I Can Extract Proficiency

: The update on the 5th is 1 o'clock late.

When the insurance policy is promoted, no matter whether it is a newcomer or a veteran, it will inevitably encounter various emergencies, such as unstoppable nervousness, rejection of an invitation to interview, or the customer still has no intention to sign the order after two or three promotion. Under these conditions, mastering the customer's psychology can be profitable. Here are the following situations, how to judge the customer's psychology through details in a specific environment, or adjust the mood and atmosphere.

Order promotion secrets: teach you how to quickly break through the customer's refusal to sign an order!


How not to let the customer talk more

Sometimes the agent Barabara talked a lot about the product introduction, or asked the customer some questions, and wanted to know some of the customer's situation, but the other party did not follow suit. At this time, it would create an awkward atmosphere in the cold field. In order to alleviate the embarrassment of the atmosphere, as an agent, I had to say more, but at this time, the client may not listen. Therefore, when you encounter this situation, you can try next time. After asking the question, you will immediately shut up, don’t interrupt, and look at the customer’s eyes carefully. You will find that the customer will say more because there is no Several people are willing to fall into embarrassment and coldness.


Quickly overcome negative thinking and become confident

If you are a newcomer, you sometimes experience uncontrollable tension when you visit a customer for the first time or speak at a company meeting. The results of scientific research have shown that active body movements make us more confident and stronger. So next time when you feel nervous or in a bad state, you may wish to adjust your body movements, such as pinch yourself or clenched fists to cheer yourself up.

Order promotion secrets: teach you how to quickly break through the customer's refusal to sign an order!

Before we meet a customer or speak on stage, if there are negative thoughts that cannot be shaken off, we can tie a rubber band to our hand, pull the rubber band forcefully to make it bounce back, through the painful stimulation, your subconscious mind will immediately organize the negative The spread of thinking.


Relieve tension and adjust state

When you chew gum, the brain receives the signal that you are eating, that is, you are in a safer environment, which can organize the release of tension.

When you feel particularly nervous or stressed, you might as well give yourself a smile with the corners of your mouth curled up in the mirror. Within 5 seconds, you will start laughing unconsciously.


Let your request be accepted

After you help the other party a few small favors, they will have a good impression of you in their hearts. At this time, if you make a request, then the possibility of being rejected by the other party will be very small.

Order promotion secrets: teach you how to quickly break through the customer's refusal to sign an order!

One advantage of this is that in the eyes of many people, insurance agents will talk about insurance and persuade customers to sign orders when they meet. If you do the opposite, it will not only narrow the distance between you and the prospective customer, It can also leave a deep impression on prospective customers.


It’s easier to be successful if you have a drink appointment

Sometimes an appointment with a client or a meal is rejected. You might as well try to invite the other party to have a drink together, and tell the other party that it is simply a drink between friends, nothing else. In this way, your invitation will be much more likely to be accepted.

By the way, a little trick: when inviting customers to meet and sign orders, if the written test you bring is customized and ready to be given to customers, you can say one thing when you hand over the pen: I wish you a great deal! And if your pen is for your own use and you are not going to leave it to the customer, you can remove the cap before handing it over. You will find that it will be returned to you immediately after it is used up, because no one wants an incomplete one. Pen.

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