I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1076: See you in the poor, and fight Bi Xuan again!

Regarding Ye Weiming's aggressive method, Jie Li also felt that his face was a little unbearable, but before he could say anything, Bi Xuan had already spoken again and said: "It is not an exaggeration to be careful when facing you."

Obviously, he has suffered more than once under Ye Weiming, and he will never be affected by such a pediatric radical approach.

Ye Weiming didn't get entangled when he saw it, but directly stated his own conditions: "I ask Jie Li Khan not to chase and kill the hundreds of thousands of people who have abandoned the city after getting this map."

After listening to Ye Weiming's conditions, Jie Li couldn't help laughing.

Jie Li laughed, the soldiers of the Golden Wolf Army around him also laughed, the soldiers laughed, and the ordinary soldiers of the Golden Wolf Army around him burst into laughter.

The difference is that Jie Li laughed because he laughed at Ye Weiming’s benevolence. He could only see the death and injury of the Central Plains in front of him, but he didn’t know that Su Dingfang’s death was equivalent to the collapse of the Great Wall on the border of the Sui Dynasty. The wolf army can naturally go south smoothly, and the dead souls who die under the golden wolf army's butcher knife will only increase tenfold.

And the warlords of the Golden Wolf Army didn't think so much, they were just mocking Ye Weiming's benevolence.

As for the ordinary soldiers, they just looked at Da Khan and laughed, and the generals were also laughing, in order to show that they had the same position with Da Khan and the generals, they also laughed.

For a while, the entire town was almost covered by the laughter of the Golden Wolf Army.

In the Turkic camp, only two people did not laugh out loud.

One is Dazhi. As Ye Weiming’s defeated man, he has always maintained a respect for this Central Plains powerhouse who convinced him to lose. Even if Ye Weiming’s shortsightedness at this moment makes him disdain, but he has no peace. The others ridiculed.

And the other one is Bi Xuan.

Compared to any other person, he had a deeper understanding of Ye Weiming.

He has suffered a big loss under Ye Weiming twice. Naturally, he would not think that this sinister and vicious kid would be a kind of woman. Although the corners of his mouth were also sneered, he looked into Ye Weiming’s eyes. , It is more vigilant.

Ye Weiming was holding the map with one hand, with no joy or sorrow on his face. He looked at the ridiculous Turkic army around him silently, saying nothing, as if any ridicule from the other party could not make a slight ripple in his heart. .

After a long time, Jie Li first stopped the laughter, and the others quieted down. But Jieli said, "Good! I can agree to your terms, but I must first confirm that the map you gave me is true."

Until this moment, Ye Weiming's face showed a slight smile, and he nodded gently and said, "It should be so."

Having said that, I wanted to come forward and offer pictures.

"Wait!" Ye Weiming had just taken a step, and Bi Xuan on the side immediately stopped talking: "Give the picture to Dazhi, and let him transfer the picture to Da Khan."

For Bi Xuan's excessive worry, Jie Li still had some disapproval in his heart. But Wu Zun's face must be given! If Bi Xuan is offended, he can easily affect his dominance.

At this point, even Jie Li didn't dare to neglect a little.

Upon seeing this, Dazhi turned his inquiring gaze to Ye Weiming, but Ye Weiming shrugged indifferently. He really put the map that had been mounted on a straight scroll into Dazhi's hands.

Dazhi took the map and walked towards Jieli. For a while, everyone's attention was focused on the map scroll in his hand. Only Bi Xuan kept his eyes like eagles and falcons firmly locked on Ye Weiming's body.

Facing this hostile gaze, Ye Weiming politely responded with a meaningful smile.

At this time, Cathay had already handed over the scroll to Jie Li.

At this moment, Ye Weiming finally moved, but he saw his figure soaring into the sky. At the same time, the metal cloak behind him suddenly exploded and turned into three hundred and sixty sharp flying. Along different angles, he shot towards Jie Li, who had just received the map from Tazhi.

"Boy, so courageous!"

Bi Xuan, who was always staring at Ye Weiming's every move, had predicted that he would launch a surprise attack, so he disappeared on horseback for the first time and reappeared. He had been blocked between Ye Weiming and Jieli. Once turned over, the extremely hot flames opened up like an umbrella, flying all over the sky to the point where it could not be opened.

The fourth style of Yanyang Qi Gong-the fire umbrella is high!

At the same time, Jie Li had not had time to unfold the map in his hand. The map that seemed to have nothing wrong with it suddenly exploded, and then I saw a dagger flying out of it, but it was in the dagger. The sword energy contained in it smashed and torn the map, and then shot straight towards Jie Li's brow.

See you poorly!

One foot, half foot...Three inches, one inch!

Seeing Xiao Longquan as the king of daggers, he wanted to pierce through Jieli's choking throat, but a blade suddenly flashed in the slanting downwards, and the dagger was blown away at a critical moment.

The person who made the shot was Dazhi!

At this moment, Bi Xuan was fully resisting the flying into the sky from Ye Weiming's scattering, and Dazhi naturally took the heavy responsibility of protecting Jieli's safety. Therefore, he is always paying attention to all the wind and grass around Jie Li, for fear that Ye Weiming will make a noise, but there are other people hiding in the dark.

As a result, the person in ambush did not wait, but found that the problem was actually in the scroll that was passed to Jie Li by his head.

However, although Dazhi's strength could not be compared with top powerhouses like Bi Xuan and Ye Weiming, it was more than enough to deal with a flying sword that Ye Weiming was not controlled by the gods.

Seeing his long-planned blow, being split by Dazhi, Ye Weiming did not feel any frustration, but felt a burst of inexplicable excitement and excitement.

Because just before Xiaolongquan was slashed by the Kuangsha Knife, the sharp sword wind brought by the sharp blade had touched the skin of Jieli’s throat and left an extremely small wound on it, with a trace of blood coming from the wound. Exudates, about the size of rice grains.

Such a tiny wound was naturally not enough to cause any substantial damage to Jie Li, even because it was only the sword wind that scratched the opponent's skin, even the poison quenched by the dagger failed to exert its due effect.

But for Ye Weiming, this is enough!

The real situation now is that Xiao Longquan, who is still unknown in the night, has actually injured Jie Li's body, but there is no special protective body zhenqi similar to the real dragon qi to protect him.

This shows that the standard feature of the kings of various countries that cannot be easily injured does not exist in Jie Li's body.

The reason for this may be that Jie Li does not have a throne on the grassland, and at best can only be regarded as a tribal leader. Or maybe it was because he had not completed the unification of the Turks, and there was a Western Turks watching around, so he could not gather the dragon's energy body.

Or it may be because of some other reasons that he is not protected by the system.


This is not important anymore.

For Ye Weiming now, what is important is that this Jieli is a completely attackable target.

That's enough!

After confirming this point, Ye Weiming immediately got a foot on his left toe, and his body seemed to be out of the jurisdiction of Newton's Law and was raised several feet again, until it was beyond the reach of Bi Xuan's counterattack.

Then with a finger, Xiao Longquan, who had just been bounced off by Dazhi, turned sharply in the air, and then lased towards Jieli at a speed several times faster than before. The sharp blade pierced the air and issued There was a harsh scream.

Although he saw Ye Weiming playing the remote flying sword trick, Bi Xuan didn't immediately turn back. He believed that a dagger could be able to handle it.

Compared to the situation there, Bi Xuan was even more worried about the three hundred and sixty flying knives in Ye Weiming's cloak. This thing was far more deadly than a dagger alone!

The figure flashed, and he had come directly under Ye Weiming's body. At the same time, with the palms of his hands, he had urged a gang balloon containing endless aura of destruction. It was the strongest blow of "Yan Yang Qi Gong"-Hot Sun Brilliant!

Supporting this huge fireball that looked like a small sun, Bi Xuan's body immediately rose into the air and rammed into Ye Weiming in the sky.

Seeing that Bi Xuan had already performed the strongest killer move, Ye Weiming's mouth was sneered with disdain.

next moment……


In a heart-piercing scream, Jie Li's body has fallen from the horse, and his right leg has been severed from the knee, and blood is sprayed from the wound artery and sprinkled in the air. There was a bright red blood mist.

At the same time, the invisible blade made a blood mark on the ribs of the horse under the hip of Jieli. The frightened horse ran wild, and the other foot of poor Jieli was still hanging firmly on the stirrup. In this way, he was shocked and ran towards the alley on one side.

Li Jian style, with lightsaber!

This was Ye Weiming's final killer move for Jie Li. After using Fei Dao and Xiao Longquan to adjust Bi Xuan and Da Zhi, he quietly issued a single blow to kill!

This real invisible sword, Ye Weiming was originally prepared for Jieli's son Diluozhi.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that Jie Li himself could be attacked completely and would be injured by a normal attack. This temporarily changed the target and locked it on Jie Li's right leg.

With a successful move, Ye Weiming didn't have any mood to make up his sword at all, because the scorching sun below Bi Xuan was shining, and he was already in front of him.

Facing Bi Xuan's ultimate move, even if it was as strong as Ye Weiming, he did not dare to neglect the slightest.

Feeling the scorching heat coming from his face, Ye Weiming's body also exudes an extremely tyrannical and terrifying aura, as if the blood all over his body was completely burning at this moment.

At the next moment, Ye Weiming suddenly turned his body, and a palm on his head and feet exploded, but he compressed half of his internal strength in this seemingly simple palm, and blasted towards Bi Xuan. "The sun is shining"!

The fourth oath of wolf extinction, the disintegration of the demon!


In the face of the disintegration of the demon, Bi Xuan's "Sun Shines" is powerful, but it also lacks resistance. The flame ball that was sent out with full force, hitting half of the internal force between Ye Weiming's raising his hand, and possessing the terrifying power of the instantaneous explosion of all internal force, was directly broken and collapsed!

However, when this overbearing palm power smashed the flame ball and prepared to give Bi Xuan below him a harder blow, he found that Bi Xuan who was supposed to be killed under the flame ball was no longer at this moment. Traced.

It turned out that Bi Xuan, who had suffered more than one loss under this trick, had already made a follow-up response plan when he sent out the trick "The sun is shining" before. At the moment when Ye Weiming's "Devil Disintegration" shot, he gave up the internal support of the flame ball, but used a leverage point he had prepared before, and instantly avoided this lore.

Ye Weiming's palm that fell from the sky, after losing his target, was already covered with water, and it was heavily bombarded on the ground below. On the solid ground, make a huge palm print deep enough!


There was another loud bang, and the surrounding ground also vibrated violently, like an earthquake. While the smoke and dust aroused by palm power has spread to the surroundings, blocking most of the line of sight, it also made those Turkic warriors and soldiers who originally wanted to rush to help, start to jump and neigh due to the fright of the horse under the crotch. , Can only suppress and appease with all his strength, and no longer have enough energy to launch a siege on Ye Weiming.

Bi Xuan evaded the mortal blow, and Ye Weiming immediately felt an extremely strong killing intent coming from behind him, and immediately locked him firmly.

It is foreseeable that Bi Xuan's next first blow must be sturdy and powerful, and will not give him any opportunity to dodge or escape. Any attempt to avoid the more important tactics will be met by the tarsus. Maggots, endless continuous pursuit!

Just as Bi Xuan could predict the disintegration of Ye Weiming's attacking demon and dodge it. After Ye Weiming missed a hit, he had already guessed Bi Xuan's next attack method.

Therefore, he never thought of hiding!

Not only did he not evade, even before Bi Xuan made his move, Ye Weiming had once again burned all the remaining internal energy and blood in his body, and his eyes were full of strange lights, as if he wanted to drain all the air around him. , Covering a dozen Turkic soldiers and generals including Bi Xuan behind him.

Just when everyone was affected by this powerful force field, UU's eyes flashed with horror, the space position was completely burned up and turned into a black hole of flame, madly devouring the surroundings everything of.

The fifth oath of wolf extinction, the jade and the stone are burned!

Faced with such a terrifying attack, even if it is as strong as Bi Xuan, he can only use his tyrannical skill to blast a way out and escape his birth alone. But for those soldiers and generals who are wrapped in positions, they are powerless.

Fortunately, when he broke out of the place of death composed of "Jade and Stone Burning", he was pleased to find that Dazhi had cut off the leather that was entangled with the stirrup of Jie Li's left foot, and dragged it from the startling horse. Rescued under the circumstances.

With the start of Ye Weiming's "Burning Jade and Stone", Kezhi has protected Jie Li from far away, and will not be affected by this killer move.

When Bi Xuan saw this, he grabbed Jie Li's son Die Luo Zhi and retreated sharply in the direction where Da Zhi and Jie Li fled.

As for other people, Bi Xuan said that he can no longer care about that much...

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