I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1201: Strengthen the giant fault and get a lot of benefits (for [Pu Zhong Sun Moon]..

In this way, Ye Weiming used his super fast body skills and attack speed to firmly control the rhythm of the battle in his own hands.

Even with victory seven, it was still difficult to keep up with his rhythm after all, and his stalwart body suffered heavy losses.

After about 30 more moves, the blood bar above his head, which seemed to be bottomless, was finally completely emptied under Ye Weiming’s endless attacks, amidst a muffled grunt. The figure crashed down, facing upward.

I have to admit that this win seven is indeed a man. Even if Ye Weiming was forcibly killed head-on, he didn't make a humiliating scream, and he remained standing until he died in battle.

It can be said that the dead birds are facing upwards, which is admirable!

Seeing Shengqi's corpse even though he died in battle, Ye Weiming gently shook his head. Just wanted to express a little emotion, but suddenly realized something extraordinary.

Just when Ye Weiming suddenly realized that, the expected system prompt sounded suddenly in his ear.

Ding! You kill seven level 175 BOSS and get rewards: 400 million experience points and 50 million repair points.

System Announcement: Ye Weiming, the player of the God Hunting Division, killed 175 level BOSS to win seven and complete the first kill in the trial mission of "Xia Ke Xing".

System Announcement: Players of God Catcher...

system notification……

In the three consecutive system announcements, Ye Weiming's name once again spread to every corner of the main world of "Chivalrous Eternity".

It was only at this moment that Ye Weiming knew that the previous Victory Seven who was killed by him was rough and thick, but its level was only 175.

However, considering that this guy's martial arts has obvious limitations and disadvantages, it is far less comprehensive than the five bests in the world, and it is relatively easy to target.

The system gives such a grade evaluation, but it is still reasonable.

Immediately afterwards, there are related task prompts:

Ding! You have completed the seven-star hidden mission "Juque Fighting", and you will be rewarded: 200 million experience points, 20 million repair points, and your magic weapon "Juque" gets a special effect "crush".

Ding! Your level has increased, and your current level is 97!

Without paying attention to the experience, cultivation points, and character levels that were upgraded with the upgrade, Ye Weiming immediately set his sights on the giant **** sword in his hand.

Juque (Shen Bing): According to legend, it was one of the five sacred soldiers cast by Ou Yezi, a famous swordsmith in the Spring and Autumn Period. It was blunt and heavy.

Attack +3000, internal power increase +150%, swordsmanship level +2, the critical attack's one-hit kill chance is increased by 10% (this attribute is bound to the sword master Ye Weiwei, and other people cannot get this attribute bonus when equipped with Juque).

Special effects: shock, roundness, rolling

Shock: When colliding with an enemy's weapon, it can produce an imperceptible shock force, causing damage to the enemy's weapon. And the lower the rank of the weapon used by the enemy, the stronger the shock effect. When facing weapons below the treasure rank, it can even be broken in one blow!

Yuanqi: It can offset 60% of the crushing damage suffered by weapon collision.

Crushing: When you use Juque's moves to cause crushing damage to the enemy, the crushing damage will be increased by 200% on the original basis!


After seeing this special attribute value called "crushing", Ye Weiming's expression couldn't help but become a little weird.

In other words, Shengqi obviously prefers to challenge the masters, and he seems to be disdainful of fighting the weak. But the special attributes that he has seized from the opponent's "Juque" epee are so suitable for bullying weak chickens?

Crushing damage, as the name suggests, means that when the strong fights the weak, even if the opponent blocks their own attack, they can still cause a lot of damage.

This is the so-called breaking the law with force!

And now that with the special attribute of the "crushing" of the Giant Que Divine Sword, wouldn't it be easier to press the guys who were originally inferior to him on the ground more easily and rub them at will?

In my heart, this is obviously not suitable for winning seven, but on the contrary, it is more suitable for his special attributes, but Ye Weiming did not put too much attention on the changes of the sword.


Ding! You have defeated your opponents and completed the seven-star hidden mission "Juque Zhengfeng". After 10 seconds, you will automatically leave the combat dungeon and return to the inheritance dungeon of "Xinling Yin".

It was about to be teleported out from this "book of the book", but the body of Shengqi, fortunately, was lying there, exposed in the wilderness.

This can't work!

Although Ye Weiming didn't know that Shengqi's body hadn't disappeared, it was because of the special relationship with the mission of "Juqueu Zhengfeng". But as a fair and selfless and kind-hearted public sage, Ye Weiming would never allow such a tough knight to end up so miserably after his death.

It would be a kind of sorrow, a shameful waste... ahem, it is an injustice of heaven!

Ye Weiming decides to walk the way for the sky and let Shengqi enter the earth for peace.

Ever since, Ye Weiming flipped his wrist, and he took out a mouthful of the Canglong Qisu Coffin and put it aside. Following Ye Weiming one step forward, he stretched out his hand to help the unstoppable Shengqi closed his eyes, and finished touching the corpse by the way...

Juque Epee Swordsmanship (Advanced): Victory Seven uses the Juque Epee all the year round, combined with the characteristics of the epee and what he has learned, and finally created a set of swordsmanship, because only with the use of the epee can it exert its due power, so its power Although strong, it can only be counted as an advanced martial arts.

Training requirements: 200 physique, 500 stamina!


Regarding the swordsmanship of this giant **** epee, Ye Weiming felt that its brief introduction did not say anything about it.

Through the previous fights, Ye Weiming felt that the reason why Shengqi's martial arts was defined as advanced martial arts, not a fascinating school, the main reason is that its strengths and shortcomings are equally obvious. Once it encounters a siege, it also restrains it in terms of ability. The opponent is easy to fall into passive.

Therefore, it does not have the value of a unique school, no matter how powerful it is, it can only be regarded as an advanced martial arts.

Shaking his head, Ye Weiming cast his gaze on another item dropped by Shengqi.

That's right, there are only two items dropped after Shengqi's death. I'm very sorry for his status as a 175-level BOSS.

However, thinking that he could upgrade Juque, and the second dropped item was really powerful, Ye Weiming didn't feel any dissatisfaction.

Shennong Baicao Decoction: A medicinal soup made according to the secret method of the farmer, with countless precious herbs added to it, which can keep the user from being poisonous. Poison resistance +5000 points! (Limited to one serving per person, multiple servings are invalid)


The effect of this "Shen Nong Baicao Soup" is almost half a clam!

It may be useless for Ye Weiming himself, but for other players, it is still a crazy super treasure.

Even many unique internal skills that can increase poison resistance are far from being able to pile poison resistance to one-third of this number after reaching the full level!


Money: 300 gold!


It has to be said that Shengqi, the top farmer of the farm, is also a poor player, and his talent is not as good as many small BOSSs above level 100.

With the idea that no matter how small a mosquito leg is, Ye Weiming decisively accepted the 300 gold. Then, with a serious face, he hugged Shengqi's corpse in the pose of a princess, and placed it securely in the Canglong Qisu coffin with the lid of the coffin opened, only to find that the size was just right, and it looked like It was tailor-made for him.

Looking closely, it was the Canglong Qisu coffin, after being loaded into Shengqi's body, it became a circle larger than before and became more "fitting".

Could this change be one of the characteristics of the Canglong Qisu Coffin?


Thinking of the scene where he used the "Canglong Seven Sleeping Coffin" many times before, Ye Weiming could not find a scene similar to the current situation in it, so he denied the previous guess.

In other words, are the characteristics of this win seven more distinctive?

With doubts, Ye Weiming closed the lid of the coffin, and then a series of system prompts sounded in his ears:

Ding! Get "Swordsmanship Experience" × 1!

Ding! Get "Inner Strength Experience" × 1!

Ding! Get "Fisting Experience" × 1!

Ding! Get "Medical Experience" × 1!

Ding! Get "Calendar Experience" × 1!


Ye Weiming’s gaze simply swept past the basic cheats. Due to time constraints, he did not make careful selections and calculations. He just selected the "Swordsmanship Experience" with the highest value and relatively highest conversion rate. All the proficiency is transformed into this experience cheat book.

Although Ye Weiming didn't have any suitable swordsmanship to upgrade for the time being, according to his previous plan, in the near future, he would have a set of swordsmanship that was at least a unique skill.

At that time, this "Swordsmanship Experience" will be useful.

As for the more urgently needed "Inner Strength Experience", it is because its conversion rate is too low. If you choose to choose, you will definitely lose a lot of "proficiency" and be decisively abandoned by Ye Weiming.

So far, Ye Weiming has obtained a 50 million proficiency book of "Swordsmanship" from Shengqi. Isn't it a good person to be rewarded?

Ye Weiming just put the "Canglong Qixiu Coffin" with Shengqi's body into the baggage, and the 10-second countdown time given by the system also ended. His figure once again appeared in the trial copy of March, but found that the surrounding friends had not yet completed their challenges, and March was still fighting fiercely with Tian Yan.

Sweeping his gaze toward the opposite side, he found that all the masters on the farm side were actually present, and even Victor Seven, who had been killed by him before, stood there with ease.

After all, what Ye Weiming had killed in heads-up before was just a clone of the opponent's mission mode.

In fact, even with the win of seven in front of him, Ye Weiming is not sure that he must be the opponent's normal ontology. But it doesn't matter, after all, whether the opponent is the main body or the clone has nothing to do with him.

Turning his gaze on the battlefield, Ye Weiming discovered that the situation in March was not very good.

From the perspective of pure strength, Tian Yan's overall combat effectiveness is obviously not as good as winning seven, even if compared to the current March, it can only be said to be half a catty.

It's just that Tian Yan's insight ability is really terrifying. Every time she makes a shot in March, she feels like a foresight. She can see through the subsequent changes in the first time, and display targeted tactics to restrain her. So much so that San Yuekong had a powerful "Sacred Qi of Winter Plum", but he was shackled and forced by the opponent.

While fighting, Tian Yan said calmly: "My eyes can see all the changes in your moves. You have no chance of winning, so hurry up and give up!"

March kept silent, just blindly wanting to constantly change his moves and techniques, with the intention of disrupting Tian Yan's terrifying insight through more fancy attacks.

Ye Weiming frowned when she saw this, the sister of March was affected by the opponent, and she had obviously chosen the wrong tactic. If we continue, there will be no victory.

Out of respect for the fairness of the game, Ye Weiming, after seeing the problem, said directly: "Preparing the enemy for an opportunity does not mean defeating the enemy. Since the opponent’s eyes are so magical, then you don’t have to worry about her ability. Whether you can see through your attacks, just be yourself and use your strengths."

"As long as you can do this, you can win a solid victory, even if you lose!"

Hmm... In Ye Weiming's dictionary, only situations that are beneficial to him and his friends can be considered a fair game environment. If you fall into a passive situation. You should find a way to make it "fair"!

Hearing this in March, his spirits were shocked.

Immediately he stopped worrying about Tian Yan's words, and instead used his own "Xuanming Divine Palm" and "Ice Xuanjin" many ultimate moves, and the battle situation suddenly reversed.

After all, in the martial arts in March, there are already many large-scale killer moves such as "withering ice crystals", "glacial recklessness", and "freezing winter has arrived", which can be easily resolved if you see through them.

March used these ultimate moves one by one in one breath, and immediately succeeded in turning passive into active. Although he could not severely injure his opponent in a short period of time, he added a layer of slow BUFF that is unique to the ice technique.

At this time, the other friends in the team were also sent back one by one. After more than 50 moves, Tian Yan finally admitted that he was invincible and took the initiative to stop and admit defeat.

At this point, the inheritance challenge of the "Idle Passing Xinling Drinking" level was completely over. After the 10-second countdown ended, March also left the team like Tang Sancai, Liuyun, and Jiang Jinjiu before.

Everyone continued to move forward. During this period, they walked through six stone chambers one after another without activating the corresponding challenge. The remaining four people simply calculated, but they couldn't help being worried.

In case, none of the twenty-four inheritances in this "Xia Ke Xing" magical skill have any fate, what should I do?

After arriving at the stone room where the "Yi Qi Su Ni Sheng" was depicted, Yun Mian in the team finally spoke in surprise and said, "My challenge has been activated!"

Thirty seconds later, a group of four people were transported to a bamboo forest that looked very secluded.

Looking up, it was a late night with a sparse moon and a starry night, and the sound of insects all around was constant, which added endless fun to the night of the bamboo forest.

Several friends searched around, but still did not find an enemy.

When he was in doubt, he suddenly heard the voice of an ethereal woman.

"There is a kind of Juncao that is born at sunrise, and dies at sunset. For the rest of my life, I do not know the night and dawn.

"Chilling cicadas are born in spring and die in summer. I don't know that there will be autumn and winter in my life."

"According to legend, there is a kind of sacred tree named Dachun, which regards eight thousand years as a spring and eight thousand years as an autumn. As everyone knows, it is just a moment of time between the heavens and the earth..."

This voice seemed to be far away in the sky, and it seemed to be ringing in everyone's ears. The sound transmission skills alone shocked the four friends in the team. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

This time, it seems to be a master!


PS: Daily PY, a friend's book.

Title: The Age of Global Gods

Introduction: See the author's words...

Title (Global Deity Era)

Introduction: Lin Xiao traveled to a super-fantasy super-sci-fi era where all people became gods.

Starting from a divine creature, establish the divine realm, manage the followers of the family members, light the divine fire, condense the divine personality, conquer the outer realm, and seize the divine realm.

With his own golden finger, Lin Xiao conquered countless planes and crystal walls along the way, plundered the gods, and finally achieved supreme mighty power, the gods!

(End of this chapter)

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