Zhao Ye said meaningfully: "Since they have endured for so many years, they should not act rashly and miss the best time to eat until the tableware and symphony orchestra are ready. Just like you spent six Would you mind spending another five minutes preparing yourself an ice-cold Coke?"

Chen Shuang pondered for a moment, and agreed with Zhao Yesui's opinion, but he was still a little hesitant: "In case someone is being attacked by a demon, and we don't go to the rescue..."

Just as she was saying this, someone knocked on the door of Zhang's residence, and the dull knock on the door immediately reminded the two who were sitting in the courtyard.

The two looked at each other, their eyes a little dignified.

Because before the knock on the door, they didn't sense any breath at the door.

Zhao Yezhao knocked on the table and shouted out to the door, "Please come in."

When Zhao Yesui returned home, he specially reserved the door for Chen Shuang, and Chen Shuang did not lock the door when he came in. Therefore, the door of the mansion at this moment was just hidden, and was pushed open by the person who came.

The door of the mansion gradually opened, and behind the door was a girl with a hazy face that could not be seen clearly, only a young girl with long emerald green hair that was impressive.

"excuse me......"

The girl was about to say something when she was interrupted by Zhao Yeshou.

Zhao Yesui stared at the girl and shouted sharply, "Name? Gender? Work unit? Home address? Marriage situation? Measurements?"

"Huh?" The girl was stunned for a moment, but when she met Zhao Yeshou's chaotic pupils, she was unconsciously taken aback by him, and she replied somewhat confusedly: "Fufu, female, currently employed in the Life Policy Bureau The Ministry of Plague Recovery, the home address is Nancheng City, unmarried, and the words of Sanwei are 90, 55, 91..."

When she honestly reported the information one by one, she realized what she had done, and subconsciously exclaimed: "...Ehhhhh???"

"Okay, it's alright, let's talk about it first." Zhao Yesui acted very calm, waved his hand, and motioned for the girl to close the door.

The girl entered the door in a daze, and pushed the door latch. It was not until she walked in front of Zhao Yesui and Chen Shuang that she realized what she had just said. Her eyes opened slightly, and she opened her mouth to say something.

Zhao Yeshou took the lead and said: "Okay, I know, Miss Fufu is an official of the Yan Kingdom, right? I have heard about the name of the Ming Policy Bureau, and I heard that everyone in the Ming Policy Bureau is upright. A kind and helpful person, then, I hope we can cooperate sincerely and tide over the difficulties together.”

"Next, Comrade Chen Shuang will explain to you the information we have collected so far. If you have anything to gain, you can also tell us. We will work together to deal with this scene together."

Zhao Yeshou threw the pot to Chen Shuang lightly. After all, Chen Shuang still remembered that he was rescued by Zhao Yesang, so he could only reluctantly repeat the information they had just concluded to the girl.

The girl who claimed to be Fufu was indeed attracted by this somewhat terrifying information, and after listening to it, she couldn't help but fell into contemplation: "Is it actually a city of demons? No wonder the quadrant keeps ringing. Cities are our enemies..."

Seeing that Fufu's attention was diverted, Zhao Yesui asked subtly: "Then, Miss Fufu, can you tell us how you found us? If we left any traces, I hope You can tell us it's important because if you can find us, maybe the monsters can find us the same way."

"Oh, this shouldn't be possible." Fufu was really distracted by Zhao Yesao's words, and replied: "I found you with a special consumable item, and its function is to use it in the team cooperation dungeon. The location of teammates is marked in the middle, but most of the teamwork copies are in a closed environment, so it is not useful, this time it comes in handy."

"Oh?" Zhao Yexuan thought about it and asked, "Then can you find the last teammate? He should be the only one left now, and this scene will not be considered official until we gather together. start."

"Okay, the effect of the props is still there. I came to find you first when I noticed that the two of you were together." Fufu said seriously, "It will last about half an hour, so shall we go to him now? ?"

"Of course, otherwise we don't know how long it will take until he comes to the door by himself, or we happen to meet him." Zhao Yeshou shrugged and motioned for Fufu to lead the way, and Fufu took the initiative to open the door and stood outside the door. waiting for them.

"Don't bully the little girl." Chen Shuang hesitated, but finally said: "It seems that she has not experienced much. After all, she is an official person. If you can not be evil, try not to be evil."

"Ha? Where did I bully her?" Zhao Ye's face was inexplicable, and Chen Shuang could only say that what you said was right.

Although I didn't see exactly how Zhao Yesui was operated, Chen Shuang, who was beside him, clearly sensed the evil spirit that appeared from Zhao Yesang at that moment.

No matter how inexperienced she is, Fufu is also a famous player, how could she be frightened by Zhao Yeshou and reveal all her information one by one?

However, after careful consideration, Chen Shuang felt that his assistant should still be unable to beat Zhao Yesao, and he had to repay the life-saving grace, so he finally decided to swallow his anger.

I don't remember this hatred for the time being.

Just as Zhao Yesui and Chen Shuang walked out of the door and were going to go with Fufu to find the fourth teammate, a man in a fast suit passed by the door, and when he saw Chen Shuang, he could not help but shouted strangely: "Old Chen, It's almost time, why don't you even change your clothes, the new catcher is not as good as Lin catcher, if it's too late, he'll have to give you a lesson."

Chen Shuang was obviously stunned for a moment, but she quickly remembered something and said, "I'll go right away, you go first, I'm chatting with my friends."

The catcher was a little puzzled, but when he saw Zhao Yesui and Fufu beside Chen Shuang, he quickly understood something, showing an expression of envy, jealousy, and hatred, but didn't say anything, and stepped away from this sad place. land.

After he left, Chen Shuang immediately explained to Zhao Yesui and Fufu: "His name is Bai Zhantang, and he is my current colleague. According to the regulations, it is indeed time to do so."

Dianmao, or roll call, was an attendance system for officials in ancient times.

Just when Chen Shuang was about to call Fufu and Zhao Yesao to look for the fourth teammate, Zhao Yesang looked at the leaving Zhao Kuai with an expression of sudden realization.

As if talking to himself, he said, "What kind of role does the government play in this city raised by demons?"

Chen Shuang and Fufu were stunned for a moment, but they quickly understood what Zhao Yeshou meant and felt horrified.

Yes, as a symbol of mortal power, what kind of existence does the government have in this city where humans are livestock?

Is it ignorant, or is it complicit with the demon, opening one eye and closing one eye, or...  

This is a point that neither of them realizes, and if they continue to think along this point, they will feel more and more terrified.

If the government has already been corrupted by demons, is the phenomenon of using humans as livestock really only limited to this small ink county?

Chen Shuang inexplicably thought of what Zhao Yesang had said before.

"Keeping livestock in a good mood makes for a perfect dining experience...?"

It turned out to be just a joke, but thinking about it now makes people feel a little suffocated.


On the other side, Song Shigui was hanging out on the street.

In line with the player's mentality, he restrained the bodies for his colleagues, took away their entanglements, and then set the house on fire.

According to his analysis, since the other party has designated the "delivery place" in Ink County, then there must be an accomplice of the other party in Ink County. In this case, it is better to wait for the dwarf's accomplice to find out about the dwarf's death. He directly set the house on fire, and told the enemy that he was here, and if he had the ability, he would kill me.

However, he slightly miscalculated the number of enemies.

"By the way, where are the teammates this time, why haven't I met them for so long? Since there is no death information, they should all be alive, won't they make trouble..."

Song Shigui took a pear from the stall next to him, and after taking a bite, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and looked around suspiciously.

As I said before, this is part of his ability to sense the illusory killing intent, but at this moment, he sensed the killing intent against him.

It was overwhelming, as if people were staring at him from all directions, but how could this be possible?

"Is there a bug..."

Song Shigui snorted, and after eating the pear in his hand, he threw it to the fruit vendor in front of him, took another pear, and planned to leave.

He didn't know the price, but judging from the fact that the fruit vendor thanked him repeatedly, there should be more.

The killing intent became stronger and stronger, Song Shigui frowned and looked around, but he did not know where the killing intent came from.

But what he didn't notice was that the fruit vendor who was thanking him repeatedly kept smiling while slowly stepping back. The **** who was approaching him with a load had a strange smile. There seemed to be birds of prey cruising in the sky. This street Everyone on the board started to act in a certain pattern as if they had a good heart.

Suddenly, the **** who was about to pass by Song Shigui threw the burden on Song Shigui's body, and he himself was swelled, his arms swelled up, broke his clothes, and turned into a thick body. The wolf claws gnawed towards Song Shigui.

From the sky above, a falcon fluttered its wings and galloped down, and under the sun's rays, its sharp claws that reflected the cold light grabbed towards Song Shigui's head.

The friendly fruit vendor from before was looking at the grass figurine in his hand, raised his black and shiny nails, and pierced the grass figurine's chest.

All of a sudden, many demons and monsters joined forces to attack Song Shigui, swearing to kill him.


The poisoned wolf claws stopped in front of Song Shigui's throat, and could not move an inch. The goshawk's sharp claws also stopped on Song Shigui's head, unable to go down any further, and an invisible wave swept towards Song Shigui. Gui's chest was still blocked.

"Well? What's going on?"

Song Shigui frowned slightly, his figure flashed, and then he appeared in front of the fruit vendor. His right hand seemed to be coated with a layer of blood-red flames, and he easily took off the fruit vendor's head.

After losing the cover of the demon power, the head gradually revealed its true face.

It was the head of an elk!


Song Shigui looked at the other "people" in the alley and killed them one by one. In the end, the alley was like a slaughterhouse for small animals after the massacre. Various animal carcasses.

It's not that there are no monsters who want to escape, but none of them can leave that invisible "line", they can only watch Song Shigui quietly appear in front of them and take their lives.

"Why are there so many monsters? Are they all here to kill me?"

Song Shigui scratched his head and looked at the corpses all over the ground in confusion. It was at this moment that the sound of uniform heavy footsteps and the collision of armor sounded from outside the alley, and Song Shigui was finally blocked from both ends of the alley. in it.

The leading general shouted: "The black armored army is banned, the idlers retreat!"

It's just that his words were like shouting to the air, because except for Song Shigui, there were only strange-shaped monster corpses in the entire alley.

The scene in front of him seemed to startle the general. He was stunned for a moment, then he reacted and shouted to Song Shigui, "Who are you? Why did you commit murder in the city?"

Song Shigui glanced at him unhappily and replied dissatisfiedly: "Don't you have eyes? They attacked me, I was just defending myself."

"Self-defense? Ridiculous!" the black-armored general shouted, "You are clearly slaughtering innocent people, come here, take it down for me!"

Song Shigui looked down and found that the corpse of all kinds of monsters and monsters had just turned into a human form, so he stood on the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​​​blood, holding the terrified head of a woman in his hand. , as much as you want to bring the wicked.

No matter how firm Song Shigui's mind was, he couldn't help but wonder if he had just killed the wrong person.

"Is it illusion? Or something else?"

He couldn't help thinking too much. Generally speaking, the government plays a lawful and kind role in the scene, and it is also the main object of the prestige force. At the beginning, the prestige force was offended. Then the follow-up prestige task and main line Don't even think about doing the task.

There are always players with high self-esteem who like to break the order, but as the official force in the scene corresponding to the difficulty, they will teach these players to abide by the rules.

Of course, there are also players who are beyond common sense. One person can raise the official power, but such players will be divided into the chaotic evil camp without a few scenes, and then they will be dealing with the Four Pillars of God. Anyway, everyone They are not good people. If you want to kill, kill them. If you are killed, don't complain.

"Bang, bang, bang."

Pi Jian's sharp-hearted Heijia Army marched head-to-head from both sides of the alley, slowly approaching Song Shigui, while Song Shigui was still standing in the middle of the alley, hesitating whether to make a move.

His ability is special, if you really want to leave, even if you add twice as much black armor, don't even try to catch him.

But if he escaped now, the charge of murder would be conclusive, and if he wanted to carry out his mission, he had to avoid official forces first.

And when Song Shigui hesitated, he heard a loud voice:

"It's up to you, Chen Shuang! Use Destruction Death Light!"

"What destroys the death light..."

Some people mumbled in dissatisfaction, and then, the monstrous heat wave swept from the left side of the alley, and passed through the entire alley in an instant. The alley turned into a fire field in an instant, and the hard black armor was At this moment, it became the best heat-conducting tool. For a while, the Black Armored Army was struggling in the sea of ​​fire, trying to exit the alley in embarrassment.

Before that, Song Shigui had been brought out by a few vines. He looked at the three people in front of him at a loss, and one of the handsome black-haired youths sent him an invitation: "Player? Interested in coming together? Beat up the drowning dog?"

With the sound of the task completion prompt, Song Shigui immediately knew the identities of the three people in front of him, so he readily agreed: "Okay!"

Although I don't know what the situation is now, since the teammates are the first to open the blame, then it's over.

As for whether there will be any problems...

Who cares about him, looking forward to the future, is it still the fourth natural disaster?

p.s. Currently owed (3/7).

There are still 80,000 words to write this month, and my claws are numb.

Chapter 107 Simple One Punch Simple One Punch and Simple One Punch (2 in 1)

The battle with the Black Armor did not last long.

Zhao Yesui and Song Shigui are in charge of one side, Chen Shuang and Fufu are in charge of watching the wind (watching the play), the black armored army that was debuffed by a layer of flames, and the two boss template guys, sturdy The armor was like a piece of paper, unable to block even a single move.

Song Shigui still has some technical content for the time being. With his 65% specialization in the killing technique, the stalking and killing flow in the red prison, he sends his inner strength through the armor and sends it into the enemy's body, so as to achieve the effect of one-shot death. what...

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Song Shigui took time to glance at the next door, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Zhao Yesui only used one move from start to finish.

Ordinary punch, ordinary punch, ordinary punch, or ordinary punch.

Without any fancy skills, he punched the enemy's visor directly. After a sour metal twisting sound, the visor was deeply dented, and there was no need to look at the head inside. Simple.

This is not bad, at least he didn't suffer too much pain before he died, and the one who was punched in half by Zhao Yesui at the spine, died and couldn't die for a while, and couldn't live, go on If you don't go, you can't get down, you can only fall to the ground and cry and wait to die.

Song Shigui's eyelids twitched wildly, where did this player come from? Shouldn't players be winning with subtlety and wacky skills? Isn't it only the BOSS in the scene that will be strong? This kind of scene of crushing the enemy with the help of six dimensions is wrong. Hey! !

The black armored army of this squad was quickly wiped out. The general of the black armored army had already taken off his armor and planned to run over the wall. As a result, Chen Shuang, who was sitting on the wall watching the play, waved his hand, and there was a gust of wind. Blowing him back into the alley, he could only watch Zhao Yesao, whose hands were dripping blood, walk towards him step by step.

"Don't come here!!"

The general put his hands behind his back, and quickly pressed them to the wall, his pupils shrank, and he quickly said to Zhao Yesui: "You are the 'blood eaters' of this ceremony, right? Don't kill me, I can tell you about this ceremony All the information you have, do you want to live too? We can cooperate..."

Zhao Yesui didn't talk nonsense with him, and continued to approach. The general's expression was gloomy and uncertain. Finally, he gritted his teeth and suddenly took out a porcelain bottle from his arms. He raised his head and was about to drink it all. Speeding up by ten points, he rushed to the front of the general, twisted the general's arm into a twist, and snatched the porcelain bottle over.


Before the general had time to speak ruthlessly, Zhao Yesui summoned a spear of bones and stabbed it into his head.

Song Shigui's side was also over. He clapped his hands, walked to Zhao Yeshou's side, and asked curiously, "Is this killed? Don't ask anything?"

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