I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1176: The secret of the temple, 5 must be born!

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That's right. After Xiaoqiao's attitude clearly asked him not to admit defeat, and Niu Zhichun ridiculed him as soon as he came up to death, Ye Weiming put the goal of surrender on Dao Girl.

But thinking about it carefully, she is indeed a very suitable candidate.

After all, her strength lies there, except for Ye Weiming, this girl has never encountered other opponents.

Even if Xiaoqiao has the attribute blessing of the Qixi Festival, he only has the qualification to fight her. If you really want to start, the odds of Sword Sister's victory still have to be more than 70%.

Against other people, her advantage is naturally greater.

Or it can be said that in the player team of this game, except Ye Weiming, no one else has the ability to sanction her.

If Ye Weiming deliberately surrendered in this round, she would have a great chance of winning five games in a row and winning the title of top five. At that time, Ye Weiming doesn't have to be a "sword man", she can also get better rewards.

It seems that this is also a pretty good deal.

Thinking of the beauty, Ye Weiming's mouth couldn't help but draw a hint of playful smile.

However, the next sentence of Sister Dao directly made his smile froze on his face: "Smelly catch fast, I know that I am not your opponent now. So this time, I won't be embarrassed. I surrender!"

Ye Weiming:? ? ?

"Wait!" Ye Weiming said immediately after hearing the words: "This is Huashan Lunjian. Is it okay if you don't play at all and just admit defeat? Please, please respect the rules of the game?"

"I respect Huashan's theory of swords very much." Sword Girl said as expected: "So knowing that I can't beat them, I chose to give up quickly so as not to delay everyone's time."

Ye Weiming wanted to say something more, but at this moment, Dugu Qiuqiu said: "The fifth game, Ye Weiming wins!"

With the announcement of Duguqiu's defeat, the outcome of this game was completely finalized. Looking at Ye Weiming with a gloomy face, Dugu Qiuqiu continued to say: "Boy, you have now five matches and five victories, and you have completed all the matches that belong to you. Next, there is no more qualification and need to participate, and you can't come down To make room for others?"

Ye Weiming walked out of the open battlefield depressed, and looked at Sister Dao with a grievance: "In fact, if you fight for it, there is obviously a chance. After all, that is the top of the five, the number one in the world. Except. In addition to fame, mission rewards will certainly not be less. It's a shame that you gave up so easily..."

"It's a pity?" Sister Dao blinked her eyes and smirked: "I don't think so. Compared to what task rewards, I still look forward to seeing someone who is given the name of'Chinese Sword Man' after the game is over. 'The expression of time is absolutely pleasing to the eye!"

The witty Sword Girl had already seen everything.

Ye Weiming couldn't help frowning upon hearing this: "How did you find out?"

Sister Dao's smile at this moment is very cute, she curled her mouth and squinted like a little red-haired fox: "If you want to be strange, you can only blame yourself for not knowing how to hide your thoughts when facing Sister Xiaoqiao. She told you not to take the initiative to admit defeat, but you did not deny this kind of speculation..."

"Such an obvious thing, combined with your previous conversation with Senior Dugu, can't I think of the reason?"

"I want to use my head to resolve this crisis, no way!" As he said, he made a grimace at Ye Weiming and stuck his tongue out, like a naughty bear kid, making Ye Weiming quite helpless.

Niu Zhichun, who had just come back from the resurrection, couldn’t help but stared wide when he heard the conversation between Ye Weiming and Sister Dao. Somewhat uncertainly, he said: “By the way, Brother Ye originally planned to lose. Drop a game to lower your ranking?"

Ye Weiming nodded truthfully: "Yes, originally you also had a chance."

"But it's a pity, you are so utterly capable."

"What else I can't break your defense, I don't think you can be too arrogant, so I broke your defense and let you know that there is no equal relationship between "Indestructible Golden Body" and Invincible. ."


Hearing this, Niu Zhichun couldn't help reaching out and clapping his head, slapped his big bald head, his feelings of anguish in his heart could no longer be described in words.

Unlike Xiaoqiao and Daomei, Lao Niu really wants to take advantage of Yeweiming.

But it's a pity that the only chance, because he pretended to be forced by his overwhelming ability, was immediately gone.

Where does this make sense?

Seeing Niu Zhichun's appearance and feeling annoyed, Ye Weiming's mood suddenly eased a lot.

The best in the world is the best in the world!

What's the big deal?

Brother bear it!

Seeing that everyone had entered the chat mode after Ye Weiming's exit, Dugu seeking defeat felt that this was not what Huashan Lunjian should be, so he said in a deep voice, "Next, will anyone take the initiative to play?"

"I come!"

Before Xiaoqiao heard the conversation between Dao Mei and Ye Weiming, he felt a little embarrassed, so he never interrupted. At this moment, I heard that the dignitaries of Dugu begging for defeat were on the court, and I immediately realized that this was a good opportunity to relieve the embarrassment, so I lightly tapped my toes on the ground, and my figure had drifted into the court again.

With a pair of slender hands, the Sekong sword and the closed moon shame light sword have appeared in her palms at the same time, and then they whispered: "Who will fight me?"

Sword Sister finds a rare opportunity to tease Ye Weiming, so naturally she won't rush to play. On the other side, Niu Zhichun patronizes annoyed, and doesn't have the intention to fight.

After the remaining Decadent Dragon and Yun Mian looked at each other, the latter had once again summoned the Zhenwu sword and leapt into the arena. And Decadent Dragon sent a friend application to Ye Weiming.

Seeing the application of Decadent Dragon's friend, Ye Weiming, who had just used Lao Niu's unhappiness to save his own unhappy Ye Weiming, immediately shined.

When fighting before, there seemed to be a betting appointment between him and Decadent Dragon. Now Decadent Dragon has lost the gambling contract, adding him should be fulfilling his promise.

Sure enough, he is a person who believes in his words and deserves to be given.


You said that the so-called gambling contract did not say what would happen if Ming Ye wins, it is not fair at all?

Do not! Ye Weiming stubbornly believed that he won by his true ability, how could he be unfair?

After passing Decadent Dragon's friend application, a system prompt from the other party immediately popped up in the dialog box: "Your strength really deserves your name, and I am convinced of losing."

Ye Weiming replied with a smiley face, and then hinted: "Then about the origin and upgrade process of "Wild Ball Fist"...".

"Actually, it's nothing to say. When I was in the Secret Realm of Xiafeng, through a series of hidden missions, I got the score of "Wild Ball Fist"." After a slight pause, he added: "But my situation is probably very difficult. Copy, after all, when I entered the "Xiafeng Secret Realm", the special status I obtained was a disciple of the wild goal."

"Although this disciple has already graduated as a teacher, it is easier than others to receive related tasks from the Qi family's father and daughter."

"As for the way I upgraded "Wild Ball Fist" to level 10, it is even more impossible to replicate it." At this point, Decadent Dragon's face suddenly became serious, and then he sent out a message again and asked: "Brother Ye , Have you heard of the temple?"


Hearing this word, Ye Weiming knew what was going on, maybe something else would be involved, so he became more energetic. After all, the existence of "Sanctuary", like "Xiaomi" and "Yeqiuquan", is a dark line that runs through all of Heluo's works, and it even involves the secret of time and space travel, which is very evil.

In the stories of "The Legend of Jin Yong's Heroes" and "The Legend of Heroes of Heluo", Xiao Xiami travels back to the real world through the temple.

At this time, I saw Decadent Dragon continue to say: "The second time I entered the'Xiafeng Secret Realm' was relatively late, but accidentally received a mission related to the sanctuary. You may not believe it, that mission is coming. It’s so sudden, even I don’t know why this pie hit my head."

"Through that mission, I not only entered the sanctuary, but also completed a high-level mission called'World Fusion.' Although the process was difficult and dangerous, I finally completed the mission and the rewards were exceptionally rich, not only Raised the 9th level of "Wild Ball Fist" to the 10th level of Consummation, and even received a unique internal skill mission called "Heluo Canglong Lu"."

Speaking and spreading his hands: "But that is really just a task. For the time being, I haven't found any clues to complete that task. I can only continue to fight for luck."

The case is solved!

It turned out that your kid completed the world fusion task, so that the inexplicable swimmer was killed by the plot.

Shaking his head, Ye Weiming reminded him kindly: "The system can't release a mission that will never be completed to the player. As long as you receive the mission, even if you don't have to deliberately look for it, clues may appear by themselves. You just need to keep an eye on the matter and don’t let it slip away when a clue comes up."

Decadent Dragon nodded: "Thank you Brother Ye for reminding me, I understand this naturally."

After finishing the private chat with Decadent Dragon, Ye Weiming once again cast his gaze on the battlefield, only to find that Xiaoqiao and Yun Mian were still fighting fiercely.

"Jade Girl Suxin Sword Technique" is good at the cooperation between the two swords, which can be said to be both offensive and defensive, while "Tai Chi Sword Technique" emphasizes the use of strength to fight against each other, both of which lack the kind of attack method to break the face. , No one has the ability to forcefully create a flaw in the opponent's perfect move.

After fighting each other for three hundred moves, Dugu Qiuqi finally couldn't help stopping the two, and at the same time declared that they were a tie.

After a big battle was fought, Xiaoqiao and Yun Mian both felt a little tired, so they both stopped to rest. Sword Sister and Decadent Dragon will compete.

Originally, if the Decadent Dragon could endure not revealing his cards when facing Ye Weiming, but left a method like "Wild Ball Fist" to deal with Sword Girl and suddenly burst out, there is still a little chance that it can be unexpected Won in one fell swoop.

But unfortunately, he exposed it too early.

The Sword Girl who had prepared for a long time would naturally not be afraid of his "Wild Ball Fist". After a fight, the Decadent Long was defeated by Sword Girl.

Immediately afterwards, Dao Mei sat on the ring as before Ye Weiming, defeating Xiaoqiao, Yun Mian and Niu Zhichun respectively, and won four consecutive victories.

It is worth mentioning that in the battle against Niu Zhichun, she played the hardest.

If there are hidden flaws in "Tai Chi Swordsmanship", you only need enough courage to take a risk, and there is still a great chance to win by means of moves, then the thick-skinned Niu Zhichun is true. Some have no solution.

Sister Dao's pufferfish poison slashed on him, cutting it so hard that he couldn't break the defense. As a result, she had to make a temporary conscious, following Ye Weiming's trivial tactics to show her weakness to the enemy, and after leading Niu Zhichun to the edge of the cliff, she used "Star Absorption Dafa" to hit the opponent by surprise.

Just when the opponent’s defense had just been forcibly pulled out of a gap by her using "Star Absorption Dafa", Sword Sister didn’t give the opponent a chance to adjust her internal strength at all. Zhichun kicked down the cliff. In a long "ah" sound, he lost his second game.

With the sword girl's jade in front, Decadent Dragon followed suit after playing. Before Niu Zhichun could gain a foothold, a series of twelve "wild ball fists" directly blasted this stuff down the cliff...

As the saying goes, Niu Zhichun ate two digs one after another. Naturally, he would no longer give others a chance to knock him off the cliff. So when Xiaoqiao and Yunmian were on the court, he would not go to the cliff to kill him Damn, they didn't give the two a chance to imitate Dao Sister.

Among them, when fighting against Yunmian, this guy even relied on his own defensive power to plunge into Yunmian's Taiji realm, letting the Zhenwu sword chop several times on his body, and beat the poor Yunmian into one. Bai Guang made this Wudang chief lose extremely frustrated.

In the remaining few battles, Yun Mian and Xiao Qiao each rely on their own swordsmanship and cautious combat style to fight the decadent dragon.

The final result of the fight was that Yun Mian played early, his fight was persisted by the Decadent Dragon, and Dugu asked for defeat and called for a tie.

Xiaoqiao took advantage of the Decadent Dragon just after the Great War. After fighting with it for one hundred and fifty moves, he won the final victory with a slight advantage.

At this point, all battles in the Huashan Lunjian Finals have completely ended. According to the calculation method that each win a game gets 2 points, a tie game gets 1 point, and a loss game gets 0 points, the final ranking of the six players are:

1. Ye Weiming: 10 points

2. Cut with one blow: 8 points

3. Transparent flyover: 4 points

4. Niu Zhichun (Decadence Dragon) tied: 3 points

5. Yun Mian: 2 points

After a long battle, Wudang's chief disciple Yun Mian was finally eliminated with a slight score gap, and missed the player's five outstanding titles and corresponding mission rewards.

But everyone knows that his failure was not due to lack of strength, but the result of the combination of fighting style and some luck.

In fact, apart from the fact that Ye Weiming and Dao Mei are in no dispute with the first and second rankings, there is no obvious difference in strength between Xiaoqiao, Niu Zhichun, Decadent Dragon and Yun Mian.

If it is compared again, this ending is likely to be rewritten.

Yun Mian, as a master of cultivating the "Dao Fa" to the utmost, has a very indifferent view of things like fame. After Dugu Qiuqiu announced the result of the game, he could not see any frustration, on the contrary. He also said that he had learned a lot in this Huashan Discussion. It can be said that victory is a joy, and defeat is a joy. It is definitely a worthwhile trip.

Seeing him so open-minded, everyone couldn't even say comforting words, and even a kind of faintly emerged, or he was more worthy of a person with five outstanding names.

At this time, Dugu Qiuqiu finally said: "You little guys, the growth rate is really daunting. Now that the victory has been divided, the old man will not talk nonsense. The next step is to announce your proprietary name. Number, and it’s time to issue task rewards."

While talking~www.wuxiaspot.com~ eyes have been swept over several people: "How is it, do you feel any special expectations and excitement?"

Ye Weiming rubbed his nose when he heard the words: "There is no excitement and expectation. I am a little worried now. Or since I saw your old man, I have always had an ominous premonition."

"You little guy." Dugu Qiqiang expressed encouragement and patted Ye Weiming's shoulder: "Don't worry, people's instincts are often correct!"

Ye Weiming:...



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