I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1215: Treasure hunting in secret realm, rumors of sword sacrifice!

Ding! You triggered the hidden mission "Treasure Hunt in the Secret Realm".

Secret Treasure Hunt

The Divine Catcher obtained a treasure map that recorded a certain treasure in the "Story of Wind and Cloud". It is said that in the treasure guided by the map, there is a huge secret that breaks the limit of life and death. In order to be able to find a way to save the deputy commander of the Shenchou Division, Huang Shouzun personally ordered the dispatch of 75% of the Shencui Division's police force and entered the "Fantasy Secret Realm" with the treasure map to hunt for treasure.

At the same time, every law enforcement officer of the God Catching Division can invite two friends into the "Fight and Cloud Secret Realm" to help when taking action. Friends who provide help to the treasure hunt can receive relevant awards from the God Hunting Division after the mission is completed based on their contribution.

Task level: nine stars

Task reward: according to task contribution

Task penalty: None


Can you actually invite friends to come and help?

Moreover, everyone can actually invite two friends at the same time!

With regard to Huang Shouzun's arrangement, Ye Weiming couldn't help but click 36 likes for his old man in his heart!

The only question is, what does it mean that the God Hunting Division will deploy 75% of the police force? Ye Weiming asked a little uncertainly: "Well, the successor of the ‘ghost’ skill of the God Catcher, won’t you participate in this operation?"

Huang Shouzun nodded lightly when he heard the words, and said: "After all, eggs can't be placed in the same basket. Regarding the successor of the'Ghost' skill, I will arrange for him to go to the'Shuanglong Secret Realm' to find opportunities or clues. Although The chances of resurrecting things in the "Shuanglong Secret Realm" are far less than that of the "Wind Cloud Secret Realm", but the chances of getting a harvest are undoubtedly greater when you cast a net widely."

In other words, Sword Sister actually has another chance.

In that case, Ye Weiming didn't worry about this girl anymore.

But after hesitating for a while, Ye Weiming still made another request of himself: "Huang Shouzun. Is this task very urgent? If it is not particularly urgent, I hope I can delay it for two days and make more preparations before departure."

"The Secret Realm of Wind and Clouds is different from the main world after all. Although there are greater opportunities there, there are also greater risks."

"I think even if there are treasures that can bring people back to life, there must be some powerful enemies on the side of the treasures. To obtain treasures, you must first defeat the guardian to have a chance."

After narrating his reasons, Ye Weiming finally concluded: "So, his subordinates believe that before starting the treasure hunt, they should make the best preparations for everything that can be done. Only in this way can the treasure hunt be guaranteed to the maximum. The success rate will not fall short at the critical moment due to insufficient preparations!"

Huang Shouzun nodded when he heard the words: "Your worry is very reasonable. However, after all, I want to stay in the Secret Realm of God and I must not go to the Secret Realm of Wind and Cloud to participate in the treasure hunt."

"So, I planned to give you full responsibility for this matter."

"No matter when you start or how to hunt for treasure, you can just look at the arrangement yourself. All I want is the result."

Maybe it was worried that saying this would cause too much pressure on Ye Weiming. After thinking about it, Huang Shouzun added: "The result is important, but no one knows the unknown. Just do your best and don't have any burden. "

"Subordinates obey!"

After bidding farewell to Huang Shouzun, Ye Weiming took Feiyu and March and left the conference room. As soon as I left the house, I heard Feiyu ask: "This treasure hunt is very important. What advice do you have about the teammates we need to invite?"

For the shameless question of Feiyu, Ye Weiming feels worthy of encouragement. So he said: "According to Huang Shouzun, each of us can invite two close friends. You can make your own decisions about the specific candidates, but I personally recommend that you find some friends who have worked with each other and are more familiar with each other. Better."

"After all, this task is not only related to important clues to the treatment of Yujin, Huang Shouzun himself also attaches great importance to it."

Feiyu nodded when he heard the words: "I see."

After saying this, with a big wave of his hand, the two white doves have already taken off and flew out.

But at this time, San Yue asked: "Amin, you can speak at any time if you need the two places on my side. After all, I don’t have as many ideas as you, and I need some talents with special abilities. , I may not want it."

Ye Weiming shook his head slightly when he heard the words: "No, the two places on my side are enough."

After saying this, with a big wave, the same two white doves took off and flew out. And the goals he contacted were to be good at organ skills, which can exert unexpected effects in some specific environments, and to have a good understanding of the background story of a copy. Maybe Yin can provide some secret information. deficit.

Less than five seconds after the message of the invitation was sent, the reply letter from you had arrived.

[No problem, I will make some preparations here, and you will decide when to leave. Say hello to me as soon as possible, and you will be there on call! 】——Nuyou

Yin Buwei's reply was a little slower. After Ye Weiming said goodbye to Feiyu and Sanyue, and left the Shinto Division, Yin Buwei's reply was delayed.

[Brother Ye, I was hung up not long ago, and even the sword in the sword you lent me was blown up! My life is terrible! o(╥﹏╥)o】——Yin not lose

Seeing this news, Ye Weiming couldn't help frowning.

【what happened? 】——Ye Weiming

[Brother Ye, do you remember that Ye Weiyang? 】——Yin not lose

Ye Weiming's brow furrowed even tighter, and the killing intent was looming in his eyes.

[Did you hang up by Ye Weiyang? 】——Ye Weiming

[No. But the cause of this incident was on his body, hey... I'm unlucky when it comes to speaking, I'd better tell you the matter carefully from beginning to end. 】——Yin not lose

[You should have been so. 】——Ye Weiming

After releasing the pigeons, Ye Weiming continued to walk towards the station. About a minute later, good news came again. This time, the content is not surprisingly long, and the cause and process of the incident are also very detailed.

[It's like this. Because there are no important tasks in the Shuanglong Secret Realm for the time being, this time after the quest was refreshed, I decided to go to the Wind and Cloud Secret Realm and see if I could meet the **** horse of chance.

It happened that Jinjiu was also planning to enter the "Wind and Cloud Secret Realm", so we arranged to meet in a tavern in the "Wind and Cloud Secret Realm".

There was no surprise in this. The place where I entered the secret realm was relatively close to him. It took less than half an hour to meet Jiang Jinjiu successfully, and ordered some food, ready to eat and talk.

During the period, when Jinjiu talked about the latest news he got, Ye Weiyang seemed to have gotten the inheritance of a strong man called Yuan Shisanxian, and his strength should not be underestimated now.

He also asked me who the Yuan thirteenth limit was.

I told him that he was a man with a strange idea, a magical operation, and a coquettish man in the BOSS world.

He has a fellow who is the pillar of the right path, and he once had a grudge with this fellow for fighting for a woman.

Because he couldn't beat this same door, he killed another senior brother to vent his anger.

He also traded his wife for a martial arts masterpiece from another villain.

After years of cultivating with great concentration, he finally achieved great success. Then, he still couldn't beat this same door......】——Yin Bufei

Listening to Yin Bugui briefly talked about the life of the big boss Yuan Thirteenth limit in a summary way, Ye Weiming felt that this BOSS was really strange and sad, but he didn't know why, he felt that he was not kind and wanted to laugh. What?

With a happy mood, Ye Weiming continued to question the pigeon.

【and then? 】——Ye Weiming

[Then I will be tragic!

I have just talked about entering the wine where I told you before, and the army suddenly jumped out of nowhere. I can't help but say that it was a trick to "kill the wolf"!

Then, I hang up with Jiang Jinjiu.

His condition was fairly good, and he didn't suffer much loss. I was more tragic. Even the "sword in the sword" you lent me was blown up by the breaking army.

Jinjiu still needs to stay in the "Wind and Cloud Secret Realm" to do some tasks, so I didn't come out, so I came out to take a breath.

Too depressed! 】——Yin not lose

Hearing Yin Bugui's description, Ye Weiming didn't know what to say.

I have to say that the story he told before about the 13th limit of the Yuan Dynasty, if viewed from Pojun's body, it seems that it is completely qualified.

It's no wonder that the broken army will run away after hearing it, and immediately shot them two seconds...

Shaking his head, Ye Weiming sent a message again.

[The Guo Jing dagger and Yang Kang dagger that Xiaoqiao and the others dropped in the "Double Dragon Secret Realm" before were picked up by the NPC after they fell. I don't know whether it is because the magic weapon is special or the two daggers are special.

If it were the former, the sword of the sword might have fallen into Pojun's hands. Only with a clear goal, it shouldn't be difficult to get it back from Pojun's hands.

If the sword doesn't fall into the hands of Pojun, then I really can't help it. 】——Ye Weiming

Yin Bugui immediately responded to the message.

[Dude, take your time!

That broken army is not easy to provoke, now as the world upgrades. His strength is conservatively estimated to be level 185 or higher, and may even exceed level 190.

And more importantly, breaking the army is not a decent gentleman, and a gentleman can deceive him by the way it is, which is useless to him.

He is despicable! 】——Yin not lose

Ye Weiming was silent for two seconds.

[In terms of wit, how does Pojun compare with me? 】——Ye Weiming

【never mind. Buddy, I absolutely support you. When do you plan to enter the "Wind and Cloud Secret Realm", just call me, and I promise to be there on call!


I heard that this time in the secret realm of the previous dynasty, you can mix with Brother Ye, and I immediately felt that I was fearless! 】——Yin not lose

After that, Ye Weiming asked Yin Bugui about the progress of the plot of "Storm Secret Realm".

Originally, these questions, he wanted to ask Jinjiu.

However, now that Jiang Jinjiu is in the "Fengyun Secret Realm", it is naturally impossible to communicate with such methods as Fei Ge Chuanshu, but fortunately Yin Bugui has just been hung out from the "Feng Yun Secret Realm". Ask him , It is also a suitable choice.

And according to Yin Bugui's description, the current situation in the Fengyun Secret Realm can be said to be full of mountains and rain. The whole world seems to be preparing for an upcoming battle.

Before the opportunity to enter the secret realm of the previous dynasty was refreshed in July, Jiang Jinjiu's role as Wen Chou Chou has completed a long main storyline. Not only has the Fengxi Village battle been completed, Jiang Jinjiu has even changed his fate. , Survived that battle. And got a good task reward.

However, after the battle in Fengxi Village, Fengyun and others have all been broken up by the tyrant, and now no one knows where the others are.

The biggest clue is that Worship Sword Villa sends out hero posts, inviting the world's masters who use swords to participate in the sword festival. Witness the birth of the best sword in martial arts, the best sword.

And threatened that those who are destined for the Excalibur will get it!

Because of this, Yin Bugui was attracted by the huge temptation in the "Wind and Cloud Secret Realm" and was ready to try his luck.

As it turns out, his luck does not seem to be bad...

After three seconds of silent mourning for the good-for-nothing experience, Ye Weiming asked again.

[What are the specific criteria for getting hero posts and participating in the sword festival? 】——Ye Weiming

[Requirement itself is a master of swordsmanship, at least one advanced swordsmanship has been cultivated to perfection.

At the same time, you must defeat a BOSS above level 100 in the Secret Realm of Wind and Cloud.

After meeting the above two conditions, as long as you enter a larger town in the Fengyun Secret Realm, you will naturally encounter people who worship the sword villa and send hero posts. 】——Yin not lose

【Okay, I know. However, my side has already met the conditions you mentioned, so you should enter the Fengyun Secret Realm first and get the hero post.

I will also enter the cheats within these two days and contact you at that time. 】——Ye Weiming

At the end of the chat with the good pigeon, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com just walked to the door of the chief equipment store, because he thought of some things that required a certificate, so he rushed in and found Li Mochou.

When asked, the third Dragon Girl Cup contest was indeed her yaozi. It’s just that her purpose has always been the highest inheritance of the Tomb Sect, "The Heart Sutra of Jade Girl". This has nothing to do with things like Lu Zhanyuan. Even if Ye Weiming made some changes to the plot before, it did not dispel her The idea of ​​the Jade Girl Heart Sutra.

But when she made these things, she naturally didn't know that Ye Weiming would choose to take Yang to Zhongnan Mountain at that time.

Ye Weiming didn't have much to say about this. After all, it was the internal affairs of other teachers, and he was too lazy to manage.

Ever since, after a brief understanding of the situation, he returned directly to Heavenly Sword Villa. After making some preparations at home, I returned to the Shenchou Division the next day and took out the two unique secrets of "Beiming Magic Art" and "Wu Daodejing: No matter the Law of Reincarnation" stored in the warehouse of Shenchou Division. Contact Feiyu, March, and Nectarine, and set off together to Tianyin City, pass the secret portal, and once again enter the "Wind and Cloud Secret Realm"!

When he stepped into the secret realm portal with one foot, Ye Weiming continued to pinch his fingers.

Although each time the stay in the "Previous Secret Realm" can be calculated separately, this seems to be of no use to Ye Weiming.

Like this time.

Sword sacrifice, sword sect inheritance, help Yin not lose the sword, and follow the treasure map to hunt for treasure... Just now knowing, there are several important things that he needs to do.

Ten days seems to be insufficient!

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