"Is the land arrogant?" Hu Wan said thoughtfully: "So far behind... Is this also worth a shepherd to herd me?"

"Of course, my 'master'." The housekeeper narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Don't underestimate yourself, this ritual of ascending the devil cannot be done without you."

"Oh, does the ascending demon ceremony actually have something to do with me?" Hu said with great interest: "Isn't this a ceremony held by our saints to cultivate the strong? Is it possible that I am the so-called ascending ceremony? Demon?"

"Hahaha, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..." The butler couldn't help but burst into laughter after hearing Hu's question like an idiot, until tears came out: " At this time, do you still think that this ritual of raising demons is a ritual that you domestic animals came up with?"

"The so-called ascended demons are just a special product of this reincarnation that we have tried our best to think about. Otherwise, the reincarnation led by you monsters can be described as extremely barren, and it is simply not as rich as the last reincarnation. When the time comes, the demons The adults are to blame, but no one can take responsibility."

"Okay, I'm done talking, you should die too." The housekeeper restrained his smile, his expression became cold: "Although I don't know how you know of our existence, it's fortunate that you're still an idiot. If you want to confront me, you should be a clear ghost and become the cornerstone of the ritual of ascending the devil."

The housekeeper stretched out his hand to Hu Qian, his hand suddenly cracked countless cracks, dozens of eyeballs opened, looking at Hu Qian.


As if the sound of opening the bottle cap came, a creature shaped like an octopus slowly came out from Hu Qian's body. As it escaped, Hu Qian's originally full body suddenly shriveled, as if there In an instant, his energy was taken away by the octopus.

But when the proud butler caught the octopus, his expression suddenly changed.

Because the octopus in his hand, or, in other words, the existence of the official scientific name of the devil, has died.

Although it carried the blood of a tiger and looked alive, it was still dead.

Soon, the butler realized that apart from the death of the Demon Seed, the situation was even more severe.

"Wait, no soul..."

The housekeeper glanced at Hu Wan, and his eyes gradually became stunned.

The Demon Seed, this is what he planted in the body of the tens of thousands of tigers long ago. It has matured after years of feeding. With just his order, the Demon Seed will break out of its shell, with the blood and soul of the tens of thousands of tigers. For nourishment, as the salute of its birth.

This is the doomed ending when the demons were planted, and the tiger must never be able to resist.

And now, there is only blood in the dead Demon Seed, but no soul breath, that is to say...

"Who are you?"

Since there is no soul in this tens of thousands of tigers now, who is the person who just talked to him for a long time?

"Well, is this kind of thing still planted in the body? I didn't realize it, even the Intention Sword didn't work... But, I probably died because I encountered something I shouldn't touch. Bar?"

"Who am I?" Hu's ten million withered body can still speak: "Guess?"

The butler became angry for a while, and dozens of tentacles stretched out from behind him, grabbed the tiger's skin as thin as a cicada's wings, and said viciously: "Do you really think I can't find you? Or, do you think you Can you get out of our hands?"

"Even if you know the truth of this world, what can you do? After all, it's just a puppet in the little garden. When the years turn around, even the most amazing and brilliant characters will be destroyed."

"Are you human? A monk? Are you from Nanwu Temple? Or from the Sanqing School?"

The housekeeper quickly listed a few options that he thought were the most likely, and gradually calmed down: "Oh, I think I can see through everything and break this false sky? In the last reincarnation, the old man named Sanqing was also thought so."

Hu Wan just looked at him quietly, and suddenly said, "There are two kinds of people I hate the most in my life."

"One is the Riddler. The other is the one who stopped me from being the Riddler."

"So you don't have to worry, I'm here to find you."

p.s. Calvin, this chapter is a bit difficult to write, it took me a long time to write it.

I have an old problem, that is, too much pursuit of the rationality of the plot.

For example, I have already written the setting and plot of this script, so I will not modify it to create an atmosphere.

The difficulty of this script lies in the ring in the ring. According to the normal process, after the players break through the encirclement formed by thousands of demons and human coalition forces, they come to Hu Qian. After finally killing Hu Qian, they have to face the self. The combined attack of the demons born in the body of the tiger and the shepherd butler.

But according to the process of the evil way, there is no human and demon alliance, no tigers, and no demons.

Well, it's probably a cocoon, and the next script will be improved (x

Chapter 129 You are... a natural disaster! (two in one)

Zhao Ye walked through the crowd, and wherever he passed, the crowd was divided, and he naturally made way for him.

The encirclement and suppression of the demons are still in progress, but Zhao Yesui has not sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, watching the time of the dragon fight.

Now what he has to face is probably the final boss of this scene.

Zhao Yesang had thought about it before, is this scene really as simple as it seems?

Although demons are rampant in the world, rituals are broken and music is broken, and human beings are raised under a false sky with warm feelings, this is just a big world background, and what does it have to do with players?

Just like those game makers who draw big cakes, tell the players how big the world background of this game is, how many cultural backgrounds have been integrated into the sky, how many cultural backgrounds have been integrated, the world is fully interactive, and then the real game demo comes out. , Haha, take advantage of people, although the world background is very big, but our story happened in this villa, so we will not do other places.

What? Not satisfied? But the two-hour refund time has passed.

ha? Are you going to give a bad review? Well, I'll add some stickers to you. Is this the head office?

The same is true for this scene.

Although looking around, this world is under the rule of demons, and if you dig deep into the world view, you can even discover the existence of the unknown force of "shepherd", but what does this have to do with players?

The map is as big as Moxian County, and the entire script is only about the ritual of raising the devil, so the stories outside of Ink County have nothing to do with the players—at least it was like this before Zhao Yesui didn't engage in a slapstick operation.

In this case, the difficulty of the monsters encountered so far is too low.

The black armored army, the demons, and the tigers can bring trouble to the players if they play together, but if they are divided and broken one by one, it is not difficult for the players to deal with them by the means of the players.

Of course, Zhao Yejia still had some guesses in his heart.

The collapse of the strongest fortress often comes from internal struggles, and even he has the identity of a shepherd. So, if there are inner responses from demons among the players, then the difficulty of this scene may be called thrilling?

Leaving aside the matter of internal affairs, after investigating Zhang Lin's actions and making a thorough investigation of Ink County's power operation, Zhao Yesui remained skeptical about whether Ink County was only grazing by "Shepherd 738".

Zhang Lin lives like a poker man. He works at home without going out all day. Although he does not rule out the possibility that he wears a mask and tights every night and turns into a messenger of the dark night, in general terms, it is reasonable to use With his communication skills, it is still too difficult to herd Ink County on his own.

Shepherds know the sheep they herd like the back of their hands. If they don’t know who they are, what kind of character they have, and what kind of interpersonal relationship they have, then what about herding?

After taking over Majam's identity, Zhao Yesui gradually realized things that could not be realized as a player.

The power center of the entire ink county seems to be the county government office, but in fact it is the Hu mansion.

Any decree, bill, or even a judgment between the village and the village, if you want to pass it, you must first submit it to the Hu family for approval. In the next day, Ma James will be raised by tigers.

That is to say, Hu Mansion is the real center of power in Ink County.

In other words, if the Hu Mansion is monitored, then it is equivalent to monitoring the entire Ink County.

After realizing this, Zhao Yesui intuitively realized that there might be a second shepherd in Ink County.

Zhang Lin's task may be to ensure that the ceremony of ascending the devil is held normally, and the task of this second shepherd is the real grazing of Ink County, ensuring that Ink County can become the most perfect basis for holding the ceremony of ascending the devil.

As for who is this second pastor...

Once you accept that there is a second pastor, finding him couldn't be easier.

On weekdays, events in Ink County must pass through his hands, so that he can ensure control of Ink County—he is also a person with a high status in the Hu Mansion, at least he can't be a sweeper.

He stayed in the Hu Mansion for a long time. If it is a maid of consumables, not to mention how he faked his death every time to hide from the tiger. Just switching between different identities may make mistakes. It is absolutely unacceptable for a shepherd who can operate in this world for so long without showing his feet.

In the end, it is the most unreasonable reason.

Because the housekeeper is a pure-bred human being, but he can be the housekeeper of thousands of tigers and has been working diligently until now.

It stands to reason that for a character like him, the screenwriter will deliberately arrange a miserable life experience for him. If it is a card-drawing game, this is an important foreshadowing for him to wash his white and enter the pool. Come on, this is his "abnormality".

To sum up, this is the reason why Zhao Yejia believes that the steward is the second shepherd.

Of course, even if the trial is wrong, there is nothing to lose. If the housekeeper is really just an ordinary person, then just take advantage of the situation to attack the Hu Mansion and end this scene.

And now it seems that Zhao Yesui's guess is correct.

Zhao Yesui came to the front of Hu's mansion, and the neighborhood had been cleared of black armored undead under his control in advance. The only people who remain here are probably only him, Li Nuoyi, and the people who were originally in Hu's mansion.

...maybe it's already possible to get rid of the latter.

As the residence of thousands of tigers, Hu Mansion is naturally brightly lit, all night long, even in the daytime, it is lit with exquisite lanterns, like a city within a city, as brilliant as a "city that never sleeps".

But now, there is only a thick darkness left in the Hu Mansion. The original high and grand Zhumen has become gloomy under this atmosphere, and the bright red door seems to be stained with blood.

It can indeed be called night, although it is only in the morning, but under the mighty force of Chen Shuang's manipulation of the celestial phenomena, the dark clouds overwhelm the city and the sun cannot come to the ground, so it is no different from the night.


Zhao Yesui smelled a pleasant smell coming from the Hu residence. It was the fragrance of blood and death mixed together. Only those who knew it could perceive this smell.

The time of death, the method of deprivation of life, and who the deceased was, all affect the taste of death.

And Zhao Yesui, as a leader in the industry, can naturally tell what just happened in Hu Mansion through this breath.

It was a fierce slaughter. There was an absolute gap in strength between the slaughterer and the slain. The slaughterer showed no mercy and descended death on the feared people, so death was mixed with blood and condensed into this fragrant breath.

It seems that the other people and demons in the Hu residence have unfortunately died.

It's no wonder that when one finds that Chinese cabbage, which he has worked so hard to "raise" for decades or even hundreds of years, is bullied by wild boars from nowhere, everyone will be furious.

Especially if this wild boar eats it by itself, he just dumped the cabbage to death and then abandoned it like nothing. How can this prevent Mr. Shepherd from getting so angry that he murdered him to vent his anger?

Although it is a bit strange to use cabbage to describe a tiger, but in a word, this is the truth, and Zhao Yesui can understand the current mood of Mr. Shepherd.

But understanding is understanding, the BOSS that should be pushed is still correct.

A strange and icy aura swirled in the sky above Hu Mansion, and faint murmurs and faint wailing could be heard. reason.

"Do you need help?"

Song Shigui's voice came from the communication symbol, even if it was a long way away, he found that something was wrong here.

"No, you continue to eliminate demons. Without you, those demons who jumped over the wall would cause great casualties to civilians, and our long-term efforts would be in vain."

Zhao Yesui raised his head, looked at the plaque of the Hu residence made of pure gold, and said lightly: "As for him... I'll solve it. After so long, if even one of them has been weakened. If you can't beat the boss, then I'd better wash up and sleep early."


Song Shigui readily hung up the communication.

He was just being polite. Since the last "test", he has faintly realized that Zhao Yesui's strength is a bit beyond the difficulty of this scene, although Song Shigui believes that he is in the realm of dehumanization. He was the best, but Zhao Yesui was still above him.

The most terrifying thing is that Zhao Yesui didn't show any advanced martial arts from beginning to end, but he was already so powerful, so if he learned a simple skill, wouldn't he kill him?

After finishing the conversation with Song Shigui, Zhao Ye stepped forward and pushed open the cold door.

As the door slowly opened, an icy and biting breath poured out from it, mixed with monstrous grievances, making people shudder.

But for Zhao Yesang, this kind of negative energy gathering environment is like returning to a happy hometown, not only the yin, but also the thinking is a little more active.

It has only been two days since he last arrived at Hu Mansion, but Hu Mansion has completely changed.

The rockery was stained with dried blood, and the garden that took a lot of time to decorate was now covered in blood, the clear water was stained red with blood, and there were corpses scattered all over the place. These corpses were all distorted to a great extent. What pain to endure to die.

Zhao Yesui saw the marks on the corpse and the marks that seemed to be pierced by sharp objects while walking through the garden. From the position where the corpse fell, it was not difficult to see that they were all attacked at the same time. .

"Can you launch a large-scale attack at the same time?"

Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows and moved on.

Passing through the garden, the Diaolou, a well-known landmark building in Hu Mansion, is conveniently located in front. However, this Diaolou, which is known for being easy to defend and difficult to attack, has collapsed at this moment, and in the center of the ruins of the Diaolou, stands a standing figure.

When he heard the footsteps of Zhao Yesui and Li Nuoyi, he suddenly turned around and released his greatest malice towards the visitor.


It's not an adjective, but there is real spiritual pollution passed from him, trying to attack the minds of Zhao Yesui and Li Nuoyi.

However, there is no need to say more about Zhao Yesang. This level of mental pollution is not as good as the babble he heard when he was a child. Li Nuoyi was originally a stitching monster among stitching monsters, so he would not be afraid of this level of spiritual pollution, so his The attack was doomed to fail.

But he really looks like a SAN.

Zhao Yesui looked at the figure on the opposite side, who still had a human body but had scarlet eyes all over his body, and took a deep breath: "Demon God Pillar?"

Mr. "Magic Pillar" was also looking at Zhao Yeshou. After a while, he said in a hoarse and overlapping voice: "Zhang Lin? Are you from Majam?"

This time, when I came to fight the BOSS alone, Zhao Yesui took off Majam's skin ahead of time. After all, it will be useful later. It is impossible to say that the BOSS will be unscathed, so the image he is showing in the eyes of the world at this moment is Zhang Lin's appearance.

"Why do you think so, Mr. Butler?" Zhao Yesui asked curiously, "The Ma County Magistrate has worked so hard for so many years, why do you suspect him?"

"Oh, these days, I have seen thousands of tigers alone, and he is the only one. As for Tang Bond, he is just a waste, nothing to be afraid of." The housekeeper sneered and said: "You were talking to me just now. Or Majam? Do you know who you're up against? Or do you think you just kill me and you'll be all right?"

"Although I don't know how you killed the Demon Seed, do you really think you can compete with me like this?"

When the butler spoke, the thousands of eyes on his body opened together and stared at Zhao Yeshou like a nightmare.

Zhao Yesui smiled calmly, took out the [Tianwaikaiwu] from the inventory, and said to the butler: "How can this be, we are colleagues, Mr. Butler, why would I think about killing you? Woolen cloth."

- The information about the pastor is still too little and too little, so Zhao Yechao can only stare at this known pastor and try to get as much information as he can.

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