After a long period of time, Zhao Yesui walked out of the room, holding a stack of thick scrolls in his hand.

This is the list of all the demons hidden in Ink County collected by Tang Bond. There may be some omissions, but it is more complete than what Zhao Yesui has seen from the tiger's memory of hundreds of millions of years in a haystack.

And this list is not just as simple as a list, it also includes the types, hobbies, and abilities of demons. Although a large part of it is only guessed by Tang Bond himself, it is also precious.

It seems that this master, whose **** is hanging on it, seems to have had his back on it for a long time, so he will deliberately search for this information.

However, since Tang Bond doesn't even know the real content of the ceremony, it is naturally impossible to know the identity of the ascendant, which is also impossible. If it really goes so well, then Zhao Yesang will still doubt whether Tang Bond is a swindle. Everything is ready and waiting for them to receive it.

According to his guess, since the existence of the ascendant will not surface until the middle and late stages of the scene, the relevant clues should also appear at that time. Although Zhao Yesui jumped a lot of links, but some things haven't appeared yet, so naturally there is no way to find them, and they can only slowly figure it out.

The list is complete, and the next thing to prepare is the people who can execute this grand trial.

[Current main mission: destroy rituals, eliminate demons and guard the road, and ensure the safety of civilians, the mission evaluation is determined by the degree of mission completion]

[Hidden mission: let the bullets fly - please play Ye Lin freely, the completion of the mission depends on the activities carried out by the player Ye Lin in Ink County]

The main quest and the hidden quest do not conflict, they are the same thing in a sense, but the identity of the execution is different.

And since it was decided to kill all the demons in Ink County, naturally it couldn't just rely on four players.

Although the demons in Moxian County were unable to organize an effective resistance when the tigers were already dead, even if there were 50,000 pigs, they could not be caught in three days and three nights. Wonderful, they would naturally flee separately, and Zhao Yesui couldn't divide himself into more than a dozen, so a large part of the demons would inevitably escape.

These fleeing monsters will soon find other monsters, and Moxian will immediately face the danger of being surrounded and suppressed by monsters. Zhao Yechao guessed that the main quest should be over without destroying the ritual. , then Zhao Yesui and the others will be surrounded by water.

The players have not yet reached a level where they can ignore the number, not to mention that there must be enemies who can match or even surpass them among the monsters. It is hard to say who will judge who will be.

Therefore, it is necessary to catch everything and do it cleanly.

Zhao Yesui put the list in the inventory and walked to his bedroom.

In this short period of time, Zhao Yesang entrusted Chen Shuang to build a basement for himself. At this moment, the basement was filled with torture tools that Zhao Yesang had brought from the torture room. It can be used just fine.

As Zhao Yesui stepped into the basement, the figure who was standing quietly in the center of the basement glanced at him.

"Her"'s face is shapeless like flowing water, changing all the time, and her body shape is suddenly high and low, giving people a feeling of erratic.

She is the combination of Xiaojin's soul fire and Ms. Li, one of the eighteen guardians. After Zhao Yesui dug out Ms. Li, after the two were combined, there was no time to take care of her.

Because he really has no time for it.

Although it seems that a lot of things have happened, in fact, less than a day has passed, and Zhao Yejiao has fast-forwarded the progress of the task to the middle and late stages.

Now, Zhao Yesui finally has time to complete the idea he had long ago.

Zhao Yesui looked at his skill bar.

The world where the Holy See of God is located is full of talented people, and necromancy has been deduced to a peak before it was peacefully evolved by the Holy See of God. In addition to the skills of manipulating the undead, such as the [Puppet Ballad], it naturally also includes the skills of creating undead.

[Dead Atlas: Frankenstein]

[Rank: Brave]

[Explanation: Frankenstein is the theoretically best product created by combining the advantageous parts of different creatures. Compared with living creatures, undead do not have to consider the exclusion of parts and the survival of experimental subjects. Theoretically the most suitable carrier for this product of Frankenstein, so Undead: Frankenstein was born. ]

[Remarks: Sewing, you can sew, abstract, concrete, good or bad, excellent or inferior, anyway, sew is right, if it is deactivated, cut it and sew a new one, and you can always sew the best creation! ]

Xiaojin is a humanoid undead, and so is Ms. Li. Although Frankenstein's aim is to sew anything, random sewing regardless of the fit will only sew out undead that are far inferior to the original body.

And this world is the most suitable organ bank for Xiaojin.

Demons have the talent to transform people due to their long-term domestication, so their organs can be used on Xiaojin who is a humanoid undead without any exclusion.

Therefore, the monsters in this world are full of treasures, the best organs can be used by Xiaojin, and the corpse can be burned by Zhao Yesao and turned into supernatural power. It is a first-class model worker, which makes Zhao Yesao want to kill more. one.

p.s. We have tried to reduce the rhetoric as much as possible, but if we reduce it further, there will be problems with the plot connection and the characters, so this is the only way (X

Chapter 116: No God, No Buddha, All Made By Oneself (Update 1w2)

With a few hapless people in the past as materials, Zhao Yesui's technique is not so rude at last. From this point of view, Xiao Jin is much luckier than her predecessors.

However, rudeness or rudeness is still a relative term, but any normal doctor, watching Zhao Yesao wielding a steam-driven steam saw to cut parts, can't help but denounce heresy, if a highly respected old man Doctor, I might faint when I rolled my eyes.

This time, Zhao Yesui didn't do anything to show off. Using [Dead Atlas: Frankenstein] as a blueprint, step by step, he turned Xiaojin into a stitched monster that didn't look so stitched.

In the end, Zhao Yesui put the kidney taken from the elite monster Shui Sisi into Xiaojin's body, connected it with other organs, then sewed up the skin, chanted the mantra silently, and the drawn circle slowly retracted. It finally landed on the triangular area under the lower abdomen, forming a pink pattern.

The cold yin was gradually injected into Xiaojin's body, allowing the concept of death to revive in her body, and this ignited the fire of the soul belonging to "Ruth" in her body, so the attributes of the plague reappeared in her at this moment. .

But after all, it is a new body. At this moment, Xiaojin's body does not have hundreds of plagues that can destroy the city. It can only be said that it has excellent adaptability to plagues and is a natural petri dish. Can it be reproduced? Even beyond the original level, it still depends on the level of plague science of her current owner, Zhao Yesui.

Unfortunately, Zhao Yesui didn't know anything about plagues so far, but maybe he suddenly became a master of plague science?

At the end of the ceremony, Xiao Jin opened his eyes, stood up straight on the table that was used as an experimental bench, and stood in front of Zhao Yesao with a blank expression.

It's also a shame that Zhao Yesui has either performed surgery on the undead or the enemy, otherwise, in this surgical environment, normal people are afraid that they would have lost half their lives if they were not originally treated by him.

"Well... Part fit, perfect, magic element adaptability, excellent, growth length, excellent..."

Zhao Yesui looked at Xiao Jin, who was covered in stitches, and made comments on his new creations, and finally came to a satisfactory result.

"Well, it's probably because it's already night, so the black sun is working, maybe there are some unspeakable bonuses..."

This ceremony took much longer than Zhao Yesang imagined. It was not that simple to sew up the body and reduce the rejection of organs, especially since it was the first time for Zhao Yesang to use it.

Xiaojin's soul fire is naturally extremely good, and as a carrier, Ms. Li, even if she is mediocre, has been nurtured by the black mist for five years, and has become a perfect material. If other necromancers know about Zhao As soon as the night gown came up, he dared to try out such a precious material.

Now there is only one question before Zhao Yesui.

That is "soul".

Xiaojin's soul fire is very good in terms of the quality of the soul fire, and Ms. Li is also an excellent carrier. When the two come together, the effect of one plus one is not greater than two, but they contradict each other. It is an embarrassing situation where 60% of the strength cannot be exerted.

Coupled with the particularity of Frankenstein, the current body is equivalent to a vassal of a vassal for Xiao Jin. As we all know, the vassals of the vassals are not my vassals, so the soul fit has been ridiculously low.

"Soul fit... that's a problem."

Zhao Yesui pondered for a moment, but still couldn't find a perfect solution.

It's not that there are no solutions, it's just that errors may occur.

Xiao Jin's soul is now in a relatively delicate state. The part belonging to Ruth has almost disappeared after a death, a nuclear explosion, and a disinfection by the game of destiny.

The solution that Zhao Yesui thought of was to use a special ritual to allow Xiao Jin's soul to complete the "reincarnation" in this Frankenstein's body at this moment, and the soul born in this way will have Frankenstein's soul. The suture characteristics of , even if the body is replaced in the future, there will be no such anomaly as it is now.

But, in case, one in ten thousand, the reincarnated soul recalls Ruth's memory, or inherits Ruth's hatred of Zhao Yeshou, then how to solve it?

Although as her master, Zhao Yesui has full confidence to suppress her, but it is very troublesome to listen to the tune or not. What's more, it is impossible for Zhao Yesui to monitor her all the time. If Fengyang violates the law, or inserts a knife in the back at a critical moment, the problem will be a big one.

After thinking about it again and again, Zhao Yesui finally decided to do it.

First of all, he has an item in his hand that reduces the probability of this one in ten thousand with a great probability. Second, even if the soul that hates him is born, it is a big deal to kill and replace it. Anyway, Frankenstein's body is Consumables, then simply make the soul also a consumable.

Zhao Yesui has never been an indecisive person, and immediately took action after making a decision.

Reincarnation requires a complete "underworld", a bridge between life and death, and a **** in charge of life and death.

Zhao Yesui first drew the magic circle with the blood of the white deer collected earlier, and then used the mysterious three cornerstones—mercury, sulfur and salt to construct the corresponding mysterious symbol.

Brimstone, with the properties of fire and oil, stimulates the desire of salt in the heart, while mercury symbolizes the floating Holy Spirit in the world.

As for the bridge between life and death, it was the props that Zhao Yesui got in the second official scene.

[blood-stained umbilical cord]

[Rank: Brave]

[Type: Special/Consumable]

[Effect: After use, a certain amount of spiritual vision and psionic affinity are increased, and the innate favorability of juvenile weirdness increases]

[Note: She has found her home. ]

Perhaps many people have forgotten that this is a drop belonging to the ghost baby in the second official scene.

It is not appropriate to say that it is a drop. After Zhao Yesui guided the ghost baby to complete his righteous revenge, the ghost baby dissipated in the morning light with satisfaction. This way of transcendence may be recognized by the game of fate. Therefore, it is only possible to extract this alternative gift when extracting items.

The umbilical cord, as the connection structure between the fetus and the placenta, has the function of connecting the fetus in the chaotic state with the world. It is the perfect bridge to connect life and death and welcome the new born soul.

But when it comes to choosing the gods with the reincarnation vocation, Zhao Yesui has made a difficulty.

The reason is very simple, because he doesn't know what gods there are in this world.

"I don't know if there are Taishan Fujun and Houtu Niangniang in this world... If there is, will the world still be like this?"

After thinking about it, he felt that he could not use the gods of the earth to revive the souls of other worlds. Zhao Yesui decided to be self-reliant and create a priesthood by himself.

There are no gods and no Buddhas, and they are all created by themselves.

"If you are reincarnated, it should have something to do with death... right?"

Zhao Yesui thought uncertainly, and recited: "The **** of mercy who is in charge of reincarnation and protects newborns and women, Zhao Yesang."

After reciting this a few times, Zhao Yesui finally heard the "call" he made to himself and breathed a sigh of relief, only to be sure that his plan to create a **** was successful.

Now that the matter of the gods has been confirmed, the rest is simple.

Zhao Yesui thought about it, and put the brass monocle he had worn [mortal wisdom] in the upper position as a symbol of the gods.

This is a serious artifact, worn by the gods himself. Although the rank is a little low, I advise you not to be ignorant of the good or bad of a small reincarnation ceremony, and be obedient.

Underworlds, bridges, and gods reappear here.

"Wake up in reincarnation, wake up in chaos, conscious of this eternity, you will break through the fog and be born in ignorance..."

Zhao Yesang held the reincarnation ceremony calmly. After the ceremony was completed, the "underworld" composed of the mysterious three elements suddenly expanded, shrouding Xiaojin who was standing quietly in the same place. At the same time, the surging spiritual power was woven into silk threads. , covering the "underworld" layer by layer.

The [blood-stained umbilical cord] faithfully acts as a bridge, connecting Xiaojin and the "underworld". After Zhao Yesang confirmed his request, what finally appeared in front of Zhao Yesang was a A blood-red giant cocoon undulates regularly, as if breathing.

The scene in front of him was somewhat unexpected, because according to the knowledge in his memory, the reincarnation ceremony should not be so big, it was just the recycling and reuse of a remnant soul, where does it need to be so troublesome?

But after all, the ceremony was presided over by myself and was promised by myself. From the ball certificate, side evidence, and all the sponsors and co-organizers, all the units were Zhao Yesui. Even if Ruth was alive again, she would not be able to fight Zhao Yesao, and Zhao Yesao did not fight immediately. breaking ceremony.

Seeing that this reincarnation ceremony would not be completed for a while, Zhao Yesui put her aside and went to prepare other things.

In order to complete the trial of Ink County, he needs a strong team of enforcers.

That is, he needs an "army".


After a busy night, Zhao Yesui left the basement and returned to the ground, feeling the cool evening breeze, as if from a lifetime ago.

Although Chen Shuang only spent a short time to build a solid basement, but she is obviously not a civil engineer, so there is no way to build a basement with a perfect ventilation system for Zhao Ye, so the basement is now full of blood and blood. The smell of body fluids, Zhao Yesui also took the opportunity to come out to breathe, otherwise it would be a little nauseating.

Psychological obstacles can be overcome, physical responses are not so easy to overcome.

Zhao Ye's jacket shook in the inner house, and finally met Chen Shuang who was sitting in the yard playing with a few copper coins.

She threw the copper coin high, watched it flip in the air, and finally landed on the ground, discerning something, and finally shook her head with a sigh.

Zhao Yexuan thought about it, leaned over, and asked at a safe distance, "Is this divination?"

"Yes, didn't I say it before, I have another identity choice to be a divination master." Chen Shuang put away the copper coins tiredly and said, "I'm trying to use divination to find out the position of the ascendant, but Nothing, it's like it hasn't appeared in this world, there's no trace at all."

"Isn't this normal?" Zhao Yeshou sat beside her and said nonchalantly, "If it can be found by divination, then it's a bit too out of place, and this task won't work either. It's rated very dangerous by the game of destiny."

"That's what I said, but usually I can at least get some clues..." Chen Shuang shook his head, not feeling the comfort of Zhao Yesui.

"What about them?" Zhao Yesui asked casually without seeing Song Shigui and them.

"Song Shigui has gone back, and he is still the one surnamed Chen surnamed Zhukuai on the bright side, so naturally he can't stay in the county office and not go back. Fortunately, surnamed Chen has no family, otherwise it would be difficult for me to imagine the scene of Song Shigui treating his family. However, he should still be looking for the ascendant in his own way." Chen Shuang replied: "Fufu is meditating in a side room. Her consumption in the afternoon is not small, and she is not suitable for single-handed combat. It's better to act with us."

While Zhao Ye was working, the other players were naturally not idle.

They are players, not harmless little white rabbits, and Zhao Yesui will not think that they can't do anything without him. Not to mention Chen Shuang, who has been sitting firmly on Diaoyutai. On the surface, Song Shigui, who doesn’t like to think, may not be able to think. Even Fufu, who looks cute and cute, was born in the Life Strategy Bureau and can spend more than a dozen times. Players in the scene cannot have waste.

Oh, I accidentally whipped an old man who left the scene early, rest in peace, no offense.

"It seems that everyone is on the move... Then I can't fish." Zhao Yesui sighed with emotion. After the cold wind was blowing enough, he planned to go back to the basement.

Chen Shuang hesitated for a while, then stopped Zhao Yeshou and said, "Wait, Dongjun."

"Well? Is there something wrong?" Zhao Yeshou turned his head and asked calmly.

"...No." Chen Shuang shook his head and said nothing.

"Okay, then I'll go back." Zhao Yeshou didn't force it, he waved his hand, and continued to walk towards the basement.

Chen Shuang looked at his back. Although he knew that Zhao Yeshou's perception would definitely be aware of his sight, he couldn't help but look at him.

Finally, he sighed.

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