I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1079: The group destroys Golden Wolf, perfect evaluation! (For [The sun and the moon

When the Turkic generals saw him rushing forward, they bowed their bows and released arrows in an attempt to kill Ye Weiming in the air.

However, after the arrows were shot, they were completely crushed into dregs by the sudden appearance of the invisible position before they had time to get close to the range of Ye Weiming's body.

At the same time, a more violent and cruel aura than when he performed "Devil Disintegration" had already radiated from Ye Weiming's body, and reached its peak when his figure jumped above the Golden Wolf Army.

Burn the jade!


In the sound of a doomsday explosion, several Turkic generals and more than a hundred elite were killed on the spot. The aftermath of the explosion blew up the entire team, and was trampled to death by the startled horse in panic. I don't know where it is.

But Bi Xuan just looked at what was happening in front of him with cold eyes, and didn't mean to stop it at all. It wasn't until Ye Weiming completed the self-detonation of the second wolf that he rushed forward and rushed forward. Before the four-second resurrection time expires, he rushes to the place where he just blew and died.

Following the support of his hands, a fireball full of horrible and devastating atmosphere has been urged by him with the power of the world, and it has completely enveloped the unknown death of Ye.

The sun is shining!

After Ye Weiming's resurrection, he immediately felt that he was surrounded by a strong flame. There was only one-third of his vitality above his head, and it was like the Yellow River bursting down like crazy. I don't know yet. Did Bi Xuan see the time and place of his resurrection, and put a big box under his feet in advance?

As the saying goes, those who are near Zhu are red, and those who are near Mo are black.

Even Bi Xuan, such an iron-clad grassland Wu Zun, had become black after being pitted by Ye Weiming one, two, three... well, after being pitted several times.

At this moment, even the slightest demeanor of the grandmaster did not speak, and he directly blocked Ye Weiming's resurrection point and launched a big move.

While making various complaints in his heart, Ye Weiming had already made the best response strategy in this extremely unfavorable situation. The disintegration of the demon was launched again and swept out with a sword.

While cutting through Bi Xuan's "splendid sun", the aftermath of Jian Qi also cut into the battle formation of the Golden Wolf Army in the rear, causing more than ten deaths and injuries.

Of course, it was no surprise that Bi Xuan was not included in the deaths and injuries of more than ten people.

Just as he had just swept out this sword, before he had time to launch the next "Jade and Stone Burning", Bi Xuan, who had been prepared for a long time, had already cleverly avoided this blind killer move. At the same time, he had already punched the unidentified person in the night. After the heart.

Under a dazzling white light, Ye Weiming's figure slowly turned into nothingness.

This is also the first time that Ye Weiming died in a real sense except in the "Green Bamboo Secret Realm" after the game started.

On the surface, this battle seemed to be Bi Xuan's victory.

But did he really win?

Looking at the battlefield surrounded by dead and wounded, **** battlefields, and the Golden Wolf Army whose nearly all members were in a poisoned state, finally defeated Bi Xuan, who hadn't known it once, but couldn't be happy anyway.


Ding! If you are killed by the BOSS Bi Xuan, you will receive a death penalty: the current level experience drops by 10%, and the current level experience of "Hun Yuan Gong" drops by 10%.

Ding! Your "Hun Yuan Gong" level dropped to 9th!


In a series of system prompts, Ye Weiming once again completed his resurrection in the white light package.

Ye Weiming didn't care much about his first real death. After all, such a death penalty is completely within the acceptable range for him.

Compared with this, he is more concerned about the problem, but this time the dungeon task, I don't know how the system will settle according to it?

Calculating according to normal logic, since the 100,000 Golden Wolf Army has been poisoned, Ye Weiming's life or death will have no impact on the outcome, and the enemy will never be able to empty and dissolve the poison in his body because of his death.

But in the game, many things cannot be analyzed according to normal logic. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Jie Li's right leg to grow a new one in a very short time after being severed by Ye Weiming.

Similarly, Ye Weiming can't repeatedly play the wolf and kill himself. Or called... steaming dangerously explosive?

Moreover, in the game, the greatest possibility is to judge according to the game mechanism. If all players in the team die during the mission, the mission will definitely be judged as a failure.

Ye Wei thought of this possibility in the morning, but he did not regret it.

It's just a game, and all you want is to have access to ideas. As long as you make the choice that you think is the most correct and most comfortable for yourself, there is no need to put too much emphasis on the gains and losses of some benefits.

Shi Feixuan, didn't you let me make a choice in the face of the tram problem?

Now I smashed the tram. Are you satisfied with this answer?

Thinking like this in his heart, Ye Weiming spent 200,000 cultivation points at will to raise the "Hunyuan Gong" that had just fallen to level 1 to its full level. Then he raised his head and looked around.

However, what surprised Ye Weiming was that after his death, he did not appear in Luoyang City in the "Shuanglong Secret Realm", or the resurrection point of Yangzhou City in the main world, but appeared on a mountain top. .

From where he is now, you can just see a dilapidated small city a few miles away. Carefully identify it, and it is exactly the place where he and you were performing the mission.

And not far from him, two beauties were sitting on the ground chatting. These two beauties were not others, but Ye Weiming's teammate, Yu You, and the person who made the question for this mission-Shi Feixuan.

Well, because of the special nature of this mission, Shi Fei Xuan did not lose anything after being killed by Ye Weiming before. Even the memory of being stabbed to death by Ye Weiming was perfectly preserved.

"Ye Weiming!"

Seeing Ye Weiming's appearance, N. oleracea immediately jumped up from the ground, followed by frowning, and asked with some worry, "Aren't you continuing to do missions in the city? Why did you suddenly appear here?"

"Could it be that even you..."

Ye Weiming shrugged: "I'm not Da Luo Jinxian. When facing Bi Xuan and the 100,000 Golden Wolf Army at the same time, it is reasonable to be hung up by the other party, right?"

Naruto was speechless.

When the two met in the underground palace for the first time, Ye Weiming left her with the impression that she was omnipotent, without any enemy or difficulty that could defeat her.

It wasn't until this moment that she finally remembered that, in fact, Ye Weiming was just a person, a player who was essentially the same as her.

If he is different from other people in any way. Probably only, he is stronger, more resourceful, more ingenious, more handsome than ordinary people...

At this moment, I saw that this certain male sage, who was stronger, more resourceful, darker, and more handsome than ordinary people, had already set his sights on Shi Fei Xuan who had just stood up: "Master Fairy , Since you and I were not teleported out of this instance after we died, do you have some other ideas for this mission?"

Shi Feixuan sighed after hearing the words, and then nodded and said: "You are right, because this task belongs to the illusion of torture that I sent with the Sekong Sword in the rules of the heavens. So the way of calculating success or failure is also different from other tasks."

"At least, the death of the player does not have a big impact on the final task score. The most important thing is to see the player's performance in this task and the result."

As she spoke, Shi Fei Xuan turned around, her sorrowful eyes fell on the broken city in the distance below, and the majesty blew across her handsome face, with her hair fluttering lightly, showing a touch of poignant beauty, which made people feel very touching. Seeing it, she couldn't help but feel an urge to comfort her.

This scene is not only Ye Weiming, but even the same woman, Nao You, can't help but feel a little distressed, and her emotions are unconsciously infected by the emotions she shows.

For this kind of passive charm that will naturally radiate out of speech and behavior without actively seduce, it is indeed a higher level than Yingui school's methods!

With a light sigh, Shi Feixuan finally spoke again: "The reason why I set up such a level is actually not to embarrass you who participate in the competition."

"I want to take this to give you a first-hand experience of the cruelty of war. In troubled times, you will encounter this dilemma sometimes."

"Every choice you need to make may be wrong, and there is no best answer."

"This is the sorrow of troubled times!"

After a slight pause, Shi Feixuan continued: "As I said before, in this mission, whether the player died during the mission is not directly related to the rating of the mission."

"There was a team of five players before. After destroying the map, they used various methods to set up roadblocks to intercept the advance of the Wolverine Army. Although all of them were killed in the end, their efforts eventually saved the lives of some of the refugees. Good rating."

"There are also some players who have used other methods, or chose to sacrifice themselves, or use other methods to reduce personnel damage, and they have also received good ratings."

"Therefore, although there is no standard answer to this task. But as long as the player can play a role in the task, no matter what the final result is, it will always be rewarding."

Hearing what Shi Fei Xuan said so much, Ye Weiming finally couldn't help but ask: "Then I don't know our system...well, what kind of evaluation does Heaven give to the performance of the two of us?"


Although Shi Feixuan was unwilling, she still gave the answer that made Ye Weiming and Yu Yu smile at the same time.

Then, she continued to say: "According to the special computer system of this mission, even if all the players involved in the mission die, the mission will continue according to the existing trajectory. And because there is no such variable as the player, the system will In a very short time, the final result of the evolution of the matter was derived."

Having said this, Shi Feixuan couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness again.

Originally, this arrangement of the system was able to make it easy for her to let the players understand that in the face of the general trend, no matter how hard an individual works, she will never be perfect. Only by knowing how to make trade-offs can we save more lives.

However, when things got to Ye Weiming and Youxu, the result was: "According to the deduction of the system, except for a few powerful generals, the rest of the 100,000 Golden Wolf Army has all been poisoned by the poison you cast in the lake."

"Because there was no antidote, all died in twelve hours."

"And those Turkic generals who were not poisoned in the first place have also suffered more than half of the deaths and injuries in previous battles with you, and even the horses they brought have not been spared."

"In the end, Jie Li and Bi Xuan could only lead the more than twenty people who survived, and fled back to the Turks in embarrassment."

"Four days later, General Su Dingfang led a large force to return. In order to avoid the plague, all the bodies of Turkic soldiers and horses were buried."

"Just burying these corpses, it took Tang Jun a full ten days."

"At this point, the frontier fortress of the Tang army was consolidated, but after the news of Jieli's defeat came out of the grassland, there was a great upheaval. The Western Turks took the opportunity to attack, and eventually the Golden Wolf army led by Yu Jieli was defeated."

"Although Bi Xuan eventually defeated the commander-in-chief Yun Shuai of the Western Turks with his tyrannical personal strength, leaving the Western Turks with no intent to fight, allowing Jie Li to win the war, but the vitality of the Turks was greatly injured within a few decades. , But there is no more power to invade south."

"In addition, the Bohai national state soon after, nailed a nail in the Turkic steppe, which became another unstable factor in the grassland."

Having said this, Shi Feixuan finally turned her head and stared at Ye Weiming: "This campaign is certainly a once-and-for-all situation for the people of the Central Plains, but it has become a disaster for the Turkic people."

"Ask yourself, with the blood of one hundred thousand Turkic soldiers on your hands, is there a little anxiety in your heart?"

To Shi Feixuan’s question, Ye Wei gave his own answer clearly and righteously: “No! Because this is the enlightenment they should have when they stepped into the Central Plains.”

"After all, war is not a child's play. Pity for the enemy, especially the wolf-like invaders...hehe!"

He took a deep breath~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ye Weiming's face showed an extremely excited smile: "I always think that the words of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty are particularly reasonable. Those who oppose China will be punishable even if they are far away. !"

Hearing what Ye Weiming said, Shi Fei sighed helplessly again, and then turned her head to look at the woman who was the same as her. Her heart should have been weaker, but she found that her gaze came compared to Ye Weiming. Be more determined.

What kind of person is Shi Feixuan?

From the two people's unwavering gaze, they already knew that it was useless to say more about this matter.

So he waved his hand helplessly, and a system prompt sounded in their ears.

She just wanted to finish issuing the task rewards sooner, so that the two guys who didn't agree with her idea could get out of this trial copy.

Look bad!

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