I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1082: 0 years fox, jade pipa (for [Sun and Moon in the Pot]...

The three people draw lots separately, and it is definitely better in terms of efficiency than a unified team draw.

And every time a lottery is drawn, even if the boss is not drawn, some consolation prizes such as golden sore medicine can be drawn, and the value of these consolation prizes is generally higher than the principal of 10 silver.

That being the case, why does no one come here to draw lots to make money?

One is because this place is relatively hidden, and most people don't know it. Even people who know it will not spend the precious ten days of stay in the secret realm to spend a small amount of money.

And those players who really care about the small money, but can't beat the boss that is occasionally drawn out, the result will be more than worth the loss.

Although it is impossible for players with "Dao Fa" skills (including equipment bonuses) lower than level 10 to get the war dead, they can get another 80-level small BOSS. Although a small BOSS of that level is no longer invincible for many players, it is still completely invincible for those who draw lots here for a little money...

Ye Weiming had all kinds of fanciful thoughts in his mind. Before he knew it, he had once again drawn a war dead ghoul, entered the combat instance, killed the opponent with two swords, put away the "Ghoulish Blade", left the battle and continued to draw, a series of actions were completed in one go. The speed is so fast that Tuoba Gougan on the side can't believe his eyes.

For no reason, Tuoba Goudan remembered that Ye Weiming had lightly said that Shi Feixuan could not beat him in Qiaotou, Tianjin.

At the time, he thought this guy was bragging, but now it seems that what he said should be true.

Speaking of it, the reason why Tuoba Goudan has such suspicions is that he had already entered the "Shuanglong Secret Realm" and began to do the pre-task of purifying Taoist temples, so he did not hear that Ye Weiming singled out before. The system announcement that killed Qiu Qianren's normal ontology.

After a few moments of effort, 10 war dead ghouls have been killed under the joint efforts of the three. During the period, Tuoba Goudan beheaded two heads, Yun Mian beheaded three heads, and Ye Weiming beheaded four heads.

If you count the one he had hit and killed by mistake, half of the 10 dead ghouls died under Ye Weiming's sword.

Unlike the other two, the speed at which Yun Mian and Tuoba Goudan kill the enemy mainly depends on the speed of the battle, while Ye Weiming wasted more time on drawing lots.

Through this phenomenon, it is possible to draw a conclusion, that is, the higher the Dao Shu, the higher the probability of getting a BOSS.

Among the three, Yunmian's Taoism has been piled up to the 18th level by him, and Tuoba Goudan's Taoism has also reached the 16th level. In comparison, Ye Weiming's own Dao skill is only at level 9, plus Moyu Tiankui's level 1, and Jin Guangjian's level 2, making a total of only 12, which is obviously not on the same level as others.

Ye Weiming didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

After all, Yun Mian and Tuoba Goudan are both professional Taoists, and Ye Weiming is just a hobby. The three of them have a level 1 gap in the most basic "Daoshu" level, and their focus on equipment selection is even more different. Ye Weiming will naturally not be idle. You must compare with them in this respect. High and low.

In view of the fact that after killing all the dead ghouls, Ye Weiming had the most "Ghoul Blades" in his hands, Yun Mian and Tuoba Goudan also handed all their gains to Ye Weiming's hands.

After all the 10 ghoul blades were counted, a system prompt that arrived as promised, immediately sounded in Ye Weiming's ear.

Ding! You have collected 10 "Ghoul Blades". There is a subtle connection between each "Ghoul Blade", they are trying to merge with each other!

If they were allowed to fuse, the grievances and hostility in the ten "Ghoul Blades" would be combined into one, and they would surely become a fierce and fierce soldier, who would often counterattack its master.

Excuse me, should they be allowed to merge?


Ye Weiming certainly didn't have any hesitation about this kind of thing for which he already knew the answer, and immediately chose to let him merge on his own.

At the next moment, Ye Weiming saw the 10 "ghoulish blades" in the space of the burden bursting with **** light. Under the **** light, these fierce blades began to move closer to each other and merge...Finally, change It became a weird sword that just looked at its appearance and gave people an extremely fierce feeling.

However, the blade of this sword is full of blood-red color, and its shape is even more strange and inexplicable. If you look closely at its outline, you will find that its shape is actually like some kind of weird and ancient demon totem.

Six Soul Fierce Blade (treasure weapon): A fierce soldier condensing the fierce spirit of the undead, holding ominously.

Attack +900, internal power increase +50%, poison attribute attack +500 (corpse poison)

Special effects: bloodthirsty, backlash

Bloodthirsty: 10% of the attack damage will be converted into blood to feed back itself.

Backlash: While attacking the blood sucking, the corpse poison in the knife will also flow into the body of the knife holder, making it poison. The more blood you suck, the deeper the poisoning!


Nima! Is this knife poisonous?

Uh, it seems to be true. The introduction says it clearly.

But, can anyone really use this stuff?

This is too evil!

Shaking his head, Ye Weiming took out the fierce knife after the fusion, and after showing the attributes to the other three people, he asked, "How do we purify?"

Tuoba Goudan immediately said, "You need to wait until the Sanqingxiang to perform operations."

Yun Mian added: "The statue of Sanqing is on the top floor, you follow me." As he spoke, he had already stepped towards the stairs leading to the upper floor, Ye Weiming, Tuoba Goudan and the whole journey so far Liuyun, a psychologist who beats soy sauce, followed.

As he walked, Tuoba Goudan gave Liuyun something similar to Jiangmo Pestle, and then said: "This Vajra Pestle is obtained from my task at Jingnian Temple these days."

"It seems that I was able to receive this task. It was also the result of some price paid by my master Ning Daoqi. Brother Liu Yun can use it to help purify the murderous soldiers."

From the two words of Tuoba Goudan, it is not difficult to infer that Ning Daoqi, the three great masters in the world, is frustrated and helpless in this world.

When I came to the top floor, I saw the Sanqing statue that was more than three feet tall in the north, but it was already covered with dust. On the ground directly in front of the statue, there is a Tai Chi pattern made of black and white stones.

At this point, there is no need for Yun Mian and Tuoba Goudan to continue explaining, Liu Yun already knows what he should do.

But he saw that he first put the "Six Soul Fierce Blade" given to him by Ye Weiming and placed it in the center of the Taiji Diagram, and then he sat cross-legged in front of the fierce knife, spreading his hand, and Tuoba's dog egg gave him the "Vajra Pestle". "Has been held in his hand.

Fa Zhu was in his hand, and Liuyun immediately recited the "Death Mantra" in his mouth. With the sound of the Brahma sound, the vajra in his hand immediately burst out with a dazzling golden light, and the golden light shrouded the "six soul fierce blades" in front of him, and the latter jumped uncomfortably, but the double suppression of the Buddha light and the Taiji figure Down, but it is impossible to escape the shackles.

At the same time, not far from the Tai Chi diagram, the air suddenly appeared irregularly twisted, and then formed an air vortex about two meters in diameter.

This vortex is transparent, but because it affects the surrounding mirror image, it is also distorted, and its outline can be roughly judged. It seems that there should be no problem with accommodating one person to pass.

At this time, he heard Yun Mian say: "Brother Ye, Googdan, if you want to thoroughly purify the evil spirits hidden in the'Six Soul Fierce Blade' and this Taoist temple, you have to kill the final boss in the portal. Otherwise, no matter how high Brother Liuyun’s "Dharma" is, it won’t help. It’s not too late, let’s start now."

The two nodded slightly, and then Yun Mian was the first to step into this weird portal, his figure disappeared completely, and Tuoba Goudan followed closely behind.

According to what the two said before, Ye Weiming, who was only at the 12th level in Dao Fa, was originally not enough to enter this portal.

Fortunately, this task calculates the average "Dao Fa" level of the players in the team, and Yun Mian and Tuoba Goudan's "Dao Fa" have been upgraded to the 18th and 16th levels respectively. According to Ye Weiming, the 10th Precise calculation of the skill "Calculation" of level, (18+16+12)÷3=15.333……>15.

∴Ye Weiming does not need to borrow from the two to increase the level of "Dao Fa". In the case of a team, you can enter it smoothly.

Stepping into the whirlpool, Ye Weiming realized that he had once again returned to the second level of Taoist Temple, while Yun Mian and Tuoba Goudan had walked to the wooden frame covered with paper signs.

Ye Weiming walked over curiously, and at the same time asked: "What about the ultimate boss you are talking about?"

Yun Mian replied without looking back: "This, we need to draw the final BOSS by drawing lots."

Ye Weiming:...

Is it another draw?

Speaking of the task of Taoism, it really lacks new ideas!

While talking, after Yun Mian had already put money into the merit box, he tore off a piece of paper from the shelf. Ye Weiming's gaze fell on the paper, but he saw that the original blank paper had extra. A line of fine print.

It's better to live than to die!

What's the mess?

But before Ye Weiming vomited, he suddenly felt a strong murderous aura coming after him. Before thinking about it, Ye Weiming had already blasted his backhand with a backhand, accompanied by a dragon chant that resounded throughout the Taoist temple. It sounded, and an invisible internal strength wall had been erected behind him.

See the dragon in the sky!

"Ding! Ding! Ding!..."

As the internal force was built up, the three of them immediately saw a few sparks explode on it, and then some hidden weapons wrapped in flames fell to the ground, but some three-inch-long golden needles.

The final BOSS in this Taoist temple unexpectedly launched a sneak attack on the three of them without saying a word, without even talking about it with the slightest dignity, it can really be said to be a different kind of BOSS.

Looking along the direction from which the hidden weapon was shot, he saw a girl in red with an enchanting appearance in the window on the other side of the Taoist Temple.

But I saw this woman in a red dress and a red dress with a silver fox fur hat on her head. The foxtail behind the hat hung directly to her waist. She was gently played with by her slender fingers like green onions, her facial features It looks very delicate, the skin is white and translucent, and it can be broken by blowing. In particular, a vermilion mark in the shape of a five-petal plum blossom on the center of the eyebrows adds a sense of liveliness.

This girl sits on the side of the bed, the jade-backed chair is leaning against the window frame, her feet are as naked as Houhou, her right leg is curled under the red skirt, but her left leg hangs down from the window frame, uniform in thickness , White and round, people can't help but feel the urge to hold it in their hands at first sight.

At the ankle, there was a golden bell wrapped with a red thread. With every movement of her thigh, there was a rhythmic "jingle" sound, crisp and sweet.

Yu Chi Yanhong

Originally a fox who had practiced in the mountains for thousands of years, he was later subdued by the Western demon generals. After absorbing the evil spirits of this place, his strength greatly increased, transforming into a human form to guard this place.

Level: 145

Qi and blood: 16000000/16000000

Internal force: 6400000/6400000


"Nima!" Seeing the enchanting Yuchi Yanhong in front of him, Tuoba Goudan couldn't help swallowing and murmured: "When I saw this guy, I felt like she was definitely a fox. A look at the introduction, it really is a vixen!"

Yun Mian frowned slightly, and then said: "I would rather face an uglier-looking BOSS now than I want to face two terrifying enemies of this level at the same time."

As he spoke, he looked at the other side with caution.

But in the corner on the other side, a young girl was also standing.

Different from Yuchi Yanhong, this woman does not look as enchanting and attractive as the former, but she gives a sense of tranquility like a small jadeite, and it is difficult to be hostile to her at first sight.

She has double pony tails on her head, and a bunch of dull hair is raised high on her forehead. It is such an extremely two-dimensional shape, but it gives people a very stable and dignified feeling. Compared with the Yuchi Yanhong on the other side, it is simply extremely quiet.

She was wearing a green half-sleeved silk shirt, and the jade bib extending from the half-sleeves was also wrapped tightly by the white shirt. She wore a white long skirt on her lower body. When the long skirt is fluttering with the wind, it can outline its well-proportioned lower body contour. In addition, only a pair of green embroidered shoes are exposed.

And the most eye-catching thing is to count the jade pipa on her back, which is an old jade at first glance, which is absolutely valuable.

Shan Xiaoxiao

It was originally a thousand-year-old lute with spirituality, but it was later subdued by the Western demon generals. After absorbing the evil spirits of this place, its strength greatly increased and transformed into a human form to guard this place.

Level: 150

Qi and blood: 20000000/20000000

Internal force: 6720000/6720000


After seeing the attributes of these two BOSSs, UU read www.uukanshu. Com Yunmian and Tuoba Goudan became vigilant at the same time.

At this time, Yu Chi Yanhong, who had just missed the attack on the three people, said: "I have ordered the master to guard this place. Can the three young heroes not embarrass them? Then they retreat and give up on the "Six Soul Fierce Blades" and this Taoist view. What about the purification?"

Ye Weiming said, "No way!"

While talking, the "Wings of Heavenly Dragon" suddenly burst into three hundred and sixty flying knives behind him. Under the control of the "Lijian Style", he shot towards Yuchi Yanhong who was leaning against the window, and said in a deep voice. , Said to Yun Mian and Tuoba Gou Dan: "You try to hold the little one called Shan Xiao, I will kill the fox in front of me as soon as possible, and I will fight back with you when I turn around."

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