I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1045: What kind of sword is the sword?

In the eyes of Ye Weiming at this moment, that Xia Suiliang was a Tiehan who had no intentions.

However, although Xia Suiliang's head was naive, it didn't mean that there were no smart people in the opponent's camp.

Just as Sister Dao continued to use Long Yunfeng’s voice to compose Xia Suiliang’s words, and was ready to squeeze out as much surplus value as possible before she started, Gu Yue and Guo Chang finally took the player and drove with a lot of firewood. come back.

Seeing Xia Suiliang asking questions and answering questions with Long Yunfeng’s voice in the Caolu, Guo Changchang quickly stepped forward to persuade him, “Old Xia Swordsman, there is no need to talk so much nonsense about a dying person. ."

Hearing Guo Da's reminder, Xia Suiliang nodded, and stopped speaking with kindness.

Seeing this scene, Ye Weiming finally figured out the specific positioning of these three guys in the team.

On the surface, it seems that Xia Suiliang is the leader among the three of them, but in fact this product is a club, and the two younger brothers around him who seem to have been kneeling and licking Xia Suiliang are among them. The real leader in China.

Any decision Xia Suiliang made was made under the flicker of the two of them. It was only because Xia Suiliang's strength was the highest among the three, that he was regarded as the core and dominant on the surface, but in fact it was just a two-hundred-and-five hundred who allowed them to fudge.

Seeing that a large amount of firewood has been taken out by the two-N play, the player among them even drew out bundles in bundles. From the second floor window, a woman in purple suddenly jumped out. It is Long Yunfeng.

"Long Yunfeng" floated in front of these four bad guys, then smiled coldly, and then he pulled out his sword without saying a word, as if he was ready to fight at any time.

When he came this way, it made Gu Yue, Guo Changchang, and the player who was digging out firewood out of their baggage look particularly embarrassed.

Their purpose of collecting firewood was that I forced Long Yunfeng to come out of the cottage that might be poisoned. Now that people have come out, should they continue to set fire to the house?

Obviously, Long Yunfeng would not give them this opportunity.

Especially that player. In order to make the fire burn more vigorously, his baggage has been filled with bundles of firewood. Are you continuing to pay now or not?

He looked like a fool.

Without paying, the limited space was filled with useless firewood, and he himself felt like a fool.

Both are stupid. After weighing it up, the player decided that he didn't care how others looked at him, or cleared the baggage space first.

Ever since, he continued to dig out firewood.

At this time, the three NPCs opposite each took out their own weapons, but they were ready to do it at any time. The weapons they used were...

The weapon of Guo Changchang, the leader of Feiyun Dao, was an iron ruler that seemed to be of superb workmanship. Although it was short, it was obviously full of weight.

On the contrary, the weapon of Great Master Yinfeng Gu Yue was a little normal, but it was two swords, one point left and right, full of momentum.

As for the golden lantern swordsman Xia Suiliang...

Although this product was called a swordsman, the weapon it brought out was a pair of three-pointed daggers!

In other words, based on this pair of weapons, how did your title of Golden Lantern Swordsman come from?

With all kinds of complaints in his heart, "Long Yunfeng" then turned his gaze on the sword in his hand, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face. As expected, the attributes of this sword should be stronger.

Closed Moon Shame Light Sword (Shen Bing): The treasure of Moshan Sect, which cuts iron like mud, blows and breaks hair!

Attack +3000, internal power increase +100%, sword skill level +2, charm +5.

Special effects: cut iron like mud, close the moon and shame the light

Cutting iron like mud: It can damage weapons and equipment that do not reach the level of the gods.

Closed Moon Shame: For every 1 point increase in charm, the speed of sword release increases by 2%.

If this sword is seen by Xiaoqiao sister...hehe, but speaking of it, whether you look at it from side to side, this sword is related to Xiaoqiao!

Unfortunately, this sword can only be borrowed temporarily after dealing with Xia Suiliang and others. I don't know if I can find a way to take them as my own after I have killed them all?

Satisfiedly, he withdrew his gaze from the "Closed Moon Shame Light Sword", "Long Yunfeng" immediately yelled, and then walked with the sword. Jian Feng turned into a strange angle and pierced Xia Suiliang's choked throat. .

Sword style!

This sword came very weird, but Xia Suiliang only took a half step back, and then pressed down with his left hand Yue, accurately blocking "Long Yunfeng" with the strange and unpredictable throat-locking sword, and followed the right hand with the backhand. A flirt, it swept to the left temple of "Long Yunfeng".

"Long Yunfeng" saw this, with a disdainful sneer on his face, with a flick of his left hand, he flew away Xia Suiliang's left hand.

At the same time, Guo Changchang and Gu Yue also besieged each other.

Ye...cough cough, "Long Yunfeng" suddenly remembered a loud dragon roar at the feet, and then a wandering dragon turned out under her legs, and the dragon's vitality accompanied the sky's legs. The shadow swept all around, and immediately forced the attacks of Xia Suiliang, Gu Yue and Guo Changchang away. The power was strong enough to shock the audience!

After a face-to-face confrontation, the BOSS attributes of these three enemies finally appeared above their heads.

Xia Suiliang

Wu Shengyu and the disciple of Kaishan, known as the Golden Lantern Great Sword, ranked fourth on the Dragon and Tiger List.

Level: 150

Qi and blood: 21000000/21000000

Internal force: 6700000/6700000


Gu Yue

The people of the rivers and lakes are called the Great Master of Yinfeng, the face of the Buddha, the heart of the devil, and the cruelty, ranked thirteenth in the Dragon and Tiger List.

Level: 125

Qi and blood: 5200000/5200000

Internal force: 1200000/1200000


Guo Da

The head of the lotus gate, known as Feiyun Taoist, is sinister and vicious, bold and careful.

Level: 110

Qi and blood: 3600000/3600000

Internal force: 900000/900000


Longhu Fengyun list, then what list is it?

Like the "Weapons" that Yin Bugui said, is it a ranking list of martial arts masters?

"Long Yunfeng"...

Okay, don't install it, it's a showdown. Now this guy who looks like "Dragon Yunfeng" is the male swordman Ye Weiming disguised as!

Ye Weiming, after weighing his own strengths, couldn't help but start to wonder, if Qiu Qianren were to be included in this list of Dragons and Tigers, what position could that old fellow rank in?

Shaking his head, Ye Weiming felt that he didn't know the strength of the top three masters of this group, and it seemed that it was not easy to make a more intuitive and accurate judgment.

In comparison...

Just when the three masters wondered why the martial arts of "Long Yunfeng" was so far from the previous fights, Ye Weiming, who pretended to be Long Yunfeng, finally spoke, and although his voice was still female, it was better than dragon Yun Feng's own voice was more delicate and charming.

"Haha!...How about it, isn't my ‘Blasting Pill’ powerful?"

Since the last time he pretended to be "Baby Mo Xuan" selling the Tiger Broken Sword and "Broken Dream Heaven Sword", Ye Weiming has become more interested in the "Female Voice Pill" he accidentally made.

Only by using the time spared from practicing swords and doing tasks, by adjusting the proportion, weight, and year of the medicinal materials, further adjustments were made to it, and then several different versions were derived.

And what he took before playing Long Yunfeng was one of many derivatives, and its name was "Yu Jie Dan". Among the many "girl pill" derivatives that Ye Weiming currently masters, Ye Weiming's voice after taking this pill is the one closest to "Dragon Yunfeng".

But even if it is close, it is impossible to imitate it as vividly as Sword Girl.

Therefore, he still needs an excuse that is enough to deceive people. The imaginary "explosive seed pill" is a reason for her to change her voice casually because of this situation.

Hearing what kind of "explosive seed pill" Ye Weiming casually invented, Gu Yue and Guo Da looked at each other, feeling that things were a bit unusual.

However, Xia Suiliang, who is upright by nature, didn't think much, just smiled coldly, and then said: "Huh! Crooked ways, but anything that can stimulate the human body's potential in a short period of time will inevitably be accompanied by extremely huge side effects, you Even if it is possible to use the'Blasting Seed Pill' to show off for a while, I am afraid that when the effect of the medicine is over, it will definitely return to the sky!"

"So what?" Ye Weiming secretly praised Xia Suiliang's worrying IQ, but his eyes became extremely cold: "Since you won't let me live, then go to death with my mother!"

As he spoke, the shameless lightsaber flicked, and the sword shadow over the sky was transformed into the shadow of the sword, and he was facing Xia Suiliang.

The characteristic of this closed moon shame light sword is that it can increase the speed of the sword according to the user’s charm value. Although Ye Weiming’s charm is far from being comparable to Xiaoqiao’s sister, with the 13 points of increase in "Sacred Qi of the Sun", In addition to the 5 points attached to the closed moon shame lightsaber itself, his charm value has reached an astonishing 18 points!

According to the "closed moon show light" feature, if the charm is increased by 1 point, the speed of the sword is increased by 2%, then when Ye Weiming uses this sword, the speed of the sword has increased by a full 32%!

The speed of approaching 30% of the sword, even in the intuitive visual impact, has become very obvious!

The use of the "Bamboo Forest Xinyu" in the "Swordsmanship of the Yue Girl" is more feminine and sharp, which complements the skin of the "Dragon Yunfeng" at this moment.

The only fly in the ointment is that without adequate adaptation, the speed of the sword is rushed to the extreme. The original perfect sword technique will inevitably produce a slightly strange feeling.

However, it is this feeling of strangeness that makes Xia Suiliang believe in the so-called "explosive seed pill"!

Xia Suiliang, as a genuine Tie Hanhan, was not afraid of the greatly increased "Dragon Yunfeng", waving a three-pointed dagger, and greeted him.

Suddenly, the sword light swallowed and the blades flew away. Ye Weiming, who switched to "Yue Nv Swordsmanship", even fought against the 150-level Xia Suiliang, and it was difficult to distinguish the winner or the loser!

Even top masters like Yinfeng Great Master Gu Yue and Feiyun Dao Chang Guo Changchang couldn't get in touch for a while.

So after the two looked at each other, they finally decided to split up. The weaker Guo Changchang decided to stay to close the enemy formation for Xia Suiliang, while Gu Yue called on the player who had just taken out the last bundle of firewood and threw it away, quietly withdrew from the circle, and then displayed their bodies. Fa, from the window when Ye Weiming jumped down into the grass.

Since they suspected that the "Dragon Yunfeng" in front of them was not the real body, they naturally wanted to pull out the real body and kill them before they were relieved. However, Long Yunfeng's strength is also not weak, even if it is not as good as Xia Suiliang, but to be ranked seventh on that "Dragon and Tiger List", it must be a lot stronger than others.

Even if he was seriously injured, like Bai Ge of the level of Guo Changchang, he did not dare to touch his beard.

For the sake of safety, the two decided that Gu Yue, who was the stronger among them, would take another player master to slash the grass and root. Guo Changchang wanted to stay to prevent the super thugs who had finally fooled them from being calculated by the enemy.

However, Ye Weiming's calculations can be prevented by Guo Chang's level of scum?

As the battle continued, "Long Yunfeng," who had used "Blow Seed Pill" to improve her strength, finally gradually showed fatigue, and her state declined much faster than the decline of conventional martial artists.

From its offensive from strong to weak, to the beginning of messy moves, it takes no more than five moves.

At the same time, a series of harsh sounds of weapon collisions came out from above the attic, followed by a very pleasant system prompt:

Ding! Your team killed the 125-level BOSS Yinfeng Archmage Gu Yue, and you were rewarded: 6 million experience points and 1 million repair points!

I didn't see it, but Sister Dao's movements were pretty fast!

I have to say that this feeling of lying down for a long time is really...beautiful!

However, Sister Dao had already finished the battle, and Ye Weiming felt that it was not easy for him to drag it too long.

Ever since, a flaw appeared in his swordsmanship.

Xia Suiliang's spirit was shocked when he saw it. Even if it was a rush attack, the right hand Yue took advantage of the Qimen weapon to bite the sword of the closed moon shame light sword, and the left hand Yue gave him forward, but it wiped him. The choking throat.

The ultimate move was right in front of him, but Ye Weiming used a very old-fashioned move, pretending to be weak and weak.

Faced with Ye Weiming's weak and feeble palm, Xia Suiliang just smiled coldly and ignored it. After all, "Long Yunfeng" itself is not known for its palm skills ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What's more, the state has fallen to such a situation at this moment?

He believed that even if he suffered this blow, he would definitely not get hurt. But Long Yunfeng was cut in his throat by his three-pointed dagger, but he was bound to die!

At the side of the Feiyun Daoist Guo Changchang saw this scene, but he was suddenly startled, and quickly said, "Old Xia swordsman..."



Seriously injured!

The actual palm was activated by Ye Weiming before he touched his opponent, and a fire dragon visible to the naked eye dragged his palm out. The unbiased center of Xia Sui's conscience was right before his three-pointed dagger Ye touched him. , Directly blasted out this powerful "old swordsman" with Yue!

Feeling the power exerted by this palm, it has been roughly judged that Xia Suiliang's good and evil values ​​should be at least around 3,000 points.

It seems that such a guy who chases a lot of sins is definitely not a pity to die!

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