Chen Shiyu closed her eyes in despair, and the next moment, she lost consciousness.


In the haze, Chen Shiyu felt that someone around her was talking about her.

"Tell me, where did this little girl come from with her delicate skin and tender flesh?"

"I don't know, it can't be Ink County anyway. Although Majam doesn't remember all the residents of Ink County, the good-looking girl must be in his mind. She must be from out of town."

"Coming from other places? Here in Moxian County? If I remember correctly, Moxian County seems to be on the border of the Dachen Dynasty, right? Why did you come here specially over the mountains and mountains?"

"You have to ask this Miss Chen Shiyu. Compared with this, I am more curious about where she cultivated Taoism. The demons should have burned the Taoism lineage long ago."

"Well... She does have a cultivation base on her body, her mana is pure, gentle and upright. It should be the mana cultivated by a decent cultivation method."

"Decent? Are there any decent schools in this world?"

Chen Shiyu pretended that he hadn't woken up yet, and listening to their conversation, became more and more anxious.

There were a total of four people present, two men and two women, all of whom sounded young.

That's not the point, the point is that they ripped out their old bottoms!

Her name, gender, origin, and even the exercises she cultivated were all guesswork. Even before the interrogation, she was almost naked in front of these people.

Just when Chen Shiyu was so anxious, she heard a familiar voice saying:

"Okay, it's time for you to wake up, Miss Chen Shiyu? I'll tell you secretly that people's breathing and heart rate are different when they're awake and when they're asleep. Ordinary people may not be able to hear it, but for us, thinking It's pretty simple to notice the change."

This voice was old and gloomy, and it was impressive. Chen Shiyu just recalled the scene that seemed like a nightmare just now.

The man who was like a demon came to her in a teleportation, disintegrating all her attacks, and easily knocked her unconscious...


Chen Shiyu was shocked. At this time, she heard Majam's voice again: "Are you really not awake? If you pretend to be asleep again, I will strip you naked and hang you on the flagpole. Although there is no one now, but There will be more people on the second day, you know, people just like to watch the fun, and it will not take long for the whole ink county to come to admire your energetic young body, tsk tsk, that scene..."

Before the words of "Majam" were finished, Chen Shiyu opened his eyes angrily, looked at the person who made the sound, and said sternly: "Scholars can't be humiliated, if they want to kill, they will kill you, disgusting people... …”

Originally, Chen Shiyu wanted to say a few more harsh words to show her integrity, but when she looked at the person who made the sound before, she couldn't help but froze for a while.

The person who was looking at her with a smile instead of a smile was not the squeamish-eyed Majam he had seen before, but a handsome young man with black hair and black eyes.

The other people around her were not the imaginary demons either. Apart from "Majam", there were two men and one woman, a girl with long emerald green hair who was looking at her curiously, and a black-haired girl who smiled at her. The beauty, and a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, didn't look like a bad person.

No, how can I judge people by their appearance!

Chen Shiyu shook his head fiercely, propped himself up, stared at the four people in front of him with wide eyes, and shouted: "Don't try to confuse my mind with illusions! Do you think I will be deceived by you! You **** demon blood! If it weren't for you, how could the demons maintain this false rule!"

"Well, you're right, but we are human beings." Zhao Ye cocked his head and said calmly, "What does it have to do with me if you scold the demon blood?"

Chen Shiyu was stunned for a moment, but still insisted on his own opinion: "Oh, do you think I will be deceived by you? Do you think that if I change my skin, I will believe you?"

"You don't have to believe us, then it's time for the torture of the female spy."

Zhao Yeshou gestured to Chen Shuang, then pushed the door and walked out.

Chen Shuang reluctantly supported his forehead, then stepped forward and picked up the sturdy Chen Shiyu who was tied up, and took her to keep up with Zhao Yeshou's pace. Song Shigui and Fufu also followed and came to Ma Zhan. in Mu's bedroom.


Zhao Yeshou opened the door to the basement and made a gesture of inviting in, and Chen Shuang walked down with Chen Shiyu in his arms.

The further down, the more Chen Shiyu could feel the gloomy atmosphere. It seemed that hundreds of dead souls were buried here, and the wailing and wailing of the dead souls could be faintly heard, which made her struggle more and more uneasy.

But her mana has long been sealed by Chen Shuang, and now she only has a weak body, and she is **** in the form of a tortoise.

As soon as he entered the basement, the pungent smell mixed with blood and body fluids rushed to his face. Chen Shiyu looked pale at the "operating table" covered with blood, and the "surgical instruments" covered with fresh blood next to him. Fight on both legs.

"Please choose, Miss Chen Shiyu." Zhao Yesui also walked in and asked her with a smile, "Are you going to believe that we are human beings and share information with us amicably, or do you choose not to believe us and accept it? Unnecessarily bloody, cruel, harsh, painful, tortured, tortured, and only willing to tell us the relevant information?"

Chen Shiyu's teeth were trembling, but he still insisted: "I, Chen Shiyu, starved to death today, died outside, jumped from here, and won't tell you any information!"

p.s. Chen Shiyu is a necessary foreshadowing of the plot. Without her, the follow-up plot will not unfold... Although I also want to fast forward to the trial, if there is no foreshadowing, when the truth of this scene is revealed, everyone will Confused.

There should be an 8k word update later, if you haven't voted for the blade or something, you can vote for me, tomorrow will be October 1st (x

Chapter 121 The cataclysm that occurred three hundred years ago

"It's delicious!"

Chen Shiyu devoured the bowl of egg noodles that Chen Shuang had placed for her, and she quickly ate the bowl full of noodles.

She glanced at Chen Shuang gratefully, handed the bowl and chopsticks to Chen Shuang, and then sat on the chair in a proper manner, looking at the four players standing opposite.

"Eat slowly, no one will rob you..."

Chen Shuang laughed dumbly, took the tableware and set it aside, and then asked Chen Shiyu, "Is it delicious?"

"Delicious!" Chen Shiyu nodded like smashing garlic.

Zhao Yejia and the others have already experienced this.

Chen Shuang is indeed omnipotent, from elemental spells to divination and prophecy, enchantment layout to pulse searching, and is omnipotent, especially the mastery of the skill [Submit the pots and pans to me] is more convincing .

After a friendly conversation, Chen Shiyu quickly relaxed - mainly because she realized that if she really accepted the torture, with her weak will and untrained anti-interrogation ability, she should not be given five minutes for nothing. Now, let's just explain it honestly and avoid the pain of flesh and blood.

In the spirit of humanitarianism, and also to better disintegrate the other party's guard, Zhao Yeshou asked Chen Shuang to put a bowl of noodles on the hungry Chen Shiyu, and then began to question her.

But Chen Shiyu was still a little hesitant, looked at the four players opposite and said, "You...are you really human? Even if you are human, are you really on the side of human beings?"

No wonder she thought too much, although the four people in front of them were indeed not demons, but they were much more terrifying than demons.

At least the monsters that Chen Shiyu killed along the way were not as oppressive as Zhao Yesui.

"As I said before, you can choose to believe us or not, it's up to you." Zhao Yesui said calmly: "But our identity and purpose will never change. We are human beings, I came here to subvert the rule of the demons in Ink County and put the demons in Ink County on trial one by one, everything I said is true."

Zhao Yesui spoke with integrity and righteousness, because what he said was indeed the truth - although it was doubtful whether it was a human being.

A Bai Ze, a Druid, a martial artist who mastered killing techniques, and an ordinary player, this team is not very similar to a pure-blooded human team, but at least they are the same in terms of cultural identity.

"Well, that's fine." Chen Shiyu was finally persuaded by Zhao Yesui's firm eyes and the Majam skin in his hand: "However, you really put the ink county magistrate and the demon blood in the county government office. Killed?"

"Of course." Song Shigui gave a thumbs up: "I did a lot of work!"

In order to win Chen Shiyu's trust, Zhao Ye and the others shared the news of Majam's death with her, which made her sit at the negotiating table with suspicion.

"Then what you want to ask, just ask." Chen Shiyu said hesitantly: "I will try my best to answer."

Zhao Yejiao and Chen Shuang looked at each other, and finally Zhao Yejiao said, "Where are you from?"

"Ping'an City." Chen Shiyu said: "That is my hometown, where I was born and grew up."

"Ping'an City..." Zhao Yesui quickly flipped through the city in his memory. It really existed, but it was in the middle of the Dachen Dynasty. In my impression, it was a big and prosperous city, far from the remote and small town of Moxian County. The county seat is almost a thousand kilometers away.

Chen Shuang nodded slightly and told Zhao Ye that what Chen Shiyu said was the truth.

"Is there a cultivator's inheritance in Ping'an City?" Zhao Yesui asked along Chen Shiyu's words: "My companion has just seen it, your mana is pure and upright, not like a loose cultivator, and the technique of flying sword is not You can figure it out by yourself, so you should have a formal inheritance."

In order to prevent the other party from thinking that he was talking in a cliché, Zhao Ye added: "You don't have to tell me the details, just tell me if there is a lineage of Taoism, so you can rest assured, and I can rest assured."

Chen Shiyu fell silent, and finally said with a tragic smile: "Taoism? Inheritance? Ha, it doesn't matter if I tell you, anyway, everything ended three hundred years ago."

Zhao Yesui felt that something was wrong, but he still did not speak and waited quietly.

Chen Shiyu's mood seemed a little unstable. After a while, he managed to calm down. He sighed lightly and said, "If there is something about the inheritance of Taoism, it can be regarded as something."

"If those classics are considered inheritance, then it is indeed a monk's inheritance."

"Books?" Zhao Yesui realized something and said, "You mean, there are only books?"

"Yes, there are only a vast sea of ​​ancient books, but there is not a single monk."

Chen Shiyu fell into memory and said in a dreamy voice: "I was born in Ping'an City, grew up in Ping'an City, I thought this world would be as I have always seen it, peaceful, peaceful, Mingjun and worthy ministers jointly protect the country's luck, the people Living and working in peace and contentment, even if there are some discordant voices, it is still nothing."

"Until I saw the 'truth' of the world."

Even after many years, when Chen Shiyu recalled that day, he still felt heartfelt fear: "That day, I saw a demon."

"Not as friendly to humans as in picture books, wise and gentle, they are simply the embodiment of pure brutality and blood!"

"On that day, the prefect summoned 333 men, 333 women, and 333 children in the name of Qiuhun to go to Huinan Mountain outside the city together. All the family members were selected as part of the autumn hunting team."

Chen Shiyu's expression was cold, and cold murderous intent was brewing in his pupils: "Yes, it is indeed an autumn hunt. The entire Huinan Mountain is the hunting ground, but the hunters are those demons, and we are the prey!"

Although there have been speculations, the four players were still speechless when they heard Chen Shiyu say it in an icy tone.

When these people who were selected for the autumn hunting happily put on their fancy clothes and brought their families to the foot of Huinan Mountain, did they ever think that this was a complete conspiracy?

But this may be okay, at least they only know that they died at the hands of demons before they die, but they don't know that the whole world is ruled by demons.

Chen Shiyu didn't care what the players were thinking, just said repressedly: "Father took the initiative to lure a black bear spirit away in order to protect us, but there are too many demons in the 'hunting ground', we escaped all the way, or were we caught by other The demon is watching."

"I saw with my own eyes an elephant spirit rolled up my brother high, pierced his body with ivory, and then opened his mouth to swallow him, I heard my mother calling my name hoarsely, let me hurry Run, don't look back..."

"They don't seem to care if they kill us at all, they just enjoy hunting us and enjoying our fears..."

"In the end, I was exhausted and rolled down the cliff. When I came back to my senses, I found myself lying on the floor made of white marble, surrounded by fairy mists, and the palaces and pavilions were like a fairyland. Lifeless."

Chen Shiyu said softly: "I was both scared and curious, but after the hunt, I was already scarred and hungry, and finally dragged my injured body into the fairy palace."

"After I walked in, I saw the plaque hanging in the main hall and knew the name of the place. "Ziwei Asgard", this is the name of this Taoist lineage, but this is the only name left. The interior of the Asgard is empty. No one can tell me what happened here, except for the vast sea of ​​ancient books and medicinal herbs."

"And in the days after that, I finally understood what happened here, or this world, by looking at the books in Asgard."

"The cataclysm, this happened in the thirty-seventh year of Zhengling, that is, nine hundred years after the founding of the Great Chen Dynasty."

"The sudden disaster overturned everything, the demons raised the anti-flag, the immortals who were high in the past were slaughtered arbitrarily, and the rule of the dynasty was overturned. In the end, the demons won the victory and seized the dominion of this world. During the day, he has constantly strengthened his rule, destroyed all the inheritance of Taoism, and destroyed the civilization that human beings have spent a long time building up."

"Ziwei Immortal Palace is one of the Taoist traditions that survived by chance."

Chen Shuang has been quietly listening to Chen Shiyu's narration, and only then did she ask out loud: "If it is true that the demons destroy all the inheritance of Taoism as you said, then the Ziwei Immortal Palace should be no exception. From your description, if you can enter the Ziwei Immortal Palace just by falling off the cliff, then it should not be able to escape the search of the demon."

Chen Shiyu nodded and said, "Indeed, if the demon really knew about the existence of Ziwei Asgard, then Ziwei Asgard would not be spared. After the people left this historical record, they all left Ziwei Asgard, died generously, used their great supernatural powers to sink the Ziwei Asgard into nothingness, and turned on the cruise mode, even they didn't know about Ziwei. Where will Asgard be."

"As for my entry, it should be an exception. The Ziwei Immortal Palace just sailed to the foot of the Huinan Mountain Cliff, and the enchantment in the Immortal Palace does not exclude humans from entering, so I can just enter the Ziwei Immortal Palace."

Zhao Yesui blinked and looked at his companions, Fufu and Song Shigui also showed some strange expressions.

Chen Shiyu's description is reasonable and reasonable. If it is really the same as what she said, then it is indeed possible for Ziwei Immortal Palace to avoid the search of the demon, and it is indeed possible for her to enter the Immortal Palace.

...but there are too many coincidences in it, right? ? ?

It happened to be selected for the autumn hunting, just fell off the cliff, and the Ziwei Immortal Palace just sailed to the bottom of the cliff of Huinan...

This is far more outrageous than simply falling off a cliff to get an adventure! !

At most, people only need to fall off the cliff and not die, and there are indeed adventures under the cliff, and it is not so simple to want to just fall into a fairy palace that will automatically cruise.

The players couldn't help but have an idea in their hearts.

Isn't this Miss Chen Shiyu the daughter of destiny in this scene?

Zhao Yesui was the first to deny this speculation.

Where can the Daughter of Destiny do such a dish?

Chen Shiyu, who didn't know that he was deprived of his status as the protagonist of the plane because of being too dishy, ​​still kept his head down, as if he was still immersed in memories and couldn't extricate himself.

Zhao Yeshou waited for a while before asking, "Then, Miss Chen Shiyu, when did you leave Ziwei Immortal Palace?"

"Probably ten years after I entered Asgard." Chen Shiyu recalled and said, "After all, more than two hundred years have passed, and the seniors were in a hurry to do more processing. Most of the medicinal pills in Asgard were lost. Even if I want to cultivate my own crops, I can’t do it, so I can only leave Asgard and go to the outside world.”

"As for the flying sword on my body, I also got it from Asgard. It was originally just a sword embryo, and I slowly refined it into what it is now."

"And..." Chen Shiyu raised his head, looked at the four people on the opposite side, and said word by word: "I am a human being, with joys and sorrows, hatred and anger, so I left Asgard. , but also for revenge."

"Avenge the demons who hunted that autumn, the prefect of Ping'an City, and the world ruled by demons."

Zhao Yesui didn't laugh at Chen Shiyu. This is human nature. When all her relatives died at the hands of demons, then the only support for her to survive was revenge.

A person who has stayed in the empty Asgard for ten years, with only boring ancient books and classics as company, can support her to stay for so long, it is probably the obsession of coming out to sword and slaying demons after successful cultivation.

And to be honest, it's not bad that she can practice like this without the elders to lead the way. As for the fact that she has only become the enemy of Zhao Yeshou, who has only been a player for a month...

I don't think I can blame her.jpg

After everyone was silent for a while, Zhao Yesui asked Chen Shiyu the last question: "So, Miss Chen Shiyu, can you tell me one thing? This is the last question, and it is also closely related to our current situation. "

"Why on earth did you come to Ink County?"

Chen Shiyu hesitated for a long time, and finally shook his head: "Sorry, I can't say."

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