I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1190: The powerful "Wu Daode Jing"

   I can extract the proficiency text volume Chapter 1190 The powerful "Wu Daode Jing" is full of doubts about the actions of Sheng Tian Banzi.

   Although he doesn't study this way as well as Shengtian Banzi, he still knows some basic theories of chess, otherwise he would not try to break the endgame.

   But the current situation is that Chen Tuan just put out the endgame, and he didn't say which side was going to go.

   If it is the same as the endgame outside, the fixed player can only choose the red side, which can also be understood as the red side should go first. After all, if Black is going first, Chen Tuan can also play that move.

   But now people let him choose chess freely, shouldn't he ask which side is his turn before starting his hand?

   And Chen Tuan's answer, although it was confirmed that the first half of Shengtian was right, but it also made his heart cold.

   Could it be that this round is going to be lost again?

   subconsciously raised his head and looked at the son of Shengtian, only to see that his face was still smiling calmly. Wen Yan just shook his head slightly and said: "In fact, the younger generations of this endgame have also seen it. Although Song Taizu's move ruined most of the offensive accumulated before, it is not quick to lose, and your chess power is also There are also flaws that are not easy to detect."

   After a slight pause, Shengtian Hanzi continued: "I feel that after this step, I can still win."

   Chen Tuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then smiled: "Okay! The old man wants to see how you can turn defeat into victory in this situation."

   After saying this, he directly picked up the black horse and trampled off one of the red soldiers crossing the river.

   This game of chess can be regarded as the most proud game of old man Chen Tuan's life. Naturally, after more than one replay, he understands every change in it.

   Come here now, there is no need to think at all.

   Unexpectedly, Sheng Tian Banzi was equally clean and tidy. After seeing the opponent stepping on the troops, he ran a step flat without hesitation, as if he had gone through countless deductions.

After   , the two men flew like flying, and in a blink of an eye, there were more than a dozen moves of chess. The old man Chen Tuan from the black side suddenly performed a series of killings. After two generals in a row, he has used the car cannon to completely lock the red side's official appearance, and then jumped another step to catch the horse. The next step is to kill the official. kill. But the red side simply has no **** that can be rescued.

   Seeing this scene, Chen Tuan couldn't help stroking his beard triumphantly, and said leisurely: "Young man, by now, don't you admit defeat?"

   "Give up?"

  Sheng Tian half-child smiled slightly, and then unhurriedly picked up a horse that went deep into the local camp, and played a role: "General!"

Chen Tuan shook his head lightly when he heard the words: "Struggling in vain!" After saying this, he jumped another horse unhurriedly, and calmly caught the leg of the red side. Next, he was still ready to cut off the ranks. kill.

   However, Shengtian Banzi did not hesitate to pick up the red cannon that had been leveled before, and went into the gun.

  As soon as this move fell, Chen Tuan was stunned in place, and muttered: "There is actually this move. I did it several times before, but I didn't expect it! Wonderful..."

Ye Weiming also looked at the chessboard at this time, then his eyes lit up, and he said, "Brother Dao is like using a cannon to root the official, and the red side would not even dare to eat, otherwise the cannon will come back. The enemy’s kill move was also a lore against black. Even if the black side does not take the official position, it will not do, because the red side only needs to move the cannon to make the same lore. Black is always a step slower and has no solution at all."

   Shengtian Banzi shook his head slightly when he heard the words: "In fact, this step is not insoluble, it can be resolved. It's just..."

"But the old man can't stop your subsequent serial killer moves. In this round, the old man indeed lost!" Chen Tuan shook his head lightly when he heard the words, and then raised his head to look at the son of Shengtian: "Young man, you Come prepared!"

Faced with Chen Tuan’s "praise", Sheng Tian half-child smiled slightly: "From this game of chess, the juniors are indeed somewhat invincible. If the seniors really want to test the juniors' chess skills, it is better for us to play again. How about one set?"

   "If the seniors want to give in, they can also let the juniors take the lead."

"Forget it." Chen Tuan shook his head slightly when he heard the words: "My old man has a problem with chess, and he always likes to find some prize money. But you don't have that kind of value that is worthy of a bet with the old man. The capital of the game. This game of chess should be left to the future..."

   Shengtian nodded halfway, then stepped aside, and at the same time said in the team channel: "The mission was successfully completed. Don't forget what you promised me."

   Ye Weiming immediately replied: "That's natural!"

   Niu Zhichun: "That's natural!"

   Decadent Dragon: "That's natural!"

   Xiaoqiao: "That's nature!" +1

   Ye Weiming tried not to click on the dot with the word "+1" written on the back, took his gaze away from the team channel, and then raised his head to look at the old man Chen Tuan: "Senior, the reward for the task that I said before?"

"You are indispensable!" Chen Tuan snorted with a smile, turned around and took five blue cheats with exactly the same cover from the bookcase, took out the first of them, and sent them to Decadent Dragon and said: " "Contains the world martial arts, but there are no external methods, and some are just various subtle methods for the cultivation of internal breath."

   "The main point of this "The Method of Internal Recirculation" is that it can be flexible in the retracting and releasing of internal forces, with a very strong force, and five points can be recovered for the next attack."

   "For a warrior like you who has a powerful attack method, the internal strength is relatively dwarfed, the most practical."

   Ye Weiming nodded softly when he heard the words. This effect is equivalent to the setting of "Xiantian Yiqi" in "Sacred Qi of the Sun". However, "Xiantian Yiqi" directly saves half of the internal force, this is to recover half of the internal force after the entire internal force is played.

   If the two are analyzed from the perspective of mathematics, the benefits obtained by the practitioners seem to be exactly the same, but in general, it is better to have a "congenital qi".

   After all, there is another special situation that is, when the player's internal strength is not enough to make a ten-successful attack, then the "Innate One Chi" can also use the five-successful power to achieve the same effect. And this "Law of Internal Interest Return", which needs to be released and then collected, cannot be done.

   If the two can be combined, it would be a good way to maximize the effect of the two skills. But unfortunately, according to the old man Chen Tuan's statement, since the "Law of Returning Inner Interest" was given to Decadent Dragon, it was destined to miss Ye Weiming.

   But having said that, this "The Method of Inner Breath Return" is indeed quite suitable for the decadent dragon, and it can make him who could not hit a few punches become more durable than before.

   This is very important to him!

   On the contrary, when Ye Weiming is here, it can only serve as an icing on the cake. After all, for him now, most of the battles are secretly "I haven't exerted any strength, you have fallen." The existing internal strength is difficult to use up in a battle, whether it returns, the difference is Not big.

At this time, I saw that Old Man Chen Tuan took out the second book and sent it to Niu Zhichun, saying: "Niu Shaoxia is also the essence of martial arts in both Buddhism and Taoism, but due to his own "Dharma" and "Dao" The level of the law is not enough to allow the two to exert their perfect power. They are so distinct from each other that they cannot play a complementary role."

   "And the "The Law of Buddhism and Taoism" in my hand should be helpful to you. Niu Shaoxia put it away."

   Hearing Chen Tuan's description, Niu Zhichun was shocked. His martial arts are mostly related to the two disciplines of Buddhism and Taoism. If they can be integrated, the prospects are simply not too beautiful!

   Nodded in Niu Zhichun's repeated thanks, Chen Tuan turned and looked at the sword girl aside: "One-snap-to-cut, this name is quite domineering, I didn't expect it would be used on a little girl."

   Regarding Chen Tuan's evaluation, Sister Dao just smiled and was noncommittal.

At this time, Chen Tuan took out a cheat book again and sent it to her, saying: "Some people come too quickly because of internal forces, or use some speculative methods. It is inevitable that they will be overwhelmed by internal forces, and the power is more expected. The reduction is still a trivial matter. Over time, it will inevitably cause irreparable damage to the body."

   Sister Sword couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, Xiaoqiao on the side keenly observed this, and quickly asked with concern: "What's wrong with Sister Sword, do you have the situation he said?"

   Sword Girl nodded. But then he said: "Actually, I don't really care about the hidden dangers he said. Although the martial arts practiced in this game will affect the reality to some extent, since I dare to learn "Star Absorbing Dafa", I will naturally solve it. This hidden danger method."

   "On the contrary, before this, the internal force I used can only exert 80% of its due power, which is very uncomfortable."

After briefly explaining her situation, Sister Dao looked at Old Man Chen Tuan expectantly, blinked her innocent big eyes that day, and asked: "What you mean is that you prepared this secret book for me. , Can this hidden danger be solved?"

"That's natural!" Chen Tuan said confidently: "The biggest effect of this "The Law of the Sea to Inhabit a Hundred Rivers" in my hand is to solve the problem of impure internal strength. Through practice, a little bit of internal strength can be mixed in the body. Purify it to make it extremely pure, like an armchair."

"If you solve the problem of internal strength, naturally you will not leave hidden dangers in the future. What's more, you are still young now, and many hidden dangers have not yet appeared. After the internal strength problems are solved, naturally you can also rely on the internal strength. Its own vitality does not heal itself without medicine."

   Sword Sister was overjoyed and took the cheat sheet. It was a shot on the spot, which directly turned it into a white light and transformed it into one of her unique skills.

   After sending the rewards for Sword Girl, now only Ye Weiming and Xiaoqiao are left. Chen Tuan followed closely to the front of Xiaoqiao, took out one of the last two secret books in his hand, and handed it to her, saying: "Little girl, for the sake of you look like my granddaughter, I The old man specially selected a cheat book that suits you best as a reward for your mission."

   "Take it. With it, you can definitely increase your strength."

   Xiaoqiao looked at the result, and couldn't help being stunned slightly: "The method of yin and yang?"

Chen Tuan nodded slightly, and then said: "In fact, whether you are a man or a woman, you have the five elements of Yin and Yang in your body. Except for a handful of exercises that take a path to the extreme, most of the internal powers cultivated by the practice of internal power are also At the same time, the two attributes of yin and yang are included, but the ratio of them is different, which also creates the ever-changing characteristics of internal force."

"And the "Yin-Yang Separation Method" recorded in the "Wu Daode Jing" can freely split and combine the true qi in the body, such as condensing the part of the yang attribute in the left hand into pure yang. The yin attribute is condensed in the right hand and turned into pure yin. In this way, the inner force of the two attributes of yang to rigid and yin to soft can be exerted at the same time."

"When needed, the internal forces of the two attributes can be merged into one again, turning it back into a complete whole, which is in harmony with each other and no longer has obvious boundaries. It is more conducive to health preservation and can be subtly. Constantly strengthen one's own physique."

After a slight pause, he finally concluded: "In general, this'yin and yang method' is more for external use, and for the accumulation of internal strength and attributes, it is slightly worse than other skills. ."

   "But I think it suits you better."

   Of course, this internal skill is more suitable for Xiaoqiao!

   After hearing the introduction of "The Method of Yin-Yang Separation", even Ye Weiming couldn't help but secretly clicked a like in his heart. This skill is simply tailor-made for Xiaoqiao sister!

   You need to know that Xiaoqiao is good at couples' combined attack. Whether "Jade Girl Suxin Sword Art" or "Love in the Fallen City", both hands need to use two different swords at the same time to display it.

Prior to this, Xiaoqiao’s "Left and Right Stroke" and "Yoga" were developed with this attack method as the core. It can be said that in this respect, Xiaoqiao has completely surpassed the original work. The little dragon girl has reached the extreme of this fighting style.

   But extreme but does not necessarily mean perfect.

   As of now, Xiaoqiao’s attack methods are limited to the changes in her moves and body. In terms of internal strength, it is still a person's internal strength. The left and right hands are exactly the same, and the effect of yin and yang cannot be achieved.

   And this "The Method of Yin-Yang Separation" is a good solution to this problem. After learning this method, Sister Xiaoqiao can divide her internal force into two, distinguish and transform it into two forces of yin and yang, and use two swords respectively.

   By then, the power of her double swords will definitely be upgraded again!

"Yeah!" Just when Ye Weiming was happy for the little bridge girl~www.wuxiaspot.com~, she suddenly exclaimed, and then said: "My "The Method of Yin and Yang Separation" actually matches the "Jade Girl Heart Sutra" Fusion, in the case of increasing the basic attribute of the Heart Sutra, a special attribute called'Yin and Yang Clarity' has been added!"

   "It's just that, although the attributes of "Jade Girl Heart Sutra" have been enhanced, the level has dropped by one level, and it needs to be upgraded again."

   "Good thing!"

   Hearing this, the sword **** the side immediately said: "Increase in attributes is a good thing, and the drop level means that you can get more attributes after leveling up, which is also a good thing!"

   "Sister Xiaoqiao, you really made a lot of money this time. Even I envy you a little bit."

   Kobashi smiled shyly, without showing any complacency. However, it can be seen from her red face that she is quite satisfied with the reward for this task.

   Seeing that all the mission rewards for the other four people had been distributed, Ye Weiming's eyes couldn't help but fall on the last cheat book in Chen Tuan's hand.

   After seeing the rewards of the four previous friends, he has put away his initial contempt, and is full of expectations for the last inheritance of the "Wu Daode Jing".

   I don’t know whether the final reward Chen Tuan left for him is the same as the rewards of the other four people. It fits him as high as the report, so that he can use this cheat book to make further progress?


  PS: The next day of the inspection, there will be another day tomorrow...It is simply suffering.

   Not much to say, try to reply to the 8000 update tomorrow...

   Hey...Blue thin!


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