I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1044: Golden Lantern Swordsman, 1 stone counts the birds (for [The Sun and Moon in th

Hearing Long Yunfeng's last words, Ye Weiming couldn't help turning his head back and glanced at Sister Dao.

Looks like, what misunderstanding seems to have happened in this?

In order to prevent him from being used inexplicably, Ye Weiming immediately explained: "Miss Dragon, you have misunderstood. The two of us came here without any malicious intent."

Sister Dao immediately added: "We are here to find Li Guishou."

Long Yunfeng frowned when he heard this, but still said, "Why should I trust you?"

Upon hearing this, Sister Dao immediately turned her head to look at Ye Weiming.

How to turn an enemy into a dead person is the specialty of Dao Mei. How to make people who doubt her believe in herself, she feels that it would be better to leave it to this stinker to deal with it.

Ye Weiming smiled slightly, and asked instead: "Dragon girl, if I just blocked all the changes in your swordsmanship with a single sword, I would immediately launch a killer move to attack, you think you can stand still well now. Talk to me here?"

Long Yunfeng fell silent immediately upon hearing this.

At this moment, Sword Girl suddenly rolled her eyes, and then said: "I guess Dragon Girl must be thinking now, maybe you are just a good defensive swordsmanship, and you won't be able to achieve it with a sharp killer. Realize what you just said?"

When Long Yunfeng heard the words, there was a serious frustration, apparently because the sword girl was talking about it.

"Chang!" Accompanied by a crisp sound, the pufferfish poison has been out of its sheath again, and the sword sister blocked Long Yunfeng's face, and displayed several sharp and weird killers in the "Blood Knife Technique". He retracted the treasure knife into the sheath again: "If we really came here to kill you, just now we only need two of us to join forces, do you think you have a chance?"

Seeing the sharp sword technique performed by Sister Dao, and then thinking about Ye Weiming's seemingly ordinary, but in fact, she has nothing to do with the simple swordsmanship, Long Yunfeng finally said: "Li Gui's hand is in the grass. , You come with me."

After saying that, he had already repacked the sword into its sheath, turned and walked towards the smashed secret door of the grass reed. Ye Weiming exchanged a wink with Sister Dao, and then followed.

The layout inside Caoluzhi was as simple and simple as the outside. The two followed Long Yunfeng and walked up the bamboo ladder. As he walked, Long Yunfeng said at the same time: "Li Guishou is upstairs, but after seeing you later, whether he is willing to go with you depends on your own ability."

"I have only one request. If he refuses to take the initiative to leave with you, you must not be embarrassed."

Ye Weiming smiled upon hearing the words: "That's natural. Since we were looking for Li Guishou, we naturally asked him to help treat others. How can a patient dare to offend the doctor at will before the treatment?"

After a slight pause, he frowned and said, "Presumably he is worried about Li Guishou, but because of your injury to Miss Dragon..."

Before Ye Weiming finished speaking, Long Yunfeng categorically interrupted: "It has nothing to do with you!"

Ye Weiming was boring, but because of the serious injury, he didn't bother to care about it. He shrugged his shoulders, saying that he didn't care, and then continued to follow Long Yunfeng up to the second floor without saying a word.

The second floor of Caolu was obviously much smaller than the one below. As soon as I went upstairs, I smelled the scent of real medicine.

At the same time, there is also a lean middle-aged man with big eyes who is seriously decocting medicine. Hearing the movement of the three people upstairs, he just glanced at them very casually, and then proceeded on his own. The medicine that incited Pu Shan to fry him did not seem to intend to take care of others.

At this time, he saw Long Yunfeng casually placing the sword on the table beside him, and then casually said, "Li Guishou, the two of them are here specifically to find you."

Hearing Long Yunfeng's words, Ye Weiming and Dao Mei finally determined that the slender old man in front of them was the top doctor Li Guishou who was as famous as Xue Muhua, Ping Yizhi, and Hu Qingniu.

Now that the mission goal had been determined, Ye Weiming immediately took a step forward. Even if the other party did not look squint, he still politely hugged him with fists, and then briefly said what he had come for.

Li Guishou remained silent when he heard the words, and did not urge him to stay overnight, because he knew that the other party's medicine had been decocted.

However, he saw Li Gui holding up the clay pot in front of him steadily, pour the just fried medicinal soup into a sea bowl prepared next to him, and then picked up the sea bowl again, blowing the heat on it, and then cautiously putting it Putting it on the table in front of Long Yunfeng, he said in an unquestionable tone: "Drink it while it is hot."

Long Yunfeng was also unambiguous. He didn't think that the medicine soup that had just been decocted burned his mouth, so he picked it up, and then drank it all, and drank it for a while.

In the end, he wiped the corners of his mouth with his sleeves, revealing the boldness and informality that were inconsistent with her beauty.

Satisfied with the smile, Li Guishou said: "You want to ask me to help people with plastic surgery, start with a golden start, and the person you want to treat is far away in Xixia, mountains and rivers, I need to travel a long distance, and I have to add money! "

Ye Weiming was not surprised at all, and then asked, "How much?"

Li Gui raised an index finger in his hand: "Ten thousand gold."

"No problem." Without waiting for Ye Weiming's answer, the Sword Girl on the side had already taken a step forward very readily, and she swiped her hand. A gold ticket with a face value of 10,000 gold has appeared in her palm: "We can do it now. Pay the money."

Unexpectedly, Li Guishou gently shook his head: "Not now. At least I won't go anywhere until I help Girl Dragon heal her injuries."

Upon hearing Li Guishou's words, Ye Weiming and Dao Mei did not show any dissatisfaction.

After all, they are looking for someone to have a plastic surgery, but here they are saving lives. In terms of emotion and reason, life should be guaranteed first. Compared with plastic surgery, there is no rush to meet at this moment.

After a slightly helpless glance at each other, Sword Girl finally couldn't help but curiously continued to ask: "Speaking of which, Dragon Girl is not weak, who is it hurt?"

Long Yunfeng frowned upon hearing this, and said dissatisfied: "I have said that, this matter has nothing to do with you."

Sister Dao spit out her tongue, but she still defended tit-for-tatly: "You only said that it has nothing to do with this stinky catch, but you didn't say it has nothing to do with me. I thought you were willing to tell me."

Long Yunfeng:...

At this time, Li Guishou said: "The injuries she suffered are completely unwarranted disasters. Because she has an antidote to save people in her hands, she was confronted by three famous martial arts masters, Jin Lantern Swordsman Xia Suiliang, Feiyun Dao Chang Guo Changchang, and Great Master Yinfeng Gu Yue jointly attacked, and it is a blessing in misfortune to be able to recover a life."

After hearing this, Dao Sister couldn't help but spit on the team channel: "Smelly catch fast, am I too lonely and ignorant? Li Guishou said that the three people are famous in the martial arts, why I have no one. Heard of it?"

Ye Wei replied straightforwardly: "Don't ask me, I haven't heard of it either."

The two night swords have been in the game for more than a year, and many things in the arena have long been different from the original Wu Xia Amon.

Since neither of them have heard of the three so-called "Wulin legends" in Li Gui's hands, it can only show that the sense of existence of those three guys is really very low, and they may even be born for individual tasks. Special NPCs, the kind that will never appear again after appearing on one or two sides, so they are not widely known by players.

Just when the two of them were guessing, they suddenly heard a noisy clamor from outside the grass.


"Infinite Heaven!"

"Long Yunfeng, don't think we won't be able to find you if we hide back in the nest, come out and die!"

Three shouts in a row came from three different people. The three people in the room besides Li Guishou all followed the prestige together, but four figures appeared outside the Caolu.

The head of an old man, his eyes are like eagles and falcons, he has a very conspicuous hooked nose, and a pair of temples are bulging, which shows that he has a good internal strength.

On both sides of him, he was followed by a monk and a Taoist priest respectively, both of them looked fierce and evil, and at first glance they felt that they were not good people.

The three different voices before came from the mouths of these three people.

Behind these three people followed a young man in his twenties, dressed as a young man, without any weapons on his body, but unconsciously from the eyes, footwork, and hands of the other party. It can be seen from the posture that he should be a master of swordsmanship.

As a swordsman without obvious saber, there are only two possibilities. Either he has a very unique soft sword on his body, and this kind of soft sword is usually used as a belt wrapped around his waist, but the posture that this boy subconsciously poses is definitely not suitable for pulling out a soft sword from his waist at any time. Some postures.

Then, there is only another possibility.

This guy in front of him is a player!

Only the player who possesses the four-dimensional baggage and can take out the weapon out of thin air at any time meets all his current appearance characteristics.

Seeing that these four people had chased outside, Long Yunfeng suddenly said: "The chasing soldiers have arrived. You should leave with Li Guishou. But Xia Suiliang's people will not easily let anyone who knows live. Those who leave, I hope you can take him out of danger safely."

Li Guishou immediately shook his head when he heard the words: "The old man is not going anywhere. You saved my life. The old man must heal your injury in return. Even if he is killed, the old man will never do that. ..."


Although Li Guishou was a famous doctor in the world, his combat effectiveness was negligible. Before he could finish his words, he was knocked out by Long Yunfeng with a hand knife.

Holding Li Gui fainted by himself and sitting on the chair, Long Yunfeng said with a solemn expression to Ye Weiming and Dao Sister: "I will block the four of them for a while. You can take this opportunity to take Li Gui quickly. Leave the magic mountain with your hands, the farther you go, the better!"

After that, she grabbed the sword she had put on the table before, and jumped out of the window to fight the enemy.

But at the moment she just turned around, she suddenly felt a pain in the back of her neck, and she didn't even have time to exclaim, she softened and passed out like Li Guishou.

Helping Long Yunfeng to sit on another chair, Sister Dao immediately turned her head back, lowered her voice and asked Ye Weiming, who had just retracted her "Yiyang Finger": "Fuck you, what are we going to do now?"

Almost at the same time as she asked her words, a message from the team channel had already popped up, and Ye Weiming's answer was also heard: "Look at the private chat."

No need to remind Ye Weiming, Dao Mei has also finished browsing the messages sent by Ye Weiming on the team channel as quickly as possible.

Then Chong Ye Weiming nodded, and only afterwards did he sort his throat, and then learned Long Yunfeng’s voice, and said with a sneer: "Huh! My old lady is already full of bodhisattvas of nine heavens and ten places in my cottage. Shaking his head, the immortal is afraid of killing his soul, if you are not afraid of death, please come up and have a cup of tea."

Hearing that Sister Dao shouted the seventeen-character name of the poison, the four people below couldn't help but frown at the same time.

Among them, the old man with a hook nose whispered: "What nine heavens and ten places... mess, the old man has never heard of it. Have you ever heard of this poison?"

The monk and the Taoist priest shook their heads at the same time, and followed the latter and said: "Old Xia swordsman, this kind of thing is rather believable. Let's get some dry wood and set her grassy cottage on fire. I don't believe she won't come out."

From this name, Ye Weiming has already judged that this old man with a hook nose should be the golden lantern swordsman Xia Suiliang among the three chasers. The other two have unique shapes. The monk who wants to come is the great master of Yinfeng Gu Yue, and the old way is The leader of Feiyun Road, Guo Dachang.

Xia Suiliang nodded after listening to Guo Changchang's proposal. At this time, the monk on the other side also agreed: "Let us go for this kind of rough work. Please also Xia Swordsman to guard this place. Don't let that woman Escaped."

From these simple conversations, it can be seen that Xia Suiliang is the leader among them, and the other two are so undisguised that they definitely belong to the younger brother.

After Xia Suiliang nodded slightly, the two immediately led the player to search for firewood, leaving only Xia Suiliang to guard downstairs, staring at the grassy cottage in front of him coldly.

At this moment, I suddenly heard Long Yunfeng’s voice from upstairs in the Caolu: "Xia Suiliang, you guys have done all the bad things and lost their conscience. Are you not afraid of being condemned by the gods and giving birth to a son? ?"

Xia Suiliang sneered coldly when he heard the words: "The old man is not a woman in his life, so naturally he won't have any offspring, so there is no need to worry about these things."

Didn't see it, UU reading www. Xia Suiliang from uukanshu.com is pretty real. Saying this is equivalent to admitting that they are bad guys!

Ye Weiming smiled slightly when she heard the words, and then winked at Sword Sister, who immediately understood. While helping Ye Weiming to dress up, she continued to use Long Yunfeng's voice to compose the other party's words.

To say that Xia Suiliang really didn't have any scheming, Sword Sister was just a simple routine, so she had a clear understanding of their details.

After a conversation, Ye Weiming has completely given Xia Suiliang and his group sex.

This is a group of evil organizations that kill people and arson, do no evil, against the court, against the common people, and against humanity.

Today, since I was bumped into by our fair and selfless and kind-hearted male hero, then it must be banned!

I took this opportunity to complete Li Gui's long-cherished wish to repay his favor, and directly took him to complete his task.

Isn't it beautiful to count birds with one stone?

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