I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1174: The decisive battle begins, meet Dugu again for defeat!

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But I saw that the old man in front of me was dressed very plainly. Although his clothes were clean and tidy, they were obviously the most ordinary goods, and there was no gorgeousness at all. But just such a seemingly invincible old man standing there, it feels like a peerless divine sword that can slay the world, kill the enemy, slaughter the city, destroy the country, split the mountain, break the mountain, crack the ground, and open the sky!

The old man in front of him is no one else, he is one of the top 200 BOSS in "Chivalrous Eternity", the strongest swordsman in the main world, and the sword demon who has never failed in his life-Dugu seek defeat!

Ye Weiming didn't feel bad about Dugu's defeat. Even after seeing them in the "Secret Realm of Solitude", the communication between the two was quite harmonious.

The only problem that worries Ye Weiming is the real reason for his presence here.

Seeing the change in Ye Weiming's heart, Dugu smiled softly, then looked at him and said, "Don't panic, because panic is useless."

"You guessed it right. I will be the host of the Huashan Sword Finals. I am responsible for maintaining the order of the game. At the same time, after the battle, on behalf of Tiandao, I will personally bestow the five winners with uniqueness. The title of "Five Excellent"."

"Are you surprised or surprised?"

Ye Weiming felt bitter in his heart when he heard Dugu Qiufei say that. Holding the last glimmer of hope, he tentatively asked: "Well, the final title is sure. Is it according to your intentions or according to the meaning of ‘the way of heaven’?"

Dugu Qiuqiu bluntly said: "In fact, the meaning of Tiandao and I coincide in some ways. For example, the evaluation of your cunning kid."

Hearing Dugu begging for defeat from the registration number, and seeing him chatting and laughing with Ye Weiming, Yun Mian and Decadent Dragon, who had not seen his old man before, felt unclear.

Everyone is the same player who entered the "Chivalrous Eternity" together, so the gap is so big! ?

After a brief comment on Ye Weiming, Dugu asked for defeat and immediately changed his head. He said: "You guys can pass all the way and come to the old man. It means that you are all the best among game players and want to come to the game. The general rules are also understood. So the old man won’t bother to talk about specific details."

After a slight pause, he added: "Here, the old man only emphasizes one point to you. During the contest, other people are not allowed to influence the contestants in any way. Once any fraudulent behavior is discovered, the old man has the right to immediately take him on the spot. Beheaded and disqualified from the competition. The names of the Five Best in the World and the corresponding task rewards will also be generated among the other five players."

Hearing that, everyone showed dignity.

At this time, Sister Dao asked, "Senior Lonely, I don't know that the criteria that affect the game are divided? If my friend is in the competition, I cheer for him, is it a violation of the rules?"

"No." Dugu Qiuqiu directly replied: "What you can do is to cheer others on. But some people should not think that there are loopholes in the rules that can be exploited."

"Since God allows the old man to preside over the game, the old man is naturally obliged to make the game fair and equitable. As for the specific operation that violates the rules of the game, it is actually very simple to say, that is... as long as I think you violate the rules, you It is a violation of the rules. All the rules of the Huashan Discussion on the sword, the final interpretation right belongs to me."

"In other words, I am the rule!"

After that, he glanced at Ye Weiming unconsciously, and then continued: "So, some people had better give up the idea of ​​being clever, don't make mistakes!"

Regarding Dugu's "clear indication" of seeking defeat, Ye Weiming directly said without concealment: "Understood, I promise to play the game honestly today. In other words, the rules on the field should not be so strict, right?"

Lonely seek defeat and nodded gently: "On the court, it depends on everyone's performance. This old man doesn't bother to care."

After a while, Dugu's defeat seems to suddenly remember something, and then he said: "In addition, since today is the peak event among players, the order of the game should naturally be more free. Although within the restrictions of the rules, everyone of you You need to play against the other five people separately, but the order of appearance is mainly voluntary and you can take the initiative to challenge."

"If there is no one to challenge, the old man will randomly roll the names among the opponents who have not yet fought, and those who are named must go to the field for a competition."

"Those who do not obey the arrangement will be disqualified for subsequent matches."

After a slight pause, the sharp sword-like eyes swept over everyone one by one, so that everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of being seen through: "Although the purpose of Huashan's discussion of the sword this time is to distinguish the players from the five best, but The old man does not guarantee that all five names will be born today. If you overdo it, the probability of six people being eliminated at the same time is not impossible."

Regarding the final warning of Dugu's defeat, everyone at the same time expressed their understanding, and at the same time promised that they would behave well and not cause trouble to his old man.

Dugu nodded in satisfaction, and then officially announced: "Now I announce that the final finals of Huashan Lunjian has officially begun! Whoever wants to take the initiative to play, can now stand up."

"Swish!" As Dugu's voice fell, Ye Weiming stepped forward and came to the middle of the open space for decisive battles. At the same time, he calmly said: "I'll come first."

When Duguqiu was defeated, he nodded: "Unexpectedly, since the last time I gave you some suggestions, you really got the inheritance of "Lonely Nine Swords" and smoothly integrated it into your own swordsmanship. It is gratifying. . So, who are you going to challenge first?"

Ye Weiming shrugged: "Anyone can do it anyway, so I won't adjust the order, just come any one."

"Haha, Brother Ye is really happy!"

As Ye Weiming’s voice fell, Yun Mian had already jumped into the arena first, and stood still far away from Ye Weiming’s Zhang Xu. With one move, a sword that looked very solemn and solemn had appeared on him. In his hands, when he looked intently, he saw a clear Tai Chi pattern on the hilt of the sword, which obviously had a deep connection with Taoism.

Noting that Ye Weiming’s gaze fell on the sword in his hand, Yun Mian simply swung the sword horizontally, and said: "In my previous missions in the Wudang Defense War, although Brother Ye did not perform as well, I still have Not a small gain. This true martial arts sword is the mission reward I received. Like the giant swords in the hands of Brother Ye, it is one of the world's magical soldiers. Brother Ye must be careful."

Ye Weiming couldn't help rubbing his nose after hearing this, "Why didn't I have this in the exchange list after I completed the task."

"Because I am a Wudang disciple." With that said, Yun Mian also said in a seductive tone: "Right, there is one more thing."

Ye Weiming frowned: "What's the matter?"

Yun Mian smiled and said, "Master Tai asked me to bring you a message."

Ye Weiming was taken aback: "What did Zhang Zhenren say?"

Yun Mian said in a deep voice: "Master Tai said, as long as you can convict the Shenchou Division to join Wudang, his old man will personally accept you as a direct disciple, and will directly be on par with the Wudang Seven Knights and become the eighth Wudang!"

Ye Weiming immediately shook his head when he heard the words: "Zhang Zhenren’s love, Ye Weiming has accepted it. But it’s better not to make a joke like this."

Yun Mian also nodded, put away the nonsense, immediately pulled away, and said at the same time: "Brother Ye, please!" As he spoke, the Zhenwu sword in his hand has begun to draw circles, Under the deduction, a self-contained Tai Chi field has been formed, and it has completely enveloped itself in this Tai Chi field.

Seeing this scene, Ye Weiming couldn't help furrowing his brows: "It turns out that you have always reserved things in the previous battles. Until this moment, have you shown your true ability?"

Yun Mian smiled without answering, just constantly strengthening his Tai Chi domain, and at the same time said: "Brother Ye, please enlighten me!"

Ye Weiming also regained his seriousness at this time. With a flip of his wrist, the giant divine sword had appeared in his palm, and then he walked with the sword, stabling towards Yunmian's Taiji realm with a "sword-scraping style".

After this sword was unsurprisingly resolved by it, the sword moves in Ye Weiming's hand immediately changed. Various sharp sword moves were displayed one after another, but they still couldn't shake Yun Mian's Tai Chi realm.

Until this moment, Ye Weiming only confirmed that his previous feeling was not wrong.

This Yunmian has not only cultivated the "Tai Chi Sword Technique" to the 10th level of Consummation, but also perfectly combined it with his best "Dao Fa" to form his own style. And this Yun Mian-style "Tai Chi Sword Technique" has reached the deep realm of the unity of nature and man, and there are few flaws to be found!

Before this guy had hidden himself very deeply, and only used the "Tai Chi Sword Technique" under the normal state. It was only at this moment that this trick was displayed, and it immediately had a blockbuster effect.

I have to say that this guy's talent for enlightenment is indeed something that others cannot envy.

Seeing that Ye Weiming tried more than thirty tricks, but failed to break through Yunmian's Tai Chi realm, Dugu as the referee begged for defeat, frowned dissatisfied and said: "The "Tai Chi Sword Technique" is not without flaws, just some people. I am timid, or clumsy, and dare not try to risk breaking the enemy."

"If you continue to fight like this, I think this game can end in a tie."

Ignoring Dugu's ridicule for defeat, Ye Weiming, after trying his fiftieth move and still failed to break Yun Mian’s "Tai Chi Sword Technique", suddenly stopped, and then said, "Brother Yun Sure enough, it didn't disappoint me. Your accomplishments in "Tai Chi Swordsmanship" are probably beyond the reach of Zhang Wuji."

Yun Mian was taken aback when he heard the words: "Have you played against Zhang Wuji?"

When the words were spoken, he felt something was wrong. It seems that in the Wudang offensive and defensive battle, Zhang Wuji used "Tai Chi Sword Technique" to fight with Ah Da...

Wait, it seemed that when Brother Ye came out of the quest dungeon, that battle had already ended.

Could it be...

"Yes!" At this time, Ye Weiming had already placed the Juque Sword in front of him, and said at the same time: "I used a little trick to make Zhang Wuji a temporary guest role as a flower protector, which became my offensive and defensive battle in Wudang. The last opponent in the game."

"Brother Yun, do you want to know how I broke his "Tai Chi Sword Technique" at that time?"

Yun Mian's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "Brother Ye, don't want to stop my appetite, I can't wait!"

Ye Weiming smiled slightly, and at the same time, his fingers passed over the sword body of the Juque Divine Sword: "I was relying on this sword at the time, brother Yun, be careful!"

After saying that, an extremely sharp sword energy has been swept out towards the Taiji realm created by Yun Mian.

Across all directions!


In the face of "crossing all directions" such a killer move, even Zhang Wuji, whose skill is better than Ye Weiming, could not stop it. Although Yun Miandan's attainments in "Tai Chi Sword Technique" have surpassed Zhang Wuji, his background is still not comparable to that of Wuji's nephew.

With a single sword, the Taiji realm collapsed, and the Zhenwu sword in Yunmian's hand was directly battered and flew out. At the same time, the whole person was blown back and flew out under the blow. He was in the air and couldn't help it. Spit out a big mouthful of blood.


A crushing injury directly knocked out two-thirds of the blood bar on the head of Wudang Chief!

Then, he saw Ye Weiming's figure flashing. When the opponent's figure just landed, the Juque Excalibur had stopped less than three inches from his throat.

Seeing this, Yun Mian shrugged helplessly: "The difference in skill is too great, and non-movements can make up for it. I lost this time."

Ye Weiming nodded and took the sword, Yun Mian withdrew from the battlefield.

As the two milky white rays of light flashed on Ye Weiming and Yunmian's bodies at the same time, the state of their bodies also recovered to their respective peaks at the same time.

At the same time, Dugu Qiuqiu had already spoken again: "In the first game, Ye Weiming vs. Zhan Yunmian, the victor Ye Weiming." As he said, his gaze had once again fallen on Ye Weiming's body: "You are not coming out yet. Continue to challenge?"

Ye Weiming greeted Dugu's defeat and nodded without flinching: "That's right!"

"This time, let me come!" Without waiting for Dugu's defeat, the decadent dragon has already stepped into the field, with both palms about to make a point, and the voice of the dragon chant has echoed on the top of Huashan: "The second game, Let me learn about Brother Ye's brilliant tricks."

When Ye Weiming saw this, he took the Juque Divine Sword, and at the same time put on the magical glove Promise Iron Hand. At the same time, his hands were left and right. On the Dragon Yin, which was far more lofty than the opponent, he immediately overwhelmed the limelight of the decadent dragon.

Perceiving that Ye Weiming's aura was far above him, Decadent Dragon immediately shook his spirits, and then acted first to be strong, and the move "Kang Long has regrets" had already let go.

Ye Weiming wanted to try the opponent's skill, and immediately took a step forward, also drawing a circle with his right hand, and amidst the sound of a dragon roar resounding across the mountain, the same move "Kang Long has regrets" greeted him.

From the time he watched the game before, Ye Weiming felt that this decadent dragon must have something extraordinary in addition to the "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon" on the Ming surface ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

Because of the psychological shadow Ye Weiming left on him, he could not force his true hole cards out, which made Ye Weiming feel somewhat regretful.

At this moment, he personally shot, must completely force the opponent's hole cards, look at this old dragon, what secrets are hidden!



1. The subtitle of this chapter (addition 2481300 for [Sun and Moon in the Pot])

2. The monthly ticket went up a lot yesterday. Thank you for your support.

3. If you forget to vote yesterday, please make up today. Dongliu is also extremely grateful. Hehe...

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