I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1199: All things in the earth, the giants contend

The place where Ye Weiming and others appeared, looked like a valley, surrounded by dense trees, and a high mountain was directly in front of it. On one side of the mountain, a huge statue of Shennong was made of stone by the mountain.

After Ye Weiming quickly made some calculations in his heart, he roughly determined that the height of the statue should be about 50 meters. Although it is far less than the Leshan Giant Buddha, it is still a spectacle.

Below the statue, there are nine people standing side by side, and at the same time five people have revealed their BOSS attributes, namely:


His real name is Chen Sheng, he is known as a man from purgatory.

grade:? ? ?

Qi and blood:? ? ? /? ? ?

Internal force:? ? ? /? ? ?


Wu Kuang

Brother Chen Shengyi was originally the head of the farmhouse Kuiweitang and the husband of Tian Mi.

grade:? ? ?

Qi and blood:? ? ? /? ? ?

Internal force:? ? ? /? ? ?


Tian Hu

The current head of Chi Youtang, one of the six farmhouses, is straightforward, impulsive, hot, and conceited.

grade:? ? ?

Qi and blood:? ? ? /? ? ?

Internal force:? ? ? /? ? ?


Tian Ci

The son of Tian Meng, the master of the farmhouse Lieshantang, is a military general and Moxie.

grade:? ? ?

Qi and blood:? ? ? /? ? ?

Internal force:? ? ? /? ? ?


Mei Sanniang

A native of Wei, a direct descendant of the Pijiamen, one of the masters of Lieshantang.

Level: 135

Qi and blood: 12000000/12000000

Internal force: 3200000/3200000


Among the five people who showed the BOSS attributes, four were unfathomable super masters. Among them, except that Mei Sanniang's strength seemed relatively ordinary, the aura fluctuations on the other few people, and the fluctuations in the killing intent that radiated intentionally or unconsciously, could not help but feel a little moved even after seeing Ye Ye.

Behind these five people, there are four other people. Although their BOSS attributes are not revealed, they may not be very annoying.

One of the most eye-catching, it feels a bit low-key, but her dress is not low-key at all. A low-cut tights perfectly highlights his graceful figure. A delicate face, long flowing hair, long metallic black silk legs and high heels worn on the upper and lower body can definitely arouse most men's bodies. Latent physical desire.

However, apart from the clothes that make people unable to help but greedy her, the most attractive part of her body is the pair of very special eyes.

Ye Weiming just glanced at each other hurriedly when his gaze swept over the crowd, and she felt a terrible feeling as if the whole person was seen through by her.

In addition to this long-legged royal sister with strange eyes, in the opposite camp, there is also a woman who looks more sultry. This woman is wearing a red dress, dyed red hair, and there is a beauty mole on the corner of her mouth.

As for the temperament of the body, how do you say?

If the former black silk long-legged prince gave a very self-reliant and strong female image, then this woman in red gives a feeling of charm, a charm that does not conceal the slightest, which makes people crisp!

The most striking thing about her is the cigarette pouch she holds in her hand, which is particularly distinctive.

When he saw this woman, Ye Weiming couldn't help but even had a strange thought. Could it be that this woman in red came from the northeast in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China?

The three big monsters in the Northeast-girl holding a big pipe?

(Key note: There is absolutely no meaning of regional black here. Dongliu himself is also from the Northeast. This situation has not been seen for a long time. I hereby declare that you don't spray the dog.)

Well, even though I know that just staring at the beauties at this time, I feel somewhat demeaned. However, Ye Weiming felt that the two women in the opposing camp who did not reveal their names were definitely not simple. Compared with Mei Sanniang who showed their names, or even the other four unfathomable masters, they both This is what needs more attention.

Of course, in the opposing camp, it seems that some advanced people are not only these two beauties. For example, one of the middle-aged men holding an abacus and looking like a profiteer, and a man standing on the other side, dressed in a passerby look, are more or less hidden, but compared to that The two women are obviously worse.

If the enemy that March needs to challenge in this inheritance level is the nine people in front of him, it can definitely be said to be a very painful thing.

Although the two sides have not yet played against each other, the feeling of these people in front of them, even if compared with the previous "Six Swordsmen", is probably even worse!

At this moment, he saw Yun Mian in the team and suddenly sent a message saying: "Speaking of which, are these people in front of you all the followers of Lord Xinling?"

Sister Dao asked immediately: "Why do you have such a guess?"

Yun Mian explained: "From the previous levels, the content of the level is more or less related to the poems corresponding to the level."

"For example, in the beginning,'Zhao Keman and Hu Ying' clearly demonstrated the heroic heroes of the rivers and lakes, and one person shocked the heroic spirit of the army. The level of'Silver Saddle as White Horse' directly played out the sophistry of'white horse is not a horse'. In the level of'kill one person in ten steps', we are dealing with professional killers, and the same theme is closely related."

"That's why I think that the current level in front of me is probably 80% related to the poem of'Xinling Drinking Leisurely'. And the only connection I can think of is probably only the fact that these guys in front of me are all Xinling Junmeng It might be."

However, compared to Yun Mian's obvious idle speculation, Ye Weiming is more concerned about another question: "I still feel that the difficulty of this level is a bit wrong!"

"I always feel that the previous guess about the impact of the value of good and evil on the level should be ten or nine, but the feeling of this group of people is obviously much stronger than the previous'Six Swordsmen'."

"But March's chivalry value is obviously not low...this is not right, very wrong!"

The sword **** the side shrugged, and then sent out a message: "What's wrong? Maybe this challenge level is getting more difficult as you get to the back, maybe?"

"It's impossible!" Ye Weiming shook his head: "According to the current barrier-breaking mechanism, there must be fewer teammates in the back. If the challenge level is more difficult, it is simply unreasonable."

"After all, since "Xia Ke Xing" is a set of martial arts, apart from the last "White Shou Tai Xuan Jing", which may be different, the martial arts recorded in the previous should have their own advantages and disadvantages, and there should not be too much difference. If it is the more difficult it is to get to the later levels, it is fundamentally inconsistent with the operating mechanism of "Chivalrous Eternity" itself."

Just as the group of five people were puzzled, they saw that the black long-legged imperial sister in the crowd suddenly walked out of the crowd, and said in a calm tone: "Five young heroes, welcome to Daze Mountain."

Daze Mountain?

The name sounds familiar...

and many more!

Daze Mountain, Daze Township?

Chen Sheng, Wu Guang... Sheng Qi, Wu Kuang!

Damn it, do you guys get together and plan to revolt?

Would you like to say "the bird is safe and aware of the ambition of Honghu" to improve the compelling style?

At this time, the black silk long-legged elder sister said again: "Under my introduction, my name is Tian Yan. I am the new leader of the farmer."

Hearing this, the Dao **** the side couldn't help asking curiously: "How old is Xia Kui?"

As soon as this statement came out, the eyes of the nine people on the opposite side were immediately locked on her. Among them, the four unfathomable masters exuded awe-inspiring murderous aura, as if they were ready to kill at any time.

Sister Dao was taken aback by the situation before her, and then she explained: "Don't get me wrong, I mean, what is the position of Xia Kui in your farmhouse. Compared to Mr. Tian Hu's Hall Master Chi You Come, who is higher and who is lower?"

Tian Yan first stretched out his hand to stop Tian Hu and the others behind him, beckoning them not to act rashly, and explained neither humble nor arrogant: "In terms of seniority, Tian Hu is my second uncle, so naturally he is considered my elder. But if it's about being involved. The identity of the farm, Xia Kui is the leader of all farm disciples."

In short, Tian Yan is their boss in this group of people!

However, this imperial sister is obviously very good at talking. While making her identity clear, she also took care of Tian Hu's face, making the other party feel extremely useful. It can be seen that although she is young, she is also an old and spicy character.

At this time, Tian Yan continued to say: "Close to the subject, several of you are here to challenge the inheritance mission of the "Xia Ke Xing" martial arts, and I am the guardian of this pass. "

"What the challenger needs to do is to beat me in a one-on-one singles. As long as he wins, he can obtain the inheritance of the technique of "Idle Passing Xinling Drink"."

So simple?

Ye Weiming's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and then he took a step forward and summoned, he had already held the Giant Que Divine Sword in his hand: "Please enlighten me!"

The reason why he was so proactive this time was actually because he was worried that the girl in March might overturn in this level.

After all, Shengqi, Wu Kuang, Tian Hu, and Tian Ci in the opposing camp are obviously not easy characters. Tian Yan, as the boss of these people, is likely to be even more difficult to deal with than them. The reason why it doesn't look as dangerous as the four mentioned above is because she knows how to hide herself better, and is more concealed.

In this case, Ye Weiming still felt that if he wanted to get the inheritance in March foolproof, he would have a better chance of winning.

However, before Ye Weiming started, he heard Tian Yan immediately speak: "Hold on!"

As he spoke, a purple sword hilt in his hand was extremely gorgeous, and the looming sword aura that showed its magical qualities was slowly raised, referring to March: "Since the mission of this pass is March If the girl is activated, then my opponent can only be San Yue, not someone else."

Ye Weiming was slightly embarrassed when he heard the words.

In other words, this "Xia Ke Xing" magical skill challenge level is so rigorous, it is not even allowed to use power leveling?

Ye Weiming shook his head slightly, and in desperation, Ye Weiming could only ridicule himself: "It's wonderful, she can still pick opponents."

At this time, Tian Yan continued to say: "Of course, since the other four young heroes are here, I won't let a few of them just watch. If you are interested, you can send it to any expert in our farm. Challenges, even though you won’t be able to get the inheritance even if you challenge and win, there will always be some other rewards to compensate you."

Ding! Trigger the hidden mission "Respective Challenges".

Respective challenges

In the inheritance of ‘Xinling Drink’, other people in the team can’t help and can only pass the time by challenging other farm masters. If the challenge is successful, you will get a reward of experience and cultivation.

Task level: depending on the challenge target

Task reward: depending on the challenge target

Task punishment: no punishment. But this is not a battle between Yiwu and Wuhui friends. The battle is not an end to the end, but an endless battle!


In other words, the real punishment for the failure of the challenge is the ordinary death penalty plus the thoroughness and the increased attributes of "Laba Congee". Say goodbye?

Cang Ye Weiming smiled softly, and didn't tell the friends anything.

After all, everyone can understand such a simple truth, how to make a challenge, they must have their own calculations, and he does not need to worry about it.

Next, he only needs to pick himself a satisfactory opponent.

Lifting his head, his eyes swept across the farmer's group. Just as he was hesitant, there was a sudden feeling in his heart. Immediately afterwards, the giant **** in his hand moved slowly, pointing to Shengqi who was not far from Tian Yan.

Feeling the fierce fighting spirit from the giant fault in his hand, Ye Weiming couldn't help but curiously said: "Old man, do you seem to want to fight this Mr. Shengqi? It's kind of interesting!"

"In that case, just do whatever you want!"

After saying this, his eyes have been completely fixed on the muscular man with scars in front of him: "Mr. Shengqi, accept my challenge?"

Shengqi heard the words, and a strong murderous aura burst out from his body instantly, facing the unclear night weather, although he was in a downwind, he was still indomitable.

With his eyes like a sword, Shengqi said proudly: "I have traveled all over the seven countries and searched for masters to fight. Every defeat in one of them can make me stronger. Therefore, I have never been afraid of other people’s challenges. Will be afraid to fight with masters!"

While speaking, Shengqi had already stepped out, and continued to say: "It can be seen that you are the strongest among the five of you, but this way, it is more to my liking!"

"Really?" Ye Weiming smiled slightly: "My situation is just the opposite of yours. Although I also like to challenge the strong, I prefer to win, because every victory can make me better than before. Strong."

"In this way, the outcome between us seems to have been decided based on our respective strengths!"

While they were speaking, Tian Yan and the others from Shengqi's side disappeared at the same time as several friends around Ye Weiming. Ye Weiming knew that this was the performance of entering the challenge dungeon.

However, what is this challenge copy now?

The copy in the copy?

Shaking his head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ye Weiming threw those messy thoughts behind his head, and when he stared at Shengqi again, he was already murderous. Holding the Juque God Sword in front of him, he proudly said: "The name of the sword, Juque, is one of the world's magical soldiers. It has helped me defeat countless kendo masters. You will be the next one."

Shengqi was stunned when he heard the words, and then he held the big sword behind him that looked like a gate in his hand, and said: "Coincidentally, this sword in my hand is also called Juque!"

Ding! Your mission has changed, and the hidden mission "Respective Challenge" has been changed to "Big Que Struggle"!


PS: Today is a bunch of messy things again. I have been busy for most of the day and finally got out of a chapter. I feel like I can't open my eyes.

Write it down again, it will definitely affect the quality of the manuscript.

Decided to rest early and resume the update tomorrow.

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