I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1184: 5 must join forces to fight Ouyang crazy!

   Five Magical Techniques


   Level: 9

   Proficiency: 0/2 billion

   The upper limit of qi and blood is +18000, the upper limit of internal force is +18000

   physique +900, stamina +900, body style +900, reaction +900.

   can integrate all the martial arts of the "Five Uniques in the World" and absorb them into the "Five Unique Techniques"!

  Special effect: Flowers in a wonderful pen

  Wonderful pen: After being equipped, the attack and hit attributes of all moves are increased by 110%, and they are absorbed into the martial arts of the "Five Unique Techniques", and their attack and hit attributes are increased by 220%!


   "Five Absolute Magic Techniques" rose from level 7 to level 9, and there was no qualitative change. However, judging from the two goals required to raise him to level 10, the full-level special effect should be quite worth looking forward to.

   After upgrading the "Five Absolute Skills", Ye Weiming's cultivation points are only more than 2.2 million, which is not enough for anything. As for the "Gust Wind Stunt" that I just started, I'm afraid it won't be of much use if I learn it now and sell it now. Ye Weiming then withdrew his gaze from the skill interface and looked at several friends around him.

   Soon, Ye Weiming’s little friends also digested their previous gains in the dungeon, and their faces were filled with confident smiles.

   Seeing that everyone was ready to fight, Ye Weiming withdrew his gaze and looked again at Hong Qigong and Guo Jing who were discussing friendship.

   The result of the battle was completely within expectations. It is reasonable to say that after the pair of masters and disciples, Guo Jing and Hong Qigong, played three hundred strokes, they were still in a 50-50 situation.

After everyone accepted each other, Hong Qigong and Huang Yaoshi looked at each other, and then the former said: "Jing'er, according to the previous agreement, neither Huang Laoxie nor I can defeat you within three hundred moves. One’s name is yours."

Guo Jing was still a little stunned when he heard this, but Huang Rong on the side was overjoyed. He was about to arrange a delicious meal and put the matter in a complete conclusion, but suddenly he heard three yells from behind the cliff, and three somersaults will come out. , It is Xidu Ouyang Feng.

   turned his head and looked, I saw Ouyang Feng's clothes all over his body, and his face was covered with blood stains, yelling: "I have practiced the magical skills in the "Nine Yin Zhenjing", and my martial arts is number one in the world!"

   said, he raised the snake stick and swept over everyone.

   At the same time, a system reminder has sounded in Ye Weiming and his friends' ears at the same time:

Ding! Trigger the hidden mission "Fighting Ouyang Madness".

   against Ouyang crazy

   Ouyang Feng is crazy, now he just wants to kill everyone to prove that his martial arts is the best in the world. Now Huang Yaoshi, Hong Qigong and Guo Jing have fought several times, and they have been exhausted physically and mentally. As one of the five best players, you have an obligation to stand up at this time, fend off the enemy with the other four, and repel Ouyang Feng!

   task level: six stars

  Task reward: depending on the degree of completion of the task

  Mission punishment: Ouyang Feng has never been a person who knows how to stop. He does not speak martial arts and will definitely kill the losers.

Ding! Because you have gone through two battles with Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qigong before, and your physical strength is severe, in this battle, all attributes will be reduced by 10%.


   Inexplicably, the quilt was put on a negative BUFF with all attributes reduced by 10%. Before the night was too late to complain, the snake stick in Ouyang Feng's hand had already attacked. Can only summon the Giant Que Divine Sword in the first time and meet the snake stick in Ouyang Feng's hand.


   Accompanied by a loud noise, Ye Weiming was actually shocked by the force of Ouyang's sharp rod and backed three steps in a row. But Ouyang Feng, after only taking a step back, had already regrouped and attacked again with his snake stick.

   Seeing this scene, Ye Weiming, Dao Mei and others subconsciously looked over his head, trying to see something out of his BOSS attributes. However, the facts were not unexpectedly cruel. Apart from a bunch of question marks, they could only find a text description of "Ouyang Feng was mentally disordered after practicing the "Nine Yin Zhenjing", but his combat effectiveness was greatly increased."

   But leaving aside the level and attributes, Ye Weiming felt that he had suffered a lot from the previous one, and it was not all the pot that "reduces all attributes by 10%" negative BUFF.

   After all, weapons such as sticks and sticks are easier to maximize their physical properties, and swordsmanship often depends on clever moves to win.

   was originally a disadvantage in weapons, and his own basic attributes and internal strength advantages were suppressed by a negative BUFF of the system. Under hard work, it is strange not to suffer a small loss.

   With this in mind, Ye Weiming could only fight with Ouyang Feng while calming down his mind, and at the same time silently released the Light Sword, hiding it in a corner that would not be noticed.

Seeing that Ye Weiming was so brave enough to block the crazy state of Ouyang Feng with his own power, Niu Zhichun on the side couldn't help but spit out: "The system task arrangement is too much. In the face of a master like Ouyang Feng At that time, we have to create an inexplicable negative state to suppress our strength, which is simply outrageous!"

"You can't say that." The Decadent Dragon on the side analyzed rationally: "If we were not present, what Dongxie, Beibei, Guo Jing, and Huang Rong would have to face is actually our current situation. With exhaustion physically and mentally, facing a lunatic in an unprecedented state. The arrangement of the system should also let us feel the difficult situation of several NPCs in the original plot, right?"

The sword **** the side said: "I think this restriction is very good. After all, the scumbag has said more than once before, the difficulty of the task in the game "Chivalrous Eternity" is definitely proportional to the reward. If If you want to increase the amount of the final reward in a certain task, you only need to deliberately increase the difficulty of the task."

   "We don't need to think of ways to increase the difficulty this time. The system directly drops a negative BUFF. Isn't this a great thing?"

  Niu Zhichun is still unhappy: "Since the difficulty of the task is superimposed to this level, the level of the task should be guaranteed to be eight stars, right? The system gives a six-star evaluation, what the **** is it?"

After    said, everyone noticed that Xiaoqiao hadn't spoken from beginning to end, so they all turned to look. During this period, her figure has turned into a white afterimage, and lightning usually goes around behind Ouyang Feng. In her hands, the two divine swords "Closed Moon and Shame Light" and "Sekong" are shot at the same time. They attacked Ouyang Feng's two key points separately.

  Different from the other three heartless rough guys and female guys, Sister Xiaoqiao is staring at the changes on the battlefield from beginning to end. So she also discovered that the situation was not good earlier than others.

Ye Weiming is indeed possessing the strengths of these five unique levels, especially after he just upgraded the "Nine Yin Scripture" and "Five Unique Techniques", even if a negative BUFF with reduced attributes was added to the system, he wanted to fight with the five absolutes. A strong man at the level can still do it with his wrists. Delay for at least three to five minutes, absolutely not a big problem.

   However, that is only limited to the normal Wujue!

   Is the current Ouyang Feng a normal Wujue?

  His spirit is obviously abnormal!

After re-training the "Nine Yin Zhenjing", Ouyang Feng's internal strength has obviously improved, not to mention, the moves in his hands are even more upside-down, but under the blessing of his generation of masters, every move is actually powerful. endless.

   Compared with the sword technique of "Dugu Nine Swords" with clear rules and formulas, Ouyang Feng at this moment is called "no move, no move"!

   Even he himself doesn’t know how to make the next move. How can others predict? In other words, he might not even remember what his last move was?

   Faced with this garbled Ouyang Feng in front of him, even if Ye Weiming, it was quite difficult to deal with. Not to mention that he could not predict the changes in the opponent's moves, and even his insidious tactics could not work on this Ouyang Feng.

   I don't know if this guy has awakened some extraordinary attributes after his mind show, and the combat value shown is simply terrifying. Every trap that Ye Weiming puts in his moves can be detected by him and avoided.

   This feeling is like a toad that can predict the arrival of an earthquake. It is completely unreasonable, and it is actually real.

   After a fight, Ye Weiming has been completely downwind by the opponent!

   Seeing this situation, where is Xiaoqiao still in the mood to discuss tasks with the other three heartless guys? As soon as the reinforcements were launched, he immediately shouted: "This is a task that requires five of us to complete in a team, not Big Brother Ye alone. Have you discussed enough? If you have enough discussions, come and help!"

   As everyone knows, Xiaoqiao is a good-tempered girl. Not to mention Niu Zhichun and Decadent Dragon, who have not had much contact with her, even the Sword Girl, who has become best friends with her, is the first time to see her angry.

   However, the better-tempered people tend to be more deterrent once they get angry.

   Seeing that even Xiaoqiao with such a good temper became angry, everyone also felt that their previous behavior seemed to be overdone. While they were secretly ashamed, they also rushed to help each with their weapons.

   With the help of a group of teammates, Ye Weiming finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, the form of the battlefield has not changed much because of the addition of a few friends.

   After all, in addition to Ye Weiwei's position, the combat power of the other people is basically between 150 and 160, and they can't play a big role in the battle of the five levels. In addition to being able to share some of the pressure for Ye Weiming, it is difficult to make any other achievements.

   Among these four friends, the one who helped Ye Weiming the most was the crispy Taoist Niu Zhichun. This guy’s "Indestructible Golden Body" has improved compared to yesterday. Even with a layer of negative BUFF, he can still survive Ouyang Feng’s one or two heavy blows. After taking a pill, it’s another one. hero.

   With this guy to share the firepower, it gave Ye Weiming more opportunities to counterattack.

In the constant battles, Ye Weiming became more and more smooth, and even took time out, and posted a message on the team channel: "Everyone is working hard, try to harass Ouyang Feng with big moves and disperse for me. Don’t forget to protect yourself while he’s paying attention. I’m getting used to his fighting rhythm now. Give me some more time and I should have a chance to take him down.”

  While speaking, another "sword swing" was used, and he stabbed Ouyang Feng between his legs.

It’s not because of Ye Weiming’s wretched moves that he always likes to attack people’s Xia San Lu. It is true that Ouyang Feng started to play handstand while hitting, and the throat and eyebrows were all moved to a place less than a foot from the ground. It is the key to the lower Yin being lifted up, making it more convenient to attack.

  Because of the battle with Ouyang Feng, it was not included in the "Huashan Lunjian" contest. Naturally, there was no previous fixed battlefield restriction.

   Everyone moved unconsciously while they were fighting, and soon they came to a small water hole on the top of the mountain.

   But as Ye Weiming and Ouyang Feng once again slapped each other, the other small partners did not act rashly. Everyone was watching Ouyang Feng's movements vigilantly, and at the same time they began to quietly recover from their drug use, ready to launch a new round of siege against Ouyang Feng.

   But at this moment, I suddenly heard a sweet woman's voice resounding from a place not far behind everyone: "Who said you are number one in the world? You can't beat one person."

   Everyone turned their heads and looked. It turned out that as the battle continued, several of our NPCs had already followed up, and the speaker was Huang Rong.

   Ouyang Feng was furious when he heard the words, and immediately thumped his chest and shouted: "Who is it? Who is it? Tell him to compete with me." Seeing his movements, it was like an angry gorilla.

   Huang Rong smiled slightly and said unhurriedly: "His name is Ouyang Feng."

   Hearing this, players such as Ye Weiming, Xiaoqiao, and Sword Girl who knew the plot of the original from the good-for-nothing Raiders already knew that this is a systematic plot killing has begun.

   From now on, as long as they do nothing, Ouyang Feng will naturally be scared away by the "ghost stories" made up by Huang Rong.

   At the same time, they finally figured out why such a difficult task, the system actually only gave a six-star difficulty evaluation. It turns out that what they need to do is to delay time and let Huang Rong figure out a way.

   At this time, I heard Huang Rong continue to say: "Ouyang Feng is looking for you to compete, to grab your "Nine Yin Zhenjing", he is behind you!"

   Ouyang Feng immediately turned his head back when he heard the words, but just happened to see his reflection in the water. After that, he roared and began to beckon the surface of the water, but the water was unbreakable. No matter how strong he attacked, it could only cause a wave of waves. After the waves disappeared, he soon saw the reflection in the water flaring his teeth and claws at him again.

   Ouyang Feng was frightened. When he was in a panic, he heard Huang Rong speak again: "Yuan Siying, Barbasiluo, Xuelu Wenbing."

   Ouyang Feng was taken aback when he heard the words, and then murmured: "Yuan Siying, Barbassilo, Xuelu Wenbing. Hold the idiot Neme, buy Neme a chill..."

   Huang Rong didn’t know what the **** was in the latter sentence, but according to the original plan, she suddenly exclaimed: "Ouyang Feng is coming to hit you!"

   Ouyang Feng, who had been confused for a long time, was immediately shocked when he heard the words, and said quickly: "Don't fight, don't fight, you are the number one in the world!" After that, he ran down the mountain as if he had already escaped.

   At this time, in the team channel, Sword Sister finally couldn't help but ask strangely: "Why does Ouyang Feng speak English?"

"I taught it!" Ye Weiming quickly replied. At the same time, he has pushed the body style of "Lingbo Weibu" to the extreme, pulling out a long string of afterimages behind him, while walking with the sword, running towards his intention. Lu's Ouyang Feng pursued the past.

At the same time, another piece of news popped up on the team channels of the four small partners: "The current Ouyang Feng's fighting spirit has been greatly reduced, and his strength has dropped a lot from before. Now it is what killed him. This is a great opportunity for thousands of years, everyone, don't miss this great opportunity to blow up the top five bosses!"

   Sword Sister heard the words, and immediately followed up with "Mysterious Actions": "There is no need to talk about the rules of the world with this martial arts scum, guys side by side!"


  PS: Subtitle of this chapter

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