I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1054: Everything is ready, the sword refers to the iron palm! (For [The sun and the m

[Brother Ye, I have helped you find the person you are looking for, and there are seven options in total. I have compiled the specific content into a file. Please click Attach to check. 】——Will enter the wine

Seeing the e-mail from Jinjiu, Ye Weiming was shocked.

He had asked to enter the wine before to help find a suitable successor to Qiu Qianren. Now he finally has news, and this guy is reliable enough to do things, and he sent a full seven to Ye Weiming in one breath. Personal choice.

Ye Weiming's figure flashed, and he had already sat down on a stone bench in the courtyard, followed by taking out the document that was sent to the wine, and reading it carefully from beginning to end.

Niu Zida, the confidant of the Iron Palm Gang Qiu Qianren, currently lives in the post of the Iron Palm Gang director, with a clumsy character, easy to buy and control.

Yang Bujian, the confidant of the Iron Palm Gang Qiu Qianren, is currently the chief instructor of the Iron Palm Gang. He is in charge of teaching the swordsmanship to help the public.

Cuckoo Da Mengde, the chief disciple of the Iron Palm Gang, is good, but as a player, his character is not as easy to investigate as an NPC, so Brother Ye can try it out.


A series of seven people selected, each with its own characteristics, and made a simple proposal for the maneuverability of entering the wine to conquer the other party. It may be worried about being slapped. All the proposals are clicked. Stop, let Ye Weiming play the rest.

For Ye Weiming, these seven candidates are all good. After seeing everyone's profile, he can come up with a series of practical and targeted solutions in his mind.

But since there are a total of seven goals, you must choose the most suitable one for the strategy.

After Ye Weiming hesitated for a while, he finally targeted an NPC with a more interesting identity.

Li Fei, whose real name is Shangguanfei, is the grandson of Shangguan Jiannan, the former gang leader of the Iron Palm Gang. After Qiu Qianren took over as the gang leader, his father fell out with Qiu Qianren because of his dissatisfaction with his collaborating with the enemy and traitorous behavior. After that, his family was harmed by Qiu Qianren. Only the young Shangguan was not lucky enough to escape his life, so far, he lived in seclusion, practiced iron palm stunts hard, and determined to avenge his father.

(According to the information I have, Li Fei's identity has now been exposed, and he is being chased by disciples of the Iron Palm Gang. Brother Ye must hurry up if he wants to choose him.)

After seeing this "Li Fei" resume, Ye Weiming's eyes suddenly brightened. This is the protagonist's template properly!

Although in the face of the general trend of the world, such an identity does not necessarily have the protagonist’s luck, but if he is the direct bloodline of Shangguan Jiannan to lead the Iron Palm to set things right, and inherit Shangguan Jiannan’s will to protect the country, it will be no more Suitable.

However, the matter of the Iron Palm Gang is very important, and Ye Weiming cannot make a decision based only on the side of the wine. So after putting away the documents, he immediately set off to the database of the Shinto Division and checked the relevant information.

Unexpectedly, under this investigation, some very interesting things were discovered by him.

In a dense forest in Shanxi, a series of screams were heard, and all the resting birds in the forest were startled to fly. The scene was very spectacular.

Following the prestige, seven or eight players and NPCs wearing iron palm gang costumes all hit some simple earthen traps and killed them all. The other player and two NPCs were lucky enough to miss the move, but they were shocked by the sudden ambush. They either set up a posture or pulled out their sabers and looked around vigilantly.

Suddenly, a gray figure rushed out of the forest. It took only a moment to kill all the three remaining members of the Iron Palm Gang chasing soldiers, and then did not follow the ambushing Iron Palm Gang, one person. With a palm down, all NPCs immediately turned into corpses, and all players turned into white light.

After doing all these things, the gray figure finally breathed a long sigh of relief, and his tense nerves relaxed. He gave a cold snort and said to himself: "Huh! Betray your country and seek glory, and be a beast." It's not a pity to die at all!"

He was covered with a black cloth towel on his face, and he couldn't see what he looked like, but judging from his voice, he should be young.

It's just that, although he said these words harshly, his voice was somewhat trembling. Now after killing so many people in a row, his heart is not as calm as it seems on the surface.

He just tried to make himself look calmer. Or is he training his nerves?

Taking a deep breath of the **** air, the gray-clothed man's gaze became firm again: "Wait, Qiu Qianren. After the Huashan Lunjian is over, if you haven't died in the hands of the Four Wonders of the World, I'll take you on the road personally."

"Flap! Pop! Pop!..."

Just as the grey-clothed man clenched his fists and tried to cheer himself up, a clapping sound suddenly sounded behind him.

Hearing this sound, the man in grey was like a cat whose tail was stepped on. His figure leaped forward and out of his feet, and turned around in the air. When he landed, he had already set up "Iron Palm". Respond to the enemy's posture.

Looking in the direction of the previous sound, he saw a young man in a black flying fish suit, who was hugging his chest with his hands, proudly leaning against the trunk of a pine tree, looking at him with a smile.

The gray-clothed man frowned when he saw that he was not a member of the iron palm gang, and while he was secretly relieved, he immediately asked, "Who is your Excellency?"

"The third grade of the **** catching division heads the head, the second-class heaven sword of the imperial court, the public servant is unknown on the night."

After Ye Weiming found out the information of Li Fei, he immediately set off and rushed over at the fastest speed, but he just happened to see him set up traps in advance to kill the Iron Palm Gang Seventeen with a single blow. The performance of the human team.

Coupled with the other party's previous reaction after hearing his applause, Ye Weiming was also very relieved to see it. This guy is cautious, bold and careful, and is a material for big things!

Hearing Ye Weiming's self-reporting of his family, Li Fei couldn't help being surprised: "So you are the male hero, the sword man Ye Weiming?"

"Ahem..." After a dry cough to conceal his embarrassment, Ye Weiming lied to correct him: "Just call me Ye Weiming, or you can call me Gongmen Xiasheng, nothing else."

Li Fei followed the good-natured question and asked: "Then I don't know what advice Master Ye has to find the kid, is it possible to hold me accountable for killing these people who are stubborn?"

Ye Weiming immediately shook his head when he heard the words: "Neither the **** hunter nor me personally have the time to take care of the life and death of the iron palm gangs. I made a special trip for you today, although I have a great deal with the iron palm gang. But it’s not related to the guys you killed before.”

After a slight pause, he added: "I came here today with good intentions and want to talk to you about cooperation. However, the environment here doesn't seem to be suitable for long talks, or let's change to another place. How about talking? Li Gou left."

Hearing the three words "Li Gou left", Li Fei was shocked. Subconsciously, I clenched my fists and asked in a deep voice, "How did you know?"

"You have underestimated the intelligence capabilities of our God Hunting Division."

Ye Weiming had already turned around and walked out of the woods while he was speaking, and at the same time beckoned to the other party to follow.

Although Li Fei was a little bit puzzled by Ye Weiming's unpredictable behavior, because the previous three words "Li Gou left" were really important to him, after a little hesitation, he followed silently.

At this time, Ye Weiming continued to say: "Fifteen years ago, Shangguan Yun, the son of Shangguan Jiannan, was brutally murdered because of inconsistency with Qiu Qianren's ideas. Qiu Qianren and his family were secretly killed by Qiu Qianren. Only his son was killed. Shangguanfei was quietly rescued by his confidant Li Daring, and brought him back to his home for raising."

"Because Li Bold was originally an orphan, he was later adopted by Shangguan Jiannan and later saved by Shangguan Yun, so he has always been grateful to Shangguan family."

"So, not only did he risk his life to rescue Shangguanfei from the tiger's mouth. He even deliberately left some clues to prove that his son is Shangguanyun's offspring."

"In this way, even if someone from the Iron Palm Gang finds some clues, they can replace Shangguanfei with their child Li Gouzhang and take on the task of hunting down Qiu Qianren."

"The real Shangguanfei was sent by Li Daudao to practice and study in Baiyun Temple since he was a child, and he advanced to the scholar and rank in three years. Now he is a county magistrate under the pseudonym Li Xingwen. Am I wrong?"

Li Fei was even more shocked when he heard this: "You actually even know this!"

At this moment, the two of them had already walked out of the woods, Ye Weiming turned around, showing a deep smile, and then said: "You too underestimate the intelligence ability of the Shenchou Division. Although the Seventh-Rank Prefecture is not a high official, but It is also a parent. Before the appointment, how can the imperial court not find out the eight generations of his ancestor?"

"Of course, in the initial data, it was only confirmed that Li Xingwen was the son of Shangguanyun. As for the twists and turns of the period, the records are not very detailed."

"But when I compare this information with that of Iron Palm Gang and Shangguanfei, will it be difficult to sort out all the causes and consequences?"

As he said, Ye Weiming glanced over Li Fei's body, and then gently shook his head and said: "With your current strength, wanting to kill Qiu Qianren is simply cannibalism."

"If the gunpowder **** on your body is ignited, you will be the only one killed in the end."

"Want to kill Qiu Qianren with this? I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible."

Li Fei was shocked when he heard this: "Your **** arresting division, even I found out about my secret purchase of gunpowder?"

"It was not found out, but it was seen." Ye Weiming's gaze fell on Li Fei's clothes again: "Your clothes, obviously does not fit, and it should look bloated. You don't need to guess to know the inside. There must be something special hidden. Plus you said before to find Qiu Qianren to settle the accounts, then the only thing I can think of is gunpowder."

After a slight pause, he added: "But since I can see these things, Qiu Qianren can naturally see them too. Don't you think it's too naive if you want to hurt him with such obvious things?"

Hearing this, Li Fei's face couldn't help showing a bitter, helpless smile.

In fact, he doesn't know how slim the success rate of this plan is?

But what can he do?

With his barely more than 80 levels of strength, he was able to deal with some ordinary players or iron palm gang bosses. First of all, he had to deal with Qiu Qianren, who was infinitely close to the strength of the five outstanding.

But immediately, he thought of the cooperation that Ye Weiming mentioned before, so he immediately asked: "Master Ye, I wonder if the cooperation you mentioned before can help me help Qiu Qianren?"

"No!" Ye Weiming replied decisively: "Because Qiu Qianren's life is mine, you can't grab it."

Although Ye Weiming refused, Li Fei's face showed a bright smile. Although Ye Weiming did not reach an agreement with Qiu Qianren on the allocation of heads, at least it can be confirmed that the two should still be on the united front.

However, there are some things that he still wants to ask clearly in advance: "Then I don't know what Lord Ye needs me to do?"

"Aftermath." Ye Weiming said leisurely: "After Qiu Qianren's death, the Iron Palm Gang is bound to have no leader. I need a trustworthy person to inherit the position of the Iron Palm Gang leader, and continue to observe the route of Shangguan Jiannan to serve the country and make it a real martial arts forest. upright."

"In this way, it is better than wasting such a force in vain and increasing the casualties of the martial arts."

Li Fei was able to survive until now under the chase of the Iron Palm Gang, and he was naturally also a wise man. Hearing Ye Weiming's words, how could he not think that the heir of the Iron Palm Gang in his mouth was himself?

Thinking of this in my heart, it can be regarded as the completion of Shangguan Jiannan's last will. For Shangguan family, perhaps it should be regarded as a better reward than hand-blade Qiu Qianren?

But the question is: "Master Ye, you already know that I am a fake, not a real Shangguanfei. In my current capacity, who will admit that I am the next leader of the Iron Palm Gang?"

Ye Weiming gently stretched out a finger, shook it twice, and said in his mouth: "You know this, I know, the official Shangguanfei also knows it, but who will tell it?"

"So, I said that you are Shangguanfei, you are Shangguanfei. As for the iron palm gang, will they recognize your status as the next leader?"

Ye Weiming patted Shangguan Fei on the shoulder: "Don't worry, after the next war, every one of the iron palms who survived will recognize your status."

Hearing Ye Weiming's last words, Li Fei couldn't help shivering.

The killing intent hidden in this seemingly confident sentence is too heavy.

Every one of the surviving Iron Palms will recognize his status. So another explanation for this sentence is that people who do not want to recognize his status will not survive?

After reaching the most basic cooperation intention in a snap~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ye Weiming discussed some details of the cooperation with Li Fei, and then arranged for him to take refuge in the Shinto Division.

After all, as a future partner, he must ensure the safety of Li Fei.

Walking out of the woods, Ye Weiming tried to send you a pigeon pass, but the reply was that the other party was still in a special map and could not pass the pass.

It seems that she is still not coming out in that trial space...

Ye Weiming shook his head, no longer waiting!

After making a decision in his heart, he immediately waved his big hand, and more than ten white pigeons had already flown out in all directions.


PS: Ask for a wave of double monthly passes at the end of the month.

It's not every month, please ask for a wave this month, touch it!

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