I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1225: The hero breaks the sword and sacrifices the sword with blood!

Regarding the grievances between the Sword Demon and Madam Ao, Yin Bugui’s strategy only briefly mentioned a general idea, and there was no detailed record. At this moment, when Madam Ao was talking about the past, Ye Weiming only knew the old man. The immortal bastard, how scumbag!

It turned out that Sword Demon and Jian Ping were brothers in the same discipline. The two fell in love with one person at the same time, but it was not the proud lady like Ye Weiming imagined, but a girl named Han Yu.

However, the sword demon had already won Han Yu's heart by virtue of his good mouthwork (smooth melody, able to speak well), but the sword demon exchanged his portable sword for him to give up Han Yu.

Then, the first scumbag in this story was born.

As soon as he saw the sword, Jian Pian couldn't control his greed, so he agreed with one bite. That night, he abandoned Han Yu and walked away, and Han Yu was also angry to marry the sword demon.

In fact, as far as the story goes, it can only be regarded as a slightly tortuous youth idol drama.

In Ye Weiming's view, even though Jianpeng was a scumbag, he and Han Yu were still in love at the time. With the conservativeness of the ancients, they probably hadn't done a combined double cultivation. His behavior of abandoning Han Yu for a sword is certainly shameful, but besides being able to despise him morally, others will not make people shout and kill him.

After all, there are too many scumbags in the world, and Jian Xiang's performance is quite satisfactory.

If the Sword Demon can really maintain its original intention and always stay on Han Yu, it would be a happy ending.

However, it was unexpected that the Sword Demon and Jian Pian were indeed brothers of the same discipline, and their scumbag attributes were inferior to Jian Pian. Even, it was said that the scumbag had praised him too much, and what that guy did was simply a scumbag!

After getting married, Sword Demon and Han Yu had a son, who was the same name as Ye Weiming.

One day, the Sword Demon saw a young girl riding a horse on the grassland. She was fascinated by her beauty. So she started looking for this girl at all costs, but she never got her wish.

After returning home, I didn't even think about it. Han Yu sensed that he had a strange heart, but pretended not to know, until the sword demon missed the girl and became crazy when he was practicing, then he spoke to persuade him.

But he didn't want the sword demon to be frantic and kill Han Yu on the spot.

Seeing the tragic death of his mother, the young arresting **** threatened to sever relations with her. But the Sword Demon engraved the words "Son of the Sword Demon" on his face with sword aura, asking him to never get rid of himself.

At this point in the story, the magical nature of the sword demon has been fully demonstrated. But for the time being, there was nothing involved with Madam Ao, but then, it was the turn of the sword worship villa to be unlucky.

A few years later, the Sword Demon finally found the woman, but found that she had become the wife of the owner of the Sword Villa.

One more son, it is Aotian.

The Sword Demon was so angry that he took advantage of the family's outing to intercept and kill, killing all the owner and his entourage on the spot. Fortunately, Mrs. Ao pressed her to death, and Aotian, who was still in her infancy, escaped.

After that, Mrs. proud had to endure humiliation for her son. But he vowed not to meet the sword demon in his true colors.

Feeling that he still had a chance, the sword demon immediately transformed from a killer to a dog licking. Not only did he accept Aotian as a disciple, he also taught his unique skill "Broken Pulse Sword Qi", and even spared no effort in the sword sacrifice.

Even the past between Sword Demon and Han Yu was used by him as a testament to his passion for Madam Proud, and he showed it off.

However, Mrs. Proud only hoped that after the sword sacrifice, she would die with him and avenge her dead husband.

Ye Weiming was also speechless after hearing the story told by Madam Ao. Is this kind of person worthy of being called a "Sword Demon"? Believe it or not, if you know this, you will definitely cut him off on the spot!

Ye Weiming feels that, or give him a name, called "sex demon" will be more appropriate.

After Mrs. Proud said, she began to look nervously at Ye Weiming, observing his reaction.

But after hearing the whole story, Ye Weiming turned out to be gloomy and silent, but then took out the four treasures of the study that she had always kept from her baggage, spread them on the table, and concisely explained what Mrs. Ao was telling. Write it down briefly.

After doing everything, put the pen aside, dried the ink on it, and said to Madam Ao: "Let's take a look. If there is no problem, please sign your name on it."

Madam Proud took a look, but saw two large characters on the front of the volume-the complaint!

"Ye Shaoxia, what are you?"

"Of course, I want to capture the sword demon and hand it over to Wang Fa for trial." After a slight pause, he added: "As a court law enforcement officer, I naturally cannot abuse lynching, so I can only arrest this sword demon but not kill it. "

Just as the disappointment flashed in Madam Proud’s eyes, Ye Weiming murmured and added, "Unless he resists arrest."


After Madam Ao left, Ye Weiming put away the complaint, but his gaze fell on the table of Wushuang Excalibur which had been put together again.

Reaching out his hand to stroke the dilapidated sword body, he felt that his perception of the hidden sword intent was much clearer than before. So he settled down, and once again felt the various subtle sword moves contained therein.

After another unknown time, his sentiment was interrupted by a sudden system prompt:

Ding! The sound of fighting came from the direction of Jianchi, it should be someone planning to seize the sword at night. As a swordsman who also came here for the peerless sword, please rush to the sword pond to stop him, lest others get on the ground first.

Hearing this sudden system prompt, Ye Weiming also felt speechless for a while. Speaking of the end-to-end tasks, can't they be carried out according to the process?

It is abhorrent to have to make some moths in the middle to disturb my feelings!

Depressed, Ye Weiming waved his big hand, and already rolled up the wreckage of the Wushuang Excalibur on the table and threw it into the golden silk box on the side. Then he re-covered the brocade box with a "pop", and then got up to push the door open and looked towards the room where the small bridge was separated from him by a corridor. Seeing that Xiaoqiao was now ready to go, a pair of beautiful eyes also looked at him.

Ye Weiming didn't have any nonsense, and directly sent a team invitation. After Xiaoqiao chose to agree and entered the team, he greeted the other party and went straight to the sword pond.

At the same time, I saw that the doors of other guest rooms were also opened one after another. After the players walked out of it, either in gangs, or acting alone, they all rushed to Jianchi.

Jianchi is the place where the best swords are forged. When a crowd of players arrived, they saw that the huge field was filled with thousands of identical "peerless swords".

Surrounded by "peerless swords" everywhere, four NPC masters are splitting into two groups and fighting in teams.

One group is Bu Jingyun VS Duanlang, and the other group is Jian Ping fighting a young man in white.

The young man in white has a sunny temperament. The swordsmanship he uses is also upright, strong but not strong, soft but not weak. On top of the sword in his hand, he exudes an awe-inspiring righteousness, which makes Ye Weiming give birth to an inexplicable manner when he sees Familiarity.

Compared with the general plot mentioned by Yin Bugui in the strategy, Ye Weiming has naturally guessed the identity of the person in front of him, who is the nameless lover, who is the peak when he appears, and Jianchen is in the various pits behind.

Just as Ye Weiming stopped to watch the battle with Xiaoqiao, other players have also successively arrived at Jianchi. The Aotian and Sword Demon from the worship sword villa have also led a large number of strong men to arrive, and the atmosphere has become more and more tense.

In the crowd, Ye Weiming also found several small partners, as well as some people he knew but the relationship was not harmonious, such as the Huashan school master drove the ball and layup, and the ghost heart shadow standing beside him Wait.

Upon seeing this, Ye Weiming immediately grouped the more familiar Sword Sister, Niu Zhichun, Liao Ran, Jiang Jinjiu and Yunmian into the team, and immediately sent out a message asking: "Sister Sword, this sword sacrifice is not only Did you invite master swordsmen, you are a swordsman, how did you get the hero post?"

Sword Girl raised her cute little head triumphantly, and said triumphantly: "There's no way, who made my two most commonly used weapons, pufferfish poison and meiying poison, be Eastern style swords?"

"In Dongying, there is no clear boundary between a sword and a sword. It is a common occurrence for a great swordsman to use a big sharp knife."

"And Baijian Villa seems to have accepted this setting when inviting people. So, hehe..."

At this moment, the battle in the field suddenly changed.

First of all, Bu Jingyun used the power of the unicorn arm to repel the offensive of Broken Waves, but never thought that this newly replaced prosthetic body could not be perfectly compatible with his body. After barely urging, immediately There was severe pain. Even Bu Jingyun, a **** of death without crying, couldn't help having a meal, and was so painful that he lost his defense.

Duan Lang was overjoyed when he saw this, and was about to take the opportunity to kill Bu Jingyun at the time of his pain, but unexpectedly Jian Chen suddenly abandoned Jianpeng and blocked the fatal blow for Bu Jingyun.

At this time, Jian Chen also recognized that Bu Jingyun was the little friend Huo Jingjue he had known in childhood. Based on the simple sentiment of Liang Xiaowu Guess back then, he made every effort to protect Bu Jingyun's safety.

However, although Jianchen is in the sun at this moment, his heart is not "righteous" after all. Compared with Duanlang, where evil spirits are almost fused with the Fire Lin sword, the fit between man and sword is still worse. Under the awe-inspiring attack from the other party, he couldn't help but start to retreat.

Seeing this, Bu Jingyun could only hold the heart-wrenching pain from his arm, and pressed his right hand on Jianchen's vest, letting his internal strength into the latter's body.

Although his move helped Jian Chen in strength, it also increased the pressure on Hero Sword on the other hand.

The divine sword has spirit, and the hero sword is a special sword that is almost spiritual and clean. If it is not for a true hero who wants to control it, it would rather break than bend.

If this sword is in the hands of the nameless, of course, it can exert unparalleled power, but Jianchen itself only takes up the light of the nameless disciple, and can barely control it. At this moment, Bu Jingyun's heart is even more hated and painful. Filled up, and the distance between a real hero and a mental transformation.

Adding the two together, instead of forming a blessing on the Hero Sword, it has increased its burden even more.

Ever since, just as Jianchen squeezed the Huo Lin Sword with the internal strength of the two connected to each other, accompanied by a crisp sound that spread throughout the sword pond, what finally broke was the Hero Sword!

At the same time, Jian Pian, who was left by the three young masters, finally realized that the atmosphere was not right. He was about to apply oil on the soles of his feet, but was stopped by the sword demon and shot a sword aura directly through his shoulders.

Splashing blood!

However, after the sword demon succeeded in the first blow, he didn't mean to be eager to chase Jianpeng. Instead, his body turned and attacked towards Broken Wave. However, he saw the little finger of his right hand pick up, another sword aura shot out, and a wound was shot on Broken Lang's shoulder, causing blood to splash on the ground of Jianchi.

After injuring two people, the Sword Demon still refused to give up. He immediately accelerated and rushed, but he had already rushed towards Bu Jingyun, and the third sword aura came out. He shouted loudly: "It's you!"

Unexpectedly, at this moment, I suddenly saw a black figure flashing in front of me. When everyone was too late to react, he lay horizontally between the sword demon and Bu Jingyun and swept across with one palm. Out.


Accompanied by a dragon chant, an invisible wall of qi was erected in the space between the two immediately, and the sword demon's "Broken Pulse Sword Qi" was stopped for Bu Jingyun.


With one blow, Duanmai Jianqi and Jianglongqi wall shattered at the same time, and under the impact of the aftermath, another burst of dust rose.

The person who shot is Ye Weiming!

The reason why he chose to shoot at this moment actually had a three-fold consideration.

First, it was mentioned in Yin Bugui's strategy to make the peerless sword come out, disrupt the rhythm of the sword demon, and force him to disclose some secrets to the public in advance.

Second, by taking action at this moment, Bu Jingyun can owe him a favor. This is why he didn't make any move until this moment. After all, Bu Jingyun's favors are valuable, while Jianpin and Duanlang's favors are not!


Just when Ye Weiming rushed to secretly proud of his actions, a message suddenly popped up on the team channel.

Will enter the wine: "Brother Ye, how about the attributes of the hero sword?"

Ye Weiming couldn't help but stunned when he saw the news: "The scene is so chaotic, you can actually see through the heavy smoke and fog, did you change your eyes?"

"Don't divert the topic." He won't be fooled at all: "You don't make a move early, and you don't make a move late. You choose to make a move at this time, and as soon as you make an appearance, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will stand in the heroic sword cut off. The place where the sword fell, you, who can obviously abuse the sword demon, don't hesitate to suppress your skill and fight with him, and you will also create so much dust and fog."

"Even if you think about it with your heels, you know that half of the hero sword has now fallen into your bag. Let's talk about it, what are the attributes of the hero sword?"

Ye Weiming also felt quite speechless to answer Jiang Jinjiu's well-founded answer, and could only replied helplessly: "It's just a half-cut sword, how can there be any attributes?"

Just as Jiang Jinjiu was planning to continue questioning, the sword demon on the other side suddenly laughed, and then revealed the true purpose of his action: "Credence, hatred, and ignorance are the most popular. Perseverance, Buddhism calls it the "Three Poisons." And the peerless sword is also the best in a thousand swords. Of course, it must be cultivated with the most persistent blood to make it."

"Now, do you still continue to prevent the old man from taking the blood of Jingyun?"

Hearing the Sword Demon bluntly, Ye Weiming frowned slightly, and while he was thinking, Bu Jingyun behind him had already taken the initiative to pull out a sword from the ground, cut his arm, and caused blood to fall on the ground.

After the blood of the "three poisons" landed, it seemed to be attracted by some kind of power, and it automatically poured into the fire in the center of the sword pond. The raging flames immediately rose into the sky, and shrouded the huge "peerless sword" that was several meters high in the center of the fire.

At the same time, dawn broke!

A system prompt also sounded in the ears of all players in the sword pool at the same time:

Ding! The Peerless Good Sword is about to come out. During this period, all participants can use their own blood to add power to the "Peerless Good Sword".

Anyone who sacrifices the sword with blood is eligible to participate in the sword capture!

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