I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1053: Tasteless Beiming, the afterimage of Lingbo!

Faced with Ye Weiming's practice of using drugs to suppress the "Life and Death Talisman" to make Yinchuan suppress the "Life and Death Talisman" to death, Li Qiushui expressed his entanglement.

Say he didn't complete the task, right? But as long as you follow his statement, it really won't cause any negative impact on Yinchuan.

Even people have arranged how to do it properly. Not only did they give Yinchuan an antidote for 200 years at one time, they even took out the prescription without hesitation. The antidote was not enough or lost. It doesn't matter if you have it, remember the prescription, and you can refine it by finding any royal doctor.

From this point of view, the "Life and Death Talisman" in Yinchuan's body is almost impossible to cause any negative effects on her.

It can be said that he has completed the task, but the "Life and Death Talisman" in Yinchuan's body is clearly still there. In Li Qiushui's view, as long as it is not completely eliminated, it is still a hidden danger after all.

But the question she needs to face now is, in the current situation, should it be considered that Ye Weiming has completed the task or not?

If Ye Weiming is still that Ye Weiming at the beginning, how good would it be, isn't she a matter of a word?

But now, she is not sure that she will be able to play overnight, so she has to be reasonable. In terms of reasoning, she found that she couldn’t talk about it overnight...

After hesitating for a long time, Li Qiushui finally decided to ask God for help.

As long as the system determines that Ye Weiming has completed the task, she is not willing to cause more trouble for herself.

Ever since...

Ding! You have completed the hidden mission "Saving Yinchuan", and you will be rewarded with the mission: "Bei Ming Shen Gong" Cheats × 1!

After hearing this system prompt, Ye Weiming was suddenly shocked.

Although he thought that he could accomplish this task of "saving Yinchuan" by doing this, Ye Weiming still had a little bit of compelling in his heart to complete this task by tricks.

The so-called randomness of the system often depends on the player's task completion to determine the final task reward.

According to his own opportunistic behavior, Ye Weiming didn't believe that the system would be so kind, and directly gave himself a "random" copy of the highest quality among all the inheritance of Li Qiushui.

Are there any traps in this?

With such doubts, Ye Weiming's gaze couldn't help but fall on the secret book of "Bei Ming Divine Art" lying quietly in the baggage space, and he saw the problem with just one glance!

Beiming Divine Art (Je Xue): There are fishes in Beiming, whose name is Kun. Kun is so big, I don't know how many miles it is. Transformed into a bird, its name is Peng. Peng's back, I don't know how many miles.

Practicing needs: San Gong!

(Note: This cheat book is bound to Ye Weiming, and cannot be traded, discarded, damaged, stolen, and stored in a warehouse.)

Is this cheat book pit?


Very pitted!

Very bad!

What kind of state is San Gong?

The pit of this secret book, Ye Weiming had already seen it in the "Star Absorption Dafa" when Ye Weiming killed him and let me go. The so-called San Gong is to clear the proficiency of all the internal skills that one has learned, and the level of all internal skills fall back to the original level 1!

And Ye Weiming's current skill is definitely the mastery of the world, supplemented by the best knowledge. There are as many as three disciplines just for the full level of unique internal skills.

Let him clear all the proficiency of so many internal strengths and destroy all the hard work for more than a year! Just for a masterpiece of internal strength?

Are you kidding me?

However, the most pitted part of "Bei Ming Shen Gong" is not at the point of "spreading work". After all, this restriction should originally belong to the "Bei Ming Divine Art", it has nothing to do with the system, and it has nothing to do with Ye Weiming. Since it was predicted, it is not a pit.

What really made Ye Weiming feel depressed was the restriction that the last cheat was bound to his identity.

In fact, although this "Bei Ming Shen Gong" seems to be very tasteless to Ye Weiming, as the strongest school of Xiaoyao School, even Ye Weiming cannot deny its value.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Weiming chose to use this tricky method to complete the task of "Saving Yinchuan", so that when the system is "random", it will not reward the task "random" to the highest value of the name. But for Ye Weiming, it is the most useless "Northern Ming Art".

However, he never expected that the system actually gave him the "Bei Ming Divine Art" randomly, and also added an identity-bound BUFF, which made him feel even more disgusting.

Originally, good things of the level like "Bei Ming Divine Art", even if Ye Weiming didn't use them, he could trade them out for something useful to him.

Even Ye Weiming, the buyer, has already thought about it, and the wealthy little rich lady Dao Mei is a very good candidate. Because she had already practiced the "Star Absorption Dafa" before, this "Bei Ming Divine Art" was in her hands, and it is likely to only make the original "Star Absorption Dafa" more perfect and advanced. Gong" is so troublesome.

However, a binding limitation of the system directly cut off all Ye Weiming's thoughts of using other methods to exert the value of "Northern Ming Shen Gong".

Even he couldn't even destroy this cheat book now. I can only throw it into the baggage honestly, and every time I look at the baggage space in the future, I will be disgusted by it.

In other words, although my task completion method is somewhat substandard, you don't need to do things so absolutely, right?

Seeing Ye Weiming's uncomfortable face, Li Qiushui was smug in his heart, and immediately explained: "The reward that Ye Shaoxia received in this mission was automatically distributed by Heaven, not by me. Therefore. Regardless of whether Ye Shaoxia is satisfied with this random reward, I am unable to make changes, and I hope Ye Shaoxia can see a little more."

Ye Weiming could only nod his head slightly for Li Qiushui's statement that he was obviously shirking responsibility, and reluctantly chose to accept it.

Suddenly got up and said leisurely: "Emperor Princess, Princess Yinchuan's problem has been solved, so I won't bother you anymore. Goodbye!"

"Wait a minute." Seeing that Ye Weiming had turned and walked out of the pavilion, Li Qiushui quickly called to stop him, and then asked: "I wonder if Shaoxia Ye is interested in coming to Xixia for development?"


After simply dropping the two words, Ye Weiming had already unfolded her body skills, and with a slight shake, she was already on the courtyard wall, and then flashed back, completely disappearing from Li Qiushui's sight.

Watching Ye Weiming's figure leave the palace, Li Qiushui heard footsteps coming from behind him, and did not look back, so he said leisurely: "Have you seen his attitude?"

"Mother concubine."

The figure is not very tall, and his face is quite heroic, but he seems to be a rash hero. The name when he respectfully salutes Li Qiushui has revealed his true identity, he is the emperor of Xixia today!

After bowing and saluting, the Emperor Xixia couldn't help but say: "Why didn't the concubine Shicai tell him the promises I made one by one? Maybe he would refuse to serve Xixia, just because he didn't see enough chips, and said It's uncertain."

Li Qiushui shook his head lightly when he heard the words, and then explained: "What he wants, I can definitely give more than you, but Ye Weiming obviously doesn't even have the heart to listen to my conditions. So, I It’s better to persuade you to die. Ye Weiming is good, but this person is probably not destined to be used by Xixia."

The Emperor Xixia promised, but his expression was not very convinced, obviously he did not intend to give up.

Li Qiushui saw his expression in his eyes, how could he not guess what the other party was thinking?

But she didn't say much, after all, there are some things that she can't stop with a few words. Letting this arrogant fellow eat and squat on Ye Weiming's body is a kind of experience.


Moreover, after Ye Weiming left the Xixia Palace, he directly returned to the Bianjing Courtyard via the post. On the way, Ye Weiming simply researched the current martial arts that needed to be upgraded.

Throwing away the "Beiming Divine Art" that Ye Weiming didn't intend to learn at all and the "Game Game", which he has no intention to upgrade for the time being, now he has three skills that he urgently needs to upgrade. "Sacred Qi of the Sun", the ninth-level jerk-like mental method "The Great Shift of the Universe", and the "Lingbo Weibu" which only reached the 6th level.

According to Ye Weiming's original idea, it is natural to raise "The Great Shift of the Universe" to the level of 10 Consummation. But now with the brand new option "Lingbo Weibu", Ye Weiming couldn't help but hesitate.

Although it can't be said to be a flaw in Ye Weiming's body in terms of shenfa, it can also be regarded as a shortcoming in his strength.

After all, internal strength, swordsmanship, fist, hidden weapons, and mental techniques are all of the unskilled level. There is only one item of body technique. The previous highest-level skills are only advanced, and they are indeed the shortest in the barrel theory. That piece of wood.

And judging based on past experience, often when a martial arts level or above reaches the 7th level, the first special effect will be derived.

Although this 7-level special effect is not as good as the full-level special effect, it can usually directly make this martial art a qualitative leap.

More importantly, if you want to activate the 7th level attributes of "Lingbo Weibu", Ye Weiming can do it now!

Ever since, after rushing home, Ye Weiming immediately used his cultivation points to raise "Lingbo Weibu" to level 7!

Make its attributes become...

Lingbo Weibu

The inheritance of the strongest body method of the Xiaoyao School is subtle and unusual. At the same time, it is also the method of practising internal energy by moving energy, stepping on the sixty-four hexagrams for a week, and the internal energy naturally turns for a week. Therefore, every time you go, your internal strength will gain a bit!

Level: 7 (+3)

Proficiency: 0/20 million

Upper limit of internal force +7000 (+4000)

Physical fitness +140 (+80), physical strength +140 (+80), body style +1400 (+800), reaction +1400 (+800)

Special effect: Luo socks produce dust

Luo Socks Sheng Dust: Every step is played, you can leave an afterimage on the spot, the afterimage exists for 1 second, can be used to confuse the enemy, but also to improve their own force.

Putting aside the last so-called compelling statement, Ye Weiming felt that this "Luo Socks and Dust" was simply an enhanced version of the full-level special effect "Shadow and Shadow" of "Snake and Rider".

Transformation can create up to 2 phantoms, and each one can only exist for 0.5 seconds, but the phantom created by "Luo Socks Sheng Chen" can exist for up to 1 second. More importantly, it does not have a quantity limit!

What does this mean?

This means that there is no upper limit in theory for the afterimages created by him using the attribute of "dust in the socks". As for how many afterimages can be created, it all depends on how many "Lingbo microsteps" he can take in one second!

He wanted to try his own limits, and immediately his figure shook, and 14 phantoms appeared behind him. This shows that Ye Weiming has already taken as many as 14 steps in one second, and it is still infinitely close to 15 steps.

However, due to the limitations of his own attributes, this difference was impossible to cross anyway. Therefore, under normal conditions, the limit of Ye Weiming is to produce 14 afterimages at the same time.

Slightly frowned, Ye Weiming silently remembered this number in his heart. Then under his feet, a high-pitched dragon roar suddenly sounded, and Ye Weiming's body skills were also greatly improved at this moment. The afterimages behind him also changed from the original 14 in an instant. Up to 22!

These afterimages can confuse the target when fleeing or evading, and can dazzle the enemy when attacking, making it difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

Thinking of Yin Bugui’s mention in the Raiders, Duan Yu learned the "Lingbo Microsteps" and so on. He actually only used it to anoint the soles of his feet. It was used at most to dodge the enemy’s attacks, thus contributing to his "Six-Mai God "Sword" opens the distance.

For Duan Yu, the incidental afterimage effect is a light and shadow special effect used to increase the compelling pattern, and it has no magical effect on this characteristic.

In Ye Weiming's eyes, this is simply a violent thing!

Such an exquisite body technique is of course used to fight the enemy cautiously, so that it can exert a real effect!

However, if used in a cautious battle, just creating afterimages behind him in this way would have too low a disorientation effect.

Or maybe...

Thinking of this, the sound of the dragon's roar under Ye Weiming's feet suddenly disappeared, and the afterimages behind him have been reduced from 22 to 14 before, but he immediately saw his body start to circle around a jujube tree in the courtyard. As he started to circle, the number of afterimages was further reduced from 14 before to 9.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ these 9 afterimages are much more real than before.

More importantly, around the jujube tree, there are only 9 afterimages left at this moment, and the true body that created these 9 afterimages has completely disappeared.

If you look carefully, you will find that the expressions of these 9 afterimages are undergoing some subtle changes every moment. It turned out that Ye Weiming had hidden his real body in the nine afterimages, making it impossible for people to tell which one is true and which one is false!


Seeing himself in an instant, using the special tactics created by "Lingbo Weibu", Ye Weiming couldn't help muttering to himself proudly: "It seems that the truth is mixed with the false, and the false is hidden in the truth. How many people can Please distinguish between the true and the false, and block the fatal blow I will send at any time?"

These sounds also seemed to be emitted from the mouths of the nine afterimages at the same time, making it impossible for people to distinguish them.

In the self-talking, I suddenly saw a snow-white homing pigeon appeared one meter away from him, and then fell on the shoulders of one of the afterimages with great precision, and disappeared...

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