I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1080: "Sacred Qi of the Sun" has a permanent +1!

Ding! You successfully passed the special task "Competition for Harmony", the clearance evaluation: perfect, and you get the reward: the level of "Sacred Qi of the Sun" is permanent +1.

Ye Weiming frowned dissatisfied when he heard the system prompt for the completion of this task.


This "compete with Choi Bi" task is an "unsolvable" task similar to a tram problem. If you want to get a "perfect" evaluation, you can almost fall into the impossible series.

A task that was impossible to accomplish was completed by us.

In the end, you just show me this?

You know, in order to complete this task, I even handed over my virginity!

Do you know how big my loss is when I hang up this time?

Regardless of the current level of 10% experience, just a "Hun Yuan Gong" dropped 10% of the current level of proficiency, the loss will be great, do you make it?

You know, the proficiency required to upgrade Hunyuan Gong from level 9 to level 10 is 1 million!

10% of 1 million is a full 100,000 points of proficiency!

As a result, I have completed the task now, and your task reward is just to raise my "Sacred Qi of the Sun" from level 8 to level 9. When converted into proficiency, it is only two small goals.

Judging from this ratio of loss to return, it is only 200,000% of gains!

As an omnipotent system, don't raise my "Sacred Qi of the Sun" to the full level in one breath. Are you sorry?

Wait... not right!

In the process of frantically complaining in his heart, Ye Weiming suddenly realized a problem. Before completing the task, his "Sacred Qi of the Sun" was not a level 8 proficiency of 0 points, but had a balance of about 16.5 million.

Calculating this way, his harvest in this mission is only 183500%!

Oh my god, it's a big loss!


Well, putting aside the groaning element of disease-free, the reward of raising "Fantastic Power of the Sun" to a level is indeed not high for the difficulty of this task, and it can even be said that it is too little.

If it weren't for this, Ye Weiming wouldn't be so crazy in his heart.

Come to think of it, the reason why this reward can be passed is probably because the target of the reward was locked in "Sacred Qi of the Sun" from the beginning, instead of raising a skill level randomly.

Otherwise, although it is likely to be added to the "Ten Thousand Types of Sword Foundation" he hopes to upgrade, it is also possible to randomly add to the "Almanac" skill that is enough to make him vomit blood.

Generally speaking, it is barely acceptable.

Calling up the system interface, Ye Weiming's eyes fell on the upgraded attributes of "Sacred Qi of the Sun":

Sacred Qi of the Sun


Level: 8 (+5)

Proficiency: 165 upper limit of qi and blood + 40000 (+45000), upper limit of internal force + 32000 (+36000)

Physical +2000 (+2250), stamina +2000 (+2250), body style +1600 (+1800), reaction +1600 (+1800), charm +8 (+9).


Special effects: slightly


Seeing the upgraded attributes of "Sacred Qi of the Sun", Ye Weiming's first reaction was two words:

this one?

And his second reaction was reduced to one word:


This data is wrong!

It stands to reason that the level display of his "Sacred Qi of the Sun" after the upgrade shouldn't be "Level: 9 (+4? What's the matter with "Level: 8 (+5?

Immediately looked at the previous task completion prompt, Ye Weiming only noticed that in the task prompt this time, the task reward displayed was "Raining Sun Sacred Qi", but "Sacred Sun Sacred Qi" permanent +1 "!

Could it be said that this level is permanently +1, which is such an addition? It is not that his "Sacred Qi of the Sun" is upgraded by a level on the existing basis, but it is a special way of upgrading as if the equipment provides a martial arts level!

This reward is great!

As we all know, there is always an upper limit for directly increasing the level of martial arts. The upper limit of the highest level of a martial arts is level 10. After reaching this level, no matter how many resources it has, it cannot be raised by a level.

And using equipment upgrades, it seems that there is no upper limit?

This Ye Weiming is not very clear. The only thing that can be determined is that after receiving the reward for this task, his already tyrannical "Sacred Qi of the Sun" has become more potential than before!

If this is the case, this task reward is finally worthy of the difficulty of this task!

While he was relieved in his heart, Ye Weiming turned his head to look at You You. Seeing the latter smile at him, but did not show Ye Weiming his task reward.

Ye Weiming only then remembered that the situation of Ning You was different from her own. She represented the Li Faction camp participating in the mission. She did not directly issue mission rewards by the system, but needed to find relevant NPCs from the Li Faction camp to receive it.

However, Ye Weiming believed that the task reward she could get in this task was absolutely indispensable.

Among other things, the "Silver Feather Thousand Nights" that poisoned the 100,000 Golden Wolf Army was itself obtained by Ningyou in the previous organ technique trial mission, and it was also the poison she personally injected.

As far as performance in this task is concerned, it is not necessarily worse than Ye Weiming.

As the figures of the two were teleported out of this special task copy, and reappeared three feet away from the bridge head of Tianjin Bridge, Ying You whispered: "This task of'competition with Chobi' has been successfully completed, if not For other things, I will go to Li Shimin to receive the reward for this mission."

Ye Weiming nodded softly when he heard the words, and then exhorted: "Contact me after receiving the task. I have agreed with Ssangyong to meet in the evening. Then you will come and see if there are any suitable tasks. Pick up."

Nguyen nodded, then unfolded his body skills and rushed in a certain direction.

Ye Weiming’s gaze fell on the Sekong Sword, which was still inserted in the center of the Tianjin Bridge, and then he saw his figure suddenly blurred, but it changed from the previous deity entity to a The twisted afterimage, and Ye Weiming himself, is no longer here.

he is……


Located in the void at the head of Tianjin Bridge, a dull sound suddenly came.

Following this, Ye Weiming’s figure emerged three feet away from the bridge head. Once it appeared, it was three steps backwards in succession. His figure was embarrassed, as if he was in an extremely unfavorable situation just now. It was like a palm to Bi Xuan or Ning Daoqi.

"Hahaha..." Just as Ye Weiming frowned and a helpless wry smile appeared on his face, there was a burst of unbridled hearty laughter around him.

Ye Weiming, who felt that he was offended again, turned his head and saw that he was a very delicate-looking young man. Although he was wearing a robe, he seemed to have a bit of an immortal driving foot, but given that Niu Zhichun gave The shock he caused, Ye Weiming didn't judge people by appearance, and believed that the other party must be a Taoist priest.

As if seeing Ye Weiming’s unhappiness, the suspected Taoist boy smiled, and then said: “I’m sorry, I’m relatively straightforward, and I can’t help it when I see funny things. Moreover, I don’t mean to laugh. Yours, in fact, I've seen things like this several times today, and they are all those who did not do well in the mission and wanted to challenge again, but they hit a wall."

Seeing that the other party looked very sincere, Ye Weiming didn't care about him either, and then shrugged, and then said, "I feel that my previous harvest was pretty good."

The young man who was suspected to be a Taoist was stunned when he heard the words, and then asked: "Speaking of which, don't you want to **** the Sekong Sword?"

Ye Weiming shrugged: "Things without owners, those with virtue live in them."

When I said this, Ye Weiming didn't feel embarrassed. He thinks that his chivalrous value close to 30,000 points is enough to prove that he is a virtuous person.

This time, the other party unexpectedly did not smile, but said seriously: "I advise you to dispel this idea. After all, Shi Fei Xuan is not a silly and sweet thing, how could it be possible to put a treasure like Sekong Sword here. Without any protective measures?"

"Fortunately you didn't succeed just now, otherwise, the next moment you get the Sekong Sword, Shi Feixuan will suddenly jump out of a certain place and launch an endless attack on you."

"That's why I'm going to grab it suddenly." Ye Wei said as expected: "As long as she grabs the hand, it will be too late for her to jump out, isn't it?"

"Are you not afraid that if Sekong Sword is grabbed, it will be set as an item that must be dropped by death within a certain period of time?"

"Don't be afraid." Ye Weiming said, "Shifei Xuan can't beat me anyway."

The other party obviously didn't expect Ye Weiming to be so confident. After a moment, he smiled and said, "By the way, depending on your appearance, it seems that you came to Luoyang specifically for the Heshibi mission, right? Now the mission is finished, isn't it? Feeling idle, do you have an idea to play something interesting?"

Is this guy so familiar?

Ye Weiming glanced at the other side vigilantly, but before he refused, he listened to the other side to continue to say: "There is a royal abandoned Taoist temple in the northeast of Luoyang City, and there is a place for drawing lots. Just put a certain amount into the merit box. The amount of money can be drawn on the lottery wall, and various small gifts can often appear, and occasionally there will be top-quality equipment."

After listening to the other party's description, Ye Weiming said without hesitation: "I'm not interested. I don't share gambling."

"It's not gambling either..." The boy who looked like a Taoist priest said unwillingly: "In fact, if you don't want to draw lots, it's not bad to go and watch the excitement. Just watch me draw."

Hearing this way of speaking obviously similar to MLM, Ye Weiming instinctively refused. But somehow, the young man in front of him gave people a very frank and no danger, as if it was an unusual and special temperament.

If Ye Weiming stabilized his mind, he would not be affected by this temperament, but the temperament on the other party evoked Ye Weiming's curiosity.

After all, the last person who possessed such a strong appeal that people would be affected by it unconsciously was called Shi Feixuan!

With such doubts, Ye Weiming couldn't help but ask casually: "Why are you looking for me? The two of us don't seem to know each other."

"This is fate!" The young man who looked like a Taoist said as it should be: "I was planning to go to the Taoist temple to have a look, and saw that you were hitting the air wall, and I hadn't realized it and talked with you for so long. Isn't this what fate is? Then there is..."

"It's boring to go to Taoist temple alone!"

What a powerful reason!

Ye Weiming rolled his eyes, but nothing happened, he still agreed to this seemingly abrupt request.

"By the way, my name is Tuoba Gougan, a disciple of Xiaoyao sent, what do you call your brother?"

"Mo Yingming."

"Your name is really catchy, admire it!"

He didn't use his body technique, so he walked slowly on the street, and it took about half an hour before he came to the Taoist temple that Tuoba Goudan said.

Entering the Taoist Temple, Tuoba Goudan was like returning to his own home. The person who was familiar with the road took Ye Weiming around in the Taoist Temple, and also took the opportunity to show off his understanding of the Taoist Temple.

At the main hall of the Taoist Temple, Tuoba Goudan didn’t mean to let Ye Weiming spend money. Instead, he threw an ingot of silver into the merit box in the corner, and then came to the front with a wooden stick covered with signs. On the shelf, tear off one at will.

Ye Weiming watched the whole process. He clearly saw that Tuoba Goudan pulled off a blank paper sign, but after the paper sign fell in his hand, a line of clear small words appeared on it-hemostatic and muscle growth. The elixir.

The next moment, the paper sign in Tuoba Goudan's hand was suddenly wrapped in a burst of light. When the light dissipated, the paper sign had become a white porcelain bottle for medicine, and a piece of red paper was stuck on the bottle. Cut out a small piece of paper with the three small characters "Gold Sore Medicine".

Is it so amazing?

Ye Weiming was surprised when he saw it. He immediately took a move and used the technique of "controlling cranes" to tear off another paper sign and take it into his hand.

Looking closely, it was still a blank sheet of paper.

At this time, Tuoba Goudan who listened to the side laughed and said, "Didn’t I have said everything before, here to draw lots, you must put money into the merit box, ten taels at a time. If Brother Ye is interested, , This time I invite."

"No need to."

With a flick of Ye Weiming's words, an ingot of silver has fallen into the merit box not far away with great precision.

At the next moment, Ye Weiming suddenly felt a twist in the surrounding space, and the Tuoba dog egg beside him had disappeared. Then he heard a roar, followed by a green body, holding a pair of knives and wearing heavy clothes. A, a ghoul more than ten feet tall crawled out from under the ground.

War dead ghoul

The ghost who died tragically on the battlefield, failed to reincarnate after death, and turned into a ghost, with a fierce spirit on his body.

Level: 100

I wipe the blood and internal power!

Ye Weiming, who had been accustomed to all kinds of things for a long time, naturally couldn't help but shine when he saw Tuoba's dog eggs disappear and war dead ghouls appeared.

It only took 10 taels of silver to get a chance to get a copy of a single-handed 100-level boss. Why didn't I know this kind of good thing before?

Just when Ye Weiming was excited about picking up the treasure, UU reading www.uukanshu.com war dead ghoul has once again uttered a roar that seems to come from the abyss of hell, and at the same time, his figure jumped up, weighing all the weight of his body On top of a pair of thick-backed sabers in his hands, he condescendingly hacked down towards Ye Weiming.

Just looking at the momentum created by a knife, listening to the sound of breaking the wind, you know that this is definitely a powerful slash that is enough to open a stone!


PS: Today is one chapter.

Yesterday there was a lot of work in the unit, and I had to work, code words, and make up notes. As a result, I stayed up too late.

I felt eye pain when I came together today. It should be due to excessive eye fatigue.

I tried eye drops, eye patches, and steam eye masks, but none of them worked. After finally writing a chapter, I feel that I have reached the limit and I must rest early.

Fight for recovery tomorrow.

That's it.

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