I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1154: Meeting Qin Hongshang again, confronting Wuxiazi

Hearing the sound of fighting from the front and the shouting with the woman, Sword Sister frowned and said, "Why does that female voice sound a bit familiar?"

Ye Weiming didn't answer, but she speeded up abruptly, her figure turned into an afterimage, and when Sword Sister reacted, she had already crossed the stone bridge and entered Xiaoyao Valley.

Now there is no point in speculating wildly, just take a look in person, don't you know everything?

Sword Sister didn’t neglect when she saw it, and she flung a silver needle on the trunk in the distance, and then displayed the body technique of "Needle Crossing Technique". She even caught up with Ye Weiming's footsteps by taking shortcuts. . Then he put away the steel needles and the red thread at random, displayed the body method of "God's Changes", and followed Ye Weiming into the valley.

Passing through Taniguchi, there is a dense forest in front of me, along the small forest path straight into it, Sword Sister suddenly received a message from Ye Weiming: "Have you never heard of not entering every forest? So rashly followed me in. I'm not afraid of encountering an ambush."

The Sword Sister was not convinced and immediately retorted: "It looks like your advanced forest, right?"

Ye Weiming: "If I am in an ambush, I can resurrect on the spot, can you?"

Sister Dao: "You shut up."

In their daily antagonism, the two have passed through densely wooded areas and came to a clearing in the forest like a martial arts field.

But in the center of the open space, a young girl with a petal-shaped red mark painted on her eyebrows was holding a knife against a strong old man dressed as a woodcutter. The voice that made Ye Weiming and Sister Dao feel familiar before came from the woman in front of them.

Looking closely, the appearance of the woman in red also made the two feel quite familiar, with a sense of deja vu, and it was impossible to be sure that she was the person she was thinking of.

The more familiar ones are the swordsmanship of two people.

The red-clothed girl used the special skill "Thunderbolt Sword Art" originated from the Thunderbolt Hall, which was seen in Qin Hongshang's hands as early as in the original mission.

However, compared to the previous Qin Hongshang, the young girl's sword technique is obviously much more proficient and fierce.

The sturdy old man who was fighting against this girl also used a long knife. The two of them felt more familiar with the sword technique he used. It was the "Hu Jia Sword Technique" that both Sword Girl and Fei Yu had learned and even used as the strongest attack method.

Judging from the power of the sword technique alone, the "Hujia Sword Technique" is definitely inferior to the "Thunderbolt Sword Technique".

But that strong old man is obviously better in terms of skill, combat experience, reaction to the enemy, or mastery of his own knife skills.

Even if the red girl tried her best, she was still not the old man's opponent. Has been under the opponent's fierce attack, and was beaten only by parrying power, without the power to fight back, and may lose at any time.

If it weren't for the old man's obvious plan to capture the opponent, and didn't want to hurt others, I'm afraid this red-clothed girl has already lost.

Not far from the old man and the girl in red, there was also a young man in blue who was holding a long sword, staring at the battlefield out of breath at the moment, posing an awe-inspiring appearance. Behind him, there was a man in yellow with a stubby-headed rat-headed man who was timidly followed, who looked... how do you say? Anyway, it's that kind, it's not the ugly face of a good person at first glance.

After seeing the man in yellow, there was a glimmer of murderous intent in the eyes of Sister Dao, and she said: "The guy with a mole on his face is called Huang Luo. He is a bully near Dukang Village. There are many in Dukang Village. The villagers all accused him of robbing the women of the country and doing nothing wrong. When investigating in Dukang village before, he even made a mockery for three months."

Because the identity of the descendant of the "ghost" character of Sword Sister God Catching Division needs to be kept secret, I did not act alone when investigating Dukang Village. Instead, I followed Ye Weiming and Sanyue to observe and study according to my mood. I encountered this when I was following Sanyue. The guy named Huang Luo had an extremely bad impression of him.

Ye Weiming heard about this for the first time and couldn't help but frown and said, "Did you not teach this guy back then?"

Dao Sister shook her head: "March said that the task is important. In order not to cause unnecessary panic among the Dukang villagers, there are no extravagances. I plan to wait for the local government to say hello to the local government and let them rectify local security."

Well, as a direct agency of the imperial court, the Department of Pursuits issued a direct order to rectify law and order. Then I deliberately mentioned the name Huang Luo. As long as the local officials in Luoyang didn't have their heads, they should know what to do.


With a harmless smile on Ye Weiming's face, he calmly shook his head and said, "Since this Huang Luo was met by us here today, I don't think I need to bother the local officials."

Ye Weiming and Sword Sister came quietly. The attention of the people in the forest was originally focused on the battle between the red-clothed girl and the strong old man, but he didn't notice it at the first time. It was not until they started to whisper unscrupulously. The four people who had their own thoughts.

Seeing that there was another outsider entering the valley, the strong old man immediately retracted his sword and retreated, and looked at Ye Weiming and Sword Sister vigilantly. And the girl in red was always pressed by the opponent. When she couldn't see the enemy, she was relieved to see the old man close her hand. She turned her head and looked in the direction where Ye Weiming and Sword Girl were. The color of surprise immediately emerged.

"Ye Shaoxia, girl Yidao, I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Judging from the performance of this red-clothed girl, it was obvious that she was very familiar with the two people, and she had the feeling of encountering reinforcements when she was about to lose.

Ye Weiming and Sister Dao looked at each other, the latter tentatively asked, "Are you Miss Qin Hongshang?"

The red-clothed girl nodded immediately: "Yes, it's me! But Sister Yidao, you don't know me anymore? It really hurts my family!"

Sword Sister was slightly embarrassed, but Ye Weiming smiled as usual and said, "It's mainly Ms. Qin that you have changed a little bit. As the so-called female big eighteen change, we didn't expect to see you in a few years. It's so beautiful, I don't dare to recognize each other for a while."

Hearing that Ye Weiming praised her change as "great", Qin Hongshang straightened her chest confidently, and then suddenly remembered something. He glanced at Huang Luo, who had been hiding behind the blue-clothed boy, and said with some anger: " This guy is a heinous villain. I wanted to kill the people, but this young man and that old man stopped me."

"Ye Shaoxia, sister Yidao, you must help me!"

"It's easy to say." Ye Weiming smiled slightly, then waved his big hand, and the magical soldier Xiao Longquan had already shot in the direction where Huang Luo was.

It's just that the speed and strength of this throw seemed swift, but in fact it didn't use the real ability. Even the blue-clothed boy who had just started martial arts could react in time and drove it to the ground with a long sword in his hand.

But after all, the long sword in his hand was just ordinary iron, and when it touched the divine soldier, it was immediately broken by a half-inch deep gap.

Upon seeing this, Dao Mei couldn't help but glance at Ye Weiming in confusion, seeming to wonder why this stinky catcher was so substandard this time, did she have any other considerations?

At this time, the blue-clothed boy looked upright at Ye Weiming, posing as a newborn calf and not afraid of tigers, and said: "I see you are dressed in the government, how can you just listen to one side of the story? Just kill a person?"

Ye Weiming smiled slightly when he heard this, but did not answer, "You are Dongfang Weiming?"

At this time, the blue-clothed boy's gaze had become sluggish. Hearing Ye Weiming’s question, he subconsciously replied: "Yes, I am Dongfang Weiming."

not good!

Seeing this scene, the vigorous old man's face suddenly changed: "What demon technique did you use against the Third Young Master?"

As he spoke, he had carried the knife and charged towards Ye Weiming.

Since seeing Ye Weiming's volley sword that was out of standard before, Dao Mei has begun to seriously suspect that he has not recovered from the side effects of forcibly treating and swimming in. At this moment, seeing the strong and strong old man actually took the lead, he took the initiative to greet him without hesitation, and stepped out, the magic weapon "pufferfish poison" has appeared in her slender hand.

With the hob wave rolled up by the "pufferfish poison", the strong old man immediately felt a strong murderous intent spreading in all directions.

At this moment, the strong old man suddenly felt that what he was facing was not an enemy, but in a battlefield like a meat grinder. Every moment there were people falling down around him, and more people were involved. Into this battle. At the same time, there are countless murderous intents, locked him firmly, front and rear, left and right, everywhere, it is impossible to distinguish the source of that intense murderous intent and where it came from.

Heavenly Sword's first heavy sword intent-military disaster!

As soon as the knife was released, the strong old man was immediately stunned. He could only give up his reliance on intuition as much as possible, and fully displayed the "closed door iron fan" in the "Hu Jia Sword Technique" to resist the visible hob. wave.

But how did he know that the young girl in red in front of him had already practiced the "Hu Family Sword Technique" to the 10th level of Consummation, and he could make every subtle change in every move and style. Know it?

As long as he used the "Hu Family Sword Technique", there was no secret in the eyes of Sword Girl. With the blade of the "pufferfish poison" rolled, he immediately entangled it, and cut along the blade directly towards his wrist.

The sturdy old man was shocked and quickly let go of the knife, but was pressed against the neck by the next knife followed by the knife girl, and did not dare to move anything.

At this time, Ye Weiming had already asked Dongfang Weiming a second question: "Who are you, who are your parents, and what identity were you before you entered Xiaoyao Valley?"

Dongfang Weiming continued to replied with a dull expression: "I am an orphan. I have lived in an unknown small mountain village since I was a child. The kind grandparents who adopted me died a few years ago. I left the village by myself. If you know the name of the village, you can't find it."

Ye Weiming nodded when he heard the words: "Before joining Xiaoyao Valley, did you join any other organization, such as the beggar who helped the **** horse?"

"No." Dongfang Weiming replied very simply: "I have always been wandering around alone, until I met a big brother in Dukang Village, and then joined Xiaoyao Valley under his introduction."

Ye Weiming nodded, and didn't ask anything more, until he silently solved the "Soul Removal Dafa" and turned to look in the direction of Gu Nei.

Now that it has been determined that Dongfang Weiming has no problem, Ye Weiming feels that there is no need to ask other questions. Compared to this stunned young man who had just come out of the world, it was more reliable to ask Gu Yuexuan.

Sure enough, when Ye Weiming turned his head and looked over, the two teenagers had already ran from that direction.

One of them looked like he was in his twenties, with empty hands and a dignified appearance, while the other was carrying a sword and a sword behind his back, and there was a bit of hostility between his brows.

After the two arrived here in the clearing, they immediately found that the strong old man had been subdued by Sister Dao, and Ye Weiming seemed to be tit-for-tat against Dongfang Weiming. The empty-handed young man frowned slightly when he saw this, and was considering saying so. The other person had already pulled out the sword behind him, and asked in a cold voice at Ye Weiming, "Who are you guys who came to Xiaoyao Valley to make trouble?"

Ye Weiming did not pay attention to the other party, but instead set his gaze on the empty-handed youth and asked softly: "Are you Gu Yuexuan?"

Gu Yuexuan was not as vain as Dongfang Weiming. He struggled a little when facing the "Soul Removal Dafa", and when he was about to be unable to hold on, suddenly a figure flashed, and an old man with white beard and hair was stopped by Ye Weiming. With Gu Yuexuan, he blocked Ye Weiming's "Soul Removal Dafa" for him.

After quietly resolving Ye Weiming's hypnotic offensive, the old man hugged his fists at Ye Weiming, and said: "I have no flaws, I have seen this official."

Ye Weiming nodded slightly: "It's easy to say."

Wuxiazi continued: "I don't know how my disciple offended the official~www.wuxiaspot.com~ actually want to use this method to deal with him?"

Ye Weiming heard the words and said without hesitation: "First of all, introduce yourself. I will catch the head of the third grade of the gods, and the first grade of the court and the second lane of the imperial court."

"A few days ago, the deputy commander of the Shenchou Division Youjin was killed outside Dukang Village. Several of us were ordered to track down the killer. It happened that Gu Yuexuan and Dongfang Weiming had both been in Dukang Village that day, so we came to routine business and asked about it."

Wuxiazi couldn't help but sneered when he heard the words, and his words became sharper: "Just ask, can I ask the official to use the method of moving the soul to hypnotize it?"

Ye Weiming shrugged: "No way, when we arrived. Xiaoyao Valley turned out to be a protective umbrella for Huang Luo, the bully in Dukang Village. In order to ensure that they can cooperate with the investigation, we can only make the next move."

Hearing what Ye Weiming said, Wuxiazi finally noticed Huang Luo's existence.

But at this moment, he had already taken advantage of everyone's attention being attracted by Wuxiazi, picking up the "Little Longquan" that fell on the ground, quietly walking around behind Ye Weiming, and then violently violent, a sword directed at Ye Weiming Hou Xin stabbed.

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