I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1218: The enemy is ashamed, I will take off his clothes! (For [The sun and the moon i

With regard to Ye Weiming, Xiaoqiao’s attitude is similar to that of March. He may put forward his own opinions when discussing the plan, but he will never question the decision he has made.

Ye Weiming and Xiaoqiao had reached an agreement on entering the wine, so he no longer hesitated, and with a big wave of his hand, a pigeon had already taken off and flew out.

About half an hour later, an imperial sister with black clothes and green hair appeared in front of the three of them.

But I saw that this woman looked about twenty-three or four-year-old, with big eyes, high nose, and her appearance that looked like a mixed race. Although she was not to say how beautiful, she looked very **** and seductive.

Even the dark green hair dyed on the top of her head, although a bit non-mainstream, matched her appearance.

The only flaw in the beauty may be the three forehead lines that sometimes appear on his forehead when his expression changes, right?

At this time, Jiang Jinjiu took the initiative to introduce them to the two: "This is my friend Judy, the friend I just mentioned who can help. Judy, these two are..."

Before he could finish drinking, Judy interrupted him carelessly: "You don't need to introduce them, I know both of them."

Ye Weiming and Xiaoqiao couldn't help but stunned when they heard the words. They were quite sure that they didn't know the woman with such a unique look in front of them. How did the other party know them?

At this time, I heard Judy continue to say: "The Western Love and the Chinese Swordsman in the five best places in the world, how many people don't know in the whole game?"

It turns out that she met the two through the video, which made Ye Weiming and Xiaoqiao feel a little embarrassed. Until now, they finally realized that they had become a celebrity in the game by accident.

Not only the name, but even the face is remembered by many players.

In this regard, Ye Weiming's heart was relatively plain. But Xiaoqiao sister is different. After all, she has been in love with TV since she entered the game. Although the search for relatives has always been fruitless, her hobby of falling in love with TV is well preserved by her. At this moment, I heard that I was so well-known, I was so excited that I secretly clenched my small fist.

In order to enliven the atmosphere, before discussing business affairs, Ye Weiming said half-jokingly: "This girl, Judy, although it is a bit impolite to ask at the first meeting, I am really curious, why did you take a crooked result? Ren's name?"

"What crooked nuts?" Judy complained uncomfortably: "My name is Zhu Mingdi, and I use real names in the game. It's just that people who are good things like Jiang Jinjiu always like to use this good name. What can I do if I read it in a translation mode?"

After speaking, he glared aside and took a look at the wine: "Say, what can I do?"

Will enter the wine with a smile, then beckoned to Judy, let her step up the hillside, and hide behind the big rock where the three of them were hiding. After the latter did it very cooperatively, he glanced at the clothes on the three of them in a puzzled look: "You dress like this in such a cold place. After going up the mountain for a while, you won't be able to hold the weapon at all?"

"How is it possible?" Ye Weiming said naturally: "As long as you can practice a unique internal skill to the 10th level of Consummation, you can be free from the cold and heat in a short time."

Judy frowned: "The short time you said, how long is it?"

Ye Weiming said with some uncertainty: "If you don't eat or drink, you can probably last a day and a night without feeling cold and heat?" He has never encountered this situation, so he can't give an accurate answer.

Judy rolled his eyes at this moment: "That's all right."

She felt that she and Ye Weiming didn't seem to be playing the same game at all, and continued to talk, but she could only continue to be heartbroken.

At this time, I heard Jiang Jinjiu and said: "Have you seen the people across the suspension bridge? I hope you can temporarily control them, at least so that they can't send out the distress signal in the first time."

Judy also put away his joking thoughts at this time, and looked in the direction where the wine was pointed. When she saw the seven or eight ghosts on the opposite side of the suspension bridge, she could not help exclaiming: "You are crazy ,How can this be?"

Ye Weiming frowned upon hearing this: "What's the matter, can't it be done?"

If Judy can't help with this matter, it's really a waste of effort.

The reason why he agreed to the proposal to bring Jiu Jiu and asked him to call Judy to share the benefits of this rescue mission was also because of his trust in Jiu Jiu.

He believes that with the wisdom of entering wine, he will never do useless work.

What is this now?

A wise man must have a mistake if he is concerned

At this moment, he saw Judy shaking his head seriously and said: "It can't be said that it can't affect them at all, but the guys on the opposite side of the bridge are all 120-level elite monsters."

"Even if I try my best, I can only make them fall into the illusion at most. If they are attacked, or if there is a big disturbance nearby, they may be awakened at any time."

"Furthermore, with my current strength, the time it takes them to fall into the illusion can only be kept between 30 seconds and 45 seconds. Once the time has passed, even if they are not disturbed, they can still get from the illusion. Break free from it."

"By then, let's not say that I will help you. After those people recover, they will immediately realize the danger and startle the snake!"

With that, he spread his hands and put on a helpless look.

But Ye Weiming’s eyes lit up when he heard what Judy said, and he immediately asked: "You mean, you can directly pull the eight ghost chaluos on the opposite side into your mouth at this distance. In the illusion, can it last for at least 30 seconds?"

Judy nodded, and then added helplessly: "But what about that. Wanting to solve eight 120-level elite monsters in such a short period of time without making any violent noises is simply one. It’s an impossible thing. This doesn’t even count the time you took to start from here and cross the suspension bridge."

"and so……"

"So this thing is set!" Ye Weiming didn't wait for Judy to finish speaking, so he directly clapped: "30 seconds is more than enough."

With that said, he carefully observed the situation on the opposite side of the suspension bridge and confirmed that apart from the seven or eight ghosts, no other enemy could observe the situation there. Then he continued: "If it is convenient, do it now. Well, just let us know once you succeed."

Although Judy still has some doubts, since she has promised to help, naturally she can't drop the chain at this time. What's more, Ye Weiming's requirements for her are not high, and it is completely within her ability. As long as she can do her job well, even if things are messed up, it will not be her fault. Judy said that there is no What is unacceptable.

So when he flipped his wrist, he took a flute out of his bag.

At this time, Weiwei explained to Xiaoqiao at the same night after entering the wine: "In the previous mission, Judy obtained the inheritance of the first child emperor of the Tianchi twelve evils, and his major is the signature skill of the child emperor. "."

"This technique can use sound as a medium to hypnotize the enemy, as long as the enemy is within its sound envelope, it will be disturbed by the sound."

"Those who are not strong-minded and have weak attributes will have illusions under the impression of special sound waves and fall into the illusion that she has carefully woven."

After a slight pause, a smile of admiration appeared on the face of Jiujiu: "It has to be said that although Judy's skill and attributes cannot be compared with Tong Huang, but in terms of weaving and shaping the illusion, he has a long way to go. The amazing talent of Super Tonghuang."

"It's also an illusion, Tong Huang can only be used to awaken the fear in the enemy's heart, but the dream created by Judy can make people fall into it and cannot extricate themselves."

I didn't see that Judy was still a genius in hypnotism.

At this time, Judy had already spoken with a serious face: "You can save compliments until after finishing the work. Now I am going to start. Because this time the enemy is more tyrannical, I must do my best to get them in. Control it in a short time."

"You can start taking action five seconds after I heard Xiao Yin. By then, I should have finished hypnotizing all enemies."

The three nodded at the same time, and Judy put the flute to his mouth and began to play softly.

Along with the music, the eight ghosts on the opposite side of the suspension bridge felt at the same time. However, they were not hypnotized by the music at the first time, but were ready to check who was blowing.

But soon, their eyes became dull, as if they had entered the illusion that Judy said.

At this time, a message from Judy suddenly popped up in the team channel: "Things are smoother than expected. The cliffs of the valley have the effect of accumulating and echoing voices, allowing me to separate my mind and speak in the team channel. This time. Hypnosis can last about 40 to 50 seconds. Hurry up and act!"

When Judy's words were spoken in one breath, he found that Ye Weiming had already turned into an afterimage and rushed out before her message popped up. When her message was sent, the figure had already rushed to the middle of the suspension bridge. It only took less than two seconds to rush to the opposite side of the suspension bridge. With both hands pointing left and right, the two volley fingers were already submerged in the bodies of the two ghosts guarding the bridge.

Just when Judy was about to observe the reaction of the two ghosts, Ye Weiming had already rushed to the other side, only to see his figure flickering on the snow, and he was already beside the eight ghosts. Passed silently.

With fingers flying, Judy only saw the information flashing continuously in the message bar.

Ding! Your team, killed the 120-level elite ghost Chaluo, and get rewards: 50,000 experience points and 2,500 repair points.

Ding! Your team, killed...


Judy counted by himself, 1, 2, 3... 7, 8!

This Ye Weiming went so far as to quietly kill eight 120-level elite monsters in such an understatement! She didn't even see Ye Weiming's murder technique!

Moreover, he had already confirmed that all eight of the other party had been successfully hypnotized before he sent out the message reminder. This insight is admirable.

What is even more frightening is how long did it take him from the beginning of the action to the complete control of the eight enemies?

5 seconds or 6 seconds?

Fortunately, I was worried that they would not be able to solve the battle within 30 seconds.

It now appears that he said that 30 seconds was more than enough, which is really...too humble!

Is this the strength of the five best players in the world?

When I watched the video of the game before, I didn't think there was anything, but now it seems to be terrifying!

Wait, something is wrong!

Obviously, it wasn't until this Ye Weiming solved all the opponents that Jiang Jinjiu and the transparent sky bridge had just rushed across the jump bridge. If the two of them deal with the enemy, I am afraid it will take more than ten seconds.

In this way, the player's Wujue's strength is not fake, but this middle swordman is more than one grade stronger than the other four!

Just when Judy was shocked by the strength of the three of them, he saw Ye Weiming waved his big hand, he had already rolled up several applauses, and quietly took the corpses of four of the eight ghosts. Rolled up and dropped directly from the bottomless abyss between the two cliffs.

After all this was done, he sent out a message on the team channel without any hurries, saying: "It's done, the music can stop for a while. Now that Judy has joined the mission, let's all follow the mission. Come here, let's discuss the next step together."

Judy put down Yuxiao when he heard the words, and then crossed the suspension bridge with an apparently clumsy body in front of the three.

At this time, I saw that Ye Weiming had finished the next step after opening Wushuang.

The enemy is ashamed, I will take off his clothes!

Well, to put it simply, it means taking off the clothes, masks, and weapons of the remaining four Ghosts. Although this kind of equipment that was pulled down must be quest items without any attribute bonuses, but it didn't matter, what Ye did not know was just their appearance.

Seeing that Judy had crossed the suspension bridge, he immediately said, "The terrain of the Cold Mountain School is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but on the other hand, once the infiltration is completed, it is easy to wipe out the enemy."

"Next, let's change into Ghost Chalo's clothes. Then Judy and I sneak into the Hanshan faction and rescue Mingyue."

"Then, by the way, I will give their stronghold. Brother and Xiaoqiao can continue to pretend to be Guishaluo and guard the bridge head. Once a slippery fish is thrown out of it, you can kill it!"

The three nodded at the same time, feeling that there was nothing wrong with Ye Weiming's plan. After all, Ye Weiming and Judy are both good at hypnotic illusions, and they are very suitable to play the search officer secretly sneak into this set.

The two of them guarded here, not only can meet the two at any time, but also can play a role as a guard, lest anyone escapes in chaos and changes.

After everyone's opinions were unified, Dang Even according to Ye Weiming's plan, each put on Guichaluo's clothes and masks, and hung the Taito as an ornament on his body.

Then, Xiaoqiao and Jiang Jinjiu guarded the bridge head of the Xueling Suspension Bridge from left to right, while Ye Weiming took Judy and continued to touch the Hanshan School on the top of the mountain.

Before we could go far, we saw three Ghost Chaluo who were in charge of patrolling the mountain. Ye Weiming and Judy first pretended to pass by the three people quietly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then confronted them with their backhands. The man launched a sneak attack, and under the continuous wave of "Yiyang Finger", two of them were shot to death in an instant, and one of the acupoints that looked like the leader was stopped.

Then he hypnotized it with the "Soul Removal Dafa". After confirming that the other party was under control, he blew out a finger and unlocked the other's dumb acupuncture point: "Tell me, the girl Mingyue who was captured by you before is now Where?"

Judy is also an expert in hypnotism. After seeing Ye Weiming's actions, he naturally saw that he was using a method of hypnotizing enemies through eye contact.

When I was surprised by this method, Oni Shaluo's answer was completely beyond the two people's expectations: "何を言いますか?分かりません……"

Hearing this nonsense, Judy suddenly showed a weird smile on his face. He looked at Ye Weiming with a smile but a smile, as if saying: "Aren't you very good? This time, how about going to get from this crooked nut's mouth? , Ask for the information you want?"

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