew that he had lost his temper, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I just happened to think of a colleague in the bureau..."

Zhao Yesui raised his head and glanced at them, and said calmly: "If the Chief Gu you are talking about is Gu Yizhu, then it should be right, it's me."

This made Chen Kaisen unable to speak.

However, it still made him relieved. After all, in this building full of weirdness, it is better to meet an acquaintance in a certain sense than to meet a weird person who eats people and doesn't spit out bones, right?

Zhao Yesui turned off the screen of his mobile phone, looked at Chen Kaisen, and said lightly, "So, you are the people of the Life Strategy Bureau? So what is the investigation result? Is Mr. Chen Tianxiong really weird?"


Aware of Chen Kaisen's surprised eyes, Zhao Ye tilted his head and said, "Don't you know? It's me who reported to you, Chief Gu, that my neighbor, Mr. Chen Tianxiong, looks exactly the same as the one who attacked me yesterday. It should be because of you guys. We're only here today to investigate, aren't we?"

Chen Kaisen just remembered that it was stated in the previous mission report that it was a "Justice Player" who reported to Gu Yizhu that there might be a problem with this building, and this "Justice Player" lived in this building. Room 402......


Chen Kaisen didn't think of this at all, because according to normal people's thinking, after being chased and killed by the strange neighbors, it is impossible to come back and continue to live before the crisis is lifted, right?

How could anyone continue to live here knowing that there are ghosts at home! !

"Uh, what, Mr. Zhao, since you were attacked and reported it, why do you continue to live here?" Chen Kaisen asked with consideration: "Generally speaking, this should be quite dangerous... ..."

"Because there's nowhere to go, and it's not necessarily dangerous." Zhao Ye spread his hands and said, "Besides, aren't you guys here to investigate? What, what are the results of the investigation?"

"Well, the results of the investigation will be issued into a report. If you are interested, you can ask Chief Gu..."

Now that he knows that Zhao Yesui is a player, the other party also knows the existence of the Life Strategy Bureau, and there is a relationship with Gu Yizhu, Chen Kaisen will not use the so-called murder case as a cover.

After hesitating for a while, he politely asked Zhao Yesui: "So what, Mr. Zhao, when you lived in this building, did you feel something was wrong? For example, the neighbors like to sing, or the stairs can't be walked. finished or something."

"No, although everyone doesn't like to communicate very much, it's still good overall." Zhao Yeshi said as a matter of course: "And I don't go out very much, so it's not a big problem."

It turns out that staying at home is the best way to deal with the weirdness on the first floor? ? ?

Chen Kaisen hesitated, but finally greeted Officer Lin and got up to leave.

This building is still dangerous and unpredictable, they have to leave quickly while the buff is still there.

Before leaving, he couldn't help reminding Zhao Yexuan: "Mr. Zhao, if you can, move out as soon as possible. This place...may not be suitable for living."

"Oh, okay." Zhao Yeshou replied indifferently, Chen Kaisen didn't know if he heard it or not, he sighed lightly, and when his eyes wandered, he happened to see a broken mirror in the bathroom.

Without thinking much, Chen Kaisen put on his hood again and followed Officer Lin out the door. As soon as he went out, he rushed straight down. As a result, he ran into a woman in a red dress and a mask. The other party came up and said, "Do I look good?" ”, it would be impossible to straighten the two police officers directly.

Fortunately, Zhao Yesui didn't seem to close the door yet. He greeted the woman, and the woman's attention suddenly shifted. The two chatted happily. Chen Kaisen couldn't help but feel a sense of absurdity in his heart when he saw this scene.

Is that what it did? ? ?

After confirming that Zhao Yesui would not have an accident, Chen Kaisen left the building as if he had escaped with Officer Lin. Before he could release his transformation, he put himself into the police car wearing a two-meter-one doll suit and hurriedly drove away. go.

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry.

Zhao Yesui stood by the window, quietly watching the two leave, and couldn't help sighing:

"Absolutely, six instant-death flags were triggered in less than 15 minutes. Who are these people? The Life Strategy Bureau has picked up a ghost."

p.s. This chapter is difficult to write, so it takes a long time.

Currently owed (1/5), adding one more update is also a plus, right (x

Pull across the bar

Dawnbreaker Saga unlocked today.

I pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition, and it's great to play.

Now I am dizzy, very dizzy.

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